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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited April 2010

    HBCheryl--there is something disturbing about the teacher laying on a heating pad all day.  At least you know she feels  your pain!

    I am happily enjoying a day of rest today!  Whew....I'm still stiff from kickboxing yesterday but at least I can go up and down the stairs today!  LOL!

    Have an excellent afternoon!


  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited April 2010

    I didn't have to get to work this morning, so went out and did my walk first thing.  Sure was better than waiting until after work.  A beautiful spring morning. 

    I so admire you kick boxers, 5K walkers, and heavy-duty exercisers.  I do hear the voices and do my bit.  I was on the total gym yesterday, with my DH giving me "helpful hints."  Will do the arm routine today before Idol.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2010

    32 minute walk along the river, fairly brisk.  Not much compared to the rest of you but I do what I can!  Perfect weather:  62, breezy, sunny.  My kind of spring day!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    Hey, 32 mins is lots more than many, many people who need to be up and moving so don't sell yourself short - you are helping to extend your life.

    Didn't do anything last night.  Had to take 2 benadryl and was out like a light.  Much better today though.  I hope the bad season is past.  Did a one hour water aerobics class tonight.  Hope to pretty soon kick up a notch on my workouts.  I know I can do more and want to catch up with some of you. 

    Night my Sculpted friends.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010

    Hi, another busy day at work and I am going to give a big presentation tomorrow to the 7th graders about Abraham Lincoln, so practiced my 'speech' while walking for an hour (probably looked strange to passerbys as I talked out loud and gestured; luckily I didn't get picked up by the men in white coats!). My mom's family is from Chetek, Wisconsin, which is near Eau Claire, very pretty part of the country. I have NO meeting tomorrow, so will hopefully have time to sit down and enjoy everyone's posts without being in a rush. Great Night All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2010

    Well 2 classes for me tonight, first Body Step and then Body Jam, oh my aching feet and body.  I had to make some modifications as there was lots of jumping and twisting and puffing and panting but lots of sweating.  The dance class was just okay, they also launched their new program tonight, I liked the first part of it but not the last as it was all hip hop and crumping and that's okay if you're 20 but that train left this station long ago, the young girls in the class loved that part, c'est la vie.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2010
    I had yoga class last night, plus I walked the mile to and from the rec center.  I'm really enjoying this yoga class - it's making me slow down and do stretching and flexibility exercises and I can feel it.  Plus it's mostly a 50+ crowd, so no 20-somethings to show off.  Tongue out This morning I did my normal 40 minute neighborhood walk - it was 37 degrees out!!  Off to work . . .
  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765
    edited April 2010

    I admire any of us who can do even a little exercise a couple of times a week. This is hard!  NatsFan, good for you walking in 37 degree weather.  I can't walk in the cold anymore!

    My trainer made me work hard last night and I did the eliptical machine for the first time ever - I had to ask if I was controlling the machine or if it was controlling me!

    I hope I get some exercise in today, I'm so sore I don't know if I can bring myself to do anything.

    Have a great day.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited April 2010

    It's blowy and cold here, in prep for a snowstorm that's expected later today.  My DH woke early, worrying about work, so I got up too and went for my walk before it gets wet out.  Except for a couple of gusts that hit the back of my legs and about took me out, it went well.  Short, but brisk.  Now time to hit the shower.  Dog training later.

    Hey, naturegrrl--30 minutes is what I'm building up to. Way to go.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited April 2010

    No walk for me today -- too blasted tired -- just wanted to thank everyone who "pumped me up" (wasn't that part of an old -- old! -- SNL skit?) for my 30 minutes yesterday. 

    Suzette, I don't have the energy to exercise enough to get sore, so I think you're doing great!

    patoo, I can relate to the allergies... if it isn't pollen (March-October), it's dust (the rest of the year) :)

    Ruth, some of Lincoln's quotes are among my favorites -- hope the kids enjoyed your presentation.  I laughed trying to picture you in his beard :)

    retrievermom, I can do 30 minutes, but not very fast most of the time... so I'm still building up, too!

    Happy workout, everyone!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2010

    Welcome Suzwes. Wow everyone is doing a great job working out. I made it yesterday to workout. Did my legs and cardio for 30 min. Tonight is Zumba. That is a 50 min class along with abs. Did splurge and get a skinny vanilla latte at Starbucks. Not on my food group. Hopefully the workout will do it some good tonight. Do good most of the time with my food groups. Changing the way you eat and how much of it is a big deal. I am learning to eat 3 meals is important. I use to skip meals all the time. Eating reasonable portion sizes. Most portions are about 2 to 3 meals in one. So my husband and I split a meal when we go out or I ask them to box half of it before they bring out my plate. That seems to do well. It is a process but so worth it in getting healthy. Have a blessed day everyone. Check in tomorrow!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2010

    ebann, a friend of mine did that trick and lost lots of weight.  When she went out to eat she didn't necessarily have them box it before bringing it out, altho that's a good idea, she just divided it in half right on her plate and only ate half and took the other half home.  Yeah, I know, wouldn't work for me either - ebann's way is better!

    Well got in 3.25 miles today.  Now doing laundry so that's up and down stairs a couple of times - counts for something.  Ate before my walk and intend to only have fruit and water the rest of tonight. 

    Back tomorrow.  Great work, as usual, my Sculpted sisters.

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2010

    Last night walked 5 miles tonight only a couple! Oh I have a lot on my mind...I found a lump on  my right side...went to see the oncologist and he is having me get an ultrasound on Friday.  I am thinking it is nothing but did wander over to the recurr & after bilat does happen. So as you are walking & working out send some sculpted wishes my way!



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010

    Oh Balsie, how stressful! Don't check those recurr sites!They will just drive you even more crazy (and if it is nothing, which it most likely is, you will have had your mind going places that it didn't need to go) . Let us know as soon as you find out anything.

    Cheryl, what is 'crumping'? I am so out of it that I have never even heard of it!

    Suzette, you are on your way! Just do a little at a time, you don't have to start out (or end up) as a super star athlete (although if that were to happen.......that would be OK too Smile).

    Nature, yes I remember the SNL "pump me up", it was an Arnold Schwarzenegger character, right?

    Just as a calorie note; a McDonald's ice coffee with the sugar free vanilla flavoring has 270 calories.

    My Lincoln talk was really fun (no beard). I had spent enough time putting it together & practicing so I knew what I wanted to say and could just talk & tell it as a story; which, of course, it is. Did 30 minutes on the treadmill & 30 minutes FIRM sculpting tape tonight. Lorrie, as their commercials say, I am a FIRM BELIEVER! I had done some of their tapes before but after BC treatment, & when I started Arimidex, I was reading about all these ladies who said they gained a ton of weight, couldn't lose it etc. etc. & I got so nervous that I started to do the FIRM religiously, and was amazed to find that, without losing weight, I went down a whole pants size!!! In fact, it was so remarkable,that for awhile I was worried that maybe something was wrong with me. So, I could definitely could do a commerical for them if they wanted me (do I hear Hollywood calling? Wink).

    Either I am re-getting my cold or else patoo has sent her allergies my way (just sent the voices please). Off to drink some orange juice. Night all! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited April 2010

    Body Combat for me tonight, I'm still getting over last night and I understand why DeAnn was on the heating pad, you should have seen me this morning shuffling like the old lady I am from the bed to the bathroom, it was not pretty, and then in class tonight my knees were really feeling it but I battled on because it was "Eduardo" and he just pushes you to work out hard.

    Ruth crumping is like this really exaggerated dance style you bring your knee up at pop your chest or throw your hands around - it's like fight dancing, they do a lot of it on "So you think you can dance" like I say not for me, I saw that "The Firm" balance board at Wal Mart last week and almost bought it, maybe I'll look again next week - it looks interesting.  Suzette I've been exercising for two years doing these classes, it started out one a week and I just worked my way up and I am an addict and I know it, after I had my surgery and couldn't go to the gym I would sit at home and do the class in my head and then when I could I went back and sat on the bike and watched them - as I say an addict. Nats so sorry to see O'Neal go he was one of my favorites can hardly wait to see what Darius look like after the makeover next week. Can't believe there is snow again, our days are beautiful but very windy and chilly in the evening. Balsie I know how worried you must be I hate what this darned disease has done to us, every twinge and twang sends our minds reeling, you're in my prayers.  Nite all, Cheryl

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2010

    Thanks gals....will let you know when I know anything...I am sure it is scar tissure or some such thing but best to have it checked out.  Other then that I have to say I feel great...the limited sugar thing is getting easier to do and I have a couple of friends who are walk a holics like me so all in all things are super today..Enjoy!



  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited April 2010

    Wow, Cheryl and Nats, I didn't know you guys watch Biggest Loser too!  I love that show and watch it all the time.  My whole family watches too.  I get so involved with all the participants.  It was tough to see O'Neal go.  I also agree with you about Darris.  

    I did kickboxing yesterday.  I realized that I haven't been eating enough to keep  up with the workouts.  Not that I couldn't stand to lose about 10-20 lbs.  So I ate more yesterday and feel much better today.  I just have to figure out how to eat more to fuel the workout and still lose weight.

    Good luck Balsie.  I'm sure everything will be fine and it's just some scar tissue.

    Ruth--I remember when I first started doing Firm tapes.  They claim that you can see changes in 9 workouts.  Well, I did!  I was amazed.  I guess I'm also a Firm Believer!

    I'm going to do my workout at 9 (after watching old rerun of Biggest Loser).  It is a new Firm DVD.  

    I'll check back later!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010

    which new DVD?

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2010

    Did 45 minutes weight training and LE physical therapy exercises after work yesterday, then did my 40 minutes through the neighborhood this morning.  It was 37 degrees again!  Memo to Old Man Winter: GO AWAY!!!!!

    Suz - it took me a while to figure out the elliptical, but now I really like it. It is weird at first. Balsie - I'll be thinking of you and hoping that it all turns out well.  Please keep us informed! Ruth and others - those FIRM tapes sound interesting - I'm always looking for something to shake things up as I tend to get into exercise ruts.  Cheryl and Morgan - I too was sorry to see O'Neal go, but I think he's got it now and he'll be fine.  And it'll give Sunshine a chance to stand on her own feet and not always be worried about her dad.  That young girl at the school was very brave to stand up like that in front of her classmates and talk openly about her pain - I think the show should give her a free month at that weight loss place they run.  DH and I let out a cheer when they announced that next week is makover week - Daris and Michael desperately need new hairstyles! Surprised

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765
    edited April 2010

    Balsie - I'm thinking of you too.

    Ruth - I was worried when I started Femera because of all the ladies I had heard that gained weight.  That's why I've been trying to exercise and eat well.  Don't need to lose thank goodness but don't want to gain either.  The FIRM DVD sounds interesting - did you order it online or buy in a store?

    Ebann - I've been doing the same thing with my food when we go out, split it with my DH or ask for a box and take half home for the next day.  I think that's a huge key to losing or maintaining weight.  I agree with not skipping meals too - my trainer makes me keep a food log and he "yells" at me if I don't have a couple of snacks too.  Somedays it seems like too much food.

    Patoo - I'm sure laundry and stairs count for something but a 3 1/2 mile walk? - I'm so impressed!

    NatureGirl - I think 30 minutes is great and I still have my days of complete fatigue and can't do anything but lay in bed!

    Well, I did a 1 1/2 mile walk this morning and I walked in my new reebok easytone flip flops.  I don't know if they'll tone anything but thought I'd try.  Anybody have any brand of the toning shoes and notice a difference?  I thought I might try to buy the skeetcher shape ups.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited April 2010

    I had my appt with the rad onc at 10 this morning, so went ahead and did my walk beforehand.  It snowed a bit yesterday; melted, but my usual route was wet, so I went a different way and ended up walking a bit farther and longer.  I much prefer getting the walk done first thing.

    My med onc and rad onc are completely different.  My med onc is quiet, soft-spoken, short, probably 60 years old.  My rad onc exudes energy, is tall, likes to pat you while making a point, probably early 40s.  Both get things done and are very receptive to questions, but I think of them as Mutt and Jeff.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010

    I wonder if we have the same doctors retriever? My oncologist is very soft spoken and nice too & my radiologist was a bouncy little guy who was REALLY excited about radiation. When I'd ask him a question, he'd grab a white board and draw all over it like a coach showing the plays to his team. I really enjoyed working with him (or as much as you can enjoy working with anyone in that situation!!!) I was doing school stuff until 6pm and am off to Book Club in 10 minutes, so I think it is my night off! I ordered my FIRM tapes/DVD on-line, but now I notice that Walmart has some of their stuff. Cheryl, I have the balance board and DVDs that go with it. It's called "The Wave", and I bought it because in the infomercial the ladies were exercising on the beach Cool. It is pretty fun; you will want three different poundage of weights to go with it. They recommend 3, 5 and 8. And of course, if you are just starting, no weights. Gotta go drink some wine and eat a naughty dessert! Later, Oh Strong & Sculpted Ones! Ruth

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2010

    Well just got done working my arms and doing 30 min cardio. I did Zumba last night and we had a different instructor. Boy can she move! Feel good about my workout. Leave tomorrow for a Women's Retreat in Williams AZ. They say it is snowing. So I am dressing warm. Looking forward to it and seeing what God has planned for me. The scenary there is beautiful They have places to hike. During our breaks I am going to make use of that time.

    As far as doctors go. My onc reminds me of Dr. Ruth. Short and straight to the point. Raspy voice and short. Determined woman. She is wonderful. When she saw me the first time she said to me you have a "bad cancer" I just looked at like there is a good one? LOL It was cute. My Radiologist is shy which I found to be strange. The team was very upity. My BS is great and direct soft spoken. My PS is caring and passionate. It shows! BTW good looking too! So that is an added plus. LOL

    Well ladies enjoy your weekend. Wish you best in your workout. See you late Sunday or Monday.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited April 2010

    I did the Firm Time Crunch workout yesterday.  An oldie and a goodie!  Today is a no-workout day, although I will slip in a walk with the dogs in the evening..  

    I love my med Onc.  He is younger, nice and very very smart.  He has a positive attitude and it really shows.  My rad Onc is excellent too.  She was very empowering for me.  She helped me make a decision between lumpectomy and mastectomy.  So good.  

    Have fun everyone with your weekend plans!  


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited April 2010

    Old Man Winter got the message to go away yesterday - when I got home from work it was 70 degrees and sunny, so I took an hour walk.  This morning I did my usual 40 minutes around the neighborhood.  This week I figured out I walked about 17 miles, did a one hour yoga class, did step and other aerobic work, and did a really good weight training workout.  I also watched what I ate.  And gained 1.5 pounds!  Some days I really really really really really really really really hate Femara.  Yell 

    Oh well - have a great weekend everyone!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited April 2010

    Heavy snow this am, so no walk outdoors.  I'm driving to Salt Lake to watch my DH run one of the dogs in an event; will stick to total gym later in the day. 

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2010

    Hi Gals~ Had my ultra sound today...then they decided to do a biopsi.  They really thought it was nothing but a cyst of some sort.  So I will find out on Wed.  Really I am not to worried about this my gut is telling me it is ok. 

    No workout to day...just relaxing and enjoying the rain!



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited April 2010
    Better to know for sure so that you can cross it off the 'worry' list! I am tired & 'sniffly' but am going to MAKE myself go down and do something as soon as the news is over Frown. I'll report the results (send the voices!). Ruth
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    OK, 30 minutes on the treadmill & an hour of 'Total Sculpt plus Abs'. All done unenthusiastically, but done nevertheless!! Remember that muscle weighs more than fat; so even if the scale doesn't say so, we are making progress Smile!!! Great Night All! Ruth
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Hi all.  Walked last night but only a little.  Just got home from dinner with some ex-coworkers (our office closed 4 years ago this month) so no exercise today.  Saturday is the one day that I have all the time in the world to make up for my down time so plan to walk first thing, then help a neighbor clean a garage and back room and then walk some more or get to the gym since I really, really, really, need to work on weights.

    Balsie, great attitude.  We await the results with you.

    Great work everyone.  Will check in tomorrow.