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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited July 2013

    Happy belated anniversary Ginger.

    What a difference a year makes huh Lulu?

    Been off work this week so I have been trying to get some stuff done. Finished getting the last of the river rock around the pool in the mornings before it gets too hot then spent the rest of the days swimming and aqua jogging.

    Today I will work on my arms while sanding and prepping the bathroom walls for paint. Tomorrow I will take a break to go meet some inspiring ladies in Washington.......

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited July 2013

    Have fun in DC everyone!

    Did another walk at lunch yesterday, hot but tolerable.  Dancing and swimming at blues on the beach last night, the water was heavenly.  A little classical stretch this morning to get the kinks out, and hopefully a walk at lunch, then afterwork trip to the gym.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2013

    Just picked Cheryl up at the airport - I was so good in the cell phone waiting area - instead of just sitting in the car I walked around the perimeter of the lot.  One third of a mile around according to my Nike+ Run app, and I did 4 circuits.  Will pick up Badger later this afternoon, while Ruth, Patoo, and Wonderland are driving in.  Misswim amd Odie16 will meet us tomorrow for a day of touring DC.  The forecast calls for high 90's with tons of humidity, but hey - we're part of the Sculpted Sisters - we can do anything!! Cool

    Will post pictures for sure!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited July 2013

    Thanks for the anniversary wishes.

    Push mowed the lawn yesterday; only got almost halfway done in an hour before the heat got to me. Will do more and swim today.

    Have fun in DC ladies and stay cool!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2013

    Forgot to say Happy Anniversary Ginger!

    Loving all these "last year at this time" stories.  I did that a lot my first year as I relived each anniversary of each event and couldn't believe what a difference a year makes.  Then for the next few years I didn't think too much about it.  But this year is my 5 year mark.  I find I'm marveling at each milestone all over again. 

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited July 2013

    DC sounds like it is really coming together. Waiting for stories.

    Am off soon to lead a hike on our north shore mountains. I did the recce on Monday so two decent hikes in one week. About 11 k and 400 meters of elevation gain. First stop at 0800 though is to see my plastic surgeon. Not quite finished with BC. 

    It is exactly one year to to the day that I found the lump and I led this hike the day after but was preoccupied to say the least. More of a celebration this year.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited July 2013

    Marinelizabeth, great to be in such a different place. Lulu, hear ya on traffic and I'vebeen meaning to tell you I really like the photo of you and your boy.

    Have fun DC women!

    Ran at 8am before the heat and pink ribbon pilates mid-morning. 

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited July 2013

    I did some vertical jumping and jumping jacks (as per Dr. Miriam Nelson for bone density,) walked around Costco and walked the dogs.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited July 2013

    I helped pack and move the nonprofit offices.  Lifted a ton of boxes.  Walk to the supermarket for chicken.  I think a run and then weights.  I need to work off the pulled pork sandwich and beer I had for lunch.

    I was going to do fish for dinner, but none on sale.  So chicken which I haven't made in a while.  Went nuts at the cheap veggie place on the way back from the move: nectarines, cherries, raspberries, blueberries.  Then shallots, malabar spinach (two bags as not often you find this), zucchini, lettuce, chard, cucumbers, tomatoes.   I know that I eat meat, but I think I eat more than my share of veggies.  All local except for the tomatoes. (By cheap, I mean that all this cost $23.)

    Blackberries are ripe so will supplement the fruit with those when out on rides/walks/runs.  Season goes until mid October.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  Planning a cycling weekend in mid August.  It's Hempfest, and unfortunately, I'm within earshot of the sound stage.  This year will be worse than ever with legalization.  I am heading to the Olympic Penninsula to see the northern coast (Straight of San Juan de Fuca) and a place called Crescent Lake.  I may camp, but will stay in the center, and cycle both ways.  That way, I don't have to drag a ton of stuff with me.

    So should be a fun adventure.  Hopefully, no rain.  I have seen pictures and just breathtaking.  I may stop at Port Townsend on the way back.  Fascinating architecture as very British late Victorian.  I will see if anyone wants to go with me.  But may do this one solo.

    Off for my run. - Claire

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited July 2013

    Misswim congrats on the arm balance.  Mary, happy 5 years!  To all converging on DC, enjoy and I hope you get a few cool breezes.

    30 minutes hooping, yardwork, and moved many boxes of paper.  I'm doing a pre-move purge.   It's liberating to get rid of stuff but there's so much more to go.  

    Oh, and I harvested a bucket of grapes and made fresh grape juice.  I got 2 liters.  I actually stomped the grapes in a bucket then strained it.  It's pretty tasty.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited July 2013

    Lilac, thanks for the compliment. He's my baby (age 26) - and I have 2 other sons, ages 31 and 28.

    Claire, you always make me hungry.

    Hitting 100 degrees today.  Did an early morning workout at the gym:  HIIT treadmill intervals followed by legs.

    Stay cool, everyone!!

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited July 2013

    Lulu, you are a very attractive boy-maker.Wink Ann, had no idea you were a vintner and nice to read that your harvest is tasty.

    Freestyle step and body balance/flow at the gym this morning.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited July 2013

    Tried to walk at lunch yesterday, but listened to my body and turned around about 10 minutes into my walk, I was really feeling the heat, and not in a good way.  Got back to air conditioned office, drank water, and waited to feel better, but it didn't happen, so I skipped gym last night and went home and sat in the pool instead.  Feeling better today, even though it is hotter, I am teleworking so no air conditioning, but I can still jump in the pool occasionally :)  and have fans going in 3 rooms.  At lunch I did some pool jogging, but that will probably be the sum of my exercise today.

    Have fun DC ladies - I wish I was there with you, but it just didn't work out this year.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited July 2013

    Walked the dogs with my DH this morning. I work a split shift, so on my midday break I went to the gym and jogged on the treadmill and did upper & lower body weight machines and stretching. Now I need coffee to wake my brain up and then it's back to work.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited July 2013

    75 minutes of treadmill left me pretty sweaty, and the well broke.  Waiting for the water truck.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2013

    DC Group check in.....

    We are hot, hot, hot ... literally and figuratively. We had a great day today, did over 14,000 steps amd saw a very hot steamy city. Lots of walking, sightseeing and laughing, it was fabulous to meet up with Odie and I will report for the group that Mary and her DH and the lovely Mikey are wonderful hosts.

    This is Ruth now: We are having lots of fun and saw about every outside site there is to see...tomorrow maybe some museums and, of course, the baseball game. I think we actually walked and sweated off more than we ate today!

    hi all, badger here. What a fun day with the DC group! Walked and toured and sweated and laughed. Mary's a peach for hosting and her DH is a great guy! We got to meet Mikey the (formerly fat) min pin and he's high-energy, like the energizer bunny in canine form. Wish everyone could meet up with us as we are having such a good time. OK on to the next person.....

    Hey this is Wonderland. Wish all of you were here to meet these lovely ladies! Lots of talking and laughing. So much FUN! Mary and her dh are so nice to let us stay in their beautiful home. We met Odie today who is a delight. Can't think of a better group of ladies to get outside and walk and sweat together!

    patoo, here. Haaaallllllllllppppppppppppp. They are trying to get back to me for not being on this thread lately. My aching, poor feet, calves, knees, hip. Not nice. Who talked me into this anyway???? Think it was ruthbru. Okay, I surrender and promise to continue to move lots from now on. Okay, seriously, so much fun and laughing. Great group of friends and missing many of the rest of you. Hopefully our next road trip (Bahamas, hint, hint, hint) more can join. This was only day one, so our wonderful madness continues for another two days. YAY!

    Cheryl again - Mary can't post as we have worn her out and she's hit the hay already. Love love love my Sculpted Sisters.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited July 2013

    Enjoyed a very hot & humid day touring the DC memorials with a wonderful group of ladies. We didn't melt despite moments when we were certain that we would, ha ha but otherwise thoroughly enjoyed every minute and am so grateful to have been able to join them.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited July 2013

    Woo-hoo DC women!  Sounds like a blast.

    I did some hoop repair today.  Finally fixed the connector on my main hoop and got three new polypro (lighter thinner tubing) hoops and resized them.  Put in my usual 30 minutes plus lots of bonus goofing around with the new hoops.  Otherwise still on a massive paper sort & purge.  Very sore from getting up and down off the floor so many times.

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited July 2013

    AAAaaw, you girls are having a BLAST in DC!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2013

    Yep, they wore me out yesterday!  I got home, hit the pool, and hit the sack!  That's what I get for hanging out with a bunch of fitness freaks!  Wink

    What a fabulous day - Jefferson Memorial, FDR Memorial, MLK Memorial, WWI DC Memorial, WWII Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, Korean War Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, the over to Arlington Cemetery for the Kennedy gravesite and the Tomb of the Unknowns where we saw a wreath laying ceremony and the always impressive Changing of the Guard ceremony.  All in near 100 degree temps!  Believe it or not we were having so much fun we forgot to eat lunch.  Surprised

    We plan a cooler day today, hitting various air-conditioned Smithsonian Museums, then Nats v. Dodgers tonight.  Wish you all could be here - what a fantastic group of ladies!  It's a privilege to have them here. 

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited July 2013

    I don't think you DC ladies are crabby enough.  Of course, by this I mean blue crabs.  An essential part of the experience.  This because I have crab cakes on the brain.  I need to get some Dungeness and make myself some.

    We don't get soft shell crabs here, and Dungeness are more like lobster than blue crabs.  Ideally, I would have both.

    Both are wonderful with beer or a summery white wine.  Plus a salad to round out things.

    Have a wonderful time ladies.  It's foggy and chilly here in Seattle this AM.  No, I don't want to trade. - Claire

    p.s. one of the local watering holes has "Crabby Hour".  All sorts of crab offerings for cheap at the bar.  However, I like my own crab cakes much better.  They are ridiculously easy to make.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited July 2013

    Happy it's all going so well for the DC gathering!Cool

    I got up early and ran 5k at 7am. Weirdly cooling off greatly today. 

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited July 2013

    Hello to all of you up there in DC!

    We took the dogs on an extra long walk early this morning and I did jumping jacks after we got home. Working today. Boooo!

  • flannelette
    flannelette Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2013

    Hello - I have never even looked here.....but, wanted to share with somebody - anybody - that I have finally decided to exercise - by "swimming". In a river. (hate pools but will go in one if in a hotel). I have bad bunions, one so bad, painful, it made a callus like a stone between 2 toes - had a bunionectomy.

    I hate walking. but love the water so - every day I go to the swim hole and do my"running" in the water. up to 14 minutes today, started about a week ago - alternating my feet about 1 second per step, sometimes doing jumping jack type moves, or others, to work on different muscles. My goal is to add 1 minute per day till the water is too cold to swim in- which has sometimes gone to about oct. 4 as we now have the never-ending summer, instead of the season that used to be crisp, called fall, that started in September. I swim in a shallow bay, where the water takes a long time to cool down...

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited July 2013

    Flannelette that sounds wonderful, especially on a hot day like today.  Water is a great way to exercise. 

    DC girls, enjoy every minute!

    Back out hiking this morning, 9.7 miles in just over 155 minutes.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited July 2013

    Flannelette- welcome! I have been swimming and water jogging too and I am adding a little more time each day also. It is so much easier on my joints and good for my lymphedema.

    Yesterday I cut the lawn for an hour with a push mower and followed it up with some pool time. Then we went with friends to the Red Sox game where we sat right behind home plate and were on TV practically the whole time! I kept getting texts from friends who saw me.

    DC ladies- you sound like you are having a blast...thanks for updating us!

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited July 2013

    Flannelette - wow, I'm impressed with your "wild swimming" (Oxford dictionary: the practice or activity of swimming for pleasure in natural waters, typically rivers and lakes.) as it's called over here and a warm welcome to you! SAB, that is a long hike in California July heat - good on you.Smile

    Just got back from my usual run (5k).  It was a comfortable run on this muggy summer morning through some lovely English countryside.  We are off for brunch mid-day to a local restaurant that serves delicious Indian and Nepalese food. Also have some ribeyes that have been marinating overnight for a barbecue dinner later tonight.  I needed that run.Wink

    Have a terrific Sunday everyone!

  • flannelette
    flannelette Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2013

    "WILD SWIMMING" - love that. yes, and usualy I see some wildlife. yesterday a great blue heron, other times a family of ducks - mummy & babies, or geese in a long row - big ones & little, terns, which are sometimes fishing and I get to see them hover in the air then dive head first...I've got arthritis too, and water liberates me to move in every direction, plus it cools my body - I come out ungrumbly, if I was before. and all I see is blue and green - I think that blue & green and light does something for the psyche or soul...and I notice already it's easier for me to climb our stairs.

    Glad i found you.have a lovely day.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited July 2013

    We love wild swimmers, Flanelette! Welcome! Went wild swimming myself today for the first time this season.

    Indian and Nepalese food. I'm so envious, LilacBlue.

    DC sisters, love the updates so I can be there vicariously!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited July 2013

    Welcome Flannette! I love the water too and the ease of exercise in it without the stress on the joints.

    Did an hour of aqua jogging before chasing a baby bunny out of my garden. (feel like Mr. He was really cute but doing a ton of damage never mind enthralling the dog. Would have done some more wild swimming but looks like the storms are rolling in. Saying a quick prayer for safe travels home for my sculpted friends.....