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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2013

    walked, abs, amd took a nap

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,857
    edited July 2013

    It rained this morning and cooled the air down. Just returned from my fast walk/run at the park. It was 72 degrees but 100% humidity. So instead of a hot sweat it was a cool sweat.

    Ruth: Just saw on the news that Richmond is going to get heavy rain tomorrow. Surprised

  • flannelette
    flannelette Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2013

    Wild Water - up to 17 min jogging, plus some swimming. Watched a tern diving - well, flying down to skim little insects/fish off top of water. Mary - my condolences for the loss of part of your family - 19! always very, very sad - I too try to hold mine to the last breath, breathing with them. To those who walk/jog in high humidity - don't know how you do it!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2013

    Oh Mary, so sorry to hear about Molly.  Glad I got to make her acquaintance.  You & DH gave her a good home and what a caring thing to do for Mikey tho it was surely hard for you.

    It was downright chilly here today, in the 40's overnight, so postponed morning constitutional until afternoon.  Logged 6.91 km = 4.29 miles.  

    Just back from dinner with friends, some of whom are meeting me for the Brewers-Nationals game at Miller Park next weekend.  (go Nats!) 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited July 2013


    I am so sorry for your loss of your furbaby Molly. You obviously took great care for her to get to 19 years so hold on to the memories. Sending you & Mikey heartfelt hugs....

    Lots of walking today while running errands..

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2013

    Oh no, Molly just had my heart and I'm so glad that I got to spend a few days at your home and meet her.  She was so lucky to have had a place with you and Mark.  So sorry for your loss.

    Just some walking about today; will do some more while I watch the news in a bit.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited July 2013

    Mary, so sorry to hear about your loss, but it sounds like Molly was very well loved and lived a good life. All dogs should be so lucky. We have three we love dearly and have loved and lost others. I know what a void they leave.

    My exercise today has been running and playing with and after two very active grandchildren, three dogs and one cat. It's been as much exercise as I ever get with planned workouts and the next three days will be more of the same.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited July 2013

    Mary- so sorry to hear about Molly!

    Two hours of mow and sculpt for me today. I swear the grass is growing so fast this summer...

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2013

    Body Combat class this morning, then a half hour rest and right in to a Boot Camp.  Today the Boot Camp was all about the "squat" ooeee.  I had told the young man who runs the Boot Camp that my knees were hurting and he set up a bench for me so that when I did the squats I never went below a certain level and therefore would not injure myself.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited July 2013

    Busy thread! Love the pictures.

    Lilac I don't get too upset about instructors not showing cuz once your at the gym there's always something to do!

    Flanalette I just love your wild swimming. I think I will think of my hiking as wild walking since I don't swim very well.

    Natsfan as a fellow dog lover I send out a hug for you.

    Today dh and I rode 20 miles, mostly on paved trails but some dirt too. After we took kayaks out for an hour to cool off on a little lake.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited July 2013

    SAB, so true! Fab1, I hope you are not feeling too out of it and this round is easier on you than the last - take good care. Mary, I'm very sorry for your loss of sweet Molly.

    This really is a rest day for me and I'm getting itchy (after a cup and half of coffee) to run so I think I'll get my kit on and run before it heats up.  I have a stage 2 surgery on Wednesday and not sure how long I'll be down afterwards (not long I think), so I better get in what I can now.

    Edited to add: I did run my little cotton socks off and knocked a minute and half off my time from yesterday - YaY!Cool

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited July 2013

    Hi, I'm new to this thread.  I've been diligent about daily exercise these past few years - either 30 minutes walking or on the elliptical machine at the gym or 90 minute Gentle Yoga class every day.  Saturday I went to the gym and used the sadistic super-duper elliptical for 30 minutes.

    So.....we should check in here daily and report our exercise????

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2013

    hi TinaT, welcome!  Yep, come here and post your daily exercise.  This is a great place for accountability and support.  Lovely cool day in store here, still only 54 so will walk in a bit.

    Happy Sunday everyone!  ♥

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited July 2013

    I am very jealous of those with lovely cool days, indoor exercise for me today as it's sweltering outside and I didn't get out early enough this morning.   Undecided

    AnnieLane  Running after busy grandkids certainly counts as a full workout!  LilacBlue  Good luck on Wednesday!  

    One hour of booty barre, joined by DD.  

    welcome TinaT   

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited July 2013

    Yesterday was badminton with DD and today it was biking in the heat with her. Tomorrow she promised to go wild swimming with me.

    Welcome, Tina!

  • fab1
    fab1 Member Posts: 43
    edited July 2013

    Hi natsfan

    Sorry to hear about molly, I lost my beloved cat last year after having her share my life for 19yrs. Sovi know the pain but remember it was 19 years of loved shared by you and her few people get that pleasure.

    I walked today into town for 40 mins. I'm glad I have you girls to share my small achievemens hope once chemo is over I can build on this and get stronger, the hope is to be stronger than when I started this journey. X

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited July 2013

    Does swimming with 2 wild little grandchildren count as wild swimming? I actually managed to do some backstroke laps too. Started the day by walking the dogs. Going to do upper body workout with my 5 lb free weights now before joining the kiddos for a movie.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2013

    Welcome Tina!

    Fab, how many rounds of chemo do you have left? The exercise you do now will definitely help you bounce back faster once you are done!

    Did Arms, Abs and Buns of Steel and walked. Another beautiful day. I wish you could have been transported here for a lovely walk and then a picnic in the shady backyard.

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited July 2013

    So sorry to hear about Molly but so cool that some of you met her last week!

    So I completed my first ever triathlon today. My 21 year old son, coach and mentor did it with the whole way, starting with swimming the 400 m right behind me, yelling encouragement at every turn. On the bike part somehow I lost control and hit his back wheel but he did not go down and was right there making sure I was OK then the bikes and off we went to finish that part then on to the 5 k run~~mostly walk for us but we did it faster than normal and were not even last~~two much younger guys than me came in a few minutes later. Definitely I was the oldest person on the course and so happy to have done this 366 days after my diagnosis of aggressive breast cancer. I even figured out how to post a photo!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited July 2013

    4 mile walk after church.  Got back not long ago soaking wet as it started to rain and I was a mile and half from home!  Weather was muggy so the rain felt pretty good but it scared me when I started seeing lightning as there really was no way to escape all the trees so I prayed my way home. (edit to add the thunder and lightning are even worse now)

    Hip hurting but love walking so it's all good. (ibuprofen helps)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited July 2013

    Good for your Marion!!!!! Laughing

    On the news they just showed all the terrible rain & flooding on the East Coast. A scary-weather summer!

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited July 2013

    Marianelizabeth, you are my new idol.  Fuck cancer!

    Running my rural road tonight.

  • flannelette
    flannelette Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2013

    Marianelizabeth - and you did this while on Arimidex?????yeowwww!!! I could barely move when I went on it! totally amazing. Love your picture.

    (-oh, I did 18 whole minutes of joggin on the spot in the river.......) hahahaha

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited July 2013

    flanelette, yes on the Anastrazole and I feel like movement has got easier~~not easy but better. Endorphins definitely help too. Never ever thought at age 64 I would be doing this. Nor did I think I would start trekking at 58 but breast cancer has made me say, "FUCK CANCER" and I am going to keep going as long as I can! 

    My next big goal is Annapurna Base Camp next March and I already have 8 going with me! No one who has faced down breast cancer yet so if anyone is interested let me know.

    Now out for dinner with my son and some friends for a celebratory dinner. Yay!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,857
    edited July 2013

    Marian: You rock! Love your picture and tee shirt.

    No exercise for me today. I went to a bridal shower and sat and ate cake. Foot in Mouth Cheryl: Wish I had a cup of tea to go with that cake!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited July 2013

    Yes.....ROCK ON MARIAN!!!!  Major, major congrats.

    I did about 35 miles of cycling.  Very funny was that I didn't do a left turn the right way, and then got left behind.  My friend Page was doing the sweep and thought she would be waiting for me, but there I was blowing by her doing about 22 mph. She was stunned. sorry about Molly.  But a wonderful and long life.  I still miss my Rosalind and even Tippie from my teens/early 20s.

    My buns and quads have been tingling for the past week or so.  Suspect still from the STP and then not slowing down much.  I am looking buff.

    But not as buff as Marian so more work to do.  The summer is still young Innocent - Claire

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited July 2013

    Congratulations Marian what a fantastic achievement, you have every reason to be proud of yourself.  Nothing like a nice cup of tea Wonderland, I am having a cup right now and yes there is chocolate cake involvedTongue Out.  Welcome Tina, yes  you find that if you post you tend to become accountable and keep on track, we all do different things and are at different levels we are a support system for each other. Great job Fab you will get stronger day by day.

    Today was Body Step, that Boot Camp yesterday kicked me in the behind, my hamstrings and butt have been on fire all day, I was out with my friends and they were laughing at me as I was hobbling around going "yes I do this for my health"Laughing

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited July 2013

    Marianelizabeth- huge congratulations!! That is awesome!

    Got in a little swimming here and then went with DD to see the Beach Boys in concert. What a blast from the past!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited July 2013

    Congrats Marian - great accomplishment and a wonderful picture!!  How great that your DS was there as your coach and for encouragement.  

    Went for a 2 hour early trail hike with a friend and our dogs - pleasantly cool on the shady trails this early in the a.m.   We are in for another hot day, forecast of 100+ temps today   Tongue Out

    I have a new workout buddy, my DS.  He is a cyclist and runner, and has decided to cross train with me.   He says that in exchange he will help me with my running, this should be interesting!  

    Hope that everybody has a good start to the week.  

  • luvlulu
    luvlulu Member Posts: 163
    edited July 2013

    WOW Marian, look at those DELTS!  You rock!  

    Just in from the gym. Worked "back" today - no running / cardio for a couple of days because I just made a major investment - straightened my hair to get rid of the frizz and I absolutely love it. But I can't get it wet - even with sweat - until Wednesday. Already missing my runner's high.

    Just another Manic Monday.