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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited May 2010

    Hello all you great exercisers. I follow this thread but haven't posted since I've not really done any exercise to brag about ... until now. My exercise of choice is walking. I did 10,000 steps yesterday and 10,800 today. That's over nine miles in two days. Yesterday was a bit of cheating as I got most of my steps in while shopping, but today was just straightforward walking.

    I have to check out some of the DVDs that were mentioned on previous pages. Also I bought EA Active Sports for the Wii a couple of weeks ago, but still have to try it out. Does anyone else use that?

    I lost about eight pounds during chemo. But since I finished that on Feb 1, the pounds have just been piling on. I think I've gained 12 pounds in three months. That's a serious amount of weight. I've started Tamoxifen three weeks ago, so that won't help either.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010

    Welcome Mary!  For walking I would highly recommend the Leslie Sansone videos.  They are great for a rainy day when you can't get outside.  

    I do not have the EA Active Sports for the Wii but I'm thinking about getting it.  I really get a kick out doing the Wii fit.  Although I do not like having the weigh in...grrrr....

    I was up early enough to do kickboxing this morning but DS1 got up and needed to get on his way for his new job that he started this morning so I sacrificed kickboxing.  Instead I did the Firm 500 calorie workout.  It's tough but doable, I worked up a good sweat.  Then DH and I walked the dogs for a mile.  We are training them on the gentle lead collars.  Let me tell you, they really work.  Walking the dogs was a joy not a burden at all today!

    Have a good afternoon!  I'm off to shower and then clean the house with a little grocery shopping thrown in for good measure!


  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765
    edited May 2010

    Hi ladies,

    I got some walking in today and some wii fit.  Tomorrow morning I'm doing another 5K so I don't want to do too much today or will get tired out.  Mary, I just use the wii fit too, haven't done the EA active sports.  If you buy it, let us know how you like it.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    Cold and wet, but it stopped raining, so I'm headed out for my walk.  More snow in the forecast, ick.  Ruth, I don't feel I'm making progress when I see the scale.  I've packed on pounds since I started chemo.  Glad the rads folks said exercise is good, and slow weight gain fine, cause I'm hearing the voices and determined to keep at this! 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Did a Body Combat class this morning and then have spent 2 hours in the garden turning soil as I'm trying to get a patch of horrid cement like dirt ready for some sod,  I feel like I've had a really good work out and the added benefit of spending some time in the sunshine.  Now I'm going to sit for an hour and then am going to a nutrition show up at the fairgrounds so I'll be doing a bit of walking later on. 

    Welcome Mary keep up the walking, that little clicker is a great motivator.  Good luck with your 5K tomorrow Suz.  Patoo are you feeling better?  I need to go to the gym a little earlier and do some weight training as well, feel like I've let it fall by the wayside lately.  Sorry you had to miss your class this am Lorrie but at least you got a workout in.  Take care all.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    Hi Mary, any exercise is exercise to brag about!!! Right ladies?!! Smile Man, I feel crummy from my cold. BLAH!!! But the voices have bounced from Utah back to me, so I will go downstairs and do something light (it is cold and wet here too), and then bounce the voices out to the rest of you too. Later. Ruth
  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited May 2010

    I got another 10,000 steps in already and the day isn't over yet. I'm going to try out the EA Active Sports tonight and will report back on how I find it. I have the Wii Fit too. I used it a lot in the beginning but now just use the balance board to weigh myself.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    I made it farther today and without stopping.  You all are such good motivators.  

    Good luck with the 5K Suze.  If Ruth can hear voices from Utah, maybe you can hear me cheering you on.

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765
    edited May 2010

    I know I'll be able to hear you.  I'll be doing the 5K about 7:00 am your time (9 am my time) so if you have to cheer in your dreams I'll still be able to hear you.  Hope it warms up soon for you.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Have fun with the 5K, Suzette. Did 30 minutes treadmill, 30 minutes upper body, 30 minutes lower body. Old FIRM tapes I know pretty much by heart, so I mostly went through them with my eyes closed!! (Which actually makes you concentrate on the moves more, weird.) I'm going to bed. Take Care All. Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Hi all.  No "formal" workout today.  Stopped by some friends and hung out with them.  Boy, can they shop.  In about 4 hours we hit Lowe's, Kohls, Dick's (sporting goods), JC Penney, Home Depot, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond and Walmart.  I'm absolutely wiped out.

    You all are doing soooooooooo great.  Mary - are you kidding me, 10,000+ steps a day - that's awesome!  Welcome to our club - you will definitely be an inspiration.  I already hear those voices tone came up a notch.

    Night all.

  • rreynolds1
    rreynolds1 Member Posts: 62
    edited May 2010

    Boy Ruth, that's 1 1/2 hrs. of exercise.  I did The Firm tapes for years.  I still  have them but can't seem to get up for them again.  I still believe the weight/aerobic combo they provide to be the best.  I never looked better than when I did them 5 times a week.  Now I have been doing my 45 mins. on the eliptical and hand weights for the upper body.  Maybe when I drop a few more lbs. I'll be up for the tapes.  I'm still 23 lbs heavier that I was when I did those tapes so weight loss has to be part of my plan.  I've lost 7 lbs in the past 5 weeks so whatever I'm doing is working so far.  So far today, I've only done my hand weights.  I like to exercise in the evening.  I'll be doing my 45 mins. on the eliptical at 7pm.

    Have a great Sunday.


  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765
    edited May 2010

    Did the 5k this morning in the rain and 58 degrees - not too bad though - it kept me cool.  My sister, friend and I did it in 44 minutes so we were happy.  I then came home and slept for 2 solid hours (not far enough out from chemo and radiation yet to avoid the nap!)

    Ruth - an hour and a half?  That is awesome.

    Patoo, I do believe 4 hours of shopping is a formal workoutLaughing

    Roseann - what size weights to you use?  I need to buy some.

    Have a good day everyone.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010

    Good afternoon!  It's wicked hot here today.  We walked the dogs today for 1.3 miles and that's about it.  I'm trying to just relax today.  

    You guys really inspire me to keep working out.  I actually feel a bit guilty not doing more but I'm sore from yesterday's workout and I have kickboxing tomorrow morning.  

    Patoo--you should call it your "Power Shopping" workout!  

    Have a great rest of the day!


  • cary1
    cary1 Member Posts: 106
    edited May 2010

    Last week was something of a debacle in terms of exercise. Because of various work-related problems, I only walked to the office (2 plus miles) one day. I don't really count the walking I do for my commute via bus or subway, to and from stations and the like, or other extra walking. Anyway, today I finally activated my coupon for 2-weeks at a local gym. I did 45 minutes on the treadmill at a much faster pace than I normally walk, so my heart was really going. It was great, but then when I left and walked the 8-10 blocks to my office to do some work, it was so hot (high was 91 today) that I felt terrible by the time I got here. I felt as though someone was stamping on my chest. Oh well. I just need to be more careful.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Yes, Caryl, we do have to take it easier when the temp is high.  It's just not healthy even without the prior workout you did. 

    Went to church and then a long lunch with a friend so just got home.  I'm going to hop on the treadmill or do a DVD in a few minutes.  Voices are just making me get up from this couch.  Have to say I was down 2 lbs this week so that makes me happy.

    Great work my friends.

    (edited out a typo)

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    It was cold, wet, and windy this morning, with snow in the forecast, so I did my total gym arm routine, and then rented indoor space for dog training.  Now that I've read your posts, I think I'll pull out a tape and do more before eating dinner.

    When my niece wrote how hot it was in Va, I thought of your walk cary.  Don't over-do.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    Good job with all the weight loss ladies! I might have to try to be good to keep up with you, or should I say down with you Smile! I still have the crummy cold; skipped church this morning & slept in (like in a coma), but had to go out later and buy groceries because the Boy Scouts had come through the day before on a Food Drive and cleaned me out! Did a slow 45 minutes on the treadmill & 15 minutes Abs tonight & will go to bed early again. Ladies who live where it's hot; don't overdo it and be sure to drink, drink, drink plenty of water. As far as the FIRM goes; I didn't start doing their tapes again until way more than a year after treatment, I just didn't have the energy for them, so felt really happy, like, "I AM okay!" when I was able to work myself into them again. And my hour & a half of exercise yesterday was to make up for skipping Thursday. I have an annoying self imposed rule of 7 hours a week; 4 aerobics and 3 toning (as recommended by Richard Simmons, my hero......Kiss). Great Work All! Ruth
  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited May 2010

    It was screeching hot here today. I wore my pedometer but did scant walking outside. I went to a healthfair (where I had my cholesterol and BP checked), then also walked around some stores where I could benefit from the airconditioning. I racked up 6,000 steps but it was not as good as a nice long walk outdoors.

    Got to crank up the a/c now and put my chillow in the fridge so it will be cool by bedtime.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Body Step class this morning, really had a good workout that got the old heart pumping then this afternoon played Phase 10 at a friends house so my jaw got a workout as well.  Congrats to those who have lost weight, the main reason I work so hard is so that I won't gain the Femara 15 and so far so good.  Ruth this cold has had you in it's clutches for a couple of weeks, you need to be careful it doesn't turn to pneumonia.  Lorrie tomorrow we will both kick some butt as it's my Combat day.  Hope everyone has a fabulous week.


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    No formal workouts for me this weekend, but we did a lot of planting stuff up at the cabin, which is a good upper body workout when you have to dig rocks out of the ground every time you dig a hole to plant something. The ground has been so bare at the cabin for the last two years - it's a really nice feeling to have the energy to plant stuff  that will flower this summer. 

    DH had given me a gift certificate for a massage at a local spa - 30 minutes relaxing massage and 30 minutes reflexology massage - so I did that on Saturday afternoon.  Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh - total bliss.  I was zoned the rest of the day!

    We also hit the outlets Saturday morning and I splurged on some of the toning sneakers - the Skechers ones.  I was going to wear them on my walk this morning, but it's POURING out there, so I just did 30 minutes on the elliptical instead.  I can't believe some of you all are still having snow - you need to just get strict with Mother Nature and tell her it's May, for heaven's sake! Laughing

    Wow - everyone had a great workout weekend it sounds like.  Ruth - I'm really impressed you're working out even with a cold - wow. Suz - congrats on the 5K.  Mary - nice to see another Mary on the board - no one names their kids Mary anymore.  Frown  Roseann - impressive weight loss!  And Balsie - keeping fingers crossed - gut feelings are usually pretty good so I hope that's true in your case.  Please let us know how you're doing - it's not fair that you have to go through a scare like that.


  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2010

    I'm baaaaack!  I have been able to keep up with the walking, but have not been so good with any extra excercise and eating.  Today, I am hoping that I am pretty well done with all the paperwork needed for my FIL (the family did not go through a funeral home).  It was a little stressful, as it all fell to me to look over, but it did keep my mind off of the Mammogram that I had to get done last Wednesday!  The technician compared last years to this years mamms and she did not see anything unusual!! YIPPEE!!  Will know for sure when I see my GP as I don't see my Onc until October - unless my genetic test comes back positive.  However, I did feel the need to kick back and enjoy a cocktail afterwards!

    Great to see that everyone is still being very active!!  I am planning on cleaning up my garden (which now looks like lawn since I didn't plant one last year) today.  It is very humid but sunny for now.  I figure that will be some good excercise!!  Will now try to get on daily again so as to keep me going with the excercising!!  Thanks to you gals for all the thoughts and prayers (and voices) to keep me going!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    I took my walk before my rads appt this morning.  It is spring again, tho not warm yet.  I am adding a bit more distance to the walk and find I'm not having to stop and catch my breath like before.

    Have fun combatting, firming, and kicking!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2010

    Well I am good. And wow all these workouts are awesome! The retreat was wonderful. Weather was breezy, snowy and refreshing. We had a 4 hour break on Saturday and I spent most of that time walking and at the end sat on rocking chair and enjoyed God's country. The walking felt good. I made good choices in my portions for eating. At a retreat they give you so much to eat. Yes it was very good. The message was just what I needed to hear. God has truely blessed me! Back to my routine. Tonight is with my trainer. I joined a class this time instead of him individually. I will let you know how it turned out!

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010

    Kickboxing kicked my butt this morning.  It's been hot and humid here and I think the humidity really took it's toll on all of the women this morning.  I sweated so much, I could feel the heat in my face.  My knees were even sweaty.  So, I'm drinking tons of water today!

    I could use some relaxation in the woods or on a lake and just soak up the serenity.  Hmmmm....I can't just feel it!

    Great job everyone!  I enjoy seeing what we all do for exercise.  I also like that we share other parts of our lives too.  


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Hope the sneezy, runny, headachy, allergy season is over.  Been pretty okay for a few days so now maybe I can get back to 'regular' workouts.

    Did 60 mins water aerobics and then another 30 mins running in the water tonight.  I had put water exercise on the back burner because I was enjoying walking, especially in the toning sneakers, but realize I missed the water aerobics and that does give me some upper body that I was missing with the walking.  Oh, decisions, decisions, decisions - LOL! 

    Great work everyone.  Thanks for keeping it up because that keeps me going as well.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    This thread is a wonderful motivation and inspiration to me Smile!! Cheryl, my cold is just a 'head' thing not in my lungs (patoo, are you sure you didn't send the allergies this way?). If I were really sick or had a fever or something, I wouldn't exercise (maybe). After sleeping lots Sunday & going to bed early last night, I felt a lot better today. Did an old, light 40 minute toning tape & a 20 minutes cardio express DVD & will try for an early lights out tonight too. That relaxation in the woods/lake/ocean and massages....all sound good to  me too. Where do I sign up? Welcome back, Mary Louise. Hooray about that mammo! That is always so super-stressful that I think a cocktail was definitely called for!! Balsie, let us know as soon as you know something, and then we can join you in a "Whew" cocktail too! HIGH FIVES ALL AROUND!!! Ruth
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    I am going to go totally off topic tonight to tell you ladies a story. I am in a gang, there are 6 of us all 60 or older. Last night we spent the night at the emergency vet as Lynnes beloved "Zack" was in serious trouble he couldn't get up had trouble breathing. He weighs 90lbs and it took 4 people to get him in the car and we sat at the vets office together for over 5 hours but also sitting there was a very beautiful older woman alone. Well over time we found out that she was French her husband had brought her to Los Angeles with their 2 dogs 6 months ago, a month ago one of her dogs died the same day her husband of 30 years served her with divorce papers and she is now living alone in a hotel room with her 18 year old dog who was being treated and not expected to survive. The hotel she is living in brought her to the vets office in one of their vans. I offered to take her back to the hotel but the vets had called the hotel and they were coming to get her. I sat there and put my arm around and asked her if she had anyone, or could we do anything and she said she didn't know anyone in the US as she was alone but she was okay and as she drove off in the van she was waving frantically to say goodbye to us and I felt so badly for her. I just want to say to all of you that I feel so blessed not only to have my gang but to have all of you my extended gang, we may not know each other but we are all truly bonded and I know that I can come here if I need you and you will be there. I just want you all to know how much I appreciate your cyber friendships. As a sad end our Zack crossed the rainbow bridge this afternoon our hearts are broken he was such a lovely boy but no more pain.


  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2010

    Cheryl so sorry to hear about Zack. Your story is very touching. You really do look at things and realize wow I am so blessed. The fact is we are blessed.

    Patoo sorry to hear about your allergies. My daughter has them really bad right now and does not help she is 6 months pregnant. She has this rash called PUPPS. You get it when you are pregnant and it does not go away until you deliver. They say heat makes it worse. She is not due till August and we live in Arizona.

    Morgan I love that we all share as well. We all need to express ourselves and be able to share. This is the best place to be. Support is everything.

    I went to my class today and my trainer made us do 40 lounges, with dumbells then 2 min on bike and repeated it for an hour. Talk about sweating and exhausted. But I did it! Thought I was going to die. I did not complain. Just keep reminding myself this is the best thing for me. Cannot reach my goal if I do not do it. My friend Tracy came to join me and she got there and found out she brought two left shoes. LOL So she did not participate. :0( She'll make it up. We will see what next Monday will bring.

    I am real excited. I am a chemo angel now. I have a lady named Betty Jo she is my age and has IDC. She was just diagnosis on the 28th of April. I told her about this site. I hope she does come and try it out.

    Have a great night!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2010

    Hugs(((Cheryl))) Welcome Betty Jo if you are going to join us.

    I did the machines yesterday will try a class today.Find the classes are better for a more well rounded body workout.You feel it in every muscle.

    Even this guy is into the weights.