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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Gave a little talk about Theodore Roosevelt's time in the North Dakota Badlands at the County Museum this afternoon (very fun for me, and it seemed like the audience enjoyed it too....always a bonus!). Walked & did Arms/Abs/Buns of Steel. I am soon off to a Block Party.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2013

    Ruth, I feel the same way!  ♥

    Just back from my overnight adventure and had a great time.  We didn't do any shooting and not much drinking but had a lot of fun.  Sadly, Helga remains intact.  ;-)

    M. and her DH are great hosts!  Supper Sat was grilled fresh salmon (that he caught) and fresh zucchini (that she grew).  Beautiful scenery with lots of trails to explore on foot and by golf cart (did both).  I turned in early Sat and got up early Sun but M's DH is also an early riser so we took a brisk 4-mile walk before heading out to breakfast.  Potato pancakes - yummy!  Logged 14.06 km = 8.74 miles since last post.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2013

    Badger your weekend sounds wonderful, wish I lived closer!!!!!  Ruth sound like this was right up your ally.   Did Body Step class this morning and then this afternoon went shopping with one of my gym friends as we are going to be having a baby shower for two of our instructors, it's amazing what you can find at the dollar store, lots of great party decorations. 

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited August 2013

    DH tore a calf muscle playing tennis with DS yesterday, so I walked 2 of the dogs by myself today separately - one mile each. Also walked around the grocery store & hauled in my groceries - a little more exercise there.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited August 2013

    It's so wonderful to be CLEAN and showered!  Did the 50 miles as planned, and then hit a dance performance in a park which a friend choreographed.  Hope everyone was upwind of me Innocent

    Ride went well, other than being stung just a bit to the left of my chamoix.  Hmmmm.  Quite sore in a tender spot.  I am recovering.

    Caught up with a grad school friend, so behind on work. I will be fine and some things are important.

    Dinner is cooking with New Zealand spinach from yesterday's ride.  Beans too....need to choose which ones.  Brats that have been languishing in the freezer, and some good wine to take the edge off everything.

    Sunset over the Olympic Mountains to complete the scene.  Plus just washed all the cycling garb so air is super fresh around here.  Life is good. - Claire

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited August 2013

    Finally got a chance to hoop!  Did about 40 minutes.  It feels like the chores related to moving are endless.  Moving my stuff, combining households with the DH, and fixing up my place for sale.  On the plus side I feel really fit from all the physical activity and the dozens of trips up and down the stairs.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited August 2013

    Claire and Badger, your weekends sound wonderful! Ann, good luck with your move, it's such a pain!

    After a double workout on Saturday (hiking and biking) we settled for aerobic wine tasting at and art and wine festival on Sunday.  (Interval walking with 2 ounce taste curls Smile) but did spend some time later looking at bikes for future adventures.  Technology has changed so much since I bought my mountain's been years. I confess to being a little intimidated by the road bikes I tried!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2013

    Badger - the trip sounds wonderful!  Ann - after our last move I swore I was never moving again, so I feel your pain.  Ruth - sounds like a fun talk.  And you even got to see Teddy run the President's Race at Nat's Park. Wink SAB - the wine fest must have been fun.  Did you discover any new wines you liked?

    I'm finally getting back some energy to exercise again after last week's bug.  Did some Chores N Sculpt this weekend and finally getting my Fuelpoints back up to goal.  2029 Friday, 2478 Saturday, and 3365 Sunday - first time over goal in a week!  It helped that I did a 3 mile run on Sunday - that'll rack up the fuelpoints in a hurry.

    Pilates and some hooping this morning. 

    I am getting excited about our upcoming trip - a two week tour of the UK and Ireland.  We're celebrating our 30th anniversary and the finishing up of my 5 years of Femara.  Hard to believe we leave in less than 3 weeks.  Starting to do some packing - travel size bottles of shampoo and stuff, electrical converter, etc. Dug out the passports and ordered some pounds (UK) and Euros (Ireland).  We usually charge most stuff, but I always like having some of the local currency on hand just in case.  Got a pet sitter lined up for Mikey - the sitter will stay at the house, so it's not only good for Mikey but will be good not to have a vacant house for 2 weeks.  We went to a local Irish pub last night for dinner - just to start practicing!  Tongue Out

    Joy - still thinking of you and sending my love.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited August 2013

    Went to the gym, warmed up on the elypical, did endurance trainging on the weight machines, power walked on the treadmill and did stretching. Hope to get to the neighborhood pool after work this evening and also walk the dogs.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited August 2013

    oh Joy, so sorry to hear about the sudden loss of your husband.  Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

    Did a little classical stretch this morning, and a walk at lunch - now off to the gym for spinning, they finally brought back the 5:15 class.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited August 2013

    Mary, No new wines to recommend, sorry. But we tried real hard to find one Wink. Your trip sounds so exciting!

    Dragged myself out for 4 miles; ran just over 3 of them.  Slowly.  

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,857
    edited August 2013

    Ruth and Badger: Both of your get-togethers sound like they were so much fun!

    Mary: Glad you're feeling better. I know you enjoyed yourself at the Book of Mormon. Love the songs so much! And now your trip: awesome!

    SAB: I want to go aerobic wine tasting!

    Ann: Moving is no fun but I like your take on it in that you're getting alot of physical activity!

    Cheryl: Have fun throwing your baby showers! I'm sure your instructors will be delighted.

    Fast walked/ran my neighborhood today. The air is so thick. It makes your sweat start sweating! Tongue Out

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited August 2013

    Not much exercise over the weekend as I went to lunch Saturday with some local bco sisters and had a family birthday celebration on Sunday. Needless to say, I needed to get back to the gym today....Did a high intensity workout on the Elliptical plus weights. Now my DH is taking me out to dinner which will undo my

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    An hour of toning this morning & a 45 minute walk this afternoon. I have been watering, watering, watering all day.Tomorrow I will go over to school & meet with the gal who is taking my place. I think she will do a great job, and I am glad to be retired, but still it will be a little strange.

    I am going to have one more unexpected adventure this summer: a friend of mine and her DH bought a condo in Florida a couple years ago, where they would spend part of the winter. Sadly, her DH died last year. My friend is down there now just making sure that everything is OK because she will not be there again until later this spring (for the happy reason that her son & DIL are expecting twins!). Anyway, she called me the other day and said, "OK, this is too long of a drive (about 1,500 miles) for one lady & a dog. What would you say if, as a retirement present, I would fly you down here, we could hang out for a few days & then you would drive back with me?" After considering the offer for 1.5 seconds I said,"Sure!!!" " (I hope that I got her a CARD when she retired Undecided). So I will fly out the 20th & be back about the 28th. It will actually be good timing, because that will be the first week of school here & that way I can't sneak around and peek in the window of my old room.  And, luckily I haven't put my NC/DC shortie shorts too far back in the closet!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2013

    You're gonna wear those shortie shorts out in public, again!!!!  We really thought you heard the giggling when you were not looking.  Oh well, it's probably a reitrement community in FL where all the old codgers wear funny outfits.  hehehe  (just kidding)

    Been away from this board but have continued to walk almost daily, doubling up on weekends. 

    Joy, so sorry to read about your DH.  You are right, we don't know His reasons but it does help to remind us that we have to be aware of those around us.  Will send up special, intercessory prayers for your family as they go through this difficult time.

    ruthbru, you are becoming the 'road warrior' - designated driver/co-pilot.

    Hi to my MD/DC troupe and all sculpted friends. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    I DID hear the giggling, but I was so HOT that I didn't care! Tongue Out

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,857
    edited August 2013

    Ruth: Don't forget to pack extra bras! If it is a retirement community where all the old codgers wear funny outfits like Patoo said, you don't want to give them the wrong idea! 

    But seriously, really good timing to be out of town for the first time you won't be there for the first day of school. 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2013

    Short shorts and no bra, yup that's our girl Florida don't know what's a comin'.  Seriously what a wonderful adventure, have a great time Ruth.  Odie, you do lots of exercise so that negates all those pesky caloriesLaughing  Mary so glad you're starting to feel better, you need to be in tip top shape for your adventure, you know if you flew Mikey out here I'd sure as heck mind him but you might not get him backWink  Wonderland the shower is not until mid September but we thought we'd get a head start and it's going to be a pool party/baby shower.  Ann moving is hard work.

    This morning did a Sh'bam class and tonight Spin.

    (((LB & Joy))) sending you both love and hugs

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2013

    Ruth - your trip sounds wonderful!  I was looking at a map, and depending on which way you go, you've got a choice of great cities to see!  If you head north out of Florida there's Atlanta and St. Louis (if you haven't done it, you MUST go up in the Arch), or if you cut west right away, there's always New Orleans!  Short shorts and no bra would be perfect there!  Cool  What a perfect way to start off your official retirement!

    Just barely made goal yesterday, but I did it - 3016 fuelpoints.  Power90 Sculpt this morning - I know I'm gonna feel those lunges and squats later! Surprised

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Mary, I think your  trip out-tops mine. It sounds really, really fun. You will be suprised to learn that once I was in St. Louis only for one night, and picked going up in the Arch over a TWINS vs Cardinals game! Surprised (You could look right down at the field from the top of the arch though).

    We will be north of Fort Lauderdale and she says 'doing Southern Florida things', which I take as spending time on the beach and at the pool in my very modest swim maybe I won't be causing any scandals after all. Smile On the way home, we will veer northwest through Nashville, and I don't know where else (she's done her route many times, so I am just there for entertainment purposes). She does have a deadline to get home (and a dog whom you couldn't leave in the car while site seeing); so I imagine we will stay in Florida for as long as possible, and once we get in the car, I'm thinking it will be pretty much drive, drive, and drive.

    OK, I'm off to school to hand over the keys to the kingdom.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited August 2013

    Went to spin class for the first time since late March - yowza!  I have really been missing it, but it's amazing how out of spin shape I am.  The instructor really had a hard class, but I did what I could and collapsed into bed early last night.  Looking forward to the next class and being able to do more over time.  Did a bit of classical stretch this morning, but no walk today at lunch because rain is predicted. Watching my friends 2 kids after work today (5 and 7) so will be getting some movement there I'm sure!

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited August 2013

    Checking in - thanks for prayers and support.  Memorial service for my DH is on Thursday, family and friends have been incredibly supportive and I'm so grateful.  This has been a tough week, some days just to eat and breathe is enough.  

    I've had NO exercise the past week - have lost some muscle mass but oh well this will come back once I get back into it.  MO check-up went well today, getting blood work results back and hoping that all is well.   It would be a gift to get a clean bill of health, much needed to think that I can be here for my kids.  

    LB   Thinking of you, sending thoughts and prayers.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Just get through the next few days joy, the rest can wait. Sending more hugs & prayers.

    Got a workout helping my replacement getting her room set up. She hadn't realized that after cleaning, the janitors just leave EVERYTHING (computers/desks/table/you name it) piled up in the middle of the room, and also I helped another teacher, who just found out she was changing rooms, drag her stuff (including file cabinets & bookcases) into her new might say that our janitors are less than helpful (or efficient...they couldn't move things because they are WAXING the floors NOW...seriously). Anyway, it was actually kind of fun. Came home, did 30 minutes lower body, Pilates Challenge, & now am off to a meeting.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited August 2013

    No exercise today due to weather and schedule issues. Back at it tomorrow...

    Sending hugs (Joy & Lilacblue).. Joy, take each day day by day minute by minute if need be. So glad you have good support to lean on.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited August 2013

    Walked the dogs and hopped, skipped (see link below Smile) & jumped around the house a bit and did some ab work.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,857
    edited August 2013

    Joy: Continued prayers coming to you.

    Fast walked with just a tad of jogging this evening. Humidity is zapping. My sunglasses even fogged up from my facial heat.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited August 2013

    Joy, I am so sorry for your loss.  Glad you are surrounded with supportive people.

    AnnieLane, I never thought of skipping indoors.  I think I will try it :)

    I did about 35 minutes hooping yesterday and today.  I am making use of the empty soon-to-be-for-sale house.  Also spent hours cleaning the stove and oven there.  Wow, I never realized there were so many places to clean on a stove.  It is now far cleaner than it was when I bought the house.  I hope I have earned some clean stove karma.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2013

    Body Step class tonight, after class in parking lot woman who had been in class got out of her car to talk to me, it had been her first time in class but I had seen her in the gym, she asked me "how do you do it?" My response was, I've been doing it a long time and I started doing it because my oncologist told me it was one of the best things I could do for myself, I told her don't be intimidated just do what you can, related the story of how the first time I ever got on the stair climber all I could do was one minute and I pretended that's exactly what I meant to do, but I got on it again and did 2 minutes and then one day I was able to do 45 minutes, so for newbies just remember, it's like first day of school or first day at a new job you just start and you do what you can.

    (((Joy)) keeping you in my prayers.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2013

    Joy - continued love and thoughts your way.  Lilac - also sending love and hope across the pond to you.  Is there something from the States that you can't get in the UK that your dh would love to have?  Like a favorite cereal or something?  I'll be in the UK in a few weeks and I'd be glad to bring anything over that might give him a smile.  Ruth - as much as I love baseball, the Arch is such a unique experience that I'd have probably taken that over a baseball game too.  Forgot that you had the dog - guess that will cut down on the sightseeing opportunities.  Not sure if you can manage it ini Nashville with the dog, but if you haven't been if there's any way you can get to the Country Music Hall of Fame, do so.  I'm not even a country music fan, but I went one day while dh was at a conference, and was really impressed and now have much more of an appreciation for country music's place in American history.  Cheryl - great words of wisdom for the newbie - baby steps and more baby steps, and all of a sudden you're taking giant strides.  Annie - skipping, hmmm?  A few weeks ago on another thread Flannel mentioned skipping and I thought then I should give it a try.  Ann - LOL on clean stove karma!

    Just made fuelpoints goal yesterday - 3011, and that involved taking Mikey for a long walk after work and then some marching in place in front of the TV to get to that point.  Violent storms last night, but now we have blessedly cool non-humid air.  Went for a half hour run this morning, and it was 57 degrees out - heavenly!

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited August 2013

    Just some classical stretch this morning - no walk at lunch today as I have a few errands, and leaving early for blues on the beach.  Still feeling spinning from Monday!