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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2010

    Is this thing accurate?

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    mum - LOL at the pix!!!  I feel that way about some of those machines sometimes.

    Did 30 minutes of step work last night, which I promptly undid by going to a Mexican restaurant with friends for dinner - carne asado with guac and yummy margaritas!  So I dutifully did my 40 minute walk this morning in my new toning shoes - different feel to them, but they did feel good once I got used to the rolling motion.

    FM - gee, it seems like none of us has done much with our gardens for the last year or so - I wonder why that is?  Undecided  It's such a good feeling to be able to get back to stuff like that.  Retriever - I'm impressed that you're working out during active treatment - inspiring! Ebann - sounds like that retreat was exactly what you needed.  Morgan - our little cabin in the woods gives me exactly that serenity thing you were talking about.  It's not big or fancy, but it's perfect for us - when we get up there I can just feel tension and stress dissolving away.  Patoo - my dh's allergies are easing, so hopefully yours are too.  It was a brutal spring for allergies this year.  ruth - I hope that cold is easing as well.  Cheryl - what a sad story - losing a pet is heartbreaking.  I'm so sorry for your friend, and also for that poor lady.  Good for you for reaching out to her and helping her feel less alone.  

    Have a great day everyone!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    Cheryl:  I am very sorry about Zack. 

    Mum:  What great pics!  Gave me a good laugh.

    There was snow on the mountain tops and threatening rain clouds as I walked this morning.  I was determined to increase my distance, and did it!  The area where I lived used to be fairly rural, so I see horses and orchards, and hear quail and pheasants as cars whiz past me.  I started along singing "Praise ye the Lord" in my head, but ended up with "Nobody knows the troubles I've seen," as I slowed considerably on the last half.  This particular rectangle included a fairly steep hill, so I think I will pick another route tomorrow.

    After work it will be time for rads.  I fell asleep on the couch last night while watching Househunters, and was darned irritated to miss finding out which house the couple chose.

    Hope everyone has a good workout today!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2010

    Got a call from the Dr's office yesterday that they need a diagnostic mammogram done..... The nurse has asked for my pics to be reviewed again by the radiologist as it was not clear which side they were talking about!!!  So now I wait..... again..... in fear!!   You all know how THAT goes!  So, I have decided to go downstairs right now and do some type of excercise tape because that is what I CAN control right now!  Then off to choir practice to forget about everything for a while!    MUM - Thanks for the pics, I did get a laugh out of them!

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010

    Oh Mary Louise, I can't believe you have to deal with that.  I'm sending you hugs and I hope you can relax a little. 

    I had tears in my eyes thinking about Zack and thinking about that poor woman all alone.  I am also glad to have place to go where I can post my exercise and to post to people who really truly understand what it all means.  I don't know about you guys but exercise has so much more importance now.  But even while it relieves my stress, whenever I get a twinge during the workout, the worry pops in, the remembering pops back in....oh well...

    No exercise today.  I thought we might be able to walk the dogs but it's been thundering.  Maybe it will clear in time to get a quick walk in.

    Mum--your pictures are a riot!

    Have a great night!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Here is a Abraham Lincoln quote I think you will all appreciate (substitute 'her' for 'his'): "The better part of one's life consists of his friendships." I think we are so lucky to be a 'gang', and on a true and deep level we really DO know each other, in some ways better than our day-to-day friends! Mary Louise, they didn't know what SIDE they were talking about??? WHF? (sorry, but really!). So when do you have to redo it? I seriously think we will all drop dead from heart attacks from all the stress associated with the whole thing (another reason to exercise, I guess). Mums, you always have the best pictures, and retriever, I laughed at how your song choices changed during your walk. Cheryl, so sorry about your doggie friend, and especially about the poor lady with no family or friends. That would be the hardest thing. I did a 40 minute FIRM cardio & toning tape & 20 minutes on the treadmill. I think the cold is about done, which is good because I don't have time to be sick!!! Balsie, thinking about you tomorrow. Much love to you all! Ruth

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited May 2010

    we are so blessed aren't we!   and I have good news to report ...The dr. called and said it was scar tissue.  not to worry.  I am so relieved and happy....just wanted to share this with my friends! 

    so raise a toast to my good news and I thank you for that!



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Did Body Step class tonight and even though I didn't post it yesterday I did go to my Combat class last night. Mum those pictures are a hoot, the cat looks like my Frank but his only exercise is jumping up to the food bowl again and again and again (yikes just like his Mum)Surprised. Retrievermom I can't believe there is still snow on the mountaintops, your walk sounds beautiful. Mary Louise I am so sorry you have to go through that darned wait again, sending you a BIG (((((HUG))))). Elizabeth your workout sounds amazing you really pushed yourself and look at you, you did it - congratulations. Lorrie you are so right about the exercise it is so important to us and even though I huff and puff and sometimes moan and complain I truly love going to the gym. Ruth I love that quote and it is so true. I agree with you about the heart attack - I went to the walk in clinic the other night and my BP was 160/100 they went ohhh that's high do you take medication and I just said no if we go out to the car and take it, it will be 120/80 I can sit there and be perfectly okay but the minute that cuff goes on !!!!!! Nats I am watching BL - everyone looks fantastic but OMG Michael and Daris wow. Oh Balsie I am crying with relief for you, if I was a drinker I would pop the champagne but I'm drinking tea so I raise my cup to you. Played hooky from work today got a phone call from my friend who lives in Northern Cal as I was leaving for work (I was her bridesmaid 32 years ago) and she and her husband were coming to Los Angeles for the day and could we "do lunch" so we met half way in Long Beach - girls I drove up Pacific Coast Hwy and it was such a beautiful drive the sun, the sand, the ocean - I feel so blessed. Nite all.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2010

    Congrats Balsie love to hear good news.

    Afiend is trying to talk me into joining a combat class today.So if I sound a little  rough and mean this afternoon you will know why.HE HE

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Balsie, awesome news Smile! Mums, I believe you made a Freudian slip (or not) because instead of saying ' a friend', you said, "a FIEND" Laughing is talking you into the class! I am LOL!!!! Great day all! Ruth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    Hooray Balsie!!  And Mary Louise - not fair you have to go through that waiting game again - we all know what a terrible time that is.  Biggest Loser fans - I did not recognize Sunshine and Daris!  Poor Michael - he's gone so far but still has so far to go.  And Sam and Stephanie together???????!!???? I never saw that one coming! Cheryl - that Pacific Coast Highway is something special - sounds like you had a perfect day to drive it. Ruth - love the quote.  And yes, it's so nice to have all you ladies who understand the special challenges we all face - it does make a real difference.

    Yesterday after work I walked the mile to and from my one hour yoga class.  This morning I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes on the arm bike.  I get my "Nats Walk" workout tonight (going from the parking lot and up the ramps to our seats and back again) - Nats v. Braves.  We haven't seen a win yet, so I'm hoping tonight is the night!!  Ruth -your Twins won a wild one last night - I was watching MLB network while I was on the elliptical and it looked like a heckuva game.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    I wasn't able to get in my walk today.  My knee is swollen again, probably from walking the hill yesterday.  I will have to stay on flat terrain.  The mountaintops are beautiful today, with fresh snow.  They will have snow on top at least through June, and there is a glacier on one that you can see year-round. 

    I love my rads team.  I feel very fortunate to have such a group.  Tuesdays, you see the doc or PA, and it is also "treat day."  I abstained yesterday, since there had already been a birthday party at work in the morning.  Looking for some weight loss here, so I can get out of my fat jeans.

    Good to hear your news, Balsie.

    Have a good game tonight, Nats.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2010

    Congrats Balsie - always great to hear about good news!! 

    I too would like to get out of my fat jeans, but I have many sizes to go to ever get into skinny jeans!!  Embarassed

    So today I got a call from both my Dr's Nurse and the actual Mammogram technician.  They noticed scattered calcifications in my left breast (typing error on report made everything very unclear!).  The tech called to say that these were noticed on last year's mamm and that this diagnostic one that I am having done this Friday is (in her opinion) only for baseline purposes as she really didn't see any change over last years pics. They do not want to take any chances after a BC diagnosis.  They have me going in on Friday as the Radiologist who reads the Mammograms is in on Fridays and will be able to look at them right then (small hospital).  I don't feel like a cloud of doom is hovering overhead anymore, but still not happy about all this! Frown

    On the bright side, all this DID get me up off my butt to do more than just my daily walk yesterday!!  Was able to do a 40 minute FIRM workout, AND  my hubby will be home in 1/2 an hour so we can get working on our garden today (that I did not get to the other day after the "phone call"  from the Dr's office).   

    Till later my sculpted friends!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    Mary Louise, good to hear that it is baseline stuff, so nice they could throw in a NERVOUS BREAKDOWN at no extra charge Yell!! Mary, I will watch to see if you won on the sports. Yes, the Twins are doing awesome! I find myself watching baseball instead of my regular shows. I did two 30 minute FIRM DVDs tonight. Cardio Party & Speed Slimming Sculpt; both fun and I should probably done more because the Student Council had a 'Teacher's Appreciation' lunch for us today. I consumed countless calories as I had to try everything (didn't want to make any kid feel bad, ha! ha!), and there also was a chocolate willpower here! Good Night All! Ruth
  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2010

    Well good news Balsie and Mary Lou! I did not workout yesterday. Had a small group that got started. So I will probably use that now as one of my days off. Went and worked my arms today and did cardio on the bike for 30 min. Tomorrow is the zumba class. Looking forward to that. Very upbeat. Everyone is really working hard. Retrievermom sorry to hear about your swollen knee. My mom has knee problems and is going to be having surgery on both of them the end of this year. :0( I am a chemo angel now and my patient is Jody she is 47 yrs old and has IDC. She started chemo on the 26th of April. I am happy to be a part of her life in some way. I love my chemo angels. I got cards and gifts at the right time. Have a great evening. Check in tomorrow. Keep strong do what you can and take care  of you!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Did Body Combat class tonight.  Mum, did your fiend/friend talk you into a class? and if she did I hope you liked it, to be honest I can't remember if I liked it at first but now I LOVE it.  Oh yum on the chocolate fountain Ruth. I have been bad tonight I have had two big spoonfuls of Nutella - sheer heaven on a spoon.  Nats I got a shock at the Sam/Stephanie relationship but just think of it, you're sequestered away no books/magazines/telly love is sure to bloom sometime.  Are you enjoying the yoga class?  Hope you enjoyed the gardening Mary Louise and that it helped to relieve the stress. Enjoy your Zumba class tomorrow Elizabeth and Retrivermom take care of your knee, put your feet up and ice it.  Well take care all, keep up the good work.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2010

    Patoo, Patoo, .... Where are you??  Hope you are feeling some relief from allergy season.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2010

    I chickened out yesterday but today I am ready for combat class.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!! Laughing
  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2010

    LOL I will be out of town with no computer for a while.But i promise to keep up the exercise even if it is just walking. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend,\.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010
    No workout before work for me this morning - the Nats game went into extra innings last night (and we lost Yell).  I opted for an extra hour of sleep this morning rather than getting up to exercise. But I'll be working out after work to make up for my laziness this morning.  (But gee, that extra hour of sleep felt gooooooooood!)
  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2010

    Hi All,

    I'm baaack... again.  I finished radiation yesterday.  Yipee!    I looked back a bit on this thread and just love the pictures you are posting, Mumayan.  

    I played tennis all though rads but didn't do too much else, certainly not on a regular basis.   I took a day off today, yesterday too, went to Yankee Stadium to celebrate the end of rads.  Played tennis this morning and came home and did the elliptical for 30 minutes.  Next I did some abs and about a half hour of stretching.  It feels so good to exercise and especially not to have to plan the radiation treatment into my schedule!   I'm going to try so hard to stick with you all.   Does anyone know the rule for lifting weights after a SNB?  I'd like to start a little weight training and won't see my surgeon for another 6 weeks.  

    Happy Mother's Day!


  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010

    Happy Mother's Day to you too, Mum. I think walking is the perfect exercise!  Have fun!

    Kathy-my onc said that lifting hand weights 3-5 lbs and gradually working up to more was good.  He wasn't crazy about the idea of doing heavy weightlifting.  Personally I do 3-5 lb weights with my workouts.  I do pushups.  I do kickboxing.  All of these things are pretty taxing on the arm, chest, shoulder.  I get a little nervous about it but it's really quite fine.  It seems like the more fit I get, the better it is.  I have more trouble with repetitive use activities like when I have to input a lot of information in to the computer and I keep my arm in a certain way.  My rads onc said that all activity was fine except for things having to do with repetitive use like chopping branches, x-country skiing (not downhill).  Again, it was all what feels good and not to over do it.


  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765
    edited May 2010

    My surgeon and onc. said the same thing as Lorrie's.  I do 3 and 5 pound weights and the push ups too.  My right shoulder has been horribly sore since rads last fall but it seems the more exercise I do the better it feels.

    All I've been exercising in the last two days are my fingers.  Just finished my final paper for this semester!!!

    Now back to physical exercise.  I did see my trainer on Tuesday but had shin splints so bad from the 5K on Sunday that all I could do was the stretching exercises he had me do to help.  Helped tremenously, they feel fine now.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Hi, just peeping in for a minute from work.  Been really busy but thanks for the well-wishes.  The allergies have just about subsided, at least now I only sneeze occasionally but feeling better.  Now, though, since I'm not taking the allergy meds I find I have trouble falling asleep at night.  Picked up some melatonin and will see if that helps.

    Have been keeping up the exercising, mostly.  Those voices continue even when you are not on the boards for a few days.  I'm back to water aerobics which I did Monday and last evenings and then ran in the water for another 30 minutes.  Tonight have choir rehearsal so will only stop by the gym to do the stat bike and maybe the torture elliptical.  I want to watch some classes at the same time to see if I can eventually join them without killing myself.  My right hip is pretty bad so some of those classes are out of my range.  We'll see.

    Welcome to anyone new.  I put voices out there to you even though I wasn't around so you can try but hiding just simply won't work.

    Later, sculpted sisters.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    I asked my rad onc & nurse about weights and doing my arm routine on the total gym.  He said since I am not at risk for lymphedema, it was ok. 

    Knee is still a bit sore, but I did half my walk today at a good clip.  Then went to rads, now home to teach a dog lesson outdoors.  It's cold out.

    Kathy, I'm inspired by your having played tennis all through rads.  I am determined to keep up with my dog training in prep for a show in July.  Doc said I should be able, tho might be tired.  At this point, I fall asleep if I lie down on the couch.  Gotta keep moving to keep up with you gals!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Congratulations on being done with rads Kathy!!! Both you & retriever will bounce back so much more quickly because you've kept active during treatment (both physically and emotionally, I believe). Like everyone else says; start light with the weights and work up slowly to whereever you want to be. I was always so nervous, but my GP said that after awhile it was OK to push myself a little because doing some weights actually builds up the lymph system. Now I find if I DON'T do weights for a few days I start to get sore. I did the FIRM 500 calorie DVD tonight; still trying to atone for the chocolate fountain!!! Great Job All! Ruth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    After being lazy yesterday morning, I did a 30 minute weight workout after work yesterday, and did my 40 minute neighborhood walk this morning - I saw 4 bunnies this morning - an all time record!  They are so sweet looking with those big brown eyes and cute fluffy tail.  We have another baseball game tonight - the Single A Frederick Keys (affiliated with the Orioles) - it's Rubby Ducky Night and Fireworks Night.  I love minor league ball - they have such great promotions.  My all time favorite was Dairy Night, when they actually brought two cows out on the field and had a milking contest between the two teams. 

    Retrievermom - I'm looking at your signature and it looks like you had 5 lymph nodes removed.  That means you are at increased risk for LE, and undergoing rads increases that risk even more.  So unless I'm missing something, I'm not sure why your rad onc would say you're not at risk.  Unfortunately a lot of doctors, even those who work with a lot of b/c patients do not understand LE and who is at risk, and are giving out incomplete or incorrect advice to b/c patients about LE.  You may want to check over on the LE thread and get more info - there are some women who are real LE experts and could give you a realistic assessment of your risk.  You don't want to get carried away doing activities thinking you're not at risk, then develop LE.  I have early stage LE - manageable, yes - but I wish I'd gotten more guidance from my doctors about the risks and precautions I could have taken.   In any event, as Morgan says, start out with very light hand weights and build up slowly.  And if you feel any heaviness in the arm or notice any swelling in the arm, hand or fingers, STOP!  It might even be worth getting a referral for a consult with a LE therapist who can take baseline measurements and give you a workout program to help you build your strength gradually and safely.  

    Have a great Friday everyone!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Retrievermom, I also looked and saw you had nodes removed which automatically puts you at risk although I think that the possibility depends on the number of nodes removed - the higher, the riskier.  I also had 5 removed but I just try and be careful of what I carry or try to lift on that arm.  When it feels heavy or my hand appears a little swelled, I stop and usually elevate my hand and arm, lightly rubbing downward, hand to shoulder, and it subsides.  Lymphedema can rear up at any time, even years later, for any of us.  JO-5 had recommended a book that has good info on causes, what to look for, massages, etc.  It explains the lymph system in simple detail so you know where to massage to get the lymph flowing in the right direction.  I will post the name and author later when I am home but as Nats pointed out, there is a great Lymphedema thread here with information we all need to know.

    Have plans on working out tonight.  Move on, my sculpted sisters!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Hi, I'm stopping by quickly before I leave work. Tonight we are having a staff supper/end of the year get- together at a little inn out on a nearby lake, but I will try to get 30 minutes of abs in before that. Everyone who has any lymph nodes out at all is at risk for LE; of course the more out the higher the risk, and doctor's are pretty clueless about it. But, it is not a reason to be afraid to exercise, or do anything else for that matter, just be cautious and mindful (like don't stab yourself in the thumb while trying to open something up with a knife; like I did last night-STUPID!). Have a Great Night All! Ruth