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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010
    Or like me who had a really bad day at work yesterday and stabbed my thumb once and my index finger twice with a razor blade (bled like the dickens) but at least it was a brand new razor bladeSurprised
  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010

    I didn't exercise today but I added a brisk 3 mile walk yesterday afternoon.  So, I did a double workout yesterday! 

    I'm starving now!  Have a great afternoon and evening!


  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited May 2010

    Time to get the winter fat off.  This little tub of lard has to loose pounds and it is not easy when you are on Arimidex.  GRRRRRRRRRRR

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    Did my half walk today, in a different direction for variety, then taught a couple of lessons outdoors.  Knee is still sore off and on.  

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010

    Welcome Deb! 

    I hope you knee feels better Retriever!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Deborye, not easy but possible.  We just have to kick it up a few notches - that's the hard part!

    Uhhhhhhh, Ruthbru, 'end of year' - are you guys late for 2009 or early for 2010?  Undecided

    Went to gym after work and ran/did upper body exercises in the pool for one hour. Daytime walking during work is 1.5 miles.   Have an outfit I would love to wear to church on Sunday - if I can squeeze in to it.  Maybe tomorrow's workout will do the tricki?  We'll see.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2010

    Did the Zumba class last night. Man can that instructor move! As far as today goes I am not exercising. I got my nipples done  today! yay! Found out my daughter is having a girl. yay! We needed a girl in the family. My mother has 22 grandchildren. 21 of them are boys and then there is my daughter. I have 4 brothers and then I am the only girl. See what I mean....

    Retrievermom, I have LE in my left arm. I just showed up one day. It became swollen and mine was  painful in the beginning. I was assigned to a physcial therapist and she trained me on how to do LE massage. It can flare up at anytime. I do my massage daily and it has made a differnce. I wear a ID bracelet that say LE risk no IV's or Blood pressure on left arm. I had 14 nodes taken out 3 positive on the left and two on the right. They let me do IV's and BP on my right. I have a compression sleeve and glove as well. My PT told me I could do exercises on my arm that there is an article that says light weights is helpful for LE.

    Have a Blessed weekend. Happy Mother's Day!!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    The book I mentioned is called Lymphedema: A Breast Cancer Patient's Guide to Prevention and Healing by Jeannie burt and Gwen White.  I picked it up on Amazon for about $8.00 (sticker is $17.95)

    Night all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    patoo, I should have said 'end of the SCHOOL year'.........did my 30 minutes of abs before I went and plodded along for 30 minutes on the treadmill when I got home (but now am drinking a 7 UP, because it is really not to smart to eat like a pig and then immediately exercise Frown).Welcome Deb! Elizabeth, congratulations on the nipples and the granddaugher, any names being floated? If anyone wants it, I have a website for a company that sells really medical IDs that look just like beautiful jewelry. Keep up the great work everybody! Ruth
  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    Puppy woke me up, so I got out to walk early this am.  Building back distance.  Listened to roosters, quail, and--a neighbor has a donkey?

    Bit the bullet and purchased my son's flights to come home for the summer.  Now it's time to clear out all the junk I've piled in his room.

    Hope everyone has a great spring day.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Did a really old Jazzerise tape for a change of pace; DH and I are taking off to visit some friends who live about 100 miles east of us. They go to Arizona for the whole winter and are just now home, so it will be fun to catch up with them. It is a COLD spring day here!! Ruth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    It's a beautiful breezy day out, so I just took an hour walk around the neighborhood.  I do like my new toning sneakers.  The azaleas are fading, but now the iris are out strong. 

    Ruth - I think you hit the nail on the head about LE - it's no reason to be afraid of exercise, but just be cautious and mindful.  And yes, don't stab yourself with a knife or razor blade!  Tongue out  Retriever - you got to hear a donkey on your walk??  Now that's neat.  Welcome, Deb - agreed on AIs contributing to weight loss difficulties so I just try to exercise and stay as fit as I can. Patoo - it's nice to see you up and around.  Elizabeth - hooray for getting the "cherry on top!"  And isn't it funny how some families tend to run heavily to one gender or the other?  

    Have a great rest of the day! 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Hi all.  Attended and worked a funeral this morning.  Sad to send your mom home the day before Mother's Day but the blesed thing is she was 87 years old and lived a long, wonderful life and now sits in the presence of the Lord.

    Then, after we fed the family the kitchen crew got to eat, and I pigged out.  But I did come home and rest for about an hour and then went out and walked for 2 hours!  Total steps today so far, 11,556 or 4.75 miles - YAY!  Will post tomorrow if I fit, comfortably, in the outfit I hope to wear to church.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    Anxious to hear about you and your knockout outfit, patoo. I bought some of the shape up sneakers today; it is supposed to be nice out tomorrow so I am anxious to try them out, if they do even one of the wonderful things listed on the box I will be thrilled Cool! Happy Mothers Day to all mothers, grandmothers, aunts, teachers, and ladies who act as mentors to young people......having good women role models who love, care and are really interested in you is so important to young people, and sadly lacking for many of them. So blessing to all who fill that role. Much love to you all! Ruth
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Did Body Combat class this morning, it is so different working out in the morning our every other saturday instructor is a policeman and he put us through our paces this morning.  Have spent the rest of the day cleaning and gardening but I am most proud of my beautiful clean oven Laughing.  Kids keep coming to the door on a scavenger hunt, it's amazing the stuff on their lists, what is more amazing is that I've been able to help every one with something and one group told me I was a nice lady Kiss.  Patoo you are really racking up the miles, you should keep a log and see how many miles you walk in a month.  Enjoy your new shoes Ruth let us know how they work for you, I'd buy a pair but I have 4 pairs of gym shoes that I rotate so I think that is plenty.  Wishing you all a Happy Mothers day.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Cheryl, if you will come clean my oven, you can HAVE my new sneakers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • lorieg
    lorieg Member Posts: 79
    edited May 2010

    Can I jump in??  I did 35 minutes on the treadmill.  I am 3.5 weeks out from my bilateral MRM and am currently doing radiation ao I am not doing a ton, but would eventually like to get back into more tae bo, step, abs, and some weights/toning.

     Happy Mother's Day to all!


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Ruth I almost gassed myself with the Easy-Off I had to keep going outside to take gulps of fresh airSurprised.

    Lori glad you're joining us, even if you only do 10 minutes of exercise it counts and if I say so myself we are a fun bunch. so WELCOME.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    Welcome Aboard Lori! This is a really fun place come & Cheryl is right, any and all exercise counts (especially walking while shopping Smile). No wonder I never clean my oven, it is way to dangerous! Now I must sign off and watch the 'Shape-Ups Instructional DVD' that came with my new shoes (which I just noticed when I took them out of the box) Good Grief, instructions to wear shoes????
  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010

    Good morning and Happy Mother's Day! 

    Welcome Lori!  Walking on the treadmill got me through treatment and I've never looked back!  Exercise makes everything a bit better and truly helps your recovery!

    Ok, Ruth, you need to give me your honest opinion of your Shape-Ups.  I'm kind of skeptical of whether they will work or not so I'd like to get a real opinion before I jump in and buy them!

    Cheryl you are cracking me up about your oven.  Although...I do need to clean mine too!  :0

    Have a great day everyone and Patoo, I hope you are rocking the outfit!


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited May 2010

    Hi, everyone, and Happy Mother's Day to all -- I'm not a mom but someone once said to me that he thought Mother's Day should be a day to honor all women for all they do, I thought that was nice, so Happy Mother's Day to every one!

    I haven't been posting because I've barely been exercising, and the voices have only been faint, occassional whispers... my hearing must be bad :)  Actually, I haven't felt that good until the last few days, so that's my lame excuse.

    Welcome, Lori!! And Cheryl, thanks for reminding me of a good reason not to clean my oven :)

    Lorrie, I have a new pair of toning sneakers too, and I researched the heck out of them before I bought any.  I can't find any research that actually proves that they help, it's more along the lines of claims that they do and anecdotal stories, but the jury is still out... here's one fairly good article on the topic:  toning sneakers.  I tried several on and finally bought a relatively inexpensive pair ($80) because I like the way they feel -- and I will say I think they help propel me and that I feel like I walk faster with them on, so at least from that viewpoint they should help me. But whether they work better than people who do the same exercise with regular walking or running shoes -- no evidence yet.

    I think my thyroid meds are kicking in, I am feeling less fatigue the last few days, I hope that's a trend that continues :)

    I have my first dx mammogram tomorrow... please keep your fingers crossed for me.  I'm not too worried, but still...

    It's gorgeous here today, high of 62 with blue skies, perfect day for a nice long hike in the woods.  Then I'm going to cook myself a decandant dinner and enjoy every bite!

    Everyone, have a really beautiful day!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Hi all.  Well, yes, I was able to get into the outfit without bursting the seams.  Another couple of inches off my middle would really make it fit great but it was okay - I was able to breathe without fear.  The skirt and top both pull on so no chance of popping any buttons.

    Then came home and changed and DS took me out to LongHorns for lunch.  Yeah, I ate big time and had chocolate cake for dessert.  Don't think I want to try and get back into the dress right now!  Did go for a walk after we came home so I'm up today to  3.1 miles.  Hopefully that will make my body continue to work off the food. 

    Need you all to pump up the voices this week.  Having dinner with some friends Saturday so need to be good and work hard every day.

    Welcome Lori - it's okay to start slowly because these gals will soon have you running half-marathons (to stay ahead of the voices).

    Morgan, I have the toning sneakers. Dr Scholls were about $50. on sale at Sears.  I agree the claims may or may not be true - who knows, but I love them.  I was walking a lot before in regular walking or cross-training shoes and these make me feel like I'm doing extra during my walk.  Could be all in my head but I love them.  Saw some in Burlington Coat Factory yesterday for about $30. but don't remember what the brand were.  I don't know that it makes much difference - except Ruth got a CD to teach her how to walk.  Dr Scholl made me figure out how to walk all by myself = bummer!

    Later all.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.  I did my Nats Walk today  - 6 blocks from the parking lot and up the ramps to the upper deck and back again.  We saw a win today!!  Our 6th Nats game of the season and our first win! 

    You may have seen the highlights - it was Breast Cancer Awareness day with players wearing pink wrist sweatbands and using pink bats.  They also have an Honorary Bat Girl for each team. I'll bore you guys for a minute - last year yours truly was the Nats' Honorary Bat Girl - they gave me a bunch of stuff, including a specially made Nats jersey with a big pink ribbon on the back where the number would be and "Bat Girl" where the name would be.  I got to go down on the field before the game.  I got to meet and chat with a bunch of players and then I was introduced to the crowd with the announcer reading my story, with a live shot of me on the giant scoreboard doing my Miss America wave as the crowd cheered.  Then they gave dh and me the best seats in the house for the game - right behind homeplate. All in all an awesome experience.  I also even did some interviews with local TV news stations about being the Bat Girl and about breast cancer awareness.   So I had to get there early today to see this year's Honorary Bat Girl.  It was great - she was so excited and did a great job when they interviewed her, and she did the Miss America wave perfectly when she was introduced.  But the scary part - she's only 29 and she was diagnosed at 24!!  Waaaay too young to be battling this disease. But if she had half the fun today that my dh and I did last year, then she had a great day today and she deserved every bit of it.

    Hope all the moms had a great Mother's Day!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    Very cool, Mary! I know the lady who was the Bat Girl for the Twins game today, so am anxious to get her report. Describe your outfit, patoo. After church, lunch and the mandatory free sundae at the Dairy Queen, I devoted my afternoon to my new shoes Laughing. I am skeptical too, but have had a plantar faciitis (spelling is wrong) thing going on for about a year; my foot is better since I've been putting inserts into all my shoes and wearing a good walking sandal in the house instead of going barefoot, but still not 100%. So, I decided to try them; thinking that a pair of shoes is cheaper than a trip to an orthopedic doctor (plus I had a 20% off coupon, which you never get from a doctor!). Anyway, I watched the DVD. A 5 minute 'how to stand & walk in your shoe' section, Embarassed(some people must be sort of dumb!), a 15 minute workout & a 30 minute workout. They were pretty wimpy so I did them both, then walked on the treadmill for 15 minutes and walked outside for 30. They feel very good and cushiony to walk in, but also kind of 'clumpy', like I don't know that you could run or do things that you need to be light on your feet in (like FIRM DVDs, other more dance workouts). What do you other gals who wear them think? Anyway, I will give full updates as they develop. Good Luck on the mammo, Nature. That is always stressful (sending the VOICES who say, "WORKOUT TO REDUCE STRESS!!!")
  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    Wow, Bat Girl, that is cool.  You should have used that for your log-in name. Glad to hear your team won today.  

    I took the day off from doing my neighborhood walk, but did get the dogs out for some training this afternoon.  Not a lot of walking, but it counts.  I was really tired when I got home and not overjoyed when the neighbor family came over, bearing brownies.  My DH left the plate unattended and our food-stealer dog managed to get them.  Since chocolate isn't good for dogs, he was then forced to upchuck them.  So, I guess I was saved from the calories, eh?  Mason, of course, learned nothing from this experience.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    oh dear, my cats just eat the tops off my tulips!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Hope everyone had a lovely Mothers Day. I did a Body Step class this morning which was great, the instructor did a "Mothers" mix of songs and it was a lot of fun, then went to Home Depot and bought some pavers so got a little extra workout lifting brick oh and of course bought some flowers.

    Elizabeth congratulations on the grandbaby girl, there are so many pretty things for girls so you'll get to have lots of fun. Patoo so glad you were able to fit into your outfit, those shoes appear to be working for you as you've really become a walker. Mary what a wonderful story and the fact that you are such a huge baseball fan must have made that day extremely special for you. Nature fingers crossed for tomorrow, remember when going to the doctor was just going to the doctor! Hey Ruth did you walk off your Dairy Queen? Oh retrievermom , poor Mason was trying to help you out and you treat him this way but at least he got to have them twice - oh I have a sick sense of humor - pun intendedWink.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    Well, he lost his dinner in the process.  And if anyone needs to know, a tablespoon of salt works just as well as ipecac.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    I'll lay you ten to one that if you walked away he would have re-eaten his dinner, salt or no salt!!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
