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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited September 2013

    Walked a lot with my family at an awesome reenactment this afternoon and even got to hear one of my favorite hammered dulcimer groups. Sadly, I also ate at a buffet that our son recommended, SOOO, I made myself do my usual hour walk once we got home. Pretty sure I didn't come close to burning the calories I consumed, but I got closer than I would have by sitting on the couch!! ;-)

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,858
    edited September 2013

    Fast walked/ran this in the early afternoon. Also walked at the mall.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2013

    Did both the walk to the pastry shop AND the 5k run.  So a total of ~6 miles.  Feell exhilirated from the run in the storm.  It really is that wet and windy.

    The pastry of choice was a chocolate mousse tart with salted caramel and pear.  YUM!  Chatted with a young woman there who did the same ride I did 2 weeks ago.  I told her about the other great rides I have done in the past 2 years.  Nice to share.

    Steak and wine for dinner.  Frozen spinach as few fresh veggies on hand.  But still have amazing salad.  Had dessert earlier. - Claire

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited September 2013

    Worked late every day this week, and Saturday too.  I have had trouble with fitting exercise in to my new schedule, and hope that as I adjust I will be able to do so.  Today though, helped set up and worked a conference.  Many hills, steps, climbing, carrying, bending and walking.  Tomorrow I will fit some "real" exercise in with dh...a hike at the state park in the morning.  Today I downloaded a new app for iphone...called Argus and will count steps like a pedometer without using gps like my other program does...much easier on the battery. Also registered for walking program at work.  

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2013

    SAB, setting up a conference counts as real exercise, plus you accomplished something :-)

    One hour walk with the spouse tonight, with some hills.  I've gotten him out two nights in a row.   Did some hooping later.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2013

    hi ladies, posting 7.5 miles walked - did 2.5 mile route yest. morning, yest. afternoon (before the rain came through and brought the cold brr), and this morning.  Love the early morning fog, when the sun slants in and lights up the tippy-tops of the trees.  Breathtaking!  ♥ to all

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2013

    I'm trying to copy over a picture from my e-mail, and it is not working....didn't want to leave a 'post was deleted' space....

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2013

    Very weird. It shows up on the preview, but disappears when I click 'submit'. ?????

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2013

    wish I could help Ruth but I'm not the techie type..

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2013

    Ruth you have to copy if from your email to your computer, from there to Picasa or Photobucket then in that way, good luck :)

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited September 2013

    Got in a quick 3 mile walk before the rain hit. May try again tonight...maybe! Lol.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2013

    Claire rallying the troops?

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited September 2013

    Lol! LOVE IT!!!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited September 2013

    Laughing Love it! 

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2013

    I need to rally myself Innocent  Think just a bit blustery inland today, so where I am headed.  My place is filled with drying clothes from yesterday's adventures in the wind and rain.

    I noticed that one of my cycling friends who had signed up for the Kitsap Color Classic is on FB, so guess she bailed.  Good move as nasty clouds yonder.  Which is why I am headed in another direction......

    Wish me luck.  Promise if I see the porta potty blown over, I will bag the idea of a ride and do a walk instead. - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2013

    Went for a walk on a nice fall day, then came home and watch the Vikings win their first game of the season (thank goodness!).

  • mrtw43
    mrtw43 Member Posts: 146
    edited September 2013

    Loved the photo, it got me off my football watching butt to go for a walk. Thanks

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited September 2013

    Did strength training at the gym and some walk/jog intervals around the neighborhood. Will go with DH for an evening walk with the dogs if the rain holds off until after a meeting at church we're going to first.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2013

    I did the ride!!!  25 miles of wet.  Did I mention WET????  Anyway, I felt like a major accomplishment, although was chilled to the bone at the end.  Hot bath was fab and most welcome.

    Muddy/wet clothes are washed and dried now.  Wind was picking up when I finished, so missed the worst.  Looking forward to sunshine in Vermont. - Claire

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,858
    edited September 2013

    Visited an alpaca farm today then fast walked/ran the neighborhood.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited September 2013

    5+ miles of wonderful. A total of 14,777 steps today. The new program is pretty nice. I still think a plain old low tech pedometer might be the best choice.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited September 2013

    Did my share of watching football but did manage to get out for a walk after cleaning the pool in preparation for closing it this week...

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2013

    Absolutely glorious weather here went to the beach for a walk and did Body Step class this morning

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2013

    Walked a couple miles to the drugstore and back and hooped 42 minutes.  Hey my feet have been hurting especially in the morning.  According to Dr Google I may have plantar fasciitis.  I assumed it was joint pain from tamoxifen.  Anyway after vacation I think I'll get it checked out.  

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2013

    Ann plantar fasciitis is very painful one thing that I found helpful was to take the tie from my robe or I also have a yoga stretch band and put it beneath your foot and pull backwards to stretch your foot.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2013

    Also, wear good supported shoes at all time, even in the house.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited September 2013

    Rode 6 measely miles this morning...and NOW the weather is PERFECT!! ;-)

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2013

    On another topic, found this article interesting....and admit to being visited by ghrelin all the time.

    I find that enough protein and fat early in the day make a big difference in hunger and energy later on (and I don't have diabetes).  But can't do this too early.  Eggs anyone???

    On yet another topic....saw a bit of blue sky sandwiched between rain clouds, so things are looking up. Happy Monday! - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2013

    Fantastic day here; walked for an hour with my friend and her Husky.....or I should say that the dog walked us!

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited September 2013

    Went to the doctor again Thursday - another round of antibiotics, cough syrup and nasal spray, and have finally turned the corner - I feel like a new woman!  Never realized how bad I have felt this past month until I started to feel like myself again.  So yesterday I decided to keep my committment to do an Ovarian Cancer walk with a friend - she walked at a pretty fast clip, so I was sucking wind as I am so out of shape since being sick.  But it was a beautiful day.  You could pay $5 and do a hot air balloon ride (tethered), what a fantastic experience.  I think I would like to do a real balloon ride someday.

    While I was parked at the park and ride yesterday during the walk, someone stole my license plate off my car.  What a pain - go file a police report, and then go to the dreaded DMV this morning.  But I'm all set now with new plates.

    Got up and did some classical stretch this morning, but no walk at lunch since we are absolutely slammed at work with this impending government shutdown.  If the talking heads don't get their act together today, I will be one of the government workers that are furloughed tomorrow.  Mixed blessing, no pay, but the weather forecast here is absolutely gorgeous for the next few days, so it will be fun to get outside.  Since breast cancer I always try to look on the bright side! Tongue Out