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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    Wow, Annie......exciting AND nerve-wracking! Let us know all the vital statistics once the baby arrives!

    The weather has turned back to nice here. Took a long walk & did 30 minutes of pilates toning.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited October 2013

    Warm wishes to you and your family Annie Lane. A new baby, how sweet!

    4 brisk miles this evening.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2013

    I'm several pages behind on this thread, but wanted to check in. Back from four days of Hoopcamp. Every day involved lots of hill and stair climbing at the camp ground (a Buddhist retreat in the redwoods), three or four hooping workshops, and lots of dancing with and without the hoop. That was sandwiched in between two tiring days of driving. Looking forward to incorporating new moves into my regular practice. I may appear in a group video, but it's not up yet. Really inspiring and fun event.

  • mrtw43
    mrtw43 Member Posts: 146
    edited October 2013

    Rained all day yesterday so I didn't get in my walk. Today I am subbing all day for a kindergarten class so I think it may count as double exercise. I'll let you know at the end of the day if I am still standing.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    Wow, that sounds neat, Ann.

    Did Zumba, am contemplating going back for Core.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,534
    edited October 2013

    Excuse me breaking in here, but we are looking to show your faces, names and quotes at our fundraising event in October (, and would love your help. This event is one of our largest fundraisers of the year and we'll be joined by hundreds of generous donors.

    Specifically, we will have two projector screens up during the event, and want to show the people attending the event YOUR faces--- the women of our community, the women who use and rely on BCO ! Having the opportunity to share your photos and quotes that night will reinforce to our donors, in a meaningful and personal way, just how vitally important their contributions are to our community.

    For this, we are looking for people willing to share a photo of themselves (either alone or with family, friends, pets, other BCO members, etc.), allow us to use your first name, say where you are from (it can be from anywhere in the world!), and give us a quote on how important BCO is to you. We are looking to have at least 40 people and have (only) a few weeks to work on this.

    If you are interested, could you please email Melissa at, with your photo, first name, where you live, and your quote? Also, PM us if you have any questions!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping us!!


  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited October 2013
    Annie L. how exciting!

    Body balance this am and long dog walk in the last of autumn warm sunshine early this afternoon and usual weather is on it's way tomorrow.
  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited October 2013

    Whether or not pacing counts as exercise, I'm sure jumping for joy does! New baby granddaughter was born at 12:55 AM, weighing in at 6 lbs, 12 oz, and 20 inches long, which is great considering she came 2 weeks early. I had hoped to be there before she was born, but I'll be there on Thursday, when she's supposed to come home from the hospital. Not that I'm biased, but she's gorgeous! Can't wait to see her in person and kiss that pretty little face.

    Oh, and we did go out and walk the dogs today.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013


  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2013

    Back from VT and have been reading everything. My friend and I did both Camel's Hump and the hike from the Nose to Chin of Mount Mansfield on successive days! My ankle is still swollen from all this exertion, and I am not quite secure on it for negotiating rocks. So a lot of upper body work hauling my hide up ledges. I am beat as got up at 3:15 AM Eastern time for the trip back this morning.

    I am showing the effects of good food/water retention from the flight. Suspect though that it's more the latter. One of the highlights of the trip was showing up at a Fletcher VT rummage sale and meeting the distant branch of my family. Something like 45 people there and 27 were distant cousins of mine.

    My friend's dog Lady (boxer/lab mix) is the sweetest....BUT, she ate my super great socks.

    Early night and back to work.....except it has already started. I did mention that giving an answer tomorrow as opposed to today would be a good thing!

    All in all, a wonderful time. Was mostly unplugged as my friend didn't know their wifi code, so I ended up having to do work in the local laundromat (which has free wifi). Needless to say, that encouraged brevity and staying unplugged. Which I found is a good thing from time to time. - Claire

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited October 2013

    Annie, Congrats! She is a great size for being early. Glad all is well and you will be there to start the spoiling soon.

    Claire, glad you had a great trip. Mary, glad you are back to yourself now.

    Hit the gym today for 3 miles run/walk plus weights.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited October 2013

    Ruth, her name is Nora Amelia. Thanks everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    Pretty name!

    Well, you all officially can feel sorry for me at 9:30 tomorrow when I am sitting in the peridonist's chair having 'minor oral surgery'.....this is not my fault, but the long term result of a botched wisdom tooth extraction about 15 years ago. (Insert crying emotion!!!!) Supposedly I should be back to normal in a couple of question is, why do the pre-surgery instructions tell you to wear dark, washable clothes? (Insert horrified emotion!).

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    Went down & walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes & did a 45 minute toning DVD (I am exercising ahead).

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2013

    Ruth-- dark washable clothes? Yikes, sounds like they need to put you in a hairdresser's cape or something. I hate to imagine why it's necessary! It is good you are taking care of it.

    Hooped indoors tonight. I picked up so many new techniques and inspiration at the retreat, I had a blast dancing to some fiddle music. Also carried a lot of water earlier, still hand-watering four baby trees at my former house which is now in escrow. Sewer inspection there today which reminded me rather unpleasantly of my recent colonoscopy!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2013

    Congratulations Annie how exciting for you. Yikes Ruth I don't like the sound of the "dark clothes" what are they expecting to happen to you (insert surprise emoticon) Glad you had a fun vacation Claire.

    I am on here as a fraud as I haven't exercised in two days, spent all day in LA yesterday as I went to the Dancing With the Stars taping and today after work I was so tired I laid down and woke up at 7.15pm oh well there's always tomorrow.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2013

    Ann - the hooping adventure sounds wonderful and a lot of fun. LOL on the sewer-colonoscopy comparison. Annie - congratulations on the new grandbaby. My mom's name was Nora, so of course I think it's a beautiful name! Cheryl - how was the DWTS taping? That sounds like fun! Claire - I love Vermont too - I've done a bit of hiking on the Long Trail up there. Beautiful countryside, and one of my favorite things was the emphasis on local foods and vegetarian options. Even the smallest dive in the smallest town always seemed to have yummy healthy options on the menu. Ruth - dark washable clothes???? Yikes. I'll be thinking of you today.

    Dragged my butt out for a half hour run after work yesterday, then took Mikey on a nice long walk as a cool down. Still not 100% better, but getting there slowly but surely. Lunch time yoga today.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596
    edited October 2013

    Half hour trail hike with Lucy, she is very excited to get out as it doesn't happen as often these days.

    I'm having a rough week. It has been a crazy few days of work, and this morning a dear friend told me that she is being tested for a suspicious breast lump, and is fearing cancer. She's aware of what I've been through so is confiding in me. I've had enough bad news for a lifetime, and am feeling so fragile these days. I don't know how I can manage this too. I agreed to meet with her for coffee on Friday, and hoping that I don't cry my way through it. I can see the fear in her eyes and so want to help her.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited October 2013
    (((Joy))) You will instinctively know what to say and rest helps beauty. Annie, congratulations and Ann, was talking about you and hoop camp at the gym. Red Ruth, I do think you know the answer. ;)

    Freestyle step and yoga at the gym this morning.
  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited October 2013

    Haven't been on the boards for a while - too much to catch up on, so I'm just going to jump right in. I am enjoying my furlough time, especially since they voted last week to retroactively pay us when we get back to work. I've been to the gym almost every day, and it is paying off - clothes fitting a little better, weight slowly decreasing instead of increasing which is the norm for me during football/thanksgiving/christmas season. Yesterday I took a long walk along the ocean, simply beautiful and uplifting. Tackling some projects around the house, and putting some effort into my book selling business/hobby which has started to yield some financial rewards. Tomorrow is my 60th birthday! Hubby and I were going to take curling lessons, but the class was full :( - so maybe I can get him to take me to dinner. Even though I haven't been on the boards lately, I wanted all my BC friends to know I think about you a lot. Lilac and Joy, keeping you both in my prayers.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited October 2013

    Walked the dogs with DH this morning and worked out at the gym this afternoon. I may be off the radar for awhile, but I'll be "airport walking" tomorrow and doing lots of running around my daughter's backyard with Baby Nora's 4 & 5 yr old brother & sister over the next week or so. Not sure how long I'm staying. DH will drive up in a few days and we'll take the road trip back home together.

    Mary, it's interesting how some of the older names are coming back. I love it.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    Joy, my heart always sinks when someone I know is diagnosed, but I try to be a mentor to them anyway, because I know how much it helped me when a BC survivor friend took me under her wing (but I definitely feel like , 'Oh no, I don't want to go through all this stuff again.")

    Very Happy Birthday, Pat! Sounds like you are making good use of the extra time.

    Enjoy your baby time, Annie!

    I survived my dental surgery, and am now sitting around doing nothing but eating pudding for the rest of the day.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2013

    (((Joy))) wish we lived closer so they could be real hugs, grief is not measured in time and you will have crappy days, even just meeting for coffee will be of help to your friend. Annie enjoy they time with your grandchildren, you'll be run off your feet so that's how you'll be getting your exercise. Mary I had a great time at DWTS, I wrote a full report over on the DWTS thread on the 'Growing our friendships after treatment' forum. Pat have a very Happy Birthday. Lilac on one of my driving trips in the UK we did the Devon/Cornwall route and one day no matter where we went we kept ending up in Red Ruth so I every time we'd hit the roundabout we'd start laughing then on the flight home they served up scones, jam and cream yup you guessed it the cream was from Red Ruth, we swore that if we ever bought a racehorse we'd call it Red Ruth, every time I see the name I smile.

    Today did a Sh'bam class.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2013

    Joy and Lilac....sending both of you a big virtual hug. work is the worst - have been there many times. In fact, an implant that unscrewed was the worst calamity of my trip through chemo. As I write this, I need to have a crown redone when I get some cash in. Blech!!!

    I am starting to come back to life following my cross-country trip. You can guess why....went for a run. Everything still hurt from being crammed in that seat and a run was the best way to stretch things out. Plus some sunshine to reset my time clock and oxygen to clear the brain fog. Feel ever so much better.

    Somehow, I made it through the work day and got the stuff I needed to out the door! I need to be bright for a meeting tomorrow, so some prep to do there.

    Still have weights to do, but that will happen when I cook dinner. Really simple tonight....pork chop and some lovely people in Germany prepared the red cabbage and apple. Will make potatoes and peas for color. Simple and delish.

    Hoping to hit the stalls at Pike Place tomorrow evening. Need some local fresh food.

    One of my fave rides is posted for Saturday, so hoping to do that. 40 miles of flats (?????????????) should whip this hide back into shape. The Black Diamond Bakery is a wonderful midway stopping point.

    Hoping everyone has a GREAT evening. - Claire

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,858
    edited October 2013

    Wow! So much going on.

    Ruth: Sorry about the dental surgery. Hope you really didn't need the dark washable shirt.

    Annie: Congratulations on your new granddaughter!

    Ann: I love reading all about your hooping.

    Claire: Glad you had a fabulous trip to Vermont.

    Cheryl: Didn't get a chance to watch DWTS. I can just see you now getting on stage and leading the audience with Body Combat dance moves!

    Mary: Keep getting better!

    Pat: Happy Birthday tomorrow!

    Lilac: Hoping your dh is doing the best he can.

    Joy: I worry that your friend will sap your energy. Protect it.

    Like Cheryl wrote yesterday, I am a fraud on here. I haven't exercised since canoeing on Saturday. But, tomorrow is another day!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2013

    Pat, happy birthday! Ruth, glad to hear your dental procedure went OK. Joy, take care of yourself and trust that your friend will be OK with or without your mentoring.

    About 40 minutes of hooping tonight.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2013

    Beautiful MI fall weather!! Walked 6 miles today.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    Hi All! The mouth is still pretty 'throbby' so I've been sitting around doing nothing all day. Boring!!!!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,858
    edited October 2013

    Ruth: my mouth hurts just thinking about yours!

    I kept true to my promise. I fast walked at the park this evening. It's been over a week since I walked/ran so I decided not to add in running. Arimidex left me with some arthritis in my feet (and hands) and I knew I had to ease back into running.

    I'm not complaining about the arthritis - just stating a fact. I am so thankful to the many women ahead of me who were on clinical trials for Arimidex. Because of their results, Arimidex began available and there were more treatment options. For me, the good has definitely outweighed the bad.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    Wonderland, are you eating the white raisins soaked in gin?