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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • gemo
    gemo Member Posts: 530
    edited May 2010

    First time on this site.  Frankly, it scared me (daily excercise and all).  Did death by yoga yesterday and gardening today for 6 hours.  Hope I can move tomorrow!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    Oh, you bet.  The salt's just to make it come up.  He eats so fast, I doubt he tastes anything.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2010

    Welcome Gemo,  We do take the occasional day off.... but try not to go past that or you will start hearing our voices coaxing you to get up and do something!! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Hi Gemo. Great to see you here! Smile

    Edited to add that I HAVE to come here so that I can go to the Dairy Queen for those sundaes and blizzards!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2010

    Heading out for my daily walk.  Yesterday I did not do so well with my food choices, but it WAS Mother's day right so calories don't count!  Right?? 

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010

    Good morning!  Welcome Gemo!

    I did no exercise yesterday and went out for my "special" Mother's Day dinner.  Yikes!  I felt like a pig when I was done.  It was a four course meal!  And I won't mention that I pigged out on chocolate covered fruit before we left.  LOL.  Actually, because I was so full, I only ate two meals yesterday.  We had dinner around 3, so dinner was out of the question.  I would have barfed! 

    Retriever--thanks for the tip about the salt.  My goldens get in to a quantity of things they shouldn't so I'll use that tip if or should I say when I need to.

    I might have to get a pair of the "shoes" just to see.  I wouldn't mind a cushiony pair of sneakers to walk around with.  Not sure I'd do a workout in them.  Are they heavy?

    Time to go, I chipped a tooth last night (biting down on a chocolate covered strawberry).  That's what I get for being a pig.  So I have to call the dentist.  Of course, it's the front tooth.  Grrrr...

    Have a great day!


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    Did my 40 minute neighborhood walk this morning.  \

    Ruth - I never did look at the shoe video - silly me I just put the shoes on and walked.  I agree that they're really not designed for any other kind of workout other than walking - I think you'd risk twisting an ankle falling off of them doing a dance or aerobic workout.  Let me know how your friend's Bat Girl day went - I'm sure she had a wonderful time.  Retriever, Cheryl and Morgan - I'm cracking up about the dogs - I had a pair like that one time - the worst incident was when they somehow managed to open the refrigerator one day while we were at work and cleaned out the entire contents!  We had just gone grocery shopping so there was a ton of stuff, including 2 pounds of ground beef, a couple of things of cheese, butter, and a heavy fruit cake a friend had given us.  The only thing they didn't like was the blueberry yogurt, but the had to trot that out and open it on the living room rug before they decided they didn't want it. FM and the rest of the moms - of COURSE Mother's Day calories don't count! Patoo - congrats on getting into the dress.  Morgan - hope the dentist can get you fixed up pronto. Welcome Gem!


  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2010

    Thanks, ladies, for your advice and encouragement.  I've started some very light (2 lbs) weight training and so far so good.  I'm also during more stretching exercises to relieve that uncomfortable pulling sensation under my arm. 

    Ruth, Naturegirl and Natsfan- I also bought a pair of toning sneakers, but it seems winter has returned to New York so I haven't tried them out yet.  Like you Ruth, I am troubled with plantar facitis and find the inserts very helpful.  I was going to physical therapy for it just before I was diagnosed with BC in September.  I stopped thinking about my feet once I heard the BC diagnois; maybe it's a good sign that they are starting to bother me again. 

    Elizabeth -   A grandaughter, Great news!  Good luck to your daughter.   I'd love for my son and daughter-in-law to have a baby.  They are both still in grad school and so busy with work and studies.  Hopefully soon...

    It's wonderful not to have to plan my week around radiation treatments!  Been doing the elliptical for 30 min. every day, even Mother's Day!   Also getting in some abs,  not for 30 minutes though like Patoo does, 10 minutes of abs is about all I can bear.  I plan to take a toning class tonight as well - the first one since I was diagnosed.  

    Have a great week everyone!


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited May 2010

    Thanks for good thoughts, everyone.....  Mammogram results:  ALL CLEAR! and my surgeon, bless his heart, once again admitted that for me his initial recommendation of a mastectomy wouldn't have been any better than the lumpectomy I chose... I like a dr. who can admit he was wrong.  Of course I didn't know that going into surgery, but I went with my gut and it paid off.  Anyway, big WHEW!  One more test at the end of the month (to look a spot on my lung, AGAIN) and then the beasties are off my back for awhile!

    I do like the toning sneakers for regular walking, and they do have good support and don't hurt my neuropathy toes like some shoes do... I don't like them as much for walking on uneven surfaces (like in the woods) as I seem to trip too easily. But for pavement, I feel like I move faster and that's a good thing!   I think the reason they say not to use them for running and weight work is because your foot doesn't strike the ground the same way and in the case of weights, you can't brace your full foot on the ground, so you don't get the same kind of suppport and secure footing. 

    Ruth & Kathy, I had planter facitis, too, and it took a long time to heal, and was so darned painful.... but it did heal and you're right, supports and good shoes helped a lot.

    I love dogs but I don't miss the messes they can make.  My 18-year-old cat is about all I can handle right now :)

    Oh, yeah... I did walk yesterday, about 30 minutes in the woods tripping the whole way in my toning sneakers :)  (that's why I'll now keep two pairs of shoes in my car!) and then I sat on a deck over a stream  and enjoyed birds and butterflies and crickets and blue skies and no people.

    Happy pumping, everyone! 

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2010

    Well I feel like the "beasties" have been taken off my back for a while also. (Thanks for the term Nature)  Had my Physical Exam today with my GP.  My overall cholesterol has gone to where it should be (probably thanks to the daily walking!).  But I still need to work on the blood pressure - it is down a bit but needs more work!  This is where your voices will help me to do a little extra cardio work!  I FINALLY feel almost normal again and maybe now I can move on without all the stress of that last little while!

    Nats - Our dog loves to get into our kitchen garbage and pull everything out all over the house too!  Usually she is going for something way down in the bottom!  Yell

    Going out to do some yard work tonight cause they are calling for rain for the rest of the week! 

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    Had to wait until after work and rads to do my walk today.  Not as brisk, but I'm glad I did it. 

    I have a friend who had two dogs who worked in tandem.  One would open the fridge for the other, who would clean it out.  And one day she came home to find one had run through the house with a bag of flour; the other was hiding in the bathtub (not me, Mom!).

    Go team fitness!  Hear the voices!

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010

    OMG, Retriever, that dog story is hilarious.  We crate our goldens right now.  Sunny is not even two and George is only 8 months old.  Sunny would probably be okay out of her crate but that Georgie is rip!  

    No exercise today.  Too much "stuff" going on.  And to top it off, the dentist won't be in until tomorrow.  So, now I get to go to a seminar with my chipped tooth.  Grrrrr....

    Oh and the furnace man showed up this morning while I had my pajama bottoms on, my hair in a hairband and clipped up and my t-shirt on getting ready to workout.  I looked like something out of a nightmare and I couldn't run and hide.  Gotta love it!

    Well, tomorrow's another day!  I hope I can get my tooth done!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Great doctoring news, nature and Mary Louise. Whew!!! Sorry about the tooth,Lorrie. I had a regular checkup with the eye doctor today & still can get by with my $17 reading glasses from Walmart, so am happy about that. It was raining like crazy & didn't get home until late, so did 45 minutes on the treadmill & a 15 minute RS toning tape. LOVE the naughty dog stories! Great night All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Did Body Combat tonight, oh my, it was one of those nights where you looked at the clock and only 10 minutes had passed but you felt that you'd been working out for an hour, whew it was one hard workout and I had gone to the gym early and done 15 minutes in the weight room doing some upper body work and then did 15 minutes on the stair climber - what the heck was I thinking I know I'm going to ache tomorrow.  Oh Lorrie, did you give him a nice smile with your chipped tooth, I'll bet you're being talked about somewhere tonight!!! :)  

  • lorieg
    lorieg Member Posts: 79
    edited May 2010

    Ahhh, can't keep up with all the posts!  Sorry!  i did 30 minutes on the bike yesterday and 30 minutes on the treadmill today plus some extra abs and of course my lymphedema prevention exercises! (BLAH)

    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    I was really good after work yesterday - 15 minutes step work, and a full 30 minutes elliptical after that.  This morning I did my usual 40 minute neighborhood power walk - a two bunny day!

    Narture - you sound like a girl after my own heart - sitting next to a stream and listening to wildlife sounds wonderful. Mary Louise - our same two dogs (Boomer and Gypsy) were trash dogs as well. If you've seen Nat'l Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, there's a scene where the cousin's Rottie gets into the trash and it's all over the kitchen floor.  That was a common scene with our two - we had to put baby latches on the cabinet so they couldn't get to the garbage. Retriever - LOVE the flour story - can you imagine walking in and finding flour all over the house?  Boomer and Gypsy never did flour, although they did get into a pack of toilet paper one day and pretty well wrapped the living room! And I'm still impressed that you're continuing to work out during rads.  Ruth - I'm with you on the cheap reading glasses.  We have them all over the house - the computer glasses, the kitchen glasses, the laundry room glasses, etc. I even keep some next to my jewelry box so I can see my earrings in the morning! Cheryl - I HATE those times when you think you're almost done and you look at the clock and you've barely begun.  But there is a feeling of satisfaction at the end when because you've stuck it out. Lori - agreed on the blah factor of the LE exercises - necessary but annoying.

    Enjoy your Tuesday, everyone!

  • keniasolis
    keniasolis Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2010


    Is not every day exercise but I do spinning. I started a month later after ending a 6 cycle chemo and 3 month radiation treatment. It has been 5 years since i was diagnosed with lobular breast cancer and no sign of recurrence.

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2010

    Mary Louise - calories don't count on weekends! 

    Didn't go to the toning class last night.  My DH called to say he was coming home early and that we should take the bikes to the trail.  We rode 10 miles and somehow had the wind against us in both directions or so it seemed.   We've had wintery winds here the last few days, but like Natsfan said - there's a wonderful feeling of satisfaction when it's over.

    I'm getting ready for my first competitive tennis match this season tonight.  Wish me luck and have a nice night all.


  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    Kathy:  Luck on the tennis courts!  Let us know how it goes.

    Really cold day here, so I opted to go to the rec center and ride a stationary bike.  My legs will be sore tonight.  

    We went to dinner at Sundance last night (no Bob sightings) and I about fell asleep in my plate.  I'm much more tired by the end of the day now.  I passed up dessert--don't want all this hard work to go to waste.  And passed up the donuts at work today.  Today was the weigh-in at my rads appt.  Not much change, but at least the numbers aren't getting higher.

    Snow predicted in the mountains. 

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765
    edited May 2010

    Hi everyone, what a very busy four days - no exercise other than walking from place to place and around a hospital all day yesterday when I went with my DD and ex son in law for my Grandson's surgery.

    Back to the trainer today, did the treadmill, sit ups, push ups, bench presses and arm weights.  Hope it gets warm sometime in Michigan so I can walk outside again.

    Welcome Keniasolis - spinning looks so hard.  My DH does it a couple of times a week.

    Kathy, good luck with your tennis match tonight.  Kick some butt (pun intended)!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    Hi All! If you get toners, do NOT go and walk for 45 minutes on a treadmill the next day!! My knees are SO sore! Youch!!! I creaked around all day, so did 2 FIRM toning DVDs; 30 minutes each of Abs and Buns instead of any cardio. Welcome Kenia, spinning sounds really interesting. I think I may have to check it out in the fall. Give us the full tennis report, Kathy! Suzette, is your grandson OK? Mary, I'm glad that I am not the only one who needs glasses to see her earrings! Smile Great night everyone! Ruth
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Hello everyone, did my step class tonight followed by half of the dance class.  On sunday when kids were knocking on the door looking for items for their scavenger hunt they needed a 1996 penny, well I had to get out the magnifying glass as well as my readers and still couldn't see the year on the penny so I just let them go through them as their eyes were much better!!  I can remember when I was a kid grabbing the needle and thread off my mother and just threading the needle as I got tired of her stabbing the air with the thread - it's come full circle now as I don't think I could do it without the magnifying glass!!!  Wishing you good luck with your tennis tonight Kathy.  What type of surgery did your grandson have Suz? Welcome Keniasolis we need a spinner here on our exercise thread now that our Bobcat doesn't come by anymore (if you're reading Bobbi we miss you).  Know what you mean about the knees Ruth I creak and crack, really should get back to the glucosamine.  Ohhh Nats watching BL right now tension tension.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010
    Ooohhh forgot to tell you, tonight when we were getting our floor mats for abs at the end of step one of the girls who hasn't been to the gym in a month or so said to me "Cheryl have you lost weight?" well the answer is no I haven't lost a lb but I guess everything is firming up.  It's always people you haven't seen in a while who notice a difference......away you Femara 15Sealed
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    Last night was yoga night, so I walked a mile to the rec center and back, plus the one hour yoga class.  This morning I did my 40 minute neighborhood walk.  I think I'm finally getting the hang of the toning sneakers.  I was surprised at some of you who said you walked faster in them - I was walking more slowly.  My morning walk is 2.25 miles, and it usually takes me 40 minutes, but since I got the toners it was taking closer to 45.  But last night walking to yoga it's like my feet and legs all of a sudden "got it" on how to walk in them, and this morning my walk took 39 minutes. Maybe I should watch that DVD that came with them after all - you know, as a last resort read the directions!  Tongue out I do feel that they're making me walk more from the hip, involving more muscles, even the lower abs.  We'll see if that does any good!

    Ruth - ouch on the toners!  Hope the knee soreness clears up quickly. Retriever -you are so virtuous passing up goodies, especially at work!  Kathy - how did the tennis go? Suz - hope all is well with your grandson and he's outta the hospital ASAP - we all know how rotten it is to be there. HB - cool on the compliment at the gym.  And as for BL, I was sorry to see Sunshine go, but you know she's going to be OK. Kenia - impressive that you spin!!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765
    edited May 2010

    Thanks for the well wishes for my grandson.  It was an outpatient procedure - minor surgery on the boy part, although as a four year old who loves that part it wasn't so minorLaughing  He was bouncing off the walls last night and then needed some pain medicine for the first time all day, typical male.

    Ruth and Natsfan, I want to get some of the toning shoes, and forgive me if I've already asked this, can you tell me which brands you bought and if you recommend them - and anyone else who has them feel free to chime in with your opinion.

    hbCheryl - I agree, Yuk on Femara - I've gained 4 pounds although I will take Femara until I'm cleared to stop taking it.

    Don't know how much exercise I'll get done today other than standing around wine tasting for 3 hours tonight.  Much more fun than exercise - I'll get back on track tomorrow.

    Have a good day everyone.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2010

    Well I worked out on Monday with my trainer. We worked on back, arms and abs. I swear he love working on arms. No flab I guess. Did not get to workout on Tuesday. My husband had the car and did not get home in time for me to workout and then we had to go to small group. If I would of known I would of went for a walk around the neighborhood. I asked him to be more mindful of that. He said he would do his best. He is pretty good about things like that.

    Now as far as the toning shoes go. I love mine. They recommend you start out slowly on them. Like the first time you wear them for an hour. Then add to them each time. I really noticed a change in my posture. After my MX I would fold my arms around my chest. My chest was concaved.  I would also slouched cause of how I felt about myself. Now that I had my breast reconstruction I am really happy. Speaking of reconstruction I just got my nipples done. I had them tattooed on. Has anyone done this? What did you think? I really do not know what to think about it right now.

    Suzette; glad to hear that your grandson is spunky and full of life. LOL I guess you would of never known he had surgery.

    Nats the DVD does give exercises that go with the shoes. After awhile you really get use to them. Great purchase for me.

    Kenia what is a spin?

    Kathy how did the tennis match turn out? Please tell!

    Retreivermom great job on passing up the sweets. On Mother's Day I did not. I ordered a mini dessert instead of a whole one though.

    Ruth hope your knee feels better.

    Patoo have not heard from you lately. Hope your doing well.

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582
    edited May 2010

    Hey ya'll!!!!! Thought I would pop back in. Hope everyone is doing great!

    I started Curves back in February and have not lost ONE SINGLE POUND!!!!! I was measured once after about 6 weeks and had lost 13", but haven't been measured again. I go about 4 mornings each the machines for 30 minutes and then walk the threadmill for at least 30 minutes and sometimes 45. It's sooo discouraging to sweat like a DOG and not see the pounds drop on the scale. But......I do feel better in my joints and bones, so I guess it's worth itUndecidedTongue out

     Anyone have any suggestions about the weight loss part.....that doesn't include starving myself.....LOLOL

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2010

    I struggle with food intake also!  Today it was raining so I put in a RS DVD and Sweated to the Oldies instead!  Totally loved it (again).  It is just too easy to be lazy!!  Must keep up the excercise!  Must keep up the excercise!!  Must keep up the excercise!!!  How many times do you think I need to say it???

    Everyone else seems to be doing very well - Great Job, Keep it up!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Mary Louise, keep saying it so we can all hear those voices constantly.

    I'm here but have been lazy or just burn-out on the computer.  But I need to get back to signing on at least every other day, if not every day, because that's what keeps the motivation going.  It's really easy to not sign on but I feel I am accountable to all of you so I will have to start coming on every day again.

    I think the last time I posted was Sunday so Monday had a meeting and did not do anything but yesterday I also had a meeting and made myself go to the gym anyway and did 45 mins on ths stat bike.  The torture elliptical machines were all taken.

    Feeding my face right now and only have 1/2 hour before I leave for Bible study so need to get off here, finish eating and walk the treadmill downstairs for a few.

    Welcome to everyone.  Good job all of you.  I think I posted that I love my toning shoes but would not think of wearing them for RS, FIRM or working out at the gym.  They are just not made for that kind of work - IMO.

    Coonie, try adding another day to total 5 and maybe add some DVD's at home if you can.  Can't help with the eating - still having issues with that myself.

    Later everyone.

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2010

    My team lost all 5 matches last night, we played last year's champion team so we don't feel as bad as we would otherwise.  Even with the loss I feel like I played well and it felt so good to be doing 'normal' stuff again.   Thanks for rooting for me - We'll get them next Tuesday!  I just got home from a long, late day at work so no exercise for me today. 

    Good night ladies.
