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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2013

    Hurt my knee earlier this week, so took a few days off biking/walking to fix it. (Recurring thing.) It's better now, so hope to walk tomorrow. Today's exercise is heavy cleaning in prep for my surgery Tuesday. Then I can't lift more than 10 pounds....blah,blah, blah...(You all know the drill!). Hope I get cleared asap, but I suspect my cycling is done for this season. :-( UNLESS Michigan has a particularly mild November. Not holding my breath. So my winter plan is some stretching/Pilates-type stuff at home til I'm cleared for the exercise bike and the wonderful winter stuff available in The Mitten. Ice skating, cross-country skiing, trying to walk through drifted snow....

    Meanwhile, I now own a juicer and am LOVING IT!! So while my muscles are languishing at least I can get my insides healthier!

  • jenjenl
    jenjenl Member Posts: 409
    edited October 2013

    After my work pants tried to cut me in half i decided to weigh in....up 7 pounds! I've really slacked off in eating and exercise. Walked around the neighborhood for 20 minutes with kids and dog.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    Did tons and tons of yard work today!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2013

    Bundled up and walked to post office, library, and market this morning.  Getting laundry done today since busy tomorrow.  Going to make meatballs tonight so DH can just cook up some pasta for spag & meatballs.  Still have some Macs from MIL's tree and I'm thinking of apple crisp mmmmm with Breyers Natural Vanilla ice cream.  ♥

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited October 2013

    Hope you had a wonderful time at the reunion Wonderland. 

    Badger, so glad you found a great facility for your mom. Bet your stress level is lower knowing she is nearby and in a nice place. 

    Great pic Claire.

    Went for a nice 2 mile walk this morning with a friend before setting off to run errands. 

    Wishing everyone a great Sunday!

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited October 2013

    Another Saturday of working, but it's the last one for a while. In the course of the day ran steep steps (about 60 steps) multiple times while working an event. I agree about the boots...very tough to find. Low cut waterproof Keens for me. I love that hiking picture!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2013

    Great pic Claire, I agree on the shoes in general. Badger so glad you were able to find a facility and I'd be jumping in that pool. Mary you will be a delightful Panda and btw how is my Mikey? Dulci hope your knee feels better. Jen one foot in front of the other. Wonderland I think you'll find your classmates have aged a little you on the other hand remain FABULOUS!!! Ann be careful out there on that ledge.

    Today did RPM class, I leave my house sitting tomorrow so it will be back to my local gym next week.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2013

    I did the 60 miles, but in clouds and fog, not sunshine. Butt is protesting big time. Even after a bath and a gin and bitter lemon. Need to make dinner now. Since not going out: chicken with some sort of wine sauce, shallots and wild mushrooms; thinking frozen spinach; reheat turnips and potatoes. I need to do a poached fruit dish to use up the plums and Asian pears. Will serve those with cream.

    I did run into a group of ex-Boeing. They were looking for "younger folks from Boeing" to join their group. I don't have that background, and I am not that much younger. I didn't let on about the second one. I am fitter too.

    It dawned on me as I started out yesterday evening's run which project is headed my way. YIKES!!! Wish me luck. However, I am sure I will manage. Just need to be super-focused. So glad I got in my VT trip.

    Halloween will be at the wine bar. I need to make a rich stew (thinking oxtail) for everyone. Will manage that as well.

    Perhaps a gallon of Aspercreme for those screaming glutes?????? - Claire

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    Hi everybody,

    Do you mind if I jump in? I had a bmx on April 1 2013 with TE. I have my exchange surgery schedules for Dec.3. I live in Texas, and it's very hot here basically from April till late September. After my surgery I spent the first couple of months getting my range of motion back, and then got back into my yoga. Now that it is cool enough I have been getting out and walking again, and a few bike rides. I use to be so active, and this is killing me. The TE's really limit me. No weight lifting, etc. I have been cheating and doing a few arm exercises with some light weights. I don't know if it's still fatigue from the surgery, or a little bit of depression, but I am not feeling as good as I should, I don't think. But, lately I am trying to move more.

    The last 3 days I walked for 30 minutes each day. Tomorrow I hope to do more.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    Welcome Goldie, we love people jumping in! I think you will feel better and better (physically and emotionally both) as you become more active.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    Thanks, Ruth. I appreciate that. I think you are right. I just have to get moving. I love that you have such an upbeat forum with a lot of great feedback. Sounds like just what I need. I just bought myself some new walking shoes, and they are making a big difference in the comfort of my walks. I do find that riding my bike is not very comfortable right now with the TE's in, but I don't see any reason to not keep trying. My husband cracked me up. He is afraid I am going to fall on the bike and bust a TE. LOL. He doesn't want to go through it all again, and I don't blame him.

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2013

    Welcome Goldie! Sorry you are having to put up with exercise limitations. Walking is a great habit to start now.

    Great picture Claire!

    Lifted some furniture, carried water, and a bit of hooping. Need to do more tomorrow.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2013


    Welcome!! I did not ride during TE time. Mine were in during our winter. But initially I had some discomfort riding with my new implants. What helped most was keeping my weight off my handlebars as much as possible. What kind of bike are you riding? Can you try one that allows you to sit more upright? Or just look forward to getting those TE's OUT!!! Lol. Walking has been wonderful for me. It's good exercise AND a great tension reliever.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013


    I think that was part of the problem with the bike riding. I came back, and my shoulders and neck were very sore. I do put a lot of weight on the handle bars. I think it's a matter of getting my strength back, which is so hard to do with the expander's in. I have an off road bike, but I had the tires converted to road tires, because I really never go off road. It's much smoother ride, and I am not extremely bent over. I always walked, even in the heat of summer, (live in Texas), but this summer right after surgery I didn't have it in me, so I am just now getting back into that. I also have a "Professional" total gym at home, and I love it. It has helped me do a few things to keep my lower body from completely falling apart. And, I have started doing a few very light arm things.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    Welcome, goldie! I am so glad you came over here as we are so fun and helpful (I would put a winking face if they had the emotion faces!).

    Yes, you absolutely need good walking shoes. I always have 'a pair and a spare,' so as soon as they don't feel right, I dig out the new ones. It is a dark, cold, 'snow-flurries likely' day here, BRRRRR, I will have to figure out something to do indoors!

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    Ruth, I wonder why they decided to change the format? It's not for the better. I miss my emoticon's, and several other features. Yep, love these new walker's. I will order another pair soon (they were expensive) and keep them on the ready. Sorry about your weather. We never get snow, and the very rare times that we do the whole state goes on lock down. It is pretty funny. I grew up in New York so I like cooler weather. Do you do Zumba. That's always a fall back for something to do inside. No much fun by yourself though.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited October 2013

    hi all and welcome goldie4040.  Walking is great exercise.  I started walking in spring of 2010 to help me recover from BMX and get through chemo.  Have kept track and logged nearly 4,000 miles since then!  I have two pairs of good sneakers that I wear on alternate days to let them dry.  That way they smell better and last longer.

    Ended up not meeting my friend, it's rainy & cold and she's getting over a bug.  So now have a free day that I plan to spend cooking, reading, napping, and taking a walk to enjoy the last of the leaves.  They're coming down fast in the wind.  Time to pull out the silk long johns!  Happy Sunday everyone.  ♥

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2013

    Unless black ice, I lace up those hiking boots and get out there. Or on my skis.

    I did learn the hard (!!!!!) way not to cycle in a hail storm. Something about hail, a bicycle, and RR tracks not being a good combination.

    Short ride planned for today, and hopefully some sun later. - Claire

  • mrtw43
    mrtw43 Member Posts: 146
    edited October 2013

    Okay, yesterday I was a lazy bum so I am making up for it today. Got in a 2 mile walk earlier today and hope to get another mile in this evening.

    Welcome Goldie

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    Thanks for all the nice welcome's! I appreciate it. Anybody here start out with expander's and what were you comfortable doing until you got them out? I just wonder if I do more than I should.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2013

    Welcome Goldie, I also have two pair of shoes that I alternate plus I have spin shoes, what I did was found a pair that I liked and then searched for them 'on sale' online, I also did the same thing with very expensive (over $100 flip flops that my doctor had recommended) I love them and found them on sale for $60 Zuililly has some good shoe sales. Ruth yesterday when I posted that picture on your FB timeline I had another one that I had captioned 'no snow flurries here' but I deleted it so when I saw your post this morning I had to go back and post the 'blue sky' picture, sorry to be so mean, tee hee....

    This morning did a Body Combat class, and now I'm washing sheets and towels so I can leave the place nice and tidy.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2013

    Welcome Goldie! Great that you want to get back into activity, but I would strongly encourage you NOT to cheat on the upper body restrictions. We all want to get going as quickly as possible after surgery, but doing too much too soon could trigger lymphedema, (LE) especially if you had any nodes removed. The Step Up Speak Out website has put together an excellent guide to exercising after breast surgery - here's a link:

    I also had a BMX with TE, and unfortunately my surgeon gave me no info about LE nor discussed any risk reduction measures, so I did way too much upper body work way too soon and now have LE. If you're looking for exercise to do as you recover and while you're still on post-surgical restriction, Badger has an excellent suggestion - WALK!! Walking is fabulous post-surgical exercise.

    Claire - yes, I can imagine that hail and railroad tracks and a bicycle would not make a good combo! Cheryl - you tell them for all of us - I hate those dumb Facebook stunts that supposedly raise BC Awareness. Funny all the 1973 grads having their 40th reunions - me too - mine was last night. I didn't go - I haven't kept in touch with anyone so it seemed silly for me to go. Those who did go - how was it?

    All you baseball fans out there - I'm not happy with the WS at all - I really dislike both the Red Sox and the Cardinals (especially since the Cardinals broke Nats fans' hearts last year.) I was pulling for a Tigers-Dodgers matchup.

    Not much exercise yesterday - had to sit around the radiology clinic office for 3 hours while DH got a MRI on his wrist - they had problems with the machine so it took much longer than usual. He has a FOSH injury (Fell On Outstretched Hand) - about 8 weeks ago we were walking Mikey after work, and someone asked a question about Mikey and as dh turned to answer, there was a bad spot on the sidewalk and down he went. He finally went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago when it still hurt a lot when he moved it, and they tried conservative treatment of rest, a splint, and Aleve, but no improvement. Now we're on to the next step of a consult with a wrist surgeon. It's not a real serious injury, but just one of those things that's going to be annoying to take care of, especially if he needs surgery. So we've decided it's all Mikey's fault for being so cute that someone asked about him! Only 2274 Fuelpoints yesterday.

    Ran a 5K race this morning for the Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation - nice flat course so I knocked almost 3 minutes off my time from last week's 5K. Then came home and mowed the lawn, so I'm already up to 3840 Fuelpoints!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2013

    Mary.....FOSH is one more example of Doofusitis in action. Hope DH feels better. I did both hands back in February when I walked into the sun and didn't see a curb barrier. Congrats on the race and your time!- Claire

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2013

    goldie, during The Winter of My TE's (lol) I was inside on my recumbent exercise bike and had worked my way back up to 20 mile rides (if I had a good movie). I was alternating that with a great DVD butt-kicking ballet type workout. I never did upper body stuff. Everybody is different! Just don't get too discouraged. Time (and exchange) really does make a tremendous difference.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    Natsfan, thanks for the info and the article. I read it, and it confused me. Walk, but don't get to hot? What about you guys that run. You have to be getting hot! I am six months out from my bmx, and I start out cool, but end of fairly warm by the end of the walk. Is this bad? I swing my arms, but I don't keep them elevated. I had sentinel node biopsied on both sides, no other nodes touched. I measure my arms daily. It has become an obsession. LOL. I can imagine they don't want us doing Hot Yoga, or spinning classes in hot rooms. I have been doing some very light exercised for my upper body, but not much. After my bmx I did range of motion exercises, and I even felt folding laundry was an exercise because I though about every movement. You can't help it. I also do a very simple 20 minute Yoga routine that is mostly good stretches. Helps my poor old back

    Dulcigirl, I would love the name of the DVD with the ballet butt exercises. I use to go to a bar class years ago, and loved it. It did wonders for the butt, and legs. I use to have a treadmill, but got rid of it. Like everybody else's it became a clothes hanger. Now, I wish I had held on to it. I do have a stepper, but it's not my thing anymore.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2013

    Sure thing!

    It's an oldie, but oh my word, does it work the abs, butt and legs. Had a hard time moving for the first few days.

    It's Callanetics 10 Years Younger in 10 Hours with Callan Pinckney.

    While you're sassy back-talking her for even THINKING that you can get your head to go there you can laugh at the 80's workout clothes. :-)

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    LOL, thanks. I will check it out. I just ordered walking poles off of Amazon. My husband is already making fun of me...ugh.!

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2013

    If he's smart he won't make fun of you while you're holding your poles!! Lol.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    I went to the YMCA and rode on a stationery bike for 45 minutes (my knees are sore so I wanted to give them a day I will follow my own advice and get out my new shoes). Yes, goldie, I do a Zumba class at 6 am (shocked emotion) on Tuesday & Thursday mornings, very fun. After surgery, when I was scared to do upper body stuff, I did tons of lower body toning DVDs....and lost a pant size in the process, so that was a definite 'silver lining'. I am subbing on Monday & Tuesday so better go polish my fingernails & find some warmer 'school clothes' to wear (it has been capris and sandals up to this point).

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    Goldie, if you want to see my zumba class, go back to page 550 of this thread and look at my Sept. 19 post (smile emotion).