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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    Ruth, that looks like so much fun. I am afraid I would make a fool of myself. I never liked aerobics, but always loved to walk. But, everybody just loves Zumba!!! But, I don't love anything at You are so motivated. Did you do Zumba with expander's in?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    I had a lumpectomy, so didn't get in on the 'fun' of reconstruction. Zumba is actually easy, the steps are repetitive & if you don't get something, you just kind of move and 'shake it' (smiley face).....I have complained to the mods again & they say they are working on getting the emoticons back (uncertain face).

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2013

    Meanwhile it is VERY entertaining to have you type them in! (Big cheesy grin.)

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2013

    I just rubbed Arnica into my screaming glutes!!! Still hurts to sit down.

    Making dinner and preparing myself mentally for a killer week. So glad I got in 81 miles of cycling this weekend. Making braised duck legs, Brussels sprouts, roast rainbow carrots, and roast potatoes for dinner. I had clams and chips for lunch.

    I have poached fruits for dessert, including the last of the plums. Delish.

    On my way back cycling locally, ran into three young men who were having a bad day. This was their THIRD FLAT!!!! Was fun being chatted up.

    My ride was along the waterfront over to Alki Beach. I heard the seals talking which was a thrill. The other thing I noticed today is how much the economy is picking up. I am measuring this by how long I had to wait for trains. Actually, I have been noticing the increase in RR traffic for some time, but nothing like having to wait for TWO mile long trains to drive home the point.

    I can't wait to see the sun again. This fog is dismal.

    Ending tonight's post with a tribute to "all things mammary". For those who did not grow up in the country, a "bag" is another name for udder. And yes, I have seen similar 'tudes with cows I knew. A delish brew from Vermont, and note the reference to "exercise". - Claire


  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2013

    Ha, I found the exercise reference Claire but it took a minute. Mary, sorry about your DH's wrist. I hope he doesn't need surgery. Badger, I like the sound of silk long johns.

    Walked about a mile tonight, other than that didn't leave the house. Still recuperating from Friday's hike I think.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited October 2013

    Hello Everyone. I hope you all are well. Please excuse the cursory, straight to the point posts over the last two weeks. Posting to this site from my phone was slow and painstaking, not helped by my fat fingers and need for reading glasses that were not usually in reach. And of course I usually only had a minute to spare while trying to keep up with my hyper 4 and 5 year old grandchildren and protect their baby sister from their attempts to "help." But it was a wonderful time and I'm so thankful I was recovered enough from treatment to be able to go. I've been there for the first week with each of my grandchildren and didn't want to miss out on that precious time with my 6th and her mommy. She is a sweet, beautiful baby and I got to spend lots of time cuddling and rocking her.

    No exercise these past two days. We spent one and a half days driving and visited with our older daughter and her family in Dallas on our way home. Our neglected dogs will get their walk in the morning and I'll have to hit the gym tomorrow too. It will feel good to sleep in my own bed tonight. Good night, All.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited October 2013

    How come when I go back to work, my exercise drops off? Was loving my daily trips to the gym, and now I haven't been there once since the furlough ended. Need to start packing that gym bag for my after work sessions. I have been walking, and trying out my new fitbit which tracks lots of indicators. I've had it about 10 days, and finally yesterday I reached 10,000 steps for the first time. Of course, I participated in a 5K color run, so that really upped my steps. The color run was fun, but I did a lot more walking than running, still trying to build my knees back up.

    On my way to a friends house yesterday afternoon to watch football, I was turning into their street when I was rear ended by a car and pushed into a guardrail. I was shook up but fine, but the front end of my car isn't. A few cars stopped, but the guy who hit me kept on going! One car even chased him for a while but couldn't keep up. The police have a description of the car, and he sustained some front end damage too, maybe they will find him.

    Got up this morning and felt pretty creaky - did classical stretch, then took an ibuprofen. Not sure if it was the accident or the 5K that is making my back sore, probably both! I'll walk at lunch today, that usually helps my back feel better.

  • mrtw43
    mrtw43 Member Posts: 146
    edited October 2013

    Hello all, I was able to get in a 2 mile walk this morning. I will try again tonight for a short walk but no promises.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited October 2013

    Hi all - I've read about this thread several times but am new to it myself. I'm hoping that feeling accountable to y'all will help me get back in the fitness groove. I did my 6:00am total body workout class today at the gym. I have to modify certain things sometimes due to arthritic basal thumb joints though, weight bearing stuff (hands on the floor/mat) is not good for my poor hands. It's a tough workout and there's another BC sister there with me - our BMXs were about a week apart almost a year ago. I'll tell ya, she and I got some ladies at the gym scheduling their mammograms last year. Having a 47 year old (extremely fit middle school P.E. teacher) and a 51 year old (me) from the same morning class diagnosed about the same time sure gets people thinking.

    Claire - you're an inspiration. Your dedication to fitness is unbelievable. I gotta admit, sometimes when I read your posts I think 'omg, is this woman for real?? How the f*** does she fit this all in?' but deep down I'm really in awe (smiley).

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2013

    Goldie - Step Up Speak Out has great info on what to look for with LE and so do the LE threads here on BCO. Yes, you're going to get warm - that's life, but you're on the right track about avoiding hot yoga and things like that until you get a better sense on what to look for. You mostly need to be aware of your arms - not to worry to excess, but to be aware especially when you overdo, and be alert for a feeling of heaviness or fullness in the arm or other unusual feeling. With SNB fortunately you are at lower risk than those us who had the full ALND, so that's a good thing.

    Claire - I love Long Trail brew, although I have not had that particular one of their beers. Annie - your posts "from the field" were delightful - sounds like you had a wonderful, but a tad exhausting time, with the "grands". Pat - yikes on the accident!! And what kind of pond scum just keeps going? I hope they're able to nail the guy. Sheesh. I hope that the sore back goes away soon. Sweet - welcome!!! Believe me, most of us did not start off at this level of exercise after treatment - we've all had to work up to it. So glad you decided to "come out of the shadows" and post! Of course, now that you've announced yourself, you're on of us and you'll start hearing our Voices encouraging you to get out and do something every day! :smiley:

    Ended up with 5147 Fuelpoints yesterday. Knee feels a bit balky today - I might have stepped wrong or something either during the race or while mowing the lawn afterwards. Took some Aleve and am trying to stretch it out a bit today. Have to take Mikey to the vet after work - Saturday he poked himself in the eye with a weed when he was sniffing at it - we saw him jump back and at first thought it had just tickled him, but then later he was holding that eye mostly closed. We didn't see anything in the eye and flushed it a few times with saline over the weekend, but no improvement and it's clear he's not comfy. Between the dog's eye and dh's wrist, we're falling apart over here! ::rueful grin::

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    Hey Ladies,

    I am so excited to have found such a motivated and happy group of women. I have about 7 weeks until my exchange to implants, and I really want to track some miles before then. I ordered some Nordic Walking poles after reading the article Nats sent me. I might look silly, but I don't care. It sounds like they will help prevent LE and enhance the effects I get from my walk. Anybody else use them? I tried walking with my hands in my pockets of my hoodie last night,(as suggested by that LE article) and I couldn't. It felt all wrong. I wasn't getting the momentum I am use to.

    Have a great day. I am going to do my Yoga now. I have this little routine I have been doing for years. It keeps my back from going out.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2013

    I think I will get hiking poles sometime soon. But don't think they would work on ledges, so think more time sliding down on my butt. (Anticipating I will end up there anyway, and avoid the hard landing that way.)

    SweetandSpecial.....the awards for kicking butt go to Everyminute who is gearing up for the NYC marathon, and this lady who is in the middle of Taxol (email to me). I feel like a slacker in this company.

    I placed 3rd in my age division In a 5k, Issaquah Salmon Days, between Taxol #7 and 8, even though I was really slow by my own standards.

    Natsfan.....glad someone who can support my opinion of Long Trail brewskys. Double Bag is just wonderful stuff.

    Back to poles....hoping that one of my sets of ski poles is good for snowshoeing. Because who wants FIVE PAIRS of poles??? - Claire

  • Jianchi
    Jianchi Member Posts: 237
    edited October 2013

    I hiked in a walking pace for 70 mins today. It feels good!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    Welcome to our new ladies!!!!

    Annie, sounds like fun AND tiring trip!

    Pat, last year a kid hit my car & took off; but luckily for me, the guy behind him wrote down the license. I wasn't hurt, the car didn't have a lot of damage, but I was steaming mad (not really because he hit me, but because he didn't stop) and went through what turned out to be a big hassle to get him held accountable.....grrrrrr.....

    Mary, hope Mikey, you & DH are all on the mend.

    I'm going to be busy this weekend, so exercised 'ahead' tonight. FIRM Cardio Dance Party, spot toning with Denise Austin and a little treadmill, also subbed was busy, busy.

    Some of you admire Claire's exercise, I admire her MEALS! (wink)

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2013

    Thanks Ruth. More duck for tonight. Just got in from a run, and off to get wine to go with the duck. Of course, I have a whole wine rack full of "good stuff" here which I save for the future.

    Then a bit more work before dinner. Still have weights to do prior to calling it quits for the day.

    Got my mammogram results today and all is just fine. I wasn't wigging out, but also nice to know that all is well. - Claire

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2013

    yay, Claire!! So good to hear the good news!!

    And the meals and exercise impress me equally. (Drooling hungry face.)

    Can you tell I'm enjoying the Missing Emoticon Rebellion of 2013?? Lol.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited October 2013

    Got the dogs out for a good long walk this morning and went out solo for a cool, quiet evening walk. Also worked out on the weight machines at the gym. I, too, miss the emoticons (sad frowning face.)

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited October 2013

    Welcome to all the new fitness friends!

    Pat,  what a headache to have the accident. Glad you are ok. 

    Mary, hope poor little Mikey is ok and that DH' s wrist mends without surgery. 

    Did 20 minutes each on the Elliptical and bike tonight plus weights. 

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013


    If my husband saw your posts about all those wonderful meals you make I would be in big trouble. I am the total opposite of you. I hate to cook, and exercise, and you love them both. I am hoping you rub off on me a wee bit. So glad to hear about your clean mammo.

    A few weeks ago my yearly reminder to have my mammo came in the mail. I got so incensed. My poor husband, I started yelling at him about how they should know not to send me one of these again. For God sakes it's the same hospital that got to cut them off that wants me to mammo them!!! It hasn't been that long for me, and I am not finished with reconstruction, so I am not in a great mood all the time. lol.

    All I really did today was my Yoga, and about 15 minute on my total gym. Then I was really bad this evening and ate a biscotti. .

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    Congratulations on the mammo, Claire (smiling face).

    Cute new avatar, Annie (smiling face).

    Goldie, I would call that hospital and complain (mad face). If they are doing it to you, they are probably doing it to others too.

    If they don't get the emoticons back soon, we will have to start a Emotions Rebellion thread ourselves (rebellious face if there is one)!

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited October 2013

    Pat01 glad you are ok!

    Claire, I have been telling dh about your rides and he was inspired to do 71 miles! Great news about the mammo.

    I finally managed to go to the gym after work for an hour of elliptical and treadmill.  Ahhh , felt so great!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2013

    Goldie....a friend of mine in Canada got a PAP screen reminder following a "replumbing" job. Nothing left to screen for!

    I love to eat and learned long ago that if I wanted to eat well, I would need to learn how to cook. Fortunately, I have learned to recycle meals, so tonight's dinner just had a tomato salad added. Everything else was reheated. Duck legs were even better.

    I wouldn't say I love to exercise, but I do love exploring the outdoors. Still ambivalent about running, but LOVE the endorphin high. I have learned to plan exercise FIRST or unlikely to get done. Too risky not to do it, on top of the vanity quotient.

    At this point in my life, the biggest bummer is to pay megabux for a dinner that I could do better myself for 1/4 the cost. Reminder that I need to get moving on oxtail stew for the Halloween wine bar party. Promised it, and I will be repaid for my efforts.

    Tonight is an early night in the sack anticipating a LONG day tomorrow.

    SAB.....long rides mean "longer times" doing other activities. Enjoy.

    Goldie....eating the PACKAGE of biscotti is the bad one. Just one shows eminent good sense. Extra points if covered in chocolate.

    Off to sweet dreams and another day. - Claire

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2013

    Welcome to all the new exercisers. I'd like Claire to be my neighbor and share her delicious meals with me (winky face) Annie as a fat fingered, blind texter I totally "get it" I hate to think about what people say about some of my messages!!!!! Pat how infuriating, people are just so unaccountable these days I sure hope they catch the SOB but more importantly I hope you are okay. Mary, my poor Mikey, you three are having a real run of it lately. Goldie grrrrrrrr how infuriating.

    This morning did Sh'bam class and tonight back to my home gym for a Spin class.

  • mrtw43
    mrtw43 Member Posts: 146
    edited October 2013

    You ladies totally impress me with the amount of exercise you fit into your daily/weekly lives. Every time I read this thread it makes me want to get out there and do more. Today I am substituting in a 1st gr class, so I may get more exercise than I bargin for, but I will try to get in walk after school today.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    Yea mrtw, now we've got you hooked! (wink face). I did Zumba and am also off to sub. Have a great day everybody!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2013

    Goldie - along the lines of your reminder card, my pet peeve is in doctors' offices when the perky little aide comes in first to review my records, and they always says something like, "Are we keeping up with our mammograms?" My standard response? "Well, I don't know about you, but I have no mammos to gram." I feel a teensy bit guilty because most of them do have the grace to be flustered, but maybe if they learn to check the patient's records a bit more thoroughly before coming into the room, then it's a lesson worth learning.

    OK, it's official we're all moving to Seattle to live next door to Claire. ::yummy face:: Annie - your hair looks fabulous in the new picture - are those post-chemo curls? They look great.

    Mikey does have a scratch on his cornea - no wonder he looked uncomfortable. So now we have two kinds of drops that he gets, and they have to be given in the correct order 5 minutes apart, and we do that two times a day. We're lucky that he's a very good boy about accepting that kind of stuff. DH has an appointment with the dr tomorrow to review the MRI results, so he's going to the radiology place today to pick up his report so he can review it ahead of time and have questions ready tomorrow.

    Not much exercise yesterday other than taking Mikey for walks. 2390 fuelpoints. ::lazy face::

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited October 2013

    Got some classical stretch in this morning, and hope for a walk at lunch. No gym today, need to drop hubbys car off to be inspected and then choir practice tonight. Then I need to arrange a rental car sometime, nothing is close to where I live, so need to do some arranging with people at work to get me there. On a positive note, I called the police department this morning, and they arrested someone. YES! The officer who answered the phone told me that, but I have to wait til thursday to talk to the arresting officer. Even though this has no bearing on what I need to do with my car/life it still makes me feel so much better!

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    Wow, Ruth. Zumba before work. You go girl!

    Nats, I have had a scratched cornea myself. I feel for you poor dog. It hurts like heck, but with the right treatment it heals very quickly.

    I am making Chili for my son, DIL and grandson for tonight. Then I am going for my walk.

    Pat, you are so lucky they found the guy who hit your car. More than likely he ran because he has no insurance. I work for a big Insurance company, and I know too much about auto insurance, unfortunately. I don't know the insurance code in RI though. I am assuming if he has no insurance that you have uninsured motorist? I am just grateful you are okay. Cars can be fixed. I am just glad they caught the guy that is causing you so much inconvenience.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited October 2013

    Ruth and Mary, thanks for the compliments on my hair. The new avatar pic was taken yesterday and posted as an update, not because I like the hair, honestly. (Insert embarrassed - looking blushing face) I am thankful that it has grown out fast and thick. It was always thick and was already salt & pepper (mostly salt,) which I made peace with long ago, but it has always been straight. Yes, Mary, those are chemo curls and I hope they don't last. My hair is so wooly and puffy and I think it overwhelms my face. I have my next trim scheduled and will probably keep it pretty short at least until I know if it's going to straighten out.

    Anyway, this morning, DH and I took the dogs to a park for a nice long walk on a nature trail. Saw several deer. It was lovely. Not going back to work until Friday, so taking advantage of having a little extra time.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2013

    OK, now I'm mad too - I get a lot of running gear from a store called "Road Runner Sports." They often address their customers as "VIP" customers. I just got an email from them titled: "Feel Supported Kicking Breast Cancer's Butt, VIP!" to promote their sports bras - touting that exercise has been shown to reduce the incidence of BC. I looked it over very carefully - there's absolutely no indication that they are putting any financial support to BC causes behind the promo - it's just a cheap opportunity to try to sell sports bras. I just fired off the following note to their customer service email:

    "Feel Supported Kicking Breast Cancer's Butt, VIP!" Are you really serious with that promotion for your sports bras?? Since exercise has been shown to reduce the rate of many cancers, I'm assuming that for Testicular Cancer Awareness Month next April you will be running a promotion "Feel Supported While Kicking Testicular Cancer's Butt, VIP" for your "Keep it Cool" and "Keep it Snug" athletic briefs. No? Not nearly as cutsey when the promo is on the other nad, is it? I also see no indication that Road Runner will be making a donation to any sort of breast cancer organization as part of your promotion - you simply found a way to jump on the pinkwashing bandwagon. As a 6 year breast cancer survivor who finds it hard every day to get out there and exercise, I really resent having my hardship and disease trotted out for some promotion by a company that uses fear of the disease to make a buck, then can't even be bothered to put a single dime into breast cancer causes. I've liked your company in the past as you seem to be a caring company - that's why this crass promo caught me especially by surprise.

    We'll see if and when I get a reply. :::snarly grrr face:::