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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited October 2013

    Had a beautiful day for the "Walk to Defeat ALS." The route is laps around a city park. It's an easy walk because a lot of ALS patients in wheel chairs come out with their families. I only walked one lap, which was about half a mile, because my 82 yr. old dad wasn't up for more than that, so I sat on a bench with him while the rest of the family walked more laps. Got in more walking with DH & the dogs this evening.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited October 2013

    Took a long walk this morning before embarking on a day full of chores and cleaning..

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited October 2013

    Challenging hike with dh this morning. Went left when we should have gone right and found some beautiful but steep trails. 6. 5 miles but felt like 10!! 

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    Annie, glad the ALS walk was a success. It must mean so much to your dad that you all get out there and do this in memory of you mom.

    I had a really lazy day. I spent most of it stressing about what to wear to a party this evening. Nothing looks right with these stupid expander's in, and I refuse to buy to much stuff that I will never wear again once I have the exchange. I finally settled on a flouncy off one shoulder pleasant blouse, and jeans. It was fine. Once you get somewhere, have a glass of wine and start chatting it really doesn't seem to matter what you have on anyway. Oh, and I was really good. This women had quite the food spread. Cold food table. Hot food table. And, the dreaded dessert table!!! I never went near it. I will lose this darn 10 pounds I gained sitting around recuperating.

  • soriya123
    soriya123 Member Posts: 384
    edited October 2013

    went to Macy for an hour.  Later on walked around the neighborhood for 40 mins. :)  I feel like i walk for an hour, but when I look at my watch only 40 mins.LOL

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2013

    Oh Annie how wonderful to be able to spend the time with your Dad, I'm glad the walk went well. Goldie you are an inspiration, me I'd have had a little off each table, who am I kidding I'd have had a lot off each table!!!!!! SAB some of the best adventures in life are discovered from taking the wrong turn, case in point a couple of years ago my BFF from Australia and I did the "fall foliage" tour but I didn't understand the turnpike system so we got off it and had an adventure like no other, found wonderful little towns and beautiful foliage that we would have missed had we stayed on the path. Soriya keep up the walking and before you know it you'll be doing zumba and yoga.

    Today did Body Combat class.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited October 2013

    Exercise today consisted of cleaning out and organising my hall closet plus steam cleaning the hall carpet.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited October 2013

    Nice 4 miles this evening, half walk and half easy jog.

  • soriya123
    soriya123 Member Posts: 384
    edited October 2013

    Today walked for40 mins.  :)

  • Jianchi
    Jianchi Member Posts: 237
    edited October 2013

    one hour hiking today

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2013

    Awww AnnieLane I have such a sweet picture in mind of you and your dad walking the lap :-)

    Hooping workshops today. Picked up three new moves, and have more to work on later. I was expecting these workshops to be too advanced for me so was pleasantly surprised.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited October 2013

    Thank you all for your sweet support. Yes, my dad is my hero. It was so important to him to be my mom's primary caregiver and he was to the end. He was so worried about me when I was diagnosed and he's relieved to see how well I'm doing now.

    Anyway, today I did strength training at the gym and walked the dogs - my usual routine.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    Had a really nice walk tonight. It was warm and humid, and I was a sweaty mess when I got back. I think my hair took on a life of its I even took an extra half loop around just to listen to a song I wanted to hear on my IPOD

    I hope your weeks all start off great tomorrow.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2013

    I TRIED a bicycle ride, but nearly got blown over in the wind. So 10 windy miles and not the 20 I had planned. Was happy to get back safe. Plus a walk to church and back in the early, rainy AM.

    I did 24 miles yesterday, plus a sprint to Nordstrom for a makeover. Learned I do a better job at this point, but some nice freebees.

    Have a killer week ahead, but got a jump on things today.

    Run for tomorrow evening, and they are promising SUNSHINE! - Claire

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited October 2013

    Hubby was away over the weekend, so I got some me time in, where I get to control the remote and watch sappy movies. Wet to the gym Saturday for intervals and upper body. Did a nice walk around the neighborhood yesterday, crunches in the evening, and got my classical stretch in this morning.

    Been playing more with my fitbit - it has some preset goals, one is 10,000 steps a day. So my new plan is to try to get to 10,000 every day. Yesterday, even with my neighborhood walk, I needed to do some driveway laps and then some in the house laps to get to 10,000. It's a nice way to gauge my activity or lack thereof :) I think it will be a challenge on work days since my job is very sedentary.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited October 2013

    Pat01, my phone also tracks my steps with a Goal of 10,000. But I don't always have it on me. I think it's a good idea to try to reach that daily Goal, so let's do it!

    On a recent trip to Rome, we exceeded 20,000 steps daily for three days.


    Tiber River with St. Peter's Basilica in the Background.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2013

    Annie - sounds like the ALS walk was great. After everything your dad had gone through with your mom, I'm sure when you were dx he was out of his mind with worry, so it's got to make him feel so good to see you now. SAB - LOL on your unexpected trails. As Cheryl says, sometimes the best adventures are the result of a wrong turn. Of course Cheryl is the only person I know who come come to DC with a GPS, and yet still totally misplace the White House! :grin:: Jian - I love hiking! Someone was asking about walking poles a few pages ago. I don't use them for walking, but I do use them for hiking as my LE arm and hand used to get really swollen after a day of hiking. I haven't had an issue since I started using the poles. And since I'm a klutz, they help keep me balanced too.

    The ski trail 5K downhill was fabulous Sunday - it was a perfect day. A little sore today, but well worth it.

    Had a bit of an adventure at the cabin this weekend. The last few weeks, we've been having trouble with a bear up at the cabin tearing things in our absence. We're very careful not to leave bird seed or other food out since he broke into the sealed birdseed container last month, but unfortunately since he found seed once, he keeps coming back. Friday we got up there and the hot tub cover was totally destroyed. We had a friend staying with us who happens to be a retired wildlife biologist from the Humane Society of the US, so we brainstormed what to do to scare off the bear as we don't want it getting used to being around human habitation. Our friend said that every time he comes back and isn't scared off, he gets more comfortable about being there, so we had to find someway to catch him in the act and scare him. We decided to leave the feeders up overnight as kind of a trap, and put pots and pans next to our beds. The plan was that hopefully we'd hear the bear if it came back, and we could bang pots and pans to scare it off. Yes, the bear came back, but of course none of us woke up. But Mikey saved the day when he started growling and snarling, and that woke us all up. We looked out and it wasn't just one bear, and it wasn't a he, but was a mom and two adorable cubs. They were pulling down the feeders and enjoying themselves thoroughly. We opened the doors and windows and started banging the pots together as loudly as we could. What a racket, but it worked - mom and cubs hightailed it out of there! We figure we may have to reinforce the aversion therapy a few more times, but at least we've broken the cycle of our ursine neighbors being comfortable around the cabin. Mikey - our little bear dog hero! :grin::

    That was a brand new hot tub cover too - since there's no reason to break into a hot tub for food, we figured it must have been the cubs playing who destroyed it. Some of the windchimes were pulled down too, and they're not food, so that seems like cub play too. Don't you just hate when parents don't control their kids?? :grin:::.


    Between the 5K and cabin chores, I've hit Fuelpoints goal both days of the weekend. Leaf raking is in my future tonight.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013


    Love the bear story. Poor mama bear. She just wanted to feed her babies. Oh well. Can't have them around if they destroy stuff. Imagine how surprised they were when they finally got that hot tub cover off and all there was underneath was water!!!

    So, raking leaves. Is that allowed? I am so afraid to do anything like that after reading all the stuff you guys post. Sometimes I feel like I should just sit still. not make any sudden movements, and everything will be okay. I noticed yesterday after I did a lot of dusting, and mirror cleaning. It felt like the expander on my right side was tighter, and my shoulder felt a little stiff. But, then I sat down to watch a little TV and it felt fine.This stinks. Wasn't it just a little while ago I could do anything all day long, and not feel sore. Ugh!!!

    I walked pretty hard last night, and today I am doing more housework. I will walk again this evening.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2013

    You're right - we did feel bad about shooing the mama bear off, but the problem is if they get too comfy around people, then someone eventually panics and calls the wildlife people, then they have to shoot the bear for being a "nuisance bear." So for the bears' own sakes, we want to do everything we can to keep their natural instincts of being afraid of people and human habitation. We'd inadvertently helped the mom and cubs be comfortable around our cabin, so we had to undo that.

    As for lymphedema prevention, it's a bit easier for me in some ways since I already have LE. I'm under the care of a LE therapist who has educated me on LE management measures, and I've been fitted for a compression sleeve and gauntlet and other LE garments. I also have years of dealing with LE, so by this time I've pretty much figured out what I can do and what I can't do. Don't let fear of LE paralyze you into inactivity. The odds are in your favor that you will never develop LE, and by taking some common sense easy precautions, you can reduce those chances even further. Talk to your surgeon about what you can and shouldn't do, and see if you can get a referral to a good lymphedema therapist who can take baseline measurements, teach you some risk prevention measures, and help you design a safe exercise program. When you start any new activity, take it slowly, and ease into it. If you feel any sort of heaviness, tightness, or any unusual feeling, STOP. Rest and elevate the arm if possible, and drink plenty of water to help move the fluid through. Next time take it a bit easier until you build up strength. There are women on the LE thread who have rigorous weight training programs, who kayak and dragon boat, and handle garden and outdoor chores with ease. But they started small and worked up slowly.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    Hi, I am just sitting down after unpacking, starting the wash, going through the mail, papers etc. I will read everyone's post tomorrow, just wanted to let you know that we had a GREAT time in Wisconsin at a reunion of my mom's side of the family; who are the nicest, most fun people you could ever meet. Here is a picture of my sister and going for a walk.....although we are in Minnesota in this picture, Wisconsin is across the bridge.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    One of my cousin's builds, restores and flies light aircraft. He took us up in one of his planes. Below is the family farm where my mom grew up (and where he now lives). How awesome is that!!


  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited October 2013

    Mary and Ruth, enjoyed reading about your very different adventures. I had a long work day so walking the dogs was the extent of my exercise. Thank goodness for those dogs! If it weren't for them some of my days would be completely sedentary SmileLooks like we have some new emoticons. I liked the old ones better, but at least we have some again. Nerdy

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    Not to complain, but these are kind of large and creepy....IMO......

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013

    Here is an old post of mine. It might have some helpful tips for the new ladies:

    I had 11 lymph nodes removed, so this (LE) has always been an area of real concern and mindfulness for me. When I had my surgery, there was no one around here to go to for advice, so I did a lot of studying on my own. Ladies who have been around for awhile, feel free to skip, add your suggestions, or correct me if I'm wrong.

    First, I think that whether or not you are prone to LE has mostly to do with how your lymph system handles trauma. I would say most cases (unless you are in a horrible accident or are doing really extreme activities) are neither through any virtue or fault of your own; just a matter of good or bad ‘luck'.

    That being said, there are many ‘little' things that we can do that may reduce the risk of developing LE or minimize flares (these are for people with SNB too):

    • No BP, IVs, needles, shots etc. in that arm....consider getting a medical ID bracelet (to wear when traveling anyway) check out for beautiful jewelry type IDs
    • Wear gloves when doing yard work, gardening etc.
    • Wear sunscreen when out in the sun, bug spray when out with the bugs
    • If you get a cut, scrap, bite...wash it with soap/water and slap on a bandage. If you see any sign of infection, get to the Dr. & on antibiotics ASAP
    • Carry your purse on the other side, also be careful when hauling around anything heavy, switch arms when dragging luggage etc. (at first I carried everything on the 'good' side but wonder if that contributed to me getting a hernia, now I swtich off)
    • No saunas (I also avoid manicures and massages)
    • Keep a healthy weight
    • Keep hydrated, limit alcohol
    • Don't wear tight rings, watches, bracelets on that arm
    • When exercising that arm; start slowly, take your up weights slowly...don't skip levels...don't do too many reps in one session
    • Mix up your exercises, don't work the same muscle groups every day, you may want to work with an experienced trainer (or PT) to help you construct a balanced program
    • One thing I do want to add; after my surgery I was so scared to start doing upper body. Neither my surgeon nor my oncologist could give me any good solid advice, so I talked to my GP. What he said was that I DID want to exercise my upper body, that it was important to do so as it would actually build up the lymph system, and although, of course, I should be careful and notice if my arm felt heavy/swollen etc. that I shouldn't be afraid to have it feel a little sore...because anytime you exercise a part of your body that you haven't been using, of course, it will feel sore. That made sense to me, and gave me ‘permission' to get moving.
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited October 2013 more picture!


  • Jianchi
    Jianchi Member Posts: 237
    edited October 2013

    walked about 39 mins in the neighborhood today. Thinking about getting a treadmill to use during chemo. Anybody has any recommendation? Thanks!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    That one friend is usually me!!!

    I ran up and down my stairs 50 times today doing things for my kids because they can't find anything, ever. Does that count! I'm new here!

    J, I do have a suggestion. If weather permits go for a walk with the family or some friends. Not so much like work that way! Lol DH and I walked the neighborhood during chemo and it was nice time together and exercise. Sometimes one or two of the kids came along. It was hot too because it was June-August in GA, but we went after dinner so it was cooler. You may have to bundle up! Treadmill is good too though or an eliptical thingie! Costco usually has some good prices on that stuff coming up on the first of the year.

  • Jianchi
    Jianchi Member Posts: 237
    edited October 2013

    4sewwhat, thank you! Yes, treadmill will be a back up for bad weather as I live in Oregon and it sure rains a lot. Happy

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2013

    Hey Guys,

    Thanks for all the support and info on the LE issue. I am a worrier. I measure my upper arms every day. They never change.

    Ruth, the picture you took from the little plane made my tummy flip. I am so afraid of heights. But, what an awesome experience!!

    Welcome 4sew, running up and down the stairs definitely counts.

    I walked this evening, did lower body total gym work out, and also did some housework. I am seriously considering a Fitbit. All in favor? Are they worth it?

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2013

    Stupid iPad I just had a whole post typed and bam it disappeared ... Inset growly face, no emoticons for us iPad users.

    Heidi that picture is GORGEOUS. Welcome 4sewwhat hahaha and I'll bet that if they lose anything 'it's your fault'. Mary wow what naughty bears, they sure have made a mess, poor Mama she's got two naughty cubs on her hands, and what a brave big boy our Mikey is, I guess I shall never live my Washington escapade down, I have to say my GPS on trip #2 was a much better one, much more personal than that 'phone lady'. Ruth I've loved all the pictures you've been posting and if you had put your arm up you would have appeared to have been in both Minnesota and Wisconsin, speaking of which, where is our Badger? Yesterday went down to San Diego and had lunch with the SD BCO ladies and then took my houseguest to South Coast Plaza so she could shop till she dropped, I just walked the mall till I dropped.

    Today was a two a days, did Sh'bam this morning and tonight was Spin ... Jet lag caught up with my houseguest tonight as when I went to the gym she was zzzzzing on the couch.