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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • wyo
    wyo Member Posts: 165
    edited November 2013

    HI all

    I had kind of steered away from this thread because my exercise habits have not come back up to par since my needle loc/lumpectomy/SNB- I was doing yoga every day and walk to my train almost 2miles per day.

    Bam surgery and recovery now radiation- amazing how the energy level drops when the exercise level does. I have not been walking to my train every day and was down to yoga once/wk Scared I am going to dig out my pedometer and get back on tracking my steps each day- thanks for everyone posting their steps for motivating me.

    Today I made the decision after rads I was going to yoga- or else!! went tonight a 90 minute class at our local cancer support center- an excellent class and best yet- all their workshops and classes are free so I have no excuse not to go. They really work on the stretching, twisting and flexibility with core strength- everyone works at their own pace and lots of positive affirmations throughout- Her first question was "how is your energy level- I had to say "I am here!" thats a start

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2013

    Well welcome Wyo, glad to have you here, even if you do something small come and post it, you'll find it really does help and before you know it you'll be running to the trainHappy Blessings I'm a gym rat but on Sundays I get up early and take the dog down to the dog beach and while he frolics around I walk the beach, I go to Laguna all the time, I have a client down there who has an art gallery so next time you're out let me know and we can visit. Ruth so sorry you're losing both your docs, I got a letter from my insurance company telling me I don't qualify for the policy I've had for the last 10 years, then I get a phone call from my insurance guy to tell me "oh just ignore it, it was a mistake" but in the meantime I started to look into the new California policies and I will qualify for a tax credit so the insurance company may have shot themselves in the foot cause I'm going to change policies only thing I need to find out if my primary doc will accept the policy I'm looking into, they sure as heck don't make it easy Devil Heidi I'm thinking if you cause right now I'm eating delicious Swiss chocolateSmile

    Tonight did an RPM class then followed up with a Body Jam class.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited November 2013

    Advanced freestyle step at the gym this morning.

    Loved all the photos and realized how long it's been since I've posted. We have been busy and pleased to say that this afternoon my darling husband will have his last treatment (radio). What a long 7 week haul this has been - 35 days of radio and 200 hours of chemo. Grateful that my best beloved made it through this brutal treatment and now at his physical lowest only to go up from here. That will happen in about two weeks time, so we have been told. DH is reliant on his PEG for nutrition and morphine every 4 hours for the mother of all sore throat pain . I've met some lovely bc woman in the waiting room these past weeks - our tribe.

    Never in a million years did I think whilst having my last stage 2 diep that my husband would be told by his ENT that he has throat cancer - a man who has never once had a cigarette in his mouth and quit drinking 20 years ago. We should know anywhere from 3 - 5 weeks if the treatment was successful. We are staying positive - DH bordering on cheerful. We will arrive with boxes of chocolates in tow to hand out with gratitude to the medical heroes at the Kent Oncology Centre - Maidstone. On with the 'New Normal'!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2013

    LB - so good to hear that dh's treatment is almost over - it sounds like it's a brutal regime. As you say, now he can start to recover. Keeping fingers crossed for a good report in 3-5 weeks.

    Ruth - oh no about the docs! One good thing is that you're not newly dx and in a rush to find any old onc - you can take your time to find one that's right for you. Wyo - welcome! Good for you for getting to that yoga class! I started a gentle yoga class two weeks out of chemo - I could only last about half the class and even then couldn't hold the poses for long, but the instructor was like yours and was very encouraging, and never made me feel bad because I couldn't keep up. I kept at it and gradually it got better and better, so keep up the good work. Claire - glad you're feeling better.

    I've been slacking off on my truncal LE maintenance and it's coming back to bite me, so I hauled out my Lebed CD and did the full opening sequence. Then I did about 15 minutes on the WiiFit, just for fun. Off to the cabin this weekend for the long weekend. It's supposed to be beautiful weather, so I hope to get in some good hiking. It's DH's last chance to get in some hiking - the conservative treatment on the wrist ligament tear isn't working and he's scheduled for surgery on the 22nd. He'll be in a cast that goes all the way from the fingers to over the elbow for 4-6 weeks.Singing

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited November 2013

    Welcome wyo. Just start where you are and work up from there.

    Lilac, so glad DH is nearing the end of his treatments. I was just talking to a lady at a dinner I went to last night who is also a throat cancer survivor. Like your DH, she had no risk! But she is doing fine now, and is a lovely, positive woman & was certainly enjoying her meal. (Probably more so than the rest of us after all that!). So there can be light at the end of the tunnel.

    Nats, BLAH about the LE & DHs surgery too. Gosh, there should be a less drastic way to get out of raking.

    My next onc appointment isn't until spring, so I am not so worried about that right now. I have an annual checkup in two weeks & I will have to ask my GP who he would recommend I see instead of him. He is the one I will really miss. I brought all the oncs recommendations to him, cried on the shoulder, he did research, made calls, ordered extra tests he thought I should have etc. etc., pushed me when I dragged my feet, pushed the system when it dragged its feet, and really it has been the partnership one should have with one's health care professional. OK, now I am sad again! Better exercise!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited November 2013

    Sculpted with The FIRM. Here's what the masters of my house like to spend a cold, gloomy day. Disturb at your own risk!



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited November 2013

    It's a miracle! I shrunk the cats!


    To explain, the post I deleted above had these same pictures except that the cats were giant, monster-sized felines. Anyway, here is how the masters of the house like to spend a cold gloomy day. Disturb at your own risk!

    I did an old FIRM sculpt tape, a Pilates Challenge DVD, and went out to lunch with some friends.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited November 2013

    Welcome wyo. Start back at your own pace and you'll be back to your usual in no time. With all of us cheering you

    Ruth, your babies are so cute and look every bit as spoiled as my two dogs...ha ha 

    Blessings, I am extremely fortunate to have a fitness center at my office as well as a nice treadmill at home. A friend gave me a basic treadmill years ago that I wore the motor out on so DH  thought I should go ahead and get a decent quality one. Have been logging miles on it up until the fitness center opened earlier this year. 

    Went to the gym tonight for 30 minutes on the Elliptical plus weights. Added lunges to my routine as of yesterday and am feeling it in the thighs today. Guess I will have to add them permanently.....

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited November 2013

    Lilac, what an ordeal your poor DH has been through! I pray it all had the desired effect. It sound like you two are quite a team.

    Ruth, love the pics of your pretty shrunken kitties. I have one I love dearly. I did have two but the old one went missing the week before my lumpectomy. Lousy timing. I woke up from my surgery crying about my lost cat. Felt really dumb at the time. She was supposed to be an indoor cat but she was a shelter rescue we'd only had about a year and she went out the dog door one day and never came back. She was old and in failing health, so she probably went away to die. There's a depressing thought. But I still have my Luna, named after Luna Lovegood, one of my favorite Harry Potter characters. She's fun and lively.

    Anyway, as far as exercise, for me it was the usual today: walked the dogs and did strength training at the gym.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited November 2013

    Love all the photos!

    Shook the week off with treadmill and elliptical at the gym.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited November 2013

    Wyo – you wrote “amazing how the energy level drops when the exercise level does.” I always whined about how my exercise level dropped BECAUSE my energy level dropped. Your outlook is much healthier and realistic. I will stop whining!

    Hbcheryl – will PM you before our December trip to Laguna!

    LilacBlue – so sorry to hear about what your DH is going through. May he continue to improve daily!

    NatsFan – I had one of those injuries like your DH did, only on both outstretched hands. Later I ended up with rotator cuff issues, too. Hope his surgery is successful, and that he has a full and complete recovery!

    Ruthbru – I miss my kitties!!! Thanks for posting pics of your furbabies….they are too sweet….

    Odie – I also have a gym membership… perhaps I could just get my butt in gear and go over there and use it instead of agonizing over buying a treadmill…

    AnnieLane and SAB – See? More votes for the gym. I really need to go back.

    ~ ~ ~

    We bought a travel trailer in May, but have only just now taken possession of it due to warranty repairs I made them do before it left the lot. DH brought it home today, and we spent the whole day cleaning it top to bottom. I wiped down every single surface in there including the ceiling, walls, and inside cabinets. We vacuumed the upholstery and washed all the windows. Tomorrow we vacuum the carpets and mop the floor. When I sleep in it, I want to know it’s CLEAN. My back was screamin’, but it got me more than 10,000 steps today, so that’s the payoff.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited November 2013

    Got about 17,000 steps yesterday. Went for a walk with my SIL on a gorgeous day.


    Cheryl, I have to have my Swiss chocolate everday, too.

    Off to Zumba now.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited November 2013


    Did The Firm 500 Calorie Workout, which is HARD. By the time I was half way through, I remembered why I don't do it very often!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2013


    So this is me with some of my girls after spin class this morning, you can tell I worked hard by the color of my face!!! I then went and did Bootcamp, they added a Saturday Barre class after the Bootcamp, I was going to go but by the time Bootcamp ended I was D O N E done, but I did spend a couple of hours this afternoon in the garden weeding and watering and now I'm going to sit on my behind for a couple of hours before I head out to a concert this evening.

    LB so glad your DH is at the end, I can't imagine how painful his throat is, praying for you both. Blessings I look forward to meeting you. Ruth your ginger boy looks like my ginger boy. Great pic Heidi are they wine vines? Annie I know how you feel, we had a little grey long haired kitty wander in two years ago, I tried desperately to get her to be an indoor cat but I think she'd been on her own for so long she would panic if I locked her in but she was sweet and extremely loving and came every time I called her and I just loved her so, well the bleeping coyotes got her, she had wormed her way into my heart, it's been a year since I lost her and I miss her every day.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited November 2013

    Aww, Cheryl, that's so sad. My Sasha, who went missing, was gray too. I like to think that she just went off and died peacefully or that someone else took her in.

    Anyway today we walked the three dogs as usual. DH walks two of them on a split leash and I walk the third. Today it was Zoe's turn to walk solo, so that meant I was power walking. Zoe has terrible hips and has had surgery on one, but outside she gets better traction and she just loves to walk fast and long. I guess the endorphins kick in and she feels less pain.

    One day she came in from the backyard looking just like this, so DH snapped a pic. That's a sticky plumbago flower. Sorry, but I haven't figured out how to shrink my pets like Ruth can!


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2013

    Oh she so pretty.... I couldn't figure out how to shrink mine either, I just think I'm doing well to be able to post a pictureLoopy

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2013

    Loved the pix from Switzerland!!! Was wondering what kind of grapes??? Suspect wine that goes well with all the Swiss specialties.

    I am FINALLY feeling better so got in an easy 22 miles of the Cedar River Trail. Then a nap, hot bath, and waiting for dinner to finish cooking. Lamb shanks, so they need a couple of hours in the oven. But ridiculously easy to make.

    LB.....convinced your husband will make it. What a time for both of you!!!

    One of my (wine bar) friends just finished her 13th Half Marathon for the year. I am so thrilled for her.

    FUNNY OBSERVATION: the media are all over "how not to gain weight over the holidays". They have all sorts of "strategies for eating less". Mine is different. It's about getting my butt out there. It's really difficult to shovel in food when on the bicycle or ski trail. Plus, you NEED the extra calories. So I look to what can I do to earn that extra serving/slice of something delish.

    Because holidays are about feasting, not deprivation. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. - Claire

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited November 2013

    hi all and welcome to the new ladies!  I've been MIA for a few weeks TCB so had 10 pages of this thread to read through and catch up.  Glad I did because this is a great bunch of women and I've missed you all.  ♥

    Kept wearing my five-dollar pedometer from the big-box store and logged 71.75 km = 44.58 miles walked since last post.  IDK exactly when but met my goal of 4,000 miles so upped it this morning to 5,000 miles.  

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited November 2013

    Gosh, I haven't been able to stop in for a couple of days, and I can't keep up with you guys. I have been doing my walks, and this morning did lower body total gym. I am 3 libs down on the scale, 5 more to go!!!

    Ruth, love your kitties. I miss mine. I haven't had the heart to replace her yet.

    Annie, love your sweet puppy with the plumbago flower in her Plumbago is one of my favs. In the DFW area I have learned to grow it in a big pot, and if it gets too cold out I bring it in the garage, otherwise I would lose it.

    Sorry, I know I have missed a lot. I will go back and read posts when I can.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,858
    edited November 2013

    Love all the pictures!

    Badger: Way to go with 4000 miles! That's awesome! You're be at 5000 before you know it.

    Walked/ran at the park today. It's 71 degrees, Carolina blue sky, and a cool autumn wind. Just lovely.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited November 2013

    I power walked Zoe the flower pup again today while DH walked the other two on the split leash. We left them in our dust, but that wasn't DH's fault. Penny & Gypsy are slackers. Then I went to the gym and did sort of my own version of circuit weight training or maybe endurance training: less weight but more & faster reps than when I'm strength training.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited November 2013

    Annie, what a pretty puppy! A flower child :)

    Welcome back, Badger. You can hardly dare miss more than a few days or it takes so long to catch up!

    Man, am I beat. It was cold but not windy so everyone in the whole neighborhood was out doing wrap up yard work. Since we had been gone and then sick, we were way behind so got so spend lots and lots of 'bonding time' mowing, raking, bagging leaves, cleaning out the garage etc. We will need to do the eaves tomorrow, and then should be DONE, DONE. After all that, since I was already bundled up, I walked outside & then came in and forced myself to do 'Rock Solid Abs' (during which I whined so much that one of my cats came down to see who was torturing me).

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2013

    Sounds like a major "chores and sculpt", Ruth!!! Congrats on being done.

    I got out both days to cycle, but easy rides. Feel wonderful though. This is good because it's also a working weekend.

    Just found out that my BIL is having shoulder surgery on both shoulders. He is my age. But he gave up 20 years ago when something went wrong around Mile 13 of the Boston Marathon. So fun stuff like gout and other ailments. I am fitter than ever.

    Have the tail end of the crud, but manageable. Will be back to full power NEXT weekend. Meanwhile, I will get in another ride tomorrow to get in my mileage quota. Have a call to do prior to dinner. Plus, something isn't working with an agenda I am doing. I need to fix that as well. - Claire

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited November 2013

    Hi all. Nine mile hike yesterday, 15 mile ride and yoga today. What a great couple of days off.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited November 2013

    Hi, all ...

    Busy weekend cleaning and stocking our new RV. My thighs are burning! I finally realized that I was going up and down those dang steps all day... PLUS lots of stooping and bending and squatting to wipe down walls and cabinets.

    Squeezed in a little more Walmart aerobics this afternoon... then back to the RV. Now I'm off to take a shower... with 14,333 steps today. Woot!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2013

    Hi, Ruth you said it about getting behind-- I was 3 pages back. I'm caught up again. LilacBlue, it's good to hear your DH is through the big treatment hurdles. Ugh, radiation to the throat must be really unpleasant. AnnieLane I like your new haircut. Was it you who mentioned naming a cat after Luna Lovegood? One of my favorite characters too.

    Walked 30 minutes tonight plus a few minutes hooping. The DH walked with me and I set a timer to make sure we stayed out at least 30 minutes. He tends to want to cut it short :-) Last week I did one five mile+ hike and shorter hikes or hooping other days. I think I took one day off.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited November 2013

    Started my day by walking Gypsy, my loveable mutt. She's not a power walker like Zoe; she likes to stop and smell the...uh... never mind Sick

    But we did manage to keep up a brisk pace most of the time.

    Working 11:00 -7:30 today, different schedule for the holiday. Thankful for all those who have served our country in the military, included my dad and hubby.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,858
    edited November 2013

    Happy Veterans Day to everyone! So thankful for my Daddy and all military men and women who have served our country.

    Beautiful day here today. Another Carolina blue sky day with highs in the upper 50s and full sunshine. I raked leaves for almost 2 hours and then walked/ran at the park for 30 minutes. Also went to the Veterans Day parade in my town.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2013

    Gorgeous day here and I was able to get out and cycle 30 miles after finishing up some work. Just spectacular cycling along Lake Washington with snow-covered mountains in the distance. I don't do that particular trail often as usually super-crowded. Not to mention the bumps. Today was just fine with the first problem, but I am feeling the second.

    A friend of mine made the ultimate faux pas for Veteran's Day. Gracious mention of his older relatives and cousins who had served...lots of them. Unfortunately, he forgot to mention his son who is currently serving!!! His son reminded him. I am still laughing at this one.

    Speaking of prowling....saw a couple of cats out hunting. They looked very happy.

    Feels good to be caught up on exercise too, to say nothing of getting a bit of sun which is scarce in Seattle this time of year. - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited November 2013

    Did my Sculp-ilates DVD & went to my really fun Zumba class.

    A big 'Thank You' to all Veterans, and I am especially remembering my dad, who served in the Pacific Theater during WW II.