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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Yep, Kathy - next Tuesday your team will get them.  Something to look forward to.

    Only a mile walking today, but a mile is a mile.  No meetings tomorrow or Friday evenings so will get back to longer workouts.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    Hi! Did 30 minutes upper body & 30 of "Cardio Dance Party" (FIRM). Knees still hurt. It has been raining ever since I bought the toners, and I will not use them on the treadmill again Frown, but will try them walking outside once it has dried up a little. The one day that I was able to walk outside, I know I went slower than I usually did, but maybe with more effect. ? I have the Sketcher Shape Ups. Kathy, whether you win or loss in the match, just getting out there and playing is a WIN in my book! Coonie, you have lost 13 INCHES??? If so, that is even better than losing weight, wow!  I need to eat better too, more fruits & veggies, less junk etc. etc. I am good a few days and then BAM, back to badness! We might have to crash the E-LAB Project thread (eat like a bird)! Suzette, glad your grandson is back to the normal 'bouncing off the walls' kid behavior. Yes, patoo, you must report or the VOICES will track you down and harass you. Cheryl, congratulations on the compliment, I saw someone the other night who I haven't seen in a year, and she mentioned how GOOD I look Smile (twice in the conversation, not that I counted), so something must be working. Great Night All! Ruth
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Did Body Combat class tonight. Coonie13 inches is fantastic and I'm with you, as I work out and sweat buckets but don't lose lbs either. Suz I don't know how much you're paying for your Femara but last week when I signed on there was a link to the Novatis web site and there was a download to take to your pharmacy - I normally pay $30.00 a month with my insurance except in January when it resets and I pay $150.00 but I took this piece of paper with me and the pharmacy coded everything in and it was only $10.00. Mary Louise they say it is 30 days to become a habit so keep on sweatin'. Patoo you have inspired me and I have signed up for a water aerobics class starting the end of June, now I just have to go and get myself a new swimsuit as I've worn out the one I bought last year. I had quite a dilemma deciding on morning or evening class as I used to be a morning person but now I'm a night girl. Kathy sorry about the loss but there's always next week. Ruth I'm pretty good about the food intake, and I eat lots of fruits and veggies but it's the sweets that get me, when I have a cup of tea I have to have a cookie or a piece of cake to go with it and I'm not giving up my cup of tea, ah well. Keep up the good work everyone.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    You ladies inspire me. Last night I put the third level on the step platform and started to do step work. I instantly thought, oh, this is too high, I can't do this.  But I kept going and figured out that it wasn't straining my knees or other joints, it was just a lot higher than I was used to. I started thinking of all of you and the times you've worked out when you didn't feel like it, and that some of you, like retriever, are working out even though you're still in active treatment. Soooo, I thought if they can do it, I can do it and I kept going and did the 15 minutes I'd planned.  Huffing and puffing, but I got through it.  Then I did 30 minutes on the elliptical.  So thanks for pushing me to do push myself!  This morning I did my neighborhood walk in 39 minutes - only a one bunny day. 

    I also have the Skecher Shape Ups.  Still haven't watched the video that came with it . . . maybe this weekend.  I do like them a lot now that I've gotten used to them, and we'll see in a month or so if I think they've had any toning benefits at all.

    My downfall is chocolate.  After dinner I allow myself one bite size Almond Joy, and two little bite size Hershey's chocolates.  It's about 175 calories total for all three, although of course they're high in fat, sugar, etc.  But they're my treat and I'm not giving them up!  Laughing

    Chilly rainy day here - yuk!   

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    Well, I pushed too hard the other day and am paying for it.  I rode the exercise bike at the rec center, got the heart rate up, etc., and now am hobbling.  And my feet were swollen last night.  AGH.  Will talk to the rad nurse this afternoon about that.

    Ah, Nats, I lost my taste for chocolate and Coke during chemo.  I still like dark chocolate, but the other doesn't have the same appeal. 

    Keep swinging, stepping, and combatting!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    To me, chocolate tasted like CHALK during chemo  (which is the only reason that I did not gain about 54 pounds!), but the delicious taste came back to me over time; which may or may not be considered a good thing!

  • lorieg
    lorieg Member Posts: 79
    edited May 2010

    Anyone tried the Zumba DVDs?  I get bored with the same workouts easily and am always looking for something new to do.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Anyone know if the DVD's are available from Netflix?  That way you can try before buying, or don't buy at all but keep trying different ones.  Lori, it is important to make changes if you get bored because you won't keep at it otherwise. 

    13 inches - WOW!  I'd love that.  I think I've lost inches in my hips but really need to lose this stomach.

    Did 60 min water aerobics class and then another 30 mins running in the water.  My right hip and knee are screaming at me but they were hurting before the class - just achy joints I guess.  I had cut down while under the weather for weeks because of allergies but I think I can get back on track and that should help the joints. 

    Retrievermom - take it easy.

    Thanks for the motivation my Sculpted sisters.

  • lorieg
    lorieg Member Posts: 79
    edited May 2010

    Patoo, great idea1!!  I will check Netflix.  Thanks!

    I did 30 minutes on the treadmill tonight.  I want to do more, but (and I know I shouldn't complain) I am underweight and do not want to lose any more!  I was low/normal weight to begin with and lost 15 pounds at diagnosis.  I can not seem to put it back on with all my healthy eating and exercise.  Errrrrr.  I am doing a lot of the "healthy fats" along with all my veggies/fruits/whole grains.  Anyway, I know people might hate me for saying this, but I just want to put on 5-10 pounds!   Sorry to b*tch!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    Because muscle weighs more than fat; maybe you would actually gain some weight with exercise, Lori?? (No clue if this is right, if not add Dairy Queen Blizzards to your diet Tongue out). STILL raining, so did 30 minutes on the treadmill (in my Nikes) & a 30 minute pilates DVD. There are lots of good exercise DVDs that are cheap on e-bay & (my favorite shopping site where over $25 of orders has free shipping), and also at stores like Walmart. One DVD I got there for about $10.00 that is really good is 'The FIRM's Total Body Makeover'. It has 4 different  routines & a sculpting band included.  Two 30 minute cardio plus weight training (you supply the weights) workouts, 30 minutes fun cardio dance workout & a 30 minute pilate workout. The weather is suppose to clear up this weekend, so I will try the toning shoes outside. TGIF!!! Ruth
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited May 2010

    Hi, everyone, I'm convinced at this point that I either have no conscious or else chemo damaged my hearing because I've been bad all week and I only heard a few whispers.  I was doing great for a month or so and now I've gone into this slump.  Feel free to bring out the wet noodle  Undecided  I just can't get up the motivation.  Can I blame chemo brain?  Or at least post-chemo fatigue?

    Netflix does have exercise DVD's, I haven't looked thoroughly but I had to dig for them (know what name I wanted to search for) (they didn't have "exercise" as a genre) and in some cases (like RS) they didn't seem to have a big selection.  Still, a good place to check to try things out.  Some you can play right away on your computer or TV, but of course none of the ones I want to try are set up that way.  And I agree, Amazon has great deals.  I've been looking around town and can't find anything even close.  I'm going to order from them today.  Once the heat and humidity hit I'm going to have a tough time getting outside to exercise so I'm looking at a variety of DVD's.  I know, wimpy wimpy, but my body just doesn't deal well with heat.  If I ever start getting enough sleep, I like to get up early to walk outside, but so far I'm still too tired to do that.

    Lori, I remember the days of wanting to put on weight, and it's every bit as frustrating as trying to lose.  Enjoy an extra cookie or something for all of us!

    OK, I'm going to commit to walking 30 minutes today, you heard it here!  Now I must!

    Keep up the good work, everyone!  Reading all your posts may light a fire under me yet!  Smile

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    Nature, if you haven't walked by the time you read this post, GET OUT THERE AND DO IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!! Yell (there, was that crabby enough to do the trick?)
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    Wow Ruth - are you strict!  Laughing  I listened, so last night I did 45 minutes of weight training/LE therapy, and this morning I did my neighborhood walk in 38 minutes - only a one bunny day. 

    Nature, I'm almost 2 years out of chemo, but I still like to blame chemobrain for everything - it's just too good an excuse to let go of!  Tongue out  Lori - you're in charge of eating all the stuff we can't. Have a Dove Bar for me.  Retriever - take it easy - exercise is good but your body is dealing with a lot of damage during the rads, so maybe you're going to have to take it a bit easier for a while. And hopefully your taste for chocolate will come back when you're all done!  Patoo - good idea to check Netflix.  And I like the idea of the cheap Amazon titles too. We're such a resourceful group!  

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765
    edited May 2010

    The only exercise I got last night was running up and down the stairs a billion times to tend to the grandsons.  I'm sure I haven't mentioned that last year - the same week of my diagnosis - my DD's (edited to delete ex) husband decided he didn't want to be married anymore (and had a few girls on the side).  My DD is a stay at home mom and hasn't worked in 5 years and in Michigan she hasn't been able to get a job so (edit) after her husband kicked her out of her house, DH finished our walkout and made a lovely apartment for the two grandsons and DD.

    Soooo, she went out last night and I put the boys to bed and they were needy last night.  No wonder my DD stays so thin!

    Ok, that was a heck of a long story just to say I didn't exercise much yesterday.  Thanks for reading (if you still are).  I'll try better today.

    PS: thanks for the advice on the shoes, going to definitely buy the sketchers.  And thanks for the advice on netflix, I'll look for some DVDs through netflix.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    As a librarian, I have to put in a plug for your local library's media dept.  Check and see if they have exercise DVDs. 

    Still nursing the knee, and the rad folks say my swollen feet aren't their fault. 

    Exercise for me today!

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2010

    Well, Suzette, if it keeps your DD thin, keep running up and down after the little ones. You and your husband are wonderful to set them up like that to help them through tough times.  I'm anxious for my son and his wife to start a family, but I'm in NY and they live in Baltimore so I won't be able to visit as easily as you.  Luckily, Baltimore is just a four hour drive away.

     I'm on my way out to a pilates class and then a tennis scrimmage tonight.

    Have a nice day everyone!


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited May 2010

    I  only have time for a quick reply (you'll hear more from me soon, I promise) :) but OUCH, Ruth, I felt that kick all the way here in Indiana Smile  I got out for a great walk this afternoon. 

    Happy Friday, everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    My pleasure; I am a teacher and therefore used to trying to 'motive' people into doing things they don't really want to do, ha!!! Finally the sun broke through for a lovely day here. I put on the toners and took a wonderful hour long walk.  Here is one for you all; I had pulled out a pile of summery shorts, Capri's etc. and was trying them on (in a hurry) and came across a pair of khaki colored pants. I put them on, and they fell to the floor!!! "What the heck?" Had these pants been in the bottom of a pile for a long, long time, and had I thinned down SO incredibly MUCH? How THRILLING! I took them off & looked at the label; they were my DH pants!!!!!!!!!!!!! Embarassed
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Yep, Ruth has a long leg.  We'll also have to up the volume on the voices.

    Lori, I've got 15 or even 20.  Come get them anytime you want.  No charge either!   LOL - but really, we don't hate you because you want to gain - we want you to be healthy.

    Retrievermom, my local library does not carry exercise DVD's.  That was one of the first places I checked.  I also checked Blockbuster, thinking they would have some cheap, used ones - nope!  But they are cheap at WalMart, eBay and Amazon.  Right now I have enough of them and might even stick them in the DVD player one of these days!  Well, I do the Leslie Sansone but the RS and FIRM and another I picked up are only collecting dust.

    Didn't do too much today.  A little lazy so went for a short walk after work.  Total today = 2.1 miles.  Busy day tomorrow so need to try and get in the water aerobics class - 9am on a Saturday morning - what are they thinking!!!!

    Kathy - wish I could play tennis. 

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2010

    Did my daily walk yesterday and again today.  Then came home this afternoon and fired up the push lawnmower and cut the 8 inch high grass from under all of our trees!!  It was a little humid today, so don't know if I broke out in a sweat from the heat or the effort !!  ha ha 

    I WISH that I could get into DH's pants - literally!  He is smaller than me!  Wink

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited May 2010

    True Confessions time:  I came home from seeing my cardiologist yesterday (how can I be only 58 and have a cardiologist?  Good ol' chemo -- but I'm grateful that I'm here and for the chemo and that they can get the heart stuff under control) and sat down to post (I still hadn't walked) and saw Ruth's "motivational speech" and immediately logged off, changed my clothes, and went for a good walk at Celery Bog. 

    It was a terrific day for walking, I was pumping away, amazed at my energy and speed (really!) and suddenly got stopped by a birder on one of the viewing decks -- she wanted to point out two mature bald eagles perched in a dead tree.  Way cool!  I know there are eagles in this area (Wabash River and all) but that's the first time I've ever seen them at the marsh.  I also saw lots of warblers and at least 7 great blue herons but the eagles were the highlight.  

    Ruth, LOL at your pants story!

    Retriever, I love my library and use them so much, but I have the same problem as Patoo with my library -- very few exercise DVD's!  I don't know why but maybe I'll put in a suggestion that they expand.   Do take care of yourself and keep an eye on your feet -- if they don't get better, ask your oncologist or someone.  I'm so amazed at how much you're doing; by the time I got to rads I was totally wasted and couldn't even think of walking.

    I ordered one of the Leslie Sansone walking DVD's (the one with 4 walks and a stretch band) and the RS 4-DVD set of Oldies (sorry, Ruth, I couldn't find RS5!) :)  So I should be pumping away with those soon.

    My cardiologist unintentionally  motivated me to get my butt moving and get in shape.  (long story deleted here).   I don't have to see him for a year unless I have problems, and I want to be slender and fit and with my heart in even better shape that it is now.  Kind of like so I could say, "So there!" although I don't know what I'm saying "so there!" to.  :)  I know, I'm an idiot sometimes :)

    Sorry so long, I really am babbling this morning, I'm going to get dressed (yes, I'm still in my PJ's at noon!) and go for another great walk....

    (edited to shorten, and it's still long...)

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Nat a problem Nature.  Long but an interesting read so post-on!  Mine gets long also sometimes, unintentionally, when I start rambling so I'm gonna cut my losses right now.  LOL. 

    No comment, Mary Louise, on your DH comment.  Embarassed

    Managed to get up and to my water class this morning so 1 hour upper and lower workout and then another 20 minutes running in the pool.  Then came home and fed my face and went out and vacuumed/cleaned inside my car.  That was a workout and it was soooooooooo dirty 0 yeccchhhhhhhhhh.

    Think I'll take another quick 15 min walk and then a quick shower and change.  Going with friends to see Bill Cosby tonight - Live - should be fun.

    Great workouts this week ladies.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010

    Hello everyone!  Just checking in after one of the busiest weeks I have had in ages.  I had meetings, appointments, etc., all week practically nonstop.  I also ate like a football player!  And NO exercise.  

    I am back to exercise today.  I walked 2 miles with the dogs.  Not overly strenuous but at least I did it.  The weather is spectacular!  

    My town library has a bunch of exercise videos.  Some are in the video section and others are on the shelf mixed in with books in the fitness section.  Go figure.  I like the idea of Netflix.  I've bought some real clunker videos in the past and I hate to waste the money.

    Have a great day everyone!  


  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2010

    Mary Louise - I hope you get into your husband's pants real soon!  Be sure to keep us informed.

    Patoo - Have fun!  I love the comedians that can make you laugh at the every day stuff that you never even knew was so funny.  I went to see Jim Gaffigan a few weeks ago and laughed so hard I ached. 

    I did 30 minutes on the elliptical,15 on the threadmill and another 30 minutes on abs, weights and stretching.   Going back to the bike trail tomorrow.  Why am I still so fat??

    Have a wonderful weekend!



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited May 2010

    Kathy, I feel your frustration... we just have to figure we're healthier, at least!  But I want to lose weight, too...

    Patoo, have fun tonight!  I don't care for some comedians but Bill Cosby would be great to see.

    Lorrie, it was a bad exercise week for me, too... I'm blaming cosmic rays :)

    I got in 35 brisk minutes, no eagles today but I saw a pileated woodpecker, dozens of tree swallows, and three funny little ducklings.  Good walk.

    Happy exercise, everyone!  

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Body Combat for me this morning and patoo my class starts at 8am on a saturday so no sleep ins for me these days.  Then I drove 20 miles up the coast to Long Beach and did a Zumba class, one of the instructors at my gym had invited me.  Well I had done Zumba before but this morning I found out that I had done an old lady Zumba - this morning was the real deal woohoo it was so much fun and I know I burned some serious calories but then I was bad and had steak tacos for late lunch.  Keep up the good work everyone .

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Good Job All!! Whether we lose (or gain) weight or not, we are way healthier if we are exercising!!! I just got back from a nice 60 minute walk. No cool bald eagles, but a bunch of robins and apple trees in full bloom with pink or white flowers. Beautiful! I either walk funny, or tried to start too fast because after walking an hour in the toners yesterday, my knees hurt & I had Charlie Horses in my calfs (at 4 am!). So I wore my Nikes today. I'll have to start out with shorter walks with the toners......any suggestions, toner wearers?   Have a great night, fellow sculptresses! Ruth

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765
    edited May 2010

    Hello everyone.  Just did a fat burning dance mix on my Wii Instant Netflix.  It was a good cardio workout.  Did some 5 pound weights for the biceps and triceps and walked about a half hour today.  I need to get my eating a little more under control, this week I gained a couple of pounds which isn't bad but being on the Femara I really need to watch it and not let the weight gain get out of control.  Have a good evening.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Show was hilarious.  I'm with you Nature, don't care for too many comics but Bill Cosby is good, clean,no foul language, humor.

    Logged another 2 miles walking today.  But like many have shared, eating gets out of control.  I'm good for a while and then, bam, eat everything in sight.  But, we are healthier - so be it!

    Ruth, not sure why your toners should hurt but you never know.  Maybe take a shorter walk one day and see if your knees still hurt.  Could the charlie horses be because walking in the toners pulls on muscles you haven't used?  I've been doing good, cramp free, since I started having tonic water mixed into my juice every day. 

    Night my sculpted sisters.