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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited November 2013

    Thanks, LilacBlue and odie16!

    Pat01 and AnnieLane, hope you get over your colds quickly! ‘Tis that season!

    Sweetandspecial – today we had an appt at the hospital, and normally I’d zip up those four flights of stairs, but I told DH my head would explode, so rode with him in the elevator. Good for you for taking the stairs at work! That sure adds up!

    Oh, Ruth – you deserve an award. A puking kid and a cussing kid…. What joy!!!

    Whoa, Dulcigirl…. No power – awful. Just be sure that generator is outside and well ventilated AWAY from the house! When the power goes out in our mountain communities, there are always incidents of families being overcome by the fumes…. Are you wearing your hot pink high heels with fuzzy socks to keep warm?

    Hbcheryl – I hereby appoint you my honorary doctor for the duration of my head injury. I like your kind of medicine.

    SO – what is everyone doing for Thanksgiving? Are we being cautious and wise and choosing healthy, low calorie foods?

    Or are we going hog wild and setting new calorie records with the idea that we can always walk it off later?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited November 2013

    I vote for walk it off later!ThumbsUp

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2013

    Blessings - ouch on the eye!! And the worst part is that you have to explain it over and over again cuz people keep asking why you have a black eye. Devil

    Pat and Annie - colds are no fun. Take care of yourselves. Dulci - can just see you there with fuzzy pink socks and your hot pink high heels! Happy

    Walked the mile and back last night to our favorite Mexican restaurant - yum. The owner always gives us a free dessert, but we were good and turned it down last night. Did NOT turn down the margaritas, however. Winking

    It's our last lunchtime yoga today for the fall, and then a friend is taking me to her yoga class after work, so I'll either be limber as heck after today, or completely tied in knots. Singing

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited November 2013

    Dulci - glad you got at least some power.

    Lisa Jayne - Must be something in the air today, both hubby and I overslept too - and even our cats did!

    Because of my late arrival at work, I will need to work late and skip the gym, but I will get a walk in at lunch. Hit my 10K steps yesterday, and aim to keep doing that.

    My cold is just about gone - a little stuffy, but nothing that I can use as an excuseWinking Hope yours passes quickly Annie.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2013

    well I have the opposite of sleeping in, yesterday the dog woke me up barking in my ear at 5.08am then went to the kitchen and stood in front of his cookie jar, this morning it was 4.58am ..... Anyone want a dogSinging

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited November 2013

    Unless I get an extreme medical condition between now and next week, I am voting for FEASTING on Thanksgiving. I will do an AM ride however to burn off some calories in advance. I usually end up thinner post Thanksgiving weekend as have more time to get out there and cycle.

    Just a walk last night as have been slammed with work. I will get in a run later today as able to work from home. - Claire

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited November 2013

    ROFL!! Debating on letting you all keep your "pink heels/fuzzy socks" picture or slapping you with the ugly truth!!! Lol. Layers of everything warm I can find and warm slippers. Greasy hair to top it off AND my period just started!!! Ugh!!! (Sorry for the TMI!)

    Blessings...yes, the generator is quite a ways from the house. We don't have a garage so there is PLENTY of ventilation. Winking

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited November 2013

    OK, they've messed around with things so that I can only do big pictures, so that is what you'll get. Here are the Wednesday Women walking through the woods up to a local tourist site, a 'Frontier Village'. The train is there because it was trains which brought homesteaders out to the Dakota Territory to settle.



  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited November 2013

    Dulci - check with your homeowners insurance company, you may have coverage for the loss of your refrigerated/frozen food.

    Blessings - my Thanksgiving is the usual......all the in-laws at my house because it's hunting season and they all come 'up north' for hunting and Thanksgiving. This will be a much better one for me this year though. Last year at Thanksgiving I was only about two and a half weeks post-BMX so while the meal was at our house I wasn't involved much and ate dinner in my BC pink jammies then went back to my Lazy-boy chair. What a difference a year can make....PTL!

    Ruthbru - I probably will walk it off later......I can only stand so much of the in-law invasion before I need some peace and quiet Bawling. Awesome pictures - looks like a wonderful trail.

    I got in a half-mile warm-up walk on the gym track at 5:45am and then my 6:00am killer group class. There were several laps of running (125 yard track) involved with the group class. Several folks in the class as well as the instructor are training for a tough mudder race next June so lucky me, I get to be subjected to the same workout (grimace).

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,858
    edited November 2013

    Good evening everyone! I've enjoyed reading all the posts and looking at the pictures. Lots going on!

    Walked/ran at the park this afternoon. Temps in the low 50s.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited November 2013

    I too vote for enjoying the feast on Thanksgiving but will get extra walks in to offset the extra calories. 

    Great trail Ruth. Lisa Jayne, sounds like you have some making up to do this Enjoy the holiday! Cheryl, if it is any consolation, my dogs seem to have issues with sleeping in too. Good thing they are cute little monsters....Lilacblue, hope your hubby enjoys some indulging for the holiday and is steadily getting better each day.  Joy, sending hugs your way this holiday. Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving and consider you ladies one of the many blessings that I am thankful for. 

    Did 4 miles on the Elliptical tonight plus weights but really had to push myself thru as I had a nagging headache. Will put more lymph into my workout tomorrow......

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited November 2013

    Just walked the dogs today...still nursing this pesky cold and that was about all I felt up for on top of work.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited November 2013

    Had a busy rest of the day. Drove to the larger town to my post-procedure appointment with the periodontist (1 1/2 hours away), was pronounced to be 'looking good' (which took 15 minutes), bought some walking shoes, drove home, and went directly to watch the women's and men's college basketball games.....I am tired!

    Mary, what time does DH have surgery on Friday? Is it out-patient surgery? What is the estimated time of recovery? I will be thinking of him (and you).

    Here is an inspirational story for us: we always eat after we walk (of course), and a beautiful older woman (rosy pink cheeks, straight carriage, shining hair) came up and said hello to one of our ladies, who used to be her neighbor. When she heard we were a walking group, she said, "I just love walking and walk 3 miles every day. Keep it up girls!" She then revealed that she is 89 years old...or I should say 89 years young!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2013

    I too shall be feasting on Thanksgiving, I'm not much for turkey but where I go also serves up prime rib and lamb yum. Today I booked a spin bike for the 8am class on Thanksgiving morning, and we're going to do a 90 minute spin class the night before.

    Dulcie is your outfit topped off with a SnuggieLoopy Ruth an outing is always successful when shoe shopping is involvedThumbsUp love your WOW photos and I especially like the photo on FB with the big buffalo looming over everyone. Annie and Pat hope the colds are easing up.

    Today I did my Sh'bam class and then tonight up and down and round and round the aisles at Costco.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2013

    Ruth it's like we're living in a parallel universe, I mentioned the buffalo and when I went to FB you had put the YouTube video up, very Rod Searling Twilight Zone.......

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited November 2013

    Here is the picture Cheryl was talking about. My town is 'The Home of the World's Largest Buffalo'; down in the valley below this statue lives a herd of real, live buffalo. The herd includes several rare albino buffalo. The white buffalo is sacred to the Native American people.


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2013

    Wow, Ruth - great pix! Although that giant buffalo is almost a bit disturbing . . . Cheryl - you sound like us - no Thanksgiving turkey for us, but we grill a rib eye. But we cook all the other trimmings - green bean casserole, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and of course the cranberry jelly right from the can - with all the little ridges on it. Happy We'd signed up for a 5K Turkey Trot that morning, but obviously DH won't be able to run it after his surgery tomorrow. But it's a dog friendly run, so Mikey and I will probably still go, so that'll help burn some calories.

    The yoga class I went to with my friend last night was a yin yoga class - very interesting. For a 90 minute class, we only did about half a dozen poses - in yin yoga you hold each pose for 4-5 minutes at a time. Shocked It's a lot of lower body stretching moves like butterfly (from a seated position, place the soles of the feet together in front of you, then hinging from the hips, gently lean forward over your feet and hold - excellent groin stretch, but I really felt it after holding it for 5 minutes!). It was an interesting experience holding each pose for so long, but I really feel a lot looser and more flexible this morning, so I think I'll go again.

    DH's surgery is scheduled for 11:45 tomorrow, so we have to be there the standard 2 hours early. Surgery should last only an hour or so, then a few more hours in recovery. He really wants to go to the cabin to recover, but our "driveway" is basically two tire tracks in the dirt that go up and over the mountain, so it's a bit of a rough ride. We'll fill him full of pain meds and hope for the best! Singing

    30 minutes elliptical this morning, while watching Lassie. She got lost and bravely had to make it home for 700 miles with all the usual hardships. Totally ridiculous, completely predictable story, yet there I was in tears when she finally limped home to be reunited with Timmy. I found out that it's hard to elliptical with tears streaming down your face! I'm such a sucker for any kind of dog story.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited November 2013

    Cheryl, of course we are living in a parallel universe!

    One more interesting thing (to me, a teacher) about the buffalo. That is what size the Triceratops dinosaur was.

    I will be thinking about you guys tomorrow, Mary. DH may change his mind about going over the bumpy roads!

    No early subbing call, so I am off to the 9 am Core.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited November 2013

    I have electricity! And heat! And water!! I am warm and clean!!

    But today I'm afraid my exercise will consist of tons of laundry (all those layers!!) and gutting the fridge/freezer.

    And then a quick trip to the store to get a little bit of edible food. Was it you, sweetandspecial, who asked about the insurance covering the food loss? I have looked into it in the past and it is not worth the deductible. If we lost appliances or the well, too, then it would be. But, sadly, it's cheaper in the long run just to take a loss on the food.

    I sure am thankful for water!! I always am, but it's a great reminder. My uncle has been drilling wells in Haiti and Ethiopia for years.

    We are so very blessed here!!!

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited November 2013

    My plan for Thanksgiving is to feast on my favorite dishes without guilt and pass on the things I'm less crazy about, then get out and power walk as much of it off as I can. It's too easy to mindlessly load your plate with everything, even the things that don't excite you all that much. And no more stuffing myself until I'm miserable like I did in my younger days.

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited November 2013

    YAY Dulci! We have a well and have had extended power outages , people in the city just don't understand how awful it is to be without water. And the one thing I always notice when the power comes back on is how filthy the floors are.

    Got a nice walk in at lunch yesterday and made my 10k steps - and a little classical stretch this morning. And the gym bag is in the car - no excuses.

    We are heading off Tuesday to New Orleans for Thanksgiving - that city lends itself to a lot of walking around, so I'm hoping the walking will temper the calorie overload.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited November 2013

    Dulci - Yes, I suggested checking into the insurance. It would probably be more cost effective if you've got two or three big freezers full of meat, but just a little ole fridge/freezer not so much. And I hear you on the water. I've been on mission trips to both Haiti and Jamaica and really feel guilty sometimes when I leave the water running while brushing my teeth! Last time we were in Jamaica (Christian school for the deaf) there was a drought and the school actually had to buy their water and it came in a tanker truck.

    I'm debating between a two mile walk or an 8K walk/run on Thanksgiving morning. I haven't been training nearly enough so I'll probably do the walk. Didn't get anything in today but plan on being at my early morning group workout tomorrow.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited November 2013

    Dulcigirl, bet that shower felt heavenly.. Glad you have power and water again. 

    Mary, will be thinking of you and DH tomorrow. And thank you. My family had me almost convinced that I am the only person who likes the jellied stuff...ha ha

    Walked 3.5 miles this morning and did some light toning before baking a coconut cake for my son's birthday tomorrow. And no temptation since I don't like       Unfortunately my nephew's birthday is also today so there will be lots of cake this weekend.. Cheryl, I will have a bite in your honor.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited November 2013

    Lisa Jayne, I wonder if the Christian School for the Deaf in Jamaica you've been to is the same one my daughter took a mission trip to this summer. She is a speech therapist and is fluent in sign language. I loved seeing her pictures and hearing her stories when she came back.

    Anyway, today I did strength training at the gym for an hour and also did some stretching. Heading out with DH to walk the dogs now.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,542
    edited November 2013

    Did Core & Pilates this morning & Zumba tonight. It is really cold here!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2013

    Two mile walk with a friend and some hooping. It rained on us but not enough to soak through all my layers of clothes.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,858
    edited November 2013

    Dulci: YEA!

    Mary: I'll be thinking of you and dh tomorrow. Hope all goes well with the surgery and ya'll are able to get to your cabin.

    Raked leaves and weeded for over an hour today.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2013

    Mary will be thinking of you and DH tomorrow. Odie you know I love cake and mmm coconut custard is my favorite pie flavor. Ann it started raining last night and it's turned cold .. Well cold for us, Ruth get up off the floor I know you're down there rolling around laughingBawling Dulci I'll bet you feel good after that shower.

    Well my car is in the shop, it was supposed to be ready at 4.30pm but no, apparently the car in front of me took longer blah blah blah, so I got a ride home and no gym tonight, I'll walk to work in the morning, it's 5 miles so not too bad, but it seems funny to have had dinner and have the dishes washed up by 8pm cause that's usually when I'm walking in the door.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited November 2013

    Finally rained, we needed it so bad.  Treadmilled 5 (slow) miles to work off a yummy sandwich for dinner. Cheese, avocado, spinach, cukes and red onions on whole grain loaf. 

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited November 2013

    Mary, hope all goes smooth and easy for your husband and YOU as well.

    Advanced freestyle step and new release body balance at the gym this morning. I've been able to get to at least one class at the gym, these past four days!ThumbsUp