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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    I am sure the charlie horses were from the toners and the under-used calf muscles. I will just have to start out with shorter walks until my legs get used to the shoe.  My problem with tonic is that I like the taste so much,  I drink the whole bottle in about two days!! I am a person of about ZERO willpower; if I like some sort of food or drink, I can not have it in my house Cry. I need to be locked up in a SPA!!!!
  • gemo
    gemo Member Posts: 530
    edited May 2010

    I have been at intensive work training all week.  So much sitting that even the healthiest people were in pain.  I did what little walking was available but back now and did Death by Yoga today and planning to walk a good deal tomorrow (weather providing). 

    Ruth = portion control of any kind has never been my strength either.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Maybe we could get a group rate at the spa!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited May 2010

    I walked a moderate pace for 25 minutes in a place I haven't walked in years -- a small woodland area in the middle of soccer, baseball, and football fields.  Very pleasant, heard a wood thrush (one of my favorite bird songs) and saw a cecropia moth clinging to a chain link fence when I left.

    Ruth, my toners haven't made me hurt, but I don't walk as long (and probably no where near as fast) as you do. Cutting back/building up sounds like a good plan.

    I relate to the eating-control thing you all mentioned.  I've always had a bit of a self-control problem with some foods but it's worse now.  I was blaming myself for being weak and then I heard a dr. call-in show (Dr. Zorba on NPR) and someone was blaming their weight gain on meds she took 5 years ago.  Dr. Zorba said there are very few meds that actually make you gain weight... what they usually do is make you want to eat more, some times you aren't even concious of it until you start gaining weight.  I don't know if that's the case for my meds but it made me feel better... and made me more aware of what I put into my mouth.  Sometimes I still  eat too much but at least now I'm aware of it and it seems to be helping; my weight is down a couple of pounds from two weeks ago.  I won't consider it real weight loss unless it continues or at least stays the same but it's somewhat encouraging.

    Patoo, glad the show was good!

    Lovely if cloudy Sunday here, I'm going to go work out in the yard....

  • rreynolds1
    rreynolds1 Member Posts: 62
    edited May 2010

    I had forgotten what good exercise walking could be.  I had been doing a very high intensity eliptical workout for 45 mins. every day.  Yesterday, I decided to go for a hilly walk because it was a very beautiful day.  It was a great workout and used different muscles than the eliptical.  I feel it today in my inner theighs and my butt.  I think it is important to mix up the exercises to get a great work out.


  • lorieg
    lorieg Member Posts: 79
    edited May 2010

    After waking up and feeling very blah today I did a 45 run in Hermann Park (I am at MDA getting rads currently although live in Ohio).  It is a beautiful day in Houston!  Feeling better now.  I have only had 14 radiation treatments (getting twice daily rads) and already have a bad sore throat.  I know this is off topic but anyone else have this with rads?  I think it is the radiation hitting the esophagus when my supraclavicular nodes are hit.  I wasn't expecting this side effect so soon.  Ugh.  Can't imagine what it will be like after another 30 treatments!

    You all are doing great at your workouts!!  Keep it up!

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2010

    Took a 20 mile bike ride today.  I'm exhausted now but feel so good and proud of myself. Yea for us all!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Great jobs, all! Did a 40 minute FIRM workout called "Get Chiseled" & the 15 minute bonus feature called "Kick It Into Gear". Which now I have to do (kick it into gear). I have lists and lists of things to do around here). Keep up the awesome exercising! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Ow ow ow ow did Body Step class today and discovered that the Zumba I did yesterday had found muscles I didn't know I had - in my butt!!!!! Have spent the afternoon washing my car and gardening so lots of bending and stretching, my gardenias are getting ready to bloom but the whiteflies are feasting grrrrr but the roses are beautiful, I need to wash the windows but I've run out of gas.

    Glad you enjoyed the show patoo, Kathy wow 20 miles tomorrow your butt is going to feel like mine, Nature sure sounds like you live in a beautiful part of the country, Lorie I'm sorry you're not feeling 100%, I didn't have rads so I can't help you but can you ask them when you go in for your next treatment? Ruth when you check into that spa don't forget me! I am now going to sit in front of the tv and go through the dvr list and just relax. Nite all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    Lorie, I did rads but did not have a sore throat. Cheryl is right that you should ask when you go in & make sure that they give you some tips on how to manage it (and also if you can run for 45 minutes when you feel 'blah', you are amazing! Cool) I am in trouble now because a friend just called & wondered if I want to go out for ice cream, and of course I am going to yield to temptation! 
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Ruth did you also go to the Dairy Queen after church this morning?  I know you're a reader and I am about to make a German Apple Cake from a recipe out of one of the Joanne Fluke "Hannah Swensen" books it looks really good I'll let you know how it turns out, enjoy the ice cream!

  • gemo
    gemo Member Posts: 530
    edited May 2010

    Weather was great today - walked about 5 miles at varied pace.  Tomorrow, the Y

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    No, I only actually WENT to the Dairy Queen once today, BUT went to a wedding shower in the afternoon where they served Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake!!!!!! Cheryl, if you ever read 'The Sweet Potato Queen's Book of Love'; try making the 'chocolate stuff' recipe. OMG! If there is dessert in heaven, it will be at the top of the menu!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2010

    I am back ladies will head into the gym today I promise.Checked the scale today didnot even gain a pound.Now back to the impossible mission of loosing a few. I invited some inspiration help.

    Woops wrong character.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    What a busy weekend everyone has had!  I'm absolutely flabbergasted - what a great group! 

    Saturday we were back at the cabin with me trying to plant things.  It's a process because there are rocks everywhere that have to be pried out of the ground, but all the rocks are on or just below the surface (leftover glacier rubble?  any geologists out there?) so once you get them out of the way you can plant things.  I just have to keep a crowbar as part of my planting equipment. So it was quite the upper body workout.  Sunday we took an hour and a half hike at Catoctin Nat'l Park.  

    No bald eagles at the cabin but we saw our first male scarlet tanager of the season.  They are spectacular.  We also watched a male ruby-throated hummingbird doing that "U" flight to impress a local female.  We hope she was impressed.  Last year when the leaves had dropped, in one tree we found a tiny hummingbird nest leftover from the summer - it was the littlest nest I've ever seen. We have one of those picnic table corn cob feeders that we put up for the squirrels.  They've never touched it, but all weekend a chipmunk and a red-bellied woodpecker had "corn wars" over it.  Who knew?

    Love the spa idea - I definitely need to be beaten up by a vicious personal trainer all day long for a few days or a week.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010 was back to kickboxing today! really kicked my butt.  One thing I do which is very good for my mental health is that I punch the cancer when I punch the bag.  I must have tons of pent up anger because I can really beat the sh?t out of the bag when I focus on punching the cancer.  LOL.

    I walked 2 miles on Saturday and 1 mile on Sunday.

    Let me tell you about eating.  I ate soooo much last week.  I think I gained 5 pounds!  It was just nonstop outings to dinner, lunch, and ice cream (a family favorite).  Truly I didn't intend to eat so much, it just happened.  I guess it doesn't hurt that I love food!

    But, it's back to real life today.  I am tracking my eating again and taking it one step at a time.  I'm also eating salads with lunch and dinner.  You see, I have a wedding I need to go to on the weekend.  Need to look good!

    Have a great afternoon!


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited May 2010

    Nats, love your bird/critter sightings!  Loved reading about them.  Cheryl -- funny -- you live in CA, which I think sounds beautiful... I don't think IN would make it on many top-10 lists but it has it's own quiet beauty and I'm close to some decent nature areas. And, no matter how long I do or don't stay here, it's home.  Lori, I think you're getting different rads than I did (only left side for me) but I agree with Cheryl & Ruth, ask at your next treatment and I hope you feel better...

    and mumayan quit taking pictures of me at work :)

    Everyone seems to have so much energy, I can't wait to get more back!  Today was rain, rain, rain all day so although I was motivated to go out, I'm not willing to get soaked.  Hurry up, DVD's!  I've noticed if I don't exercise by late afternoon I don't get it done because my energy is all gone by dinnertime so even if it stops raining soon I probably won't get out.

    Keep up the good work, everyone!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2010

    Well class tonight with my trainer. Need to get on track this week. Only workout at the gym two times last week, Usually workout 4 to 5 times, I have my weigh in on Sunday, Hope my week did not up. I went out to eat a few times and did do my best to make wise choices and not eat everything, Going out of town Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Our place has a kitchenette so I am taking planned meals. I am meeting my granddaughter Makayla for the first time. She is 3 and I just found out about her 2 weeks ago. I found the mom Anna after my son told me about it, I am happy I found her and looking forward to getting to know her.  She lives in Prescott about an hour and half from us. So I am actually will be a grandma for the first time, My daughter is having a baby she is our first to be born. Her name is Aubrey to be. Will be here in August. We are so looking forward to it, My daughter;s wedding was in February, I got my nipples and now babies in the family, So exciting, Anyway's at  the hospital my daughter in law had surgery today and is doing well. Better than expected. Wish me luck and keep encouraging me with your post to her those whispers,,,,get off your butt and exercise woman! LOL

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Seems last week was "off" for many of us.  It happens and so we just post it and I think that helps to get us back on track.  Yesterday, Sunday, was busy so I did no measurable exercise.

    Tonight after work I did a 1 hour water aerobics class.   She gave a good aerobic and upper body class.  Then ran for another 20 mins in the pool.  Stopped at grocery store after so that was walking.  My pedometer has logged 1.86 miles so that'sin addition to the water class.  Good day. 

    Tomorrow will be a challenge, somewhat, but may be able to get in a 30 min walk after work. 

    As usual, a great motivating thread.  Thanks my sculpted sisters.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Mums, you post the best pictures, thanks! Elizabeth, you will have to stay in shape to keep up with the new kiddos in your family (by the way, Aubrey is one of my all time favorite girl names!). It was an absolutely gorgeous day here. I took an hour long walk this evening. There is a small private college with a beautiful campus about a mile from my house. It's quiet right now as their school year is done & summer school hasn't started yet. So I walked over & around the campus enjoying the old buildings, landscaping, listening to the birds etc. I am still not sold on the toners; my feet feel heavy & I feel like my gait is like someone who has been riding a horse too long. ??? About the spa; I was thinking more along the lines of staff serving us fabulous but low calorie and extremely healthy meals, and giving us massages and facials between our light workouts and whirlpools. I don't think I would care for a vicious personal trainer, unless, maybe, he was really, really cute!!!! Great Night All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Okay Ruth I'm in with the spa deal - we're not inviting Eduardo as our trainer (and he is really really cute) as he tried to kill us tonight in Body Combat he spent the weekend training trainers and was still in that frame of mind and it was reflected in his class!! The apple cake from the Joanne Fluke book is delicious I have to say instead of having a slice that every time I've walked past it I've had a "spoonful" so in reality I think I've probably had three slices today - gawd no wonder I don't lose weightEmbarassed.

    Nature I had to go up to Newport Coast this afternoon to pick up something from one of my clients and at one point the road opens up and the pacific ocean is directly in front of you, it is called Crystal Cove and it is breathtakingly beautiful (it is where the beach scene in the movie Beaches was filmed) I don't know if it's our BC experience but I think we really SEE the beauty that surrounds us. Nats sounds like you had one fabulous weekend. Mum what a lovely photo he is soooo cute. Elizabeth or should I say Grandma, it sounds like you are going to have a very exciting week. Lorrie keep kicking that bag and give it a good bash for me! Love that you're back patoo I've missed you.  Nite all.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Hey, where is everybody?  I'm just getting home from work and then a meeting so didn't do anything today but I think in a few minutes I will go up and march in front of the TV and watch the news.  Actually just looked at the pedometer I've gotten used to wearing every day and I logged 1.56 miles today so another 30 mins marching will up that.  I'll take it.

    Night my sculpted ladies.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Hello, maybe everyone is out exercising!? Another beautiful day here; walked on a nature trail for 45 minutes (didn't wear the toners as I was afraid I'd break my ankle on uneven terrain), and then did 15 minutes of abs. Yes, Cheryl, I do think we are more AWARE of (and appreciative of) all the (little and big) good, and happy, and beautiful things in good SE, anyway. Take Care All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Well I've been exercising for everybody, tonight I did and hour of Body Step and then an hour of the cardio dance class - my feet are on fire and I am sweaty and exhausted but I feel great woo hoo.  I'm glad you've got nice weather Ruth we've had rain today really unusual for us but it was nice, keep a walking patoo.  See you all tomorrow.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2010

    Well hello everyone...It is good to see everyone exercising. Did my class last night worked on legs. Wow was I exhausted. Then today my husband took the car. (we onlly have one car) he was not going to be home till late. So I took a nice brisk walk this morning. There was a nice breeze too. Good day!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2010

    Hi everyone I am heading out to the gym and then the driving range.I wonder if I am still going to be able to hit a golfball after a bilat mast.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    It's been busy but I have been exercising.  I do my 2.25 mile neighborhood walk every morning, and Monday afternoon I did 30 minutes of step work (at the new higher step level) and yesterday evening I did my yoga class for an hour, plus I walked the 2 mile round trip to the rec center and back.  She did a lot of leg stuff last night (Warrior 1 and 2, plus Triangle) and wow could I feel it this morning on my walk!

    Oh, I still want all the spa pampering, but I truly do need that vicious personal trainer as well as part of that spa trip.  Just think of how much better the massages will feel after a vicious workout!  Maybe I can get Jillian from Biggest Loser - some days I need a kick in the butt like that.  Tongue out

    Speaking of BL, I had my money on Daris to win it all.  Now I'm not so sure.  And are Ashley and Michael an item??

    Have a great Wednesday everyone!


  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765
    edited May 2010

    I've fallen off the exercise wagon and must get back on.  I'll keep reading your posts to inspire me.  We are finally getting warm temps so maybe I can walk outside tonight. Thanks for exercising for me last night hbcheryl.  I appreciate it.  Mum - let me know how the golf works for you.  I'd like to play again but am so worried about being able to do it after the right mastectomy. 

    Happy Wednesday.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Hey Nats I voted for Darius, I have loved Koli and really wanted him to win but Darius's plea got to me - let's be honest who hasn't done the 10pm eating sabotage.    Elizabeth I know what you mean about the legs, today my shins are on fire maybe overdid it a bit yesterday but I have my combat tonight so I have to "get over it".  Last night my 17 year old goddaughter came to my dance class with 3 of her friends I have been begging her to come to combat with me and she fobs me, off she loves the elliptical.  On Monday night I was doing my begging routine and I sunk to the lowest of the lows I brought up all the times over the last 12 years of her life that I have picked her up from school, the beach, the mall et all and that little bugger just looked me in the eye and said "well yeah you know I'm going to take care of you when you get old!!" what could I say.  She is off to college in 3 months she was going locally but got a partial scholarship to play soccer in Kansas so she is leaving, guess I should encourage her as I want to be well taken care of - when I get old!!

    Good luck with the golf mum, I'm sure once you make the adjustments you'll be able to give that little white ball a good hit right down the center of the fairway.  Just the fact that you are reading Suz means you are thinking, so it won't be long before you're back on the exercise wagon.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765
    edited May 2010
    Love those teenagers!  Especially the graduating high schoolers. Tongue out