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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited December 2013

    Back from a 35 mile ride. Glorious, but chilly, especially after the mist started to roll in. Had some treats from the cycling club party, so a great time to indulge with my tea.

    Towards the end of the ride, I was chilled, but when I picked up the pace to get my core warm, my quads complained.

    Back to work on the never ending project, but fortunately the last weekend of this. THEN, I invoice!!! glad your husband is on the mend.

    Tonight's dinner is rabbit with prunes. My friend Amanda's husband is cooking. I found the recipe and I'm bringing wonderful wine. Should be a fun evening plus I get to enjoy a fire. - Claire

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited December 2013

    Holy sh*t WarriorWoman!  Ten days after BMX I barely had the strength to go up and down a few stairs and definitely not the range of motion to reach out even a little bit to hold on while walking on a treadmill for 3.5 freaking miles.  You're my new hero!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,544
    edited December 2013

    Welcome Warrior!

    An hour on the treadmill, and off to watch a basketball game in a few minutes. I will TRY to stay away from the concessions stand!

    *Badger, if it stays so cold & snowy up north, instead of moving your mom back, YOU might end up staying in Florida with her!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2013

    I am very glad I joined this group.

    Badger - I really appreciate the lymphedema information. My onc surgeon and occupational therapist thought it would be fine. I'm a runner and normally do 5-8 miles a day so for me this was a gradual start-up. However, I'm meeting with both my surgeons on Monday and the topic of lymphedema is now on my list, so thank you!

    Hi Sweet & Special - I honestly expected to be on life support at this point. I'm athletic to begin with and that helps. I have an occupational therapist who comes to my home every few days to help with exercises and doing routine tasks. I cannot tell you how much of a difference it has made in my range of motion. Some of it is the exercise she gives me and some is the reassurance that moving, stretching and gradual increases in my activity are good for me. If I didn't know otherwise, I would be sitting in fetal position all day. My heroins are all the awesome women on here who look to bright futures. I simply need to avoid the ones who scare me to death. Oh, and BTW, under no circumstances will I ever again be able to shovel snow. That's what I'm telling my husband and I'm sticking to the story!

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited December 2013

    Walked about 2 miles and did my weight routine.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2013

    hi all, got to the track last night and walked for an hour.  Nice and warm in there.  Came home and did 20 mins PM yoga and a 20 sec plank.  I may stay at 20 for a while.  Tried for 30 and made 25 but my form deteriorated.  Thought about the elephant plank and couldn't hold it anymore LOL.  Cheryl, how ya doing?

    Ruth, while I may gripe about the weather here, I like winter and would not live in FL. Loopy Call me crazy?

    Got the Wisconsin food boxes packed yesterday and found my pedometer in one of the shopping bags - yay!  It must have slipped in there while I was hauling candy & nuts downstairs (to keep them cool and keep them away from DH, and OK me LOL).

    Mom will call soon and we'll chat, then I'll do some yoga and a 20+ sec plank.  Gotta think about packing (blech). I fly out Thurs but will be off-line here Weds and probably Tues.  Wishing everyone a good Holiday, whatever you celebrate.  I'll be back by NYE.  ♥ to all

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2013

    LOL I'm glad everyone enjoyed the 'plank' description Loopy I have been taking it easy re the exercise but I have been doing my best to get in my 10000 steps in daily, I was trying to decide if I should go get a pedicure and get my feet massaged or go get a massage so in typical me fashion I did neither. I've been crazy busy at work, worked a long day yesterday so I just soaked my feet and I have a shiatsu massager and oh boy my neck, shoulder and lower back were very tender and today I'm driving down to San Diego to have lunch with the San Diego BCO group. Glad you found your pedometer Badger, I know you'll have fun with your Mom, I'm so envious of you having her, I miss mine so much especially at Christmas.

    As a total aside, do I have a story. Friday night went to bed and called Hannah's cat who was outside, well he wouldn't come in so I went to bed and left the 'cat' window open, Hannah came home about 1am with her boyfriend to find our local Racoon in the kitchen eating the dogs very expensive chicken jerky, he'd come in through the cat window, funnily enough but the dog and my cat were in the living room and the Racoon must have walked right past them and neither of them made a sound Bawling

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited December 2013

    Did my day 15 90 sec plank. Woke up with either a touch of stomach flu or a side effect from a new med so I'm pretty thrilled that I made it to 90.

    Beautiful snowy day outside.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited December 2013

    Another 60 minutes shoveling/scraping snow plus day fifteen 90-second plank.  Putting up the tree and getting started on my Christmas baking today.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited December 2013

    another 90 sec plank. Tried not to look like the elephant but it was such a cute elephant....

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2013

    Cheryl - LOL on the Rocky Raccoon visitor - at least my cabin bears have never gotten into the house! Singing Badger - enjoy the respite from the weather! Warrior - we'll back you up fully on the no-snow-shoveling-ever-again story! Happy Sweet - brave woman to plank in public!

    Went for a run in the park and felt so good I ended up doing a touch over 5 miles! It was a crisp sunny day, 41 degrees, perfect running weather for me and my hot flashes. Had to be careful on the icy/snowy patches, but I just thought of those as core/balance exercise interludes. Saw two beautiful does grazing in a clearing, and a magnificent great blue heron flew right past me. No planking today yet for me - still on the agenda. Getting the final Christmas cards ready to mail tomorrow . . .

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,858
    edited December 2013

    LilacBlue: Such wonderful news about your dh!

    Welcome Warrior Woman!

    Cheryl: I would have screamed if I walked into my kitchen and there was a raccoon eating! He has expensive taste. I think your pets went into shock when he walked by them.

    Badger: Have a great vacation!

    Dulcigirl: Hope you start to feel better.

    Ruth: Nice picture!

    Hello Everybody. I've been out of town for several days. My dd graduated from college on Friday. Bragging rights - she graduated magna cum laude! She already has accepted a position and starts tomorrow. So proud of her!

    I walked/ran on the treadmill in the hotel plus dh and I walked while we were away. Today I walked/ran the neighborhood. So refreshing! Tonight is the Christmas play and cover dish at church and I needed the walk to counteract the meal. Loopy

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,544
    edited December 2013

    Wonderland, a big congratulations on DD's graduation AND job! DS is still on the dating market. I believe he would be a pretty good catch as he is nice AND just got a raise at his if only we could find a way for them  to meet/fall in love/get married/ and give us grandchildren.....we would be very nice MILs don't you think? Happy

    I did 45 minutes of toning with Denise Austin this morning. About the planks....I went back to 60 seconds & will move up at 15 second intervals instead of 30 & see what happens if I try it that way.

    Off to my choir practice & the big concert is tomorrow night. Excitement mounts (wink face).

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,858
    edited December 2013

    I wish ND was closer to NC! We would make excellent MILs!

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited December 2013

    Back from a wonderful weekend in Dallas celebrating DH's birthday and enjoying our granddaughters' talents. The ten year old had a piano recital and a drawing on display at her school district's fine arts festival. The fifteen year old danced in the same fine arts fesitival and the seventeen year old played a rockin' bass at their church this morning. We also managed to work in a showing of The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, which we liked better than the first movie. We are all big Tolkien fans. We will be going back next weekend for an early Christmas celebration.

    Anyway, when we got back we took the dogs for an evening walk and I did my 90 second plank. I can't imagine doing a 120 second one tomorrow, but I'll try. Shocked

  • soriya123
    soriya123 Member Posts: 384
    edited December 2013

    Today walked in the park for 40 mins.  :)

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited December 2013

    I got to meet some more BCO women today at the local lunch meetup. Lovely group and tasty food.

    Short walk today. Took a day off from weights due to sore muscles.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2013

    when BCO sisters get together we are very loud and we laugh a lot, it was great to hang out with you today Ann. My only exercise was walking round the outlet mall in Carlsbad on my way back from lunch, got myself some bargain Christmas gifts oh and of course had an ice cream which I promptly dripped all over myself as I was driving, sheesh......

  • _Ann_
    _Ann_ Member Posts: 448
    edited December 2013

    Oh no, hbcheryl I hope you didn't lose too much ice cream! I hate to imagine the crowd at that mall this time of year-- it is bad enough in the off season. Yes it was a lively and fun bunch and it was great seeing you again Smile

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2013

    Ann I crawled through the parking lot figured if I couldn't find a spot I would just get back on the freeway but I got lucky and got a spot right outside the Fossil store where there were bargains galore, the ice cream was dripping through the bottom of my cone and I didn't realize it but 90% made it into my belly and 10% on my sweaterSinging Oh and can you imagine after that massive lunch I had I actually had the audacity to have ice cream!!!!

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited December 2013

    Today is Day 16 of the plank challenge for me. I am staying at 90 seconds for a while longer (maybe a couple of weeks) before I attempt the 120 scheduled for today. As an OCD perfectionist schedule follower this is TOUGH for me, but there is no way I can do TWO MINUTES yet!!! Shocked At least not without destroying the whole position and possible looking WORSE than Baby Elephant.

    Now I need a cookie.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2013

    30 minute Power90 Sculpt core/weights session, plus 90 second plank. I would definitely Baby Elephant all over the place if I tried to jump to 120 seconds now, so I too am just having to take the challenge more slowly.

    Of course now I have the Baby Elephant Walk song going through my head . . . Singing

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited December 2013

    Mary and Dulci, now I feel so much better about not being able to do a 2 minute plank HappyI started and stopped twice, so I did 120 seconds worth but in three increments. Anyway I also worked out with my free weights at home today and walked the dogs.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited December 2013

    Cheryl and Ann, sounds like you ladies had a great lunch. And everyone needs some ice cream once in a

    So glad to see I am not the only one struggling with the plank challenge. Pretty sure that I would look like the elephant if I move up yet so I too am sticking with the 90 second plank for a bit longer. Enjoyed a half hour on the Elliptical tonight plus my plank. 

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited December 2013

    Nothing for me today except ANOTHER 30 minutes of snow shoveling.  I wouldn't be too heartbroken if God turned off the snow machine for a while.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,544
    edited December 2013

    Subbed in 7th grade Science today, so got some exercise 'staying one step ahead of the kids'. Yikes! The first four periods were fine, but the last two were like herding cats!!! I am subbing in 8th grade Science tomorrow & I'm afraid that might be even more tortuous (because 8th graders are kind of jerky & Earth Science is kind of boring). 

    I came home & did some pilates and treadmill. I had to skip Zumba because I needed to be at the high school ready for the Messiah Concert at 7:00, and when we were instructed to 'dress in festive attire', I don't think they meant gym wear.

    The concert was FABLOUS, just a thrill to be a part of (and I am also thrilled to report that I didn't faint and fall off the risers).

    Even when I do my form right, the Plank Challenge is still making my neck really sore. I do a lot of planking exercises in my regular routine, but I am going to drop out of the timing part.

    I'd be glad if the snow machine, the cold air machine, and the wind machine would all be turned off!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2013

    Glad the concert went well Ruth. This morning as I was waiting to go into my Sh'bam class I watched the end of the Body Pump class and when they were planking I saw many many elephant planks Snooze

    Did Sh'bam this morning and Cardio Dance Party tonight, now I wish I had a personal foot masseuseNerdy

    I posted this on FB but it's worth telling here. After my class tonight I went to the parking garage and two idiots had parked so close to me that I couldn't open either my driver or passenger door, after much contemplation I had to open the back hatch scooch myself in, crawl to the front get into the passenger seat then hoik myself over to the drivers seat ..... I would hate to see what I looked likeLoopy

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited December 2013

    Cheryl, maybe they were doing modified downward dog? Winking Ruth, I'd love to be part of a choir.

    BodyJam last night and 90 second plank this morning. I've lost track of the days but I will pick up with 120 seconds tomorrow. And maybe add a wall sit challenge, 10 second additions until 300 seconds, no rest days. It's easier for my brain.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2013

    LOL Cheryl, thank goodness you have a hatchback! 

    Mary, the Baby Elephant Walk will never be the same.  I have a CD of Henry Mancini's greatest hits. Headphones

    Ruth, glad the concert went well, Messiah is one of my all-time favorites.  I have a version with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the London Symphony Orchestra - fantastic!  Can't resist singing along (alto & tenor parts).

    Fast-moving snowstorm dumped three inches on southwest WI yesterday afternoon.  Took me three hours to drive home last night OMG but at least I wasn't in the airplane that slid off the runway at the Dane County airport (no injuries) or in the car that was hit by a train (also no injuries).  The driver was stuck in traffic but he'd pulled onto the tracks and had nowhere to go when the train came through.  He did manage to scooch up his car so only the rear end was struck but still a good lesson about staying clear of RR tracks! 

    Anyway by the time I got home and had supper, I was so exhausted I fell asleep on the couch so no plank last night.  Packing tonight and leaving after work tomorrow so if I don't get another chance to log in, wishing everyone a good Solstice (the days will start getting longer soon!), Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Love you all!  ♥

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2013

    Badger - I thought of you when I heard about that plane and was so glad you hadn't left yet. Be safe and have a fabulous time! Cheryl - the people who parked their cars on either side of you were probably texting or yakking on the phone and had no thought for anyone else. Devil Ruth - good luck with the monsters, er, I mean the 8th graders!

    I think we should adopt the Baby Elephant Walk as our official theme song. Headphones

    Power90 Sweat Cardio this morning, plus I graduated to a 100 second plank. It helped that I did the plank before my workout, not after. I really concentrated on form, especially on keeping a long straight line through the neck. We'll see if I can do it again tomorrow. Snooze