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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited May 2010

    My DVD's arrived, just in time, hot (80's & 90's) weather predicted in a few days (after highs of 60's for most of the last week -- figures!).  Once it gets hot and humid I'll just turn on the AC and excercise inside...

    Cheryl, I know what you mean about seeing beauty, I've been so surprised by how beautiful everything looks this year... probably in part because last year was so awful I didn't enjoy anything, as much as I wanted to.  I haven't seen any part of the Pacific coast I haven't loved, especially Oregon...will have to add Crystal Cove to my list!

    Ruth, I tried on a bunch of toners before I bought mine (Avia) and I didn't like Sketchers but I know a lot of people do -- but I found them much heavier than a lot of other toners, and in my laps around the store I just didn't like the way I walked in them.  Plus some of the toners made my neuropathy more noticable than others.  Maybe if you try another kind? Can you still take yours back? (I made sure I could return mine no matter what)... I know, not what you want to hear after investing in shoes!  Maybe it's just a matter of time and you'll adjust...

    I have a CTscan Friday to look at a spot on my lung, it's been there since my first CTscan a year ago but keeps shifting size ever so slightly... sigh.   the odds of it being cancer are low, but then, the odds of my getting cancer were low, so it causes anxiety every time.  I'm hoping this time they finally say it's the same as last time and I can be done with this worry (until my next 6-mo. mammo, anyway!).  Wish me luck! (Of course I won't find out until Monday).

    As soon as the sprinkler system guy leaves I'm going for a walk in the woods. I'm still tired, tired, tired too much of the time but doing the best I can with exercise.

    PS  I made brownies last night for the first time in years., OMG I'd forgotten how good homemade brownies are, please, everyone, come over and save me from eating the whole pan Tongue out

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010

    Good afternoon! 

    I had a lumpectomy and have gotten back to hitting golf balls and bowling.  I was stressed about both things but they came back pretty easily.  Actually, I worried more than I should have.  It feels weird when you first start moving around like that but I felt like a million dollars when I could actually do it.  I felt like it was a victory!

    I spent another tough hour at kickboxing this morning.  But, I'm loving kicking the cr?p out of cancer when I punch the bag.  Extremely theraputic!

    Have a great day! 

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010

    Oh and I voted for Daris too!

    I totally sympathized with him and the results of stress eating.  Been there, done that!


  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2010

    Have not been posting, but have been reading daily..... You guys are AWESOME! 

    Been very busy lately trying to re-level our pool as we are replacing the liner this year.  Pool is now level and the plan is to replace the liner on Friday as my husband and I both have it off for an extra-long holiday week-end (in Canada anyway)!  I have also noticed that this year I seem to be enjoying even the mundane things - probably because last year I was living in an emotional turmoil and terror. Undecided 

    Have kept up with the daily walks, and today I rode my bike to work!!  Also have been pretty good with the food choices today (however, the day is not over yet!).

    Till later my excercising sistahs! 

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2010
    Hey All!   My DD #3 and I went for an hour long walk again tonight and took the dog..... We fared fairly well, the dog is totally done in!!!  Cool
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    Hi Everybody; just got done with a nice 45 minute walk & 15 minutes of various toning activities. I don't think I can take the toners back (plus the store I bought them in is 100 miles away), but will wear them a couple times a week, on flat ground (like tonight) and see what happens. I don't think they will be the only shoes in my wardrobe Cry. Earlier this evening we (DH, DS, me and some of our friends) took my dad out to eat Chinese for his 90th birthday!!! And of course, cake.............and someone brought some delicious brownies to share at lunch today, so I better not come over and eat any of yours tonight, Nature. Let us know about the CT. Any 'procedures' are stressful. BLAH! Yes, beautiful things are good, mudane things are good; if you are healthy, it's all good! Night my healthy, hot (and not in a hot flash way) sisters Cool! Ruth
  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2010

    Hi everyone, I see we have been busy workout hard. Go Sister!!!

    Nature like Ruth said keep us updated please.

    Ruth such tempting trainer told me if you have a glass of wine it will take an hour to walk it off. If you eat something sweet the workout is like 3 hours long.  Wow!! So I am learning....but sure do love to eat those  treats. I love ice cream....weakness of mine.

    Morgan glad you enjoyed your golfing....Yay!!!!

    Well worked out tonight worked on my arms with weights and walked the treadmill for 30 min. My legs are still sore from Monday's workout. Leaving tomorrow to Prescott staying at a nice B&B and meeting my granddaughter Makayla on Friday. I will let you know how things turn out when I come back on Sunday. Sunday is also weigh in day. Hard to believe it has been a month already. I hope I have done well. I felt I slacked off some this month. I suppose we will find out soon enough. Have an awesome weekend.

    Be blessed sisters, Elizabeth

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    Elizabeth, have fun with your new granddaughter! Very depressed because I should have worked out for 9 hours today to burn off all the sugar I ate Cry!!
  • lorieg
    lorieg Member Posts: 79
    edited May 2010

    Nature, hoping you get great results on your CT!

    I did 45 minutes of cardio-dance yesterday and today.

    Have a great thursday, everyone!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited May 2010

    I'm going to ignore the how-many-miles-you-have-to-walk-to-burn-off-xyz.... I am the queen of denial!  (Knowing does, however, help keep me from putting stuff in my mouth -- but once it's there, I don't want to know how many miles it takes to get rid of it!) Tongue out

    Thanks for the good wishes.  I probably won't get nervous until Monday.

    I popped in the Leslie Sansone DVD and did the one-mile walk today... it was a combination of frustration (when did I get so out of shape and uncoordinated???) and small victory (I made it through the one mile walk, although I felt so out of shape and uncoordinated!).  Anyway, glad I have the DVD's; it will allow me to really exercise, and now if I want to take a leisurely walk in the woods, I won't feel bad about going slowly, because I know I'm working hard the rest of the time.

    It is incredibly humbling to see what weak shape I'm in -- I know my heart damage slows me down a lot but still, it's very humbling.  Would make me want to cry if I thought about it much but like I said... the queen of denial!  

    Keep up the good work -- y'all keep me going!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    Nature, what is important is that you ARE exercising. Be proud of yourself because you aren't just sitting there feeling badly, but doing something about it. One step at a time (or DVD, as the case may be). I did an hour toning tape and have been house cleaning ever since (BLAH, really on the bottom of 'fun ways to spend the evening' list). My brother & wife are coming for the weekend, so I feel I need to scrape off the top layer of grime, anyway Tongue out! Night All! Ruth,
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    I'm a day late in posting this but last night I did my Body Combat class and after my double classes on tuesday it was a real chore but I muddled through.  Then came home had a quick shower and went out with friends for dinner, tonight I am just going to relax.  Nature stop beating yourself up, you did it and that's what counts - great job.  Ruth don't forget cleaning counts as double points on the exercise scale.  Have a great evening all.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Ditto - Nature - you are moving and that's more than I've been doing, or almost anyway.  Just got home so no exercise today.  Somehow my schedule the last couple of weeks has wreaked havoc with my exercising.  I'm going to have to regroup and get back on track.  Still logging over a mile each day but since it's just waling to and fro at work I don't really count it as exercise unless I put in at least 3 miles. 

    Nature, good luck on the CT scan tomorrow. 

    Night all my sculpted sisters.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2010

    well internet works up here in Prescott. The weather here is beautiful. Just the right temperture and a slight breeze. The B&B is so cute. Landscape is gorgeous. No exercise for me today. Planning to do a lot of walking tomorrow. Meet my granddaughter Makayla at 3:30. Aprehensive and excited at the same time. I have so many questions to ask. I pray that her mother Anna will see that we are good people and can be trusted. Makayla is still young enough to make her apart of our lives. She can either be shy  or a social butterfly. Just hope she takes to us. Check in later. Oh darn I should of brought my pedometer..oh well there will be other times


  • lorieg
    lorieg Member Posts: 79
    edited May 2010

    I did 10 minutes on the bike and 25 on the treadmill this morning.  I got bored on the bike!  Now at home with my babies where my exercise really begins!  haha. 

    Happy Friday, everyone!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Nature am thinking of you and sending you positive thoughts for your scan today.  Elizabeth have fun with your grandbaby I hope all goes well for you.  Have a great friday everyone.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2010

    Biked over to start my walk and biked back home again!!  Have to get the heart rate up in intervals Laughing  We have since been working on replacing the liner in our pool.  We are almost ready to drop it in and are taking a break first since this is the trickiest part!!!   See you soon!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    Busy week for me!  I've been very good about doing my 2.25 walk every morning (except for yesterday). Wednesday night I did a good 15 minute elliptical and 45 minute weight training/LE therapy workout.  But last night I was verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry bad.  My alumni association does a Night at the Nats where they rent out a bunch of party suites at Nationals Park - ticket prices include a full buffet and beer/wine/sodas.  So, since we'd already paid for the buffet, I had to eat, right?  And the beer is paid for so I had to have some, right?  It was fun last night, but since we got in late I didn't exercise this morning.  So between all the greasy and salty ballpark food, the beer, and not working out, I have felt slow and cholesterol-ified (made it up) all day.  So I plan on a good workout after work.  You play, you pay!

    Nature - good luck with the scan.  Elizabeth - enjoy the grandbaby! Ruth - nothing like the prospect of guests to make us clean up! 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010
    Ok - just got home - half dead from 45 minutes straight on the elliptical - hopefully that counts against some of the chicken tenders and at least part of a beer from last night!  Tongue out
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Mary, sounds like you did your penance for the fun game night! Elizabeth, how did it go with Makayla? Lori, running after kids IS exercise!! Mary Louise, you will really enjoy the pool once it's done (and I impressed that you are doing it yourself!). Patoo, I just hate it when I am too busy with 'stuff, and get very crabby too!'. Maybe, do some crunches, push ups etc. while watching the company isn't coming in until tomorrow morning so got a 30 minute walk & 30 FIRM sculpting DVD in. I'm hoping that my SIL is still on her diet kick & will want to walk tomorrow afternoon. Good Night All! Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Good evening my sculpted sisters.  Nats, I can relate to feeling sluggish and lazy when eating badly and not exercising.  I think it shows that we are getting used to this change, that we really need the exercise to feel better.  And if we exercise regularly it is okay to, occasionally, have fun and indulge so don't go beating yourself up.  You went back and put in workout time so it's all good (that's my story...)  I really do need to do the crunches.  Maybe that will help with this belly.  Mary Louise, I remember watching my pool being relined one year and it is tricky.  But I guess it can be an adventure and you will be so proud once it's completed.

    I love that name Makayla - looking forward to hearing how it went.

    Went to gym after work and did 5 mins on the torture elliptical.  My heart was thumping from just that so I think it was good that I stopped.  Then did 15 mins on stat bike and then water aerobics, upper and lower body, running in pool for 45 mins.  Feels good or so I'm telling myself because my hip is in revolt.  Going to get the advil.

    Night all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Good job, patoo!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2010

    Things went well. Makayla is a social butterfly. So adorable. I was able to get pictures too. Her mom Anna gave me pictures from when she was first born and every six months after that till now. She loved the stuffed tiger we gave her. She just hugged it and danced with it. She gave us hugs and kisses good bye. Very well behaved little girl. Such a great feeling. Thanks everyone for your kind words. I did not get to walk as much as I wanted to. The timing was not will planned. We have been going out to eat since we are not at home, but I have done well in making good choices. We head back home tomorrow. Back to the gym I go. I get weighed on  Sunday. 

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited May 2010

    Hi ladies~  I have had a busy busy week... The end of the school year is crazy.  I have manage to walk a few miles here and there.  Keeping up ...just not posting.  Still watching my sugar intake.

    Hope to walk and do and workout DVD.  Speaking of netflixs...if you have a wii fit you can somehow hook up and have dvd automatically....check into it ...I know I am going to .



  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited May 2010

    Hi ladies~  I have had a busy busy week... The end of the school year is crazy.  I have manage to walk a few miles here and there.  Keeping up ...just not posting.  Still watching my sugar intake.

    Hope to walk and do and workout DVD.  Speaking of netflixs...if you have a wii fit you can somehow hook up and have dvd automatically....check into it ...I know I am going to .



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Did an hour weightlifting class tonight. I have been caught up in my cardio world and have been really neglecting the weights and I know that tomorrow my muscles are going to be screaming.

    Oh Elizabeth I am so happy that things went well for you. Great to see you Balsie, Mary Louise hope you got your pool finished, Nats sounds like you had a fun night at the ball park and who cares if you had a few snacks and drinksTongue out patoo I see you're back on that torture machine and I'm impressed that you got up to 5 minutes but be careful with that hip of yours, have a nice visit with your family Ruth you can drag your SIL out for a walk and talk sessionInnocent  Nite all.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited May 2010

    Thanks for the support, everyone.  I'm focusing on the positive (most of the time!) and I know as I keep at it everything will get better.

    Elizabeth, your granddaughter sounds beautiful!  Good luck at the weigh-in tomorrow.  And Nats, nothing wrong with a night out and some beer, think of it as your reward for all you've done!

    Patoo, I get tired just reading all you do, good work!!!  hope your hip feels better.

    Mary Louise, I loved having a pool right outside the back door (my brother and SIL had one when I lived with them) -- enjoy!   Hope the relining goes perfectly!

    I did the 1-mile LS walk again... figured out my new heart med, which will eventually strenghten my heart and help me feel better, is currently making me really really tired, so at least I know why I've barely been able to stay awake all week Tongue out and why I'd had to push myself hard just to even think about exercise. Patience, patience....

    Happy weekend, everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Any new medication takes awhile to get adjusted to. Got up early & did 30 minutes "Rock Solid Abs", cleaned the bathroom again & now await the company. Great weekend everyone! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Ruth once again we're twins, I got up early and cleaned my bathroom as well then went to the gym and did Body Combat class all I can say is ow ow ow.  Having neglected my weight training for a few weeks I really felt it this morning so I must make time even if it's 10 minutes to keep it up. 

    Nature medication can do a number on your body, I used to take my Femara at 1pm then I kept reading how night was the best time to take it so I switched WHAM I have never been more wired, stayed awake all night every night so I switched back and I'm back to my old self, so you're right patience patience and it will all fall into place.  Have a great day everyone I'm off to clean house and run erands.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    Haven't been able to do my walks lately due to swollen feet and bum knee issues.  Saw my PCP Thurs, and he changed my bp med, since the other one is associated with edema in the feet.  Hope this helps, so I can get back into the exercise groove.

    Took my Golden boy to a small event today, in prep for the show I want to attend in July after rads are done.  Just 3 wks of rads done, and I am wiped in the evenings.  Nature:  I've heard some of those heart meds can be tiring, too.  

    Elizabeth:  That is so neat about your granddaughter.  It's wonderful you've been able to connect.  She sounds like a sweetie.