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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,545
    edited December 2013

    Yes, you have to be quite hardy to manage winter in the North....just think of all the extra calories we expend by shoveling, ice chopping, shivering etc.!!!

    I temporarily got rid of the ice a couple days ago when it was warmer. Today I was on the treadmill & did a nice pilates DVD. I have been writing Christmas cards for several hours now & taking a break (possibly until tomorrow). I guess I have to send them, because I do like to get them! 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2013

    Ruth you could keep the cards and be ready for next year Bawling Annie I did this thing on FB where you answer questions and it tells you where you're from in the US and I got Patterson/Newark NJ and I've only ever driven through the state!!! S&S I went to Azusa last night to work on the MSU float for the Rose Parade but when we got there they had come to a standstill so we worked on the float for Taiwan and I got lots of exercise squatting going underneath picking up boxes that people who were sitting on scaffolding were dropping, I have to say it was a very fun evening even if I ended up with all my fingers glued together Happy Didn't go to the gym today but did do lots of pruning and tonight had a lovely sunset walk at the dog beach.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited December 2013

    Oh, you Workout Warriors, you!!!

    SO impressed by your perseverance.... ThumbsUpThumbsUpThumbsUp

    The most I've done since I stopped coughing was the exercises the PT gave me to do after I saw her for my back pain.

    Oh, I did help DH clean out the Tuff Shed yesterday... found more stuff to donate!

    And last night schlepped out boxes of stuff from the bedroom... am getting a replacement headboard tomorrow (found a crack in a brand new piece) and I think they have to take the whole platform bed apart just to replace the headboard. MAKE A SPACE!!! 

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited December 2013

    Whatever Claire, - enjoy the open house and I hope it's a huge success - cheers!. Ruth, I can imagine your memories of dad are in the forefront as this was your first Christmas without him.  You ok? My MIL loves the french Mon Cherie liquor filled cherries in chocolate.  We lived in Paris for 9 years, that brand was an easy buy yet here in the UK for some reason, I've not been able to find them, so I give her a polish brand that is nearly the same. S&S, what was the exam on that you passed?  Mary, how is DH, cast and you into step and fetch?  Blessings, hope your back is on the mend. Oh Cheryl, you were in everything from A to Z in the USA, right next to my old hometown - smog armpit of LA - Covina!  I have never worked on a float and and have always had a desire to.  I can admit to reeling the streets of the parade route many a year  on NYE and bleary eyed, headachey watching the parade shivering standing on some curb, somewhere in Pasadena.

    Crap windy rainy day here and I have an appointment for my kid this morning to get his yearly eye exam and wonky glasses less wonky.  So no running today yet my fave teacher has a step class tonight and I'm toying with the thought of going.  Hats off to you women who workout in the evening.  I'm not great at it because I don't like working out on a full stomach, which now that I think about it,  does keep me from pigging out during the day.  I don't know, - need to drink more coffee to get brain cells moving and will go with the flow and see how this day and evening shapes up.  

    Happy Monday Everyone!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited December 2013

    S&S I forgot to congratulate you on your achievement ThumbsUp LB I used to be a morning exerciser but I'm a night girl now and don't think I could go back, I keep getting invited to 5.30am spin classes and I'm like 'you've got to be kidding' I usually have a snack at 4.30pm yogurt or a banana and that gets me through, that being said I do go to Sh'bam at 10am but I leave from work to do that so it doesn't count as 'morning', well in my eyes Loopy my friend went back up to Azusa yesterday to work on the MSU float as she's an alum, she just picked up her dog and she said she cut and vialed and placed over 3000 white roses on the front and side of the float, the Voice float was next to us and on Saturday was just plain but she said they stared working on it and it is gorgeous. Blessings you are at least doing something, so good job. I'm off work today so I'm heading for the gym to Sh'bam.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited December 2013

    Cheryl and lilac - it was a project management certification.  I can now sign CAPM after my initials for Certified Associate in Project Management.  Next step would be a PMP designation (Project Management Professional) which has much more earning power but I'm going to chill for a while before I make the decision to go for that or not.  I'm already well into the first book a wonderful historically based novel  set about the War of the Roses (Yorks vs Lancastrians)......sigh. I do love reading for pleasure. Thanks for the well wishes!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,545
    edited December 2013

    Due to the holidays, the Wednesday Women walked Monday again, followed by breakfast at Perkins, followed by me doing the FIRM DVD Rock Solid Abs, which will be followed by my Book Club tonight....I'm afraid that equals more calories in than out!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,545
    edited December 2013

    Lilac, this is actually the second Christmas without my dad, but last year we all went to my sister's in NC, which was very busy and out of the 'usual'. I hosted the all holidays while my dad lived here, so being at home for Christmas makes it feel more poignant to have him gone. Not in a sad, but in a nostalgic, way.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited December 2013

    I did my boring treadmill workout.  And worked very hard, I might add.  Ruth, that's a lovely picture of all your workout beauties.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited December 2013


  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited December 2013

    Thanks for explaining Ruth and I really like this particular group photo with the fake snow and enlarged surreal snowflakes.  Wow, S&S I'm impressed!  My DH is a Lancastrian and the War of the Roses still a much lesser degree, more like non-stop taking the mickey (to tease) rather than killing each other.  Cheryl, I read your posting earlier and that made up my mind - thanks!  Marple, consistency is key to fitness and you have that down to a T.  Where I live, treadmills are it in the winter and all are heavily used at my gym. Much more than the few shakey-shakey power plates - rarely do I see anyone on those.

    Got to step class tonight at a private gym and will try to include this Monday night class into my usual weekly workout schedule. 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited December 2013

    Back to work and exercising today. Was a bit remiss last week due to the holiday and associated festivities so am paying for it now. Thanks to Tamoxifen and my transgression, I am walking like Tim Conway on the Carol Burnette  (or an eighty year old woman for those unfamiliar with that)...

    Ruth, I understand the nostalgia and hope you find comfort in the past memories.Great Wednesday walkers picture.  Lisa Jayne, way to go!!! Cheryl, working on the floats sounds like fun. Every step counts Marple.Good to see normal life getting in the way Lilacblue.   Hope both your hubby and Mary's are doing well. 

    Despite the stiff joints, I did actually run/walk on the treadmill tonight for 30 minutes plus weights. 

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited December 2013

    Just walked the dogs today. I was juggling working and phone calls from and to my dad and his doctor's office. Thankfully, he seems to be doing better, though. 

    At this time last year, I was waiting for results from my biopsy, which resulted in my diagnosis on Jan. 2.

    Seems like 2013 was all about breast cancer for me. Bring on 2014!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited December 2013

    I know all about the War of the Roses not being entirely over.

    Busy today....10 hours working at the nonprofit, but snuck in all my weekday exercises.  Tomorrow is running around and giving Rexxie, my Subaru, a bit of love (oil change).  Plus the last of my Christmas presents off in the mail.

    Getting all my pates made for NYE celebrations.  Having pork with figs tonight.  One more meal for 2014.

    Looking forward greatly to everything that portends. - Claire

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2013

    I cannot believe it.  Prior to my BMX a month ago I ran 5 miles a day. For the past month I either sat on my butt or walked on an incline for an hour. My surgeon told me that beginning today I can start running again - with or without a bra depending on my comfort. My plan is to go out on the trail, start walking, break into a short run, see how I feel and do a walk / run of some sort. I'm frankly surprised that she said to get started so soon but my body is eager to get going. Hopefully this plan is not interrupted when my Oncotype score finally comes back at the end of the week.  Did anyone run through chemo?  Is it possible?  Any advice?

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited December 2013

    Warrior Woman, enjoy that first run and can't offer anything as I did not go through chemo.  Odie, yes to normal life resuming and good on the 30 minutes treadmill.  Annie, 2014 is going to be a much better year, for sure!

    Body Balance at the gym this morning.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited December 2013

    Warrior Woman, I think it would be very hard to run through chemo, because it makes you anemic and you may not have the saturation of oxygen in your blood that you'd need to run. Not only that, but some chemo drugs cause peripheral neuropathy - nerve pain in your hands and feet. If you do chemo, the key will be to find an MO (Medical Oncologist) you like and trust and don't do anything he or she advises you against. But almost any MO will advise you to at least go for walks during chemo. And remember, there is life after chemo! There are also very good forums on these discussion boards for women going through chemo. I found one for women doing the exact same chemo regimen at the same time I was and it was invaluable!

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited December 2013

    Ran my first and last 5K in 2013 on the treadmill at the gym. I could watch a virtual trail along Lake Merced on my screen.

    Warriorwoman, I think it should be possible to run while on chemo. Walking on an incline for an hour is a lot of work so you should still be in good condition. Hadn't gotten into running yet while I was on chemo but I did walk uphill everyday. The hardest part is getting out the door.

    Happy New Year, everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,545
    edited December 2013

    I am not a runner, but I kept up with my exercises during chemo. I scaled back the intensity the week of, but not the amount of time. When Claire gets on she will tell you that she exercised like crazy during chemo. That being said; it effects everyone differently, so you really don't know ahead of time how you will feel & just have to have the mindset that it is temporary, you will do what your body allows, keep a base of fitness, & hit it hard once you are done.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited December 2013

    I would say that I "dialed it down" during chemo.  I wanted to prove that you could exercise every day going through, and I did just that.  I seldom miss a day when I don't do something, even now.  Being wiped out with Norovirus last March was one of them.

    My take was that I might as well be exercised and dragging as opposed to just dragging.  I always felt better when I exercised.  I kept my basic core fitness.  This was major because I didn't need to start over at the end.  I couldn't do many hills cycling, but I was doing at least 10 miles every time I went out.  I did the Chilly Hilly during Taxol.  Yes, it was the shorter course and minus the butt-kicking hill (which I have to walk on a good day), but I'm counting it.

    I needed a lot more energy potions because your body doesn't have energy reserves.  So GU gel and I were really tight.

    I posted about the lady I cheered on last summer on the other exercise thread.  She ran throughout.  I made sure I walked or cycled every single day. - Claire

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited December 2013

    Wow - miss a few days on this thread and there are pages and pages - great to see everyone so active. I've been a bit remiss about exercise and healthy eating what with the irregular schedule and associated celebrations, so in a strange way I'm actually looking forward to getting back on a regular schedule.  Dh is hanging in there, counting the days until the cast comes off (the 6th).  I have the day off tomorrow so plan on a nice run in the cold. 

    Six years ago today I got the official word that my biopsy was positive for cancer.  As you can imagine, we've had better New Year's than that one was. Sad But that was a long time ago, and I'm fortunate enough that times are better now.  Though I wouldn't wish cancer on my worst enemy, one good thing about this experience is that it brought all of you wonderful women into my life, and I am so much richer for that. 

    Happy New Year, everyone!! 

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2013

    Thanks Lilac.  Hopefully chemo won't become an issue.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited December 2013

    Lilac - I would soooo love to visit GB.  DH and I had a wonderful 10 day Ireland trip a couple of summers ago (daughter was there for the summer) but I would love to see England, Scotland and Wales too.  I'm not necessarily a real 'history buff' but I do love history and read a lot of historically based fiction.  Oh, to actually experience the River Thames, Buckingham Palace, Whitehall, Westminster Abbey and all the rest with such a rich history - I would be in heaven!

    Odie - love the Tim Conway reference!  I can't help but stop and watch the 'informercial' type shows advertising Carol Burnett dvd sets any time I come across them.

    Annie - sometimes I wish I had a dog so I would be required to take it for a walk every day.  And then I think.......nah!  I see my granddogs occasionally and that's enough.  I enjoy them while they're here but am happy to see them go home again.

    Claire - I'm interested in your cryptic comment about the War of the Roses not being over.  Do you have a bloodline that goes back to that era?  And also, your meals always sound like something straight off the food network - so interesting!  Do you ever eat anything normal like Kraft mac & cheese, or green beans from a can?  lol

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited December 2013

    First of all.....groundbreaking news from the British Medical Journal.  A new study that has important implications for all of us, particularly with respect to "fueling our activity".

    Answering your two questions, Lilac.

    • On my first visit to York, I noticed the white roses everywhere.  And you have to remember that I studied European History in college.  So it was obvious to me why the white roses were everywhere.  York is also an ancient capital in a way that a lot of other English cities aren't.  I have never seen a place so devoted to food and drink either. I LOVED being there.  I also love the surrounding countryside.  When I was in York, I felt as if I was in the middle of the Shakespearian historical plays.  I love York Minster and also the Guildhall, the streets....everything.
    • I eat ordinary foods too.  (Check out the BMJ article above.)  I love pizza and have learned that burgers work great as fuel during rides.  I go much more gourmet for dinners.  I have beans in my pantry.  That said, I love to cook, and I love to eat.

    I can't answer about the bloodline.  My surname is Tinker, so hardly a noble name. (For other Americans, a "Tinker" is more of a thief than a trade name meaning "peddlar" and not in a good way.  It is used interchangeably with "vagrant", and I suspect my forebears may have cursed a tiny bit.)  Anyway, my ancestors settled early on in the US....shortly after the Pilgrims and with Champlain in Canada.  My mother's Southern side was here pre Revolutionary War.  I suspect I am part Welsh, having a great grandmother named Katy Owen!  She was the most recent immigrant and hailed from Leominster.  Gorgeous area, and very Elgar.

    I need to get going and make pate.  Then off to the Subaru dealership to give my car some love.

    I am greatly looking forward to 2014.  This has been a great year for me, but I think next year will be even better.  Finally moving forward on a lot of things.  I expect to continue my best professional work ever.

    Just need some snow to make it all perfect.  Happy, happy New Year!!! - Claire

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2013

    Eeeeheheeee, Ladies!  Guess what?  I cannot believe it. First run since BMX: DISTANCE 5.79mi, DURATION 1:10:46, AVG PACE 12:13. Making a come back!  I feel so much better when I'm not sitting around boohooing!

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited December 2013

    Yay,  Warrior!!!

    Happy New Year!!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited December 2013

    Great going WW!!!  Yay, and yay again.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited December 2013

    Way to go, Warrior!

    We walked the dogs today and I also went to the gym to do upper and lower body strength training.

    Lisa Jayne, we are dog people! I also have grandpuppies, but love my own 3 puppy girls.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,545
    edited December 2013

    Fun 'study' on the chocolates, Claire!

    Great job, Warrior!

    Did an hour on the treadmill this morning & then had lunch with two old friends who were in town for the day. Yes, it will almost be good to be back to a more regular/less eating schedule.

    Happy New Year to Us! Like Mary, what I feel like about the BC experience is: out of something really bad has come something really good. I truly do appreciate (and take more time for) life, health, interesting experiences, family and friendship much more than ever. And the friendships I have made with you all are definitely the silver (actually gold) lining because the rest could have happened, but our friendships could not ever have happened if we hadn't all been in this together. A toast to us and a great 2014!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2013

    So well said, Ruth.  Please add me to the dog lover list.  :)  Here's to some serious butt kicking in 2014 for us all!