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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,545
    edited January 2014's a 'shoveling opportunity' at my house:


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2014

    Dulci and Ruth brrrrrrrr, and Ruth that is so cool, how do you make it snow on the photo??????

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,545
    edited January 2014

    I am not sure. I was playing with a 'snow' thingy on Picasa and it just showed up......

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited January 2014

    Wow, Ruth, I'm impressed! What a cool pic!Winking

    And Dulci, once again, I think you win the cuteness award.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited January 2014

    Happy New Year Everyone!

    Woke to sunny, calm, windless day (after 4 grey windy carp ones) and just got in using my new nike sensor and ran 9.58K and burned 503 calories! Going out this afternoon with my thin man to buy him a new suit a few sizes smaller.  A new year, a new suit, it's all good.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited January 2014


    This was on the way home from skiing. Shoveling was my upper body work. Happy New Year!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited January 2014

    I am jealous.  Just a run yesterday as no snow nearby.  However, there is snow on Rainier as just saw a friend's New Year's pictures.  I also did a few hours of work yesterday.  Got an email from a friend in Vermont who was off with a headlamp and Yaktrax to feed her horses prior to heading for work.  Lots of ski injuries there, and typical frigid January weather.  It's relatively balmy here.

    Happy New Year everyone!!!

    BTW - I know for a fact that shoveling whittles the waistline on top of being wonderful for shoulders etc.  An hour or so of that and you don't need to do anything else.

    Need to get it in public beckons. - Claire

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited January 2014

    The photos with snow falling are great!  You ladies are tho thmart!

    Dulci - omg, I haven't had ice skates on my feet for over 20 years but if I recall just staying upright is a great core workoutLoopy.

    I registered for weight watchers online last night and will spend the next few days familiarizing myself with that site and what it offers, as well as planning to revisit and re-adopt some old dietary routines.  Next week I'm heading back to the gym.  My BMI has crept up to 27 from a low of around 22 around 8-10 years ago.  I need to lose at least 15 pounds to be at the upper range of a healthy weight for my age and height. A little over 20 pounds would put me in the middle of the range and I would be sooooo tickled with that!

    First goal assigned by WW online is a 9 pound weight loss. 

    Self talk: I can do this. I've done it before - I can do it again. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited January 2014

    Oh for christ's sake, unless downhill skiing - snow sucks, there I said it.

    S&S, I agree with you on historical amazingness that is everywhere in the British Isles, heck all of europe for that matter.  Out this way we have plenty, like 1066 country and Canterbury is 18 miles from where I typing the post here in my kitchen.  

    Well, that was a not fun time suit shopping.  DH found the right suit, right fit - looked great on him ticked all boxes, yet he thinks it's a waste of £ because he plans on gaining the weight back.  I then went into a slight dissertation that he need's to be a sharp dressed man, looking fit and refreshed, ready to go not like a man coming off four months of throat cancer tx who still has a peg and he can't be hiking up his trousers every five minutes or have his jacket sloping down his arms like a shrinking gramps who is making do.  He at least put it on hold, sigh.

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited January 2014

    Heidi, are you serious?! That photo is so gorgeous that it doesn't even look real, even without the animated snow! I think I would just stand there spellbound until I froze to death!

    And Lisa Jayne, you can and You Will!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2014

    Indeed if I lived in snow I would be the bundled up girl on the couch drinking hot chocolate Loopy

    Lilac sounds like your DH is a really on the mend aka typical "man shopping" experience also made me LOL as I now picture your DH as Wilfred Brambell  as Alfred SteptoeHappy 

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited January 2014

    8 mile (indoor) bike ride.

    10 minute walk in deep snow and more coming down!

    1 minute plank.

    No hot chocolate in the house. (Otherwise I would drink it all the time!) Piggy emoticon needed. 

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited January 2014

    Lilac - rofl about the snow comment.....omg!!!!  Glad DH is doing well enough to be a pain in the ass shopping Smile!  As to the history, this is what I get around here when I exhibit my knowledge of certain things historic.  I had a co-worker many years ago whose timeclock/employee ID number was 1066.  I noticed it one time and said 'Oh wow!  You'll never forget your employee number, it's the same year as the Battle of Hastings.'  She looked at me quite blankly so I said 'Saxons?  Normans? The birth of modern day England?'.   I guess not everyone loves (or even likes) history like I do........sigh

    dulci - we'll just have to type it out - 'oink, oink, oink' Loopy!

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited January 2014

    Crap - I need to get back to the plank challenge.  I even had it typed out and taped to my living room french doors so I wouldn't forget but I didn't get past day 14 or 15.....blech!

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited January 2014

    Went for a brisk walk with DH and the puppy girls and worked out with free weights. 

    Taking the afternoon off from work go to the shoulder specialist. I have either a frozen shoulder or rotator cuff issues. I had a frozen left shoulder 3 years ago and this time it's my right, which was my breast cancer side. I've been trying to keep it stretched and hoping it would resolve on it's own, but it's getting increasingly more painful and my range of motion more limited. I will have to have another mammogram, etc soon and there's no way I can hold my right arm up and back or extend it very high, so I'm breaking down and going to the doctor after trying to deal with it since August. I hate to resort to cortisone shots again, but I guess I'll have to. It's been getting harder to do upper body workouts and the dreaded plank too.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited January 2014

    Hope you get good answers, Annie. I'm having a lot of trouble with my right shoulder as well. Planks are harder so I'm only doing 1 minute. I should go to the doctor soon....but I am SO TIRED of doctors! I was hoping for a break for a month or two!! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,545
    edited January 2014

    Yes, Annie, get thee to the doctor!

    lisa jayne, I am another history nerd. Here is a funny story; years ago I got a new book case, almost all my books are history and biography. One of DS's friends came over for a play date, so I invited the mom in for coffee. She admired the book case and asked, "Do you actually READ those books?'

    Lilac, hope you can wrestle DH into the new suit. Men have a goofy way of looking at clothes. When my father was 80, he didn't want to buy a new winter coat, because would it be worth the price if he were to drop dead before it wore out? (As he lived to the age of 92, I think he got his money out of it!)

    Well, my cats got a reprieve from their teeth cleaning. The vet called, an emergency had come up, and would it be OK to put it off until next Friday? (The cats thought that sounded like a fine plan). I did my annual mammo & a DEXA. Everything looks good (in fact, my bone density has gone up since I've been done with arimidex, so that is excellent).

    Contemplating on whether I want to do my exercise now or later.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited January 2014

    I had trouble with my right shoulder a few years back but it was bursitis.  Cortisone shot cleared it up but it still bothers me occasionally.  Frozen shoulder sounds much worse but even with bursitis my right arm was becoming more and more useless as time went on.  Couldn't reach into the back seat of the car, drying my back after a shower was difficult, any sort of reaching back during workouts was bad.  I hope you get swift resolution Annie.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited January 2014



  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited January 2014

    Had a reunion with the shoulder specialist and his staff. Yep, it's another frozen shoulder and I got a cortisone shot, which hurt like the dickens going in, but should bring relief by tomorrow. I'll go back in a month, and do my stretches in the meantime. Hope to get it loosened up before my next mammogram, now that I know how much more likely mammograms are to result in more mammograms, ultrasounds and biopsies in my new Post BC life. All those things require holding the arm up and back and still. My PCP lifted my right arm to do an exam in November and I about came off the table and strangled him - and I love the man.

  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Member Posts: 1,532
    edited January 2014

    Heidihill i think you should post that photo over here.

    Well I'm a big talker on the daily exercise idea. Yesterday evening I slid down the stairs scraping and bruising my back and arm.  So I made it to work today and wasnt in too much pain but went grocery shopping after work and now it is really starting to hurt. That  didnt seem to be a fortuitous way to start the new year!  

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited January 2014

    Lisa Jayne, you can do it. I am starting weight watchers at work next week so I can get more towards the lower end of my BMI range myself. 

    LB, glad to hear DH is feeling feisty enough to be a pain suit shopping. Nerdy

    Twohobbies, hope you feel better soon. What a crummy way to start the year but hopefully the rest of it will be great. 

    Went to the gym after work today expecting a full house due to all the New Years resolution additions only to find a little snow kept them all away. Completed 20 minutes/4 miles on the Elliptical plus some weights. 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2014

    My only exercise today aside from wading through e-mail, snail mail, and voice mail was walking to the water cooler and the ladies room but I drank a lot of water so took a lot of breaks.  Came home to a 60-page contract with moving company, which I had to read before accepting the order for service paperwork.  Now it's already 9 pm and nearly bedtime.  Where did the day go?  Too cold to walk outdoors so will hit the indoor track tomorrow after onco app't.  ♥  p.s. for the record, I love snow!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited January 2014

    Got the greatest news friend Amanda is getting me cycling gloves for Christmas!!  I need them.  My old ones, which I initially got to protect my hands during Taxol, are worn out, disgusting looking, and draughty.  I can't wait for new ones.

    Otherwise, a couple of miles of walking and all my weights/crunches.

    Roasting carrots to have with my smoked pork chop from Bavarian Meats.  Will also have potatoes and peas, plus German red cabbage and apples.  Perfect meal, and some wonderful WA State Riesling.

    Wore my Robert Clergerie boots for the first time today.  Felt fab and glamorous.  So starting out 2014 on a high note.  Hoping to get to Mount Rainier this weekend.  Some REAL skiing before the work deluge hits. - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,545
    edited January 2014

    Treadmill for 45 minutes. I am STILL doing Christmas cards! Tomorrow I am subbing in Word Processing, which should be interesting as my preferred typing method is 'hunt and peck'. As for the weather around here: tomorrow the temperature is supposed to rise 60 degrees, and then we are in a blizzard watch because snow/rain/sleet/wind will follow, and THEN it will get really cold again.....anybody want to run away with me?!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2014

    Youch Twohobbies what a way to start the New Year. Oh Annie hope that cortisone kicks in real fast. Ruth that's crazy, but at least you get to sub on a 'warm' day.

    Well tonight was first spin class of the New Year and it was packed with a lot of people who I've never seen before and crazy spin instructor #2 was on fire, gym was also packed but then, we didn't have snow to keep everyone at bayHappy

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2014

    Ruth - your North Dakota weather was delivered here today - we had 4 inches of snow over ice last night, and now it's 12 degrees with fierce winds.  Please make arrangements to pick up your weather ASAP and take it back to where it belongs!!!  Shocked

    Lilac - as others have said, it's a great sign that your dh was feeling well enough to carp about the new suit! Poor guy - I'm sure he was exhausted when he got home - going shopping is a big step.

    Heidi - that treadmill sounds great with the "run" along Lake Merced. 

    Cheryl - one time when visiting the in-laws we went by Pasadena to see the volunteers making the floats - it looked like so much work but also like it was a lot of fun.  Congrats on working on a prize float - I'm sure it was your handiwork that tipped the vote in it's favor!

    Warrior Woman - I've only been running for 2 years and I'd kill for a 12:13 pace on a 6 mile run - great job!!  I'm one of the ones who really got her butt kicked by chemo, but everyone is different.  Just be good to yourself, do what you can, and rest when you need to.   

    So many bumps, bruises, and aches to start the New Year!  Please be careful everyone and take care of yourselves!

    I'm loving all the talk about British history.  Sweet - the trip you want to go on is the exact one DH and I did in September - 2 weeks in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and Wales.  It was a fabulous trip - castles and history and everything you can imagine.  Claire and Cheryl - I loved York too - I could have spent days in just the Minster.  And of course we walked those incredible medieval streets - I have a picture of a building with "1434" on it, and I have fun telling people that it's not the building's address, but the year that it was built!  And we managed to walk about half the city wall, but we just ran out of time and had to leave.  And Lilac - I know Bath is a favorite for you - it was a favorite for me too.  

    Exercise has been catch as catch can this week - did manage a nice 5K on New Year's Day, and did 30 minutes on the elliptical this morning.  But I've not been good about planking and doing my weights - this caregiver stuff takes up a lot of time! Happy  I'm looking forward to next Monday for two reasons - I can get back into a routine, and even better, DH gets his cast off!!  He'll still be in a hard splint, but it's smaller, lighter, and removable for showers, so that's an improvement. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,545
    edited January 2014

    Soon he will be able to shovel again Winking!

    Did 454 minutes on the treadmill & now need to get ready for work.

    I will try to contact the ARCTIC CIRCLE and see if they will send someone down to collect the weather....geez!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited January 2014

    454 minutes on the treadmill?  You're a machine, Ruth!  (That couldn't possibly have been a typo, could it??  Happy)

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited January 2014

    Too funny NatsFan - first thing I did after reading Ruth's post was figure out that she couldn't possibly have spent 7.5667 hours on the treadmill........or could she????  hmmmmmm......