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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Retrievermom - YAY for 3 weeks down - halfway there. 

    Elizabeth, glad you had fun with your GD.  Little kids are so precious.  Oh for those days of no worries.

    "Patience" a wonderful word for us all to embrace in many areas.  But we can do it and you all are hanging in there with the exercise which takes patience to build up at first and back up when you slack off.  It's all good.

    Had to work this morning and then went to the gym.  Did 45 mins in the pool, upper, lower and running.  Then to BJ's for shopping and those warehouse stores are huge so that was some walking but it's still stop and go and I didn't have on the toners.  It's still early so I'm going to go take another walk around the neighborhood.  Have to get it in when it convenient. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Logged 4.6 miles.  Hip really getting to be big buddies with Advil so need to find another way to deal with the discomfit.  Think I'll have to lurk over on the natural thread. 

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Hi All! Well, my SIL has joined Weight Watchers, lost 20 pounds & is now crazy for exercise; so we not only took a fast 50 minute walk yesterday afternoon but also another 50 minute walk this morning before church. I better watch out or she will be skinnier and in better shape than me!!! MOTIVATION! Now they are gone & I'm going to do 30 minutes of toning. I NEED to be better about the food end of things!!! Patoo, what about acupuncture for the hip? Or a chiropractor? Cheryl, I had a great uncle who settled in New Zeeland. You are originally from Australia, right? Maybe we are long, lost relatives?! Signing off to TONE! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    What a nice surprise Ruth now you've got yourself a workout buddy, you'll have to invite them over more often!!! Yes, I am originally from Oz, New Zealand is our neighbor but distance is like New York to Los Angeles but you never know we seem to like an awful lot of the same thingsWink. Went to Body Step class this morning but then went to lunch at "Islands" and I have a confession we ordered "Cheesy Fries" they were soooooo good but now sitting like lead in my stomach. We are having gale force winds that are coming off the ocean so today it is windy and cold but my friend is coming from England on wednesday and he likes to BBQ and eat in the back yard so I've been cleaning all the outdoor furniture and getting blown around in the process. Patoo what does the doc say about your hip? My Dad had hip problems and they discovered that one of his legs was a fraction shorter than the other and he played golf for years and years and that aggravated his problem what I'm trying to say is that you need to take care of yourself.  Nite all 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    They live 5 1/2 hours away, so aren't around very much. Here's something funny: tonight I did an old tape called 'Super Charged Sculpt';later a friend called to visit & thought I said I'd done a workout called "Super TART Sculpt'! (Actually sounds better, doesn't it?!). So keep tarting it up girls!!  Kiss Ruth
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010
    SurprisedROFL.  Are you getting excited as end of school year nears, all of the teachers in my classes are all on countdown, one said this has been the worst group of kids she's ever had and can hardly wait for the year to be over. 
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    I always get reflective at the end of the school year. A good thing about teaching is that there is always that time built in; to think about where you've been, where you're going, what worked well, what you'd like to do differently etc. Really since BC, I've decided that every year is a good year & every group of kids is one that I can (hopefully) impact in a positive way. Now, after all that profoundness, I do confess that there are a few whom I will be glad to see the rear ends of walking out the door and I will also be glad to be done with the mounds of paperwork for awhile too!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Cheryl, I wanted to tell you more about my New Zealand great-uncle. He was something of a mystery. He went off to fight in the Phillipines during the Spanish-American War and never returned. His whole family thought he had died unitl many, many years later when he actually did (die) and a lawyer from NZ contacted my grandfather's estate, as he had left my grandfather a small amount of money. He had supposedly never married.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Ruth New Zealand is an absolutely beautiful country it is small but it has some of the most spectacular scenery in the world, one of my greatest memories is being taken on a private plane that flew from Queenstown to Milford Sound and flying sideways up the glacier it was breathtaking I just happened to be at the right place at the right time and was asked if I wanted to go for a ride, and what a ride it was.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    Oooo oooo - I wanna do the Super Tart Sculpt!!  Laughing

    I didn't do any formal workouts this weekend, but I did clean out my clothes closet - untouched since dx with all the various sizes spanning pre-dx weight loss (hooray) and chemo weight gain (boo) and post-mx t/e placement big boobs (weird) and post-DIEP smaller boobs (much better) and post-DIEP flat belly (a miracle) and now AI not-losing-weight-any-time-soon (also boo).  I put aside all the smaller pants and jeans for the day when I'm finally off Femara, and put all the larger sizes in bags to donate to the pet-friendly thrift shop.  It was a project, but now everything in my closet is one size and it fits!  It was so jam packed in there that everytime I opened the closet I was risking the entire contents tumbling out.  Now it's nice and neat!

    I also tackled the garage - 15 years worth of dh's project scraps - little leftover pieces of 1x6s, 2x4s, wood trim, plywood, luan, even some old leftover shelves from when we remodeled the kitchen (with 70's style orange mushroom sticky paper on them).  DH refused to throw all this stuff away (we might use it some day) but his back went out and he was crashed in bed on muscle spasm meds, so I took the opportunity.  I loaded up the Outback to the ceiling with the scraps and went to the transfer station and got rid of every scrap.  It was very therapeutic tossing it all into the containers!  

    I think my motto for the rest of the year is going to be "de-clutter" - it felt wonderful!

    And my walk this morning was exciting - I was coming around a blind corner and a red fox was coming around the other way - we got to the corner at the same time and surprised the heck out of each other! He let out the cutest surprised bark and took off. But he only ran off about 20 yards into a patch of bushes, then he stopped and checked me out as I checked him out for a bit - he looked good - nice red full coat, not all mangy like some of them are. Maybe that's why I didn't see any bunnies this morning . . .  Surprised

    Cheryl -your "cheesy fries" hangover sounds a lot like me after my indulgence on ballpark food - I guess that's a good thing that we can't eat that stuff all the time any more.   Ruth - interesting story about your disappearing great-uncle.  Just like in the movies - getting an unexpected inheritance from a long lost relative. 

    Have a great Monday, everyone!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    Yikes - I just saw how long that was - sorry for the long post!!

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765
    edited May 2010

    The only exercise I did this weekend was gardening and chasing sweet grandchildren.  I haven't been sleeping well so I had some weird hours but a nice weekend overall.  I won't be able to do strengthening exercises today but should be able to get quite a bit of walking in.

    I loved your post Nats

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2010

    Its a holiday here and 30 degrees.About time too. Spent a couple of hours hiking around a wildlife sanctuary with my DH and Son. I love the summer.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2010

    Enjoying the holiday also, Mum.  Beautiful weather, the pool has now been switched on and will shock it tonight........ I feel some "pool running"  coming on!!!! Heat up Soon!!!   Have a great day Everyone!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    Forgot to say - Happy Victoria Day to our Canadian friends! 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited May 2010

    Got my CT scan results today -- I got teary when they told me that the spot on my lung that they've been monitoring since last fall is GONE!  The knife hanging by the thread is gone, too -- at least until next mammogram time :)  What a relief.  A whole long slew of tests is behind me and I can finally focus more fully on recovery and getting back to better health!   Happy dance!

    In that vein... it's 90 degrees out the last couple of days (with that famous Midwest humidity to make it even more pleasant) so I've been using my walking DVD in the AC instead of going out in the heat (which I wouldn't do, I can't stand it when it gets that hot). I know those of you much further north might get tired of winter but I hate the humid summers here!

    Nats, loved your post, don't apologize for length, the fox story was great and your cleaning energy was inspiring.  I had a similar close encounter with a coyote once  - I was too surprised to be frightened although I think s/he was a bit. 

    Patoo, hope that hip is feeling better and/or you find something to help it feel better, soon!

    Tart away, everyone!  Cool

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Hooray for Nature! Have to exercise before I come back and say more .........

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2010
    Wow a lot of good new on here....WTG nature...Thanks everyone. My granddaughter is a sweetie. Looking forward to getting to know her better. Ruthbru that is great that your SIL will be able to motivate you. Well I lost 4 lbs, 2in in my breast Frown worked to hard to get them..none in my hip, 2in in my waist, nothing in my arms or calves. Going to class tonight to workout good.  Jim will push me. Now if we could only pust ourselves as a trainer does.  Amazing what t hey can do to you. Happy excerising...push, push, push!
  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited May 2010

    it's a rant so I apologise. i didn't get any exercise at all today. I sat in a car all day doing a 250mile round trip to see my mom's legal/financial advisers (she's in a care home) in 30degC. I was truly wilting with the heat. It did get much much better when DD got in the car with me half way down the road, and turned on the air-conditioning for me...

    so tomorrow I aim to exercise my little heart out, even if it does make my arm swell up. You guys here are inspiring, thank you!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    That's wonderful news, Nature!  I am happy dancing for you.

    Drove to work in a snowstorm this morning.  Tomorrow's forecast:  sunny and 70 degrees.  Came home from rads and worked the pup a bit in the basement, then did some total gym exercises.  The new bp med/diuretic has pulled the fluid out of my feet, so I'm hoping for a walk tomorrow.  The mountains look gorgeous, since the snow came down to 5,000 ft.--blue skies above.

    Oh, Nats, my garage is a mess.  My DH puts things down, not away.  I am contemplating doing a section at a time.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Snowstorm today - 70 deg tomorrow?  Would absolutely drive me crazy.  How do you decide what to wear from day-to-day?

    Nature - that's wonderful news.  I have 6-month diag mammo t'm morn and praying for NED.

    Nats - now that you got a routine going would you do the same for my closets and garage?  Garage is just disorganized.  Anytime I need something I can't find it in there so I go out and buy another.  Bet I have every size and type of nail, screw, bolt - enough to give Home Depot competition!  But look for a screw to go into sheetrock - road trip to Home Depot!

    Thanks all for asking about the hip.  About 15 years ago ortho doc said I would probably need hip replacement but to try glucosamine/chondroitin.  Well that gave me total relief to the point I was able to go off of them and stay pain-free.  Then, BAM, BC and Arimidex, and even though I started the glucosamine again it hasn't really stopped the pain.  Perhaps it's lessened between that and exercising but it's certainly a pain that is making itself known.  I thought about acupuncture but my manager tried it for pain associated with lyme disease and just kept going and going and going and going and finally I said, why bother since she only got relief for maybe a day.  I can get that with a couple glasses of wine.  (okay, just kidding - a little!) 

    This is getting long so for now - night my Sculpted Tart sisters.

    Oh, yeah, I did a 60 minute water aerobics class after work tonight.  Hope to do another tomorrow night - depends on mammo results which may make me hit the vino instead! 

  • lorieg
    lorieg Member Posts: 79
    edited May 2010

    Nature- Excellent news!!!

    Patoo- Prayers and positive thoughts for your mammo tomorrow.

    I did a 40 minute cardio/dance DVD yesterday.  Tried to do another workout DVD tonight but after multiple interruptions by my two little ones I gave up! Arg.  Now my lazy butt is on the couch watching the Bachelorette!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Welcome hymil, I believe that ranting does burn a few mental calories anyway, but we will expect a physical exercise report tomorrow Smile. Patoo, good luck tomorrow, always stressful even when there is no reason why it shouldn't be good. I try to clean out the closets & drawers once a year. My DH is most uncooperative about getting rid of his stuff (I have to sneak out some of his more raggedy clothes, throw them away, and if he misses them say, "Well, how would I know where that shirt is?!" Surprised) and I haven't cleaned his den in years, makes me shudder to imagine what is growing under his piles. Mary, what a cool story about the fox (long posts are fine since we are all so interesting Wink). Lori, as I remember it, it is even hard to get in and out of the bathroom with little kiddos in the house, never mind to try to do a whole DVD. You would almost have to have them watching a movie of their own (with snacks) to even have a chance!! I did a 40 minute FIRM DVD & walked for 35 minutes on the treadmill (stormy day here). Did the treadmill in the sketchers with no ill effects, so maybe I'll get used to them.

    Now this will make my post way too long, but here is the rest of the mysterious story about my New Zealand great uncle......he was a bachelor and alone in the country, after he died, instead of contacting his heirs in the United States, his crooked lawyer embezzled money from the estate for quite a few years before being caught, so by the time my dad's family knew anything about this, there was very little money left to be had, and my grandfather was dead, so never knew what had happened to his long lost brother. Sounds like it could be on a mystery theater, doesn't it?!

    Keep tarting it up! Ruth

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2010

    Nature - Great News! (sigh of relief)

    Patoo - Good Luck tomorrow on the Mamm.  Hope you are able to keep the hip pain at bay.  I have a knee that has always given me trouble and find that now I am able to walk for at least an hour without it seizing up on me!!  Can't wait to do the water excercises as I am sure it will be much more gentle on my knee.

    Congrats Ebann on the 4 lbs!!  Way to go!!   

    I really HATE cleaning (I really have a tough time throwing anything away!).  I have all sizes of clothing in my closet.... am hoping to be using the smaller ones soon. Cool

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2010

    Wow!  Everyone is working hard and often, even losing weight.   Great work ladies.   And good luck with your mammo, Patoo.  I'd like to start de-cluttering too.  So much junk, it's hard to know where to start.

    I haven't posted much, but I have been working out fairly regularly and playing tennis 3 or 4 times a week.   This thread (and fear of Arimidex) keeps me motivated.

    Summer weather heading our way for the long weekend.  Enjoy!


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Body Combat for me tonight but boy was it a struggle, my knees were playing up but I persevered and made the hour, I'm going to have to start back up on the glucosamine.

    Happy Dance Nature big weight off your shouldersSmile. Patoo sending good wishes your way for tomorrow. Congrats Elizabeth, it is true that a trainer can make you do things that you think are impossible. Nats your walk in the morning sounds so lovely and I'm all with the de-cluttering, I cleaned out two of our "catch-all" drawers on the weekend you know hammer, dried out paintbrush, rubber bands, lots of pencils and dried out pens, a magazine article from 1989!!!. Don't forget season finale of BL tomorrow. Ruth I've said it before I'll say it again "truth is stranger than fiction" the lawyer probably thought the family wouldn't find out. Kathy summer in New York, winter in California it's supposed to rain tomorrow - go figure.  Keep up the good work, nite all.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2010

    NatureGrrl I am so happy for you. Goodluck with your scans Patoo. Sending ((((healthy vibes))) to all my workout buddies. And yes I am going to the gym today.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited May 2010

    Thanks, everyone... and to return the good energy:  Patoo, good luck today!!  I'll be thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way.

    More later but wanted to wish Patoo the best...

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    Nature - also doing the happy dance for you!  Patoo - sending all kinds of good vibes and wishes your way. 

    The garage Great Project Scrap Clean Out was only the stuff lining the side walls - I still have to tackle the giant pile of stuff in the back!  Baby steps. Cheryl - I have a couple of those drawers as well that need cleaning out - I have old keys cluttering up those drawers. Whatever they used to unlock is long gone, but the keys live on.  Ebann - 4 pounds!  That's fantastic!  Ruth - I think Cheryl is right and the lawyer probably thought no one in the family would ever find out.  Sad that there are people in the world like that - there was an article in the paper this morning about a local elderly couple who trusted a con man and he completely cleaned out their life savings - at least $180K.  By the time the husband died, there wasn't even enough money left to bury him.    

    I did 45 minutes on the elliptical again last evening - woohoo!  No foxes on my walk this morning, but I saw a baby bunny in the garden. Totally adorable.

    Enjoy your Tuesday, everyone!

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2010

    Wonderful news, Naturegrrl!  You need to party this weekend!