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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641
    edited January 2014

    I am trying to gain motivation from your posts... I have 50 pounds to lose and am getting thicker in the waist than ever.. I have to think its the redistribution of fat from the meds.. but I have to do something to stop it .. I did the 1 mile walk a couple times and felt pretty good (my joints and feet pain me -SE from meds) so I was glad I could do it other days I feel so lazy not doing anything.. I do work a long workweek and am 63 and years of non-exercise has taken a toll.. but reading what all you gals are doing makes me know I need to join in and stop just reading.. :)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,546
    edited January 2014

    Join in, Nancy! We are in the right generation, 63 is the new 43!!!!

  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited January 2014

    I am getting spoiled by this long stretch of beautiful weather we're having and I'm enjoying getting my vitamin D naturally. Today we walked the dogs, of course, and then I went out for some walking/jogging intervals.

    Welcome to you newbies. Don't get down on yourselves. When it comes to fitness and weight, we all have to start where we are now and ask ourselves, "Where am I going to go from here?" not, "How in the hell did I let myself get here?" 

    Post those baby steps and be proud of yourself for doing SOMETHING, which is so much better than doing "NOTHING!"

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2014

    Hi IamNancy - Key words in your post, "I did the 1 mile walk a couple times and felt pretty good".  I always feel better after some exercise.  Yes, it's about long term health but it is also about feeling better today.  On the days I feel like skipping it, I remind myself of how much better I will feel after I'm done.  

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited January 2014

    Happy Sunday everyone and welcome to our new friends. As previously said, celebrate the small victories too. I also get joint/calf pain from the Tamoxifen but find walking helps ward it off. Today was my "rest" day but I still got plenty of walking in at a local home and garden show. Made my weight watchers vegetable soup, am doing laundry and planning to be a slug the rest of the evening!

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987
    edited January 2014

    Sunday:  EFX = 16.25 miles! I took a picture of my sweaty tank top like as if it's a medal or something.  LOL Tomorrow is my weekly day off from the gym! I'm so excited.  However, if I'm feeling perky may do a mountain hike.  I've never done one before but the weather here has been fabulous - I'd like to take advantage of the vitamin D opportunity.  Hehe Ruth - my cats were on the couch when I left to do the workout -- I know what you mean about the non-sympathetic part, as I was also stalling and complaining to the cats. 

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited January 2014

    I had to get to a point where I accepted that ANY small thing I did was better than sitting on the couch. Now I'm loving it!! (Well, MOST days. lol. Today I was very depressed. Cried part of the time and kept going purely so I could have mileage to write in my journal and in hopes of feeling strong and healthy this summer.)

    Motivational thought:


  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2014

    5 1/2 hour drive to get home today. Too much sitting to my liking!!! So went out for some groceries, then hubby and I went for a 4k walk. That helped shake off the "sit-itis" from the day's journey.


  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited January 2014



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,546
    edited January 2014

    Whoo Hoo!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,859
    edited January 2014

    Welcome to all who are new here! Please continue to post. We all motivate each other.

    Dulci: Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.

    nihahi: Love your picture! 

    Well, I have been a slug for the last 2 days. Yesterday was Girl Scout Cookie Delivery Day. I helped with the distribution. It was COLD and WINDY making it even more COLD. My poor fingers could hardly move even though I had hand warmers and gloves. Glad it's only one day a year! If Girl Scouts are selling cookies in your area now, be sure and buy a box. Eating the cookies is a good motivator to get active so you can work it off! Smile

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,859
    edited January 2014

    Blessings: You are a hoot!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,546
    edited January 2014


  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2014

    Help!!!  I need to get to a dietitian.  Can anyone help me to make sense of this?  If I'm correct, a person who is er+ can have soy but should avoid soy protein isolate.  Is this correct?  I didn't know what soy protein isolate is and as I started reading the ingredients on my Power Bars and protein drinks that I consume almost every day, guess what I found?  Soy protein isolate!  Does anyone know anything about this?  What do you take for energy before workouts?  Holy cripes.  I've lived on this crap for years.  Between all the tests, surgeries, chemo and everything else, I've not yet seen a dietitian.  I'll call tomorrow.  

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2014


  • AnnieLane
    AnnieLane Member Posts: 757
    edited January 2014

    Warrior Woman, yes, I believe the soy protein isolate in power bars, shakes and protein powder should be avoided. My MO also told me to stop drinking soy milk, which I used to drink daily. You might consider whey protein powder instead. Check out

    Georgie Fear is a registered dietician and fitness guru. She is a fan of whey protein powder. I haven't tried it, but she incorporates it into quite a few of her original recipes.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited January 2014

    Welcome Nancy and Deb good to have you join us. (((Dulci))) hope you feel better tomorrow.  WW I was told no soy so I use Whey protein. Blessings you are priceless, hope you are doing better, how is the 'cupping'? Oh Wonderland I can't believe it's that time of year again I'd better clear out a space in the freezerLoopy

    I did a Body Pump class this morning and boy do I feel it now.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited January 2014

    I too was told no soy and rather than whey, I use pea protein in shakes and usually eat a banana on the way to the gym before working out or before a run for extra energy and it helps me to keep leg cramps at bay during body balance (a combo of pilates, yoga and tai chi).  

    Welcome Deb and Nancy!  Wonderland, thin mints still the big seller?

    The roller coaster of active treatment I found to be depressing (not a depressive prior to bc diagnosis, so I'm talking situational depression). Even with weekly therapy that started from week 3 after my 1st. surgery,  and I don't mean to denigrate therapy (emdr technique was very helpful) the passage of time coupled with consistent exercise perhaps was the most effective.  It was on this thread, once again NatsFan, who responed to me when I was spiraling down before my 1st. stage II, the nipple reconstruction and reshaping of my left diep.  I was told it was normal to feel this way and that she too experienced it,  - the anxiousness of wanting to be moved along - feeling depressed with what I had, and I really could not stand my awkward, outsized, nippleless left breast any longer, totally fed up.  I've had two stage II's thus far and have noticed a pattern to a downward dip a month (or more) before surgery.  

    Off to call the gym to reserve a place in the classes that I want for the week and pour another cup of vanilla hazelnut joe.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,536
    edited January 2014

    There's nothing like reading this thread late on a Sunday night to inspire good intentions for the upcoming week. Thanks!

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641
    edited January 2014

    Thanks for the welcome... and seriously, I feel more motivated just reading these last few posts.. hoping for a good week!!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2014

    AnnieLane & HBCheryl - Thank you.  I'm looking into the whey protein and pea protein and I'll check out Georgie Fear.  Now what to do with a box of old Power Bars...

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2014

    Good morning ladies and welcome Deb & Nancy!  I got up to 200 lbs after chemo, my highest weight EVER.  It took me three years but managed to lose 30 lbs through daily walks and sensible diet.  However, my diet wasn't so great this past holiday season and I gained back a bit.  I need to do more cardio and better with diet.  Here's something I filched from another thread.  It's for us all.  ♥



  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited January 2014

    Really sweet Badger.  I'm actually looking forward to the boring treadmill this morning.  I'm finally feeling better and can't wait to break a sweat.  Those leisurely 'walks' just didn't cut it.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited January 2014

    Yeah, I love my walks but have to ramp it up a notch.  Going to Cali with the Sculpted Sisters this spring.  Would really like to be able to keep up with Cheryl & Ruth and make it through one of Eduardo's classes.  BTW it was a nice sunny day yesterday so I got out for a walk around the neighborhood.  Off work today for MLK Jr. day. ♥

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,546
    edited January 2014

    I am going to try out a 10am Yoga class this morning.....

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864
    edited January 2014

    Biked 11 miles.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited January 2014

    Treadmill done, yay.  But yes, it does feel good both physically and mentally afterwards. 

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited January 2014

    I only got in runs over the weekend as too slammed with work to cycle.  I need to sign up for the Seattle-to-Portland today.  Nothing like the incentive of being dead meat if you don't train to get your sorry hide out there.  So far, I am 7 for 7.   I have to do some Haul and Sculpt today to get my apartment in shape to be shown to prospective tenants.  A pain, but work I would need to be doing anyway.  Better now than moving time.

    Back to crunches in the AM and weights as I cook dinner.  Crunches are essential for keeping the waistline in check.  Cycling helps too, and I can feel the lack of it.  I do know that I am fit as powerwalked to Nordstrom the other day and made my makeover appointment!!!  I thought I would be 10 minutes late.

    Back to email.  I have already done the first test of a survey I am fielding, plus need to get back to other work I am doing.  Hitting the shower first though plus exercises. - Claire

  • InspiredbyDolce
    InspiredbyDolce Member Posts: 987
    edited January 2014

    Warrior Woman:  Although I'm not ER+, I do actively monitor to make sure I'm not eating anything that can mimic estrogen producing effects.  I use a protein powder, which is 100% organic and non GMO - no soy compounds in it at all. It is Garden of Life Raw Protein Powder.  Comes in 3 choices.  You can add it to coconut milk, water, juices or a smoothie.  For me, I mix mine with kale and blueberries.  I run all my supplements past my Onc and he approved it.  I can get it at Sprouts as cheaply as ordering it from Amazon.  17 grams of protein in 1 scoop.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited January 2014

    Holy cow - one day away from the threads and soooo much to catch up on!

    TwoHobbies - you might be right. My driveway is two cars wide by maybe 40-50 feet long.

    IamNancy - anything you do over and above absolutely nothing is good!  We're glad to have you here, doesn't matter if you're not Wonder Woman (yet)!

    Dulci - hope today is going much better for you.....(((((((hugs)))))))

    Badger - I'm off for MLK day today too.  Took advantage and slept in a bit before heading to the gym.  Instead of my 6am class I did 4 miles on the treadmill, climbed 34 floors on the stair climber, did some lower back and ab work and finished up with a good stretch routine.

    A friend and I decided last week to be weight loss buddies. First goal is a 5% loss.  When we hit each goal we get to buy something new for ourselves.  To keep me in the mood for fitness I went to Dunham's after the gym today and bought some new workout clothes.  I was getting tired of having to launder my only two pair of gym shorts every other day anyway Smile!