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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited May 2010

    Thank you Ruthbru, you put me on the spot and made me do it!  My daily report is that i actually got up early so it wasn't too hot (and so i didn't "run out of spoons") and did a little run. No lies, it was a vey little run, only 20 minutes, and i only covered less than two miles on the flat, so as you probably worked out i ran a bit and walked a lot, and was pleased to go home for a lovely shower and late breakfast. But we did it! I'm officially a Tart-in-Training!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    Came home from rads and did my walk.  I've lost a little weight, probably because I've eliminated some of the things I used to eat.  I haven't been exercising that much.  Rads is kicking my butt.  Halfway done.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited May 2010

    retrievermom, I love your weather, I think I'll add Utah to my list of places to live :)  Congrats on doing so well through rads -- as I've said before, I couldn't even think about walking much during rads, so you're doing great.  Not as well as you'd like, maybe, but still, you're doing great.  Hang in there.

    I did my 15 minute DVD walk today and crashed for two  hours Surprised  I feel less tired than last week but am always surprised at the way I can conk out so easily.  And still sleep plenty at night.

    hymil, welcome to the tarts-in-training!  As you can see from my post you've already got me beat by quite a bit, good job!

    Ruth, loved your great-uncle story!  With resources now I wonder if someone couldn't dig up more info on him and flesh out the story a bit more...

    Elizabeth, congrats on the 4 pounds!  My weight stayed stable last week, that was at least somewhat satifactory.  Somewhat.  I know I'm not working nearly hard enough to lose much but I'll get there.

    Keep up the good work, everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Tart-in-Training.....I love it!!!!

    We could have all sorts of categories of tart-i-ness:

    water aerobics: treading tarts

    runners : trotting tarts

    sculpting: toning tarts

    walkers: trekking tarts

    a bit of each: TOTAL TARTS!

    I'm off to my Book Club to talk books, drink two glasses of wine and eat a fantastic dessert. I will have to double up tomorrow because I will be tartless tonight! Night All! Ruth

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010

    Hi girls--I can't remember when I last checked in!  I did kickboxing 3x last week and walked the doggies.  I also went to a wedding on Saturday night and danced a ton.  I had soooo much fun!  

    Now tonight, I've walked the dogs and I am watching the Biggest Loser finale!  

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    Re Utah weather:  Our 2 most-used phrases, "well, we need the moisture," and "at least it's a dry heat."  

    Patoo:  you asked how I know what to wear--well, we have every climate zone within the building where I work.  Currently, I wear layers anyway, since I have hot flashes.  By next week or so, it will be summer, and we will be using phrase #2.

    Tired Tart

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited May 2010

    Thanks for the welcome! Retrievermom, Well done on the weight loss - and Naturegirl, two hours extra sleep is two hours less eating. Your body has a lot of healing to do. Morgan, the dancing sounds like a lot of fun - i think if i tried kickboxing i would end up just falling over so great admiration to you :)

    I  was going to exercise some more later, but it never happened - unless you count balancing my cheque book which is never easy. There was running totals, jumping to conclusions, a lot of rubbing out, and clutching at straws....  and did i mention standing orders? no bouncing cheques this month though :) and now i'm trying to type, my fingers are all over the place. I throw lots of letters on the screen and then spend ages rubbing out most of the extra ones, when i can work out which ones they are. More mental calories!

    I have to confess i went out for coffee with a friend - guess that makes me a jam tart. Not good on the exercise~diet front, but she so lifts my spirits, that can be her exercise, it's safe even if you have a bad back like she does.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2010

    Wow everyone is doing a great job. The tart sisters on the move....LOL Well went and worked on my abs today and did the bike for 30 min. Body is sore from yesterday's workout with Jim. I did not want to go in today at all. My daughter called me today crying. She lost her job and her baby is due in 2 months. It just broke my heart. What do you do? I am spending the day with her tomorrow. Hopefully I can build her spirits up.

    Nature that is wonderful that you can go for works after rads. Rads did me in. I suppose if I walked I may have been less fatigue. Guess we will never know.

    Pattoo let us know how your scan goes. The waiting is so hard.

    Ruth enjoy your book club night. I love to read never thought about a book club.

    Retreivermom it is a dry heat here all the time. It gets so hot here you can actually fry an egg on the sidewalk. lOl

    Morgan sounds like you had fun at the wedding.  I love to does not feel like a workout until afterwards. lOl

    Hymil sounds like a good workout welcome....:0)

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Hello my tartlet sisters, tonight did one hour Body Step class and then half of the cardio dance class that follows and then my feet gave out so count me in as a tired tart. Lori and Nats I am now watching BL, that Daris is sure handsome but O'Neal is still my absolute favourite what a kind and gracious man he is. Okay Nats you see bunnies and foxes in the morning I have a confession I have a baby possum at night he/she is so cute he's been on my fence for the last 3 nights and not afraid of the cats which is a surprise for such a tiny fellow. Everyone is doing so well I am proud of us all I am absolutely wiped out so I'll say goodnight, see you all tomorrow.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    Retriever - congrats on half way through rads! Hymil - I don't think I could run for 2 miles now - that's wonderful!  And I hear you about balancing the checkbook - I always tease that's why I married an accountant so I never have to deal with numbers ever again.  Laughing Ruth - LOVE all the various tart categories.  At yoga last night she had us doing a lot of twist moves, so I guess that makes me a Twisted Tart!  Cheryl - I love possums - they're so ugly they're cute  

    This is for Lori and Cheryl - my fellow Biggest Loser fans - so Michael wins - wow - what a change in him! Agreed on O'Neal being a favorite. Gee, Melissa didn't get a lot of applause from the crowd except from her own family. The brown team twins didn't seem like they'd lost that much more.  Poor Koli - I think that if he'd been voted into the finals, he'd have won the the $250K.  Not that the $100K he did win is shabby!

    No walk for me this morning - I woke up tired and with a sore throat, so I snoozed in for that extra hour hoping to throw it off.   Happy Wednesday, everyone!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Hi everyone.  Just popping in quickly then back to work. 

    Mammo results = clear; Med Onc called and said they look excellent so I'm good for another 6 months.  Thanks for your well wishes.

    Did 50 min water aerobics class last night and logged 1.6 miles walking during the day.  Have Bible study tonight but hope to get in an hour of walking before.

    Have a tartful day all.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited May 2010

    Just had to post a happy dance for Patoo!

    PS, Ruth, ROTFL! over your tart descriptions!

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010

    Congratulations Patoo!  Isn't it great and such a relief to get the all clear!

    Kickboxed this morning.  I sweated soooo much.  It's been in the 90s here and the kickboxing studio doesn't get that cool and heats up about 5 degrees just from us sweating!

    I see my nutritionist today.  I am soooo bad at trying to lose weight.  I could lose a serious 20 lbs but I just can't seem to do it.  And I know it's all mental.  I'm hoping she can give me some motivating words  to get me to diet better.

    My whole family watched Biggest Loser last night.  It's a riot.  I have two teenage sons and they are as involved in it as I am.  LOL.  We were floored by how great Michael looked.  We kind of thought that he and Ashley might have a little romance going on.  

    Great job working out everyone!  I need to do some outdoor walking to see the wildlife around me.


  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited May 2010

    Its so nice to hear all the good news lately. Did a class this morning and am feeling great. Sending Love to all my workout buddies. something tells me I should consider changing my Avatar.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    Went dog training this morning, then got my walk done before heading to rads.  It is much easier to walk now, so I am back to thinking I can add some distance.  I'll try that tomorrow.

    Patoo:  That is great news.  

    I'm not into BL--I'm an AI gal, so final results tonight.

    Is anyone a Pop Tart?

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited May 2010

    Naturegirl I just love those happy penguins! Good to hear all the progress and good news from people. Congrats Patoo!

    well I did my early swim today, not very early of course but before i started to get tired. This doing it first seems to work. Lasted 45 minutes of gentle trawling across the pool and back, which is ten minutes more than last week. I'm being very easy on the arms. Then after some serious relaxation on the sofa, I walked out to the shops - and got rained on. Boo. Planning on the gym tomorrow.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Whew, patoo!!!! I am glad,'s beautiful here so walked for an hour & now have to do some tarty toning to make up for last night. Later! Ruth

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2010

    Just checking in to see how you did, Patoo.   Wonderful news!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2010

    Congrats Patoo - let the summer begin!!  That's how I felt with my all clear!

    Biked for 15 minutes and 50 minute walk this morning.  Then went to my daughter's track and field (very hot today) and walked around sweating and drinking water all day.  Tonight, ran and excercised in the pool for 25 minutes.  I feel awesome!!   This is one rejuvenated tart!  Cool

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    Did 30 minutes FIRM lower body DVD & now am going to relax. Last day of school is tomorrow!!  What an awesome, tarty  bunch we are Kiss!!!!! Ruth
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Sculpted Tarts, you all rock!  Wow, I'm impressed at your motivation.  It is so helpful.  Thanks.

    Took a walk after work so logged 3.38 miles today.  Wanted to walk more but it was hot and muggy out.  Pool class tomorrow.  Night all.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2010

    Worked on my arms and did the treadmill for 30 min. Increased my level on my treadmill was able to keep up. Also increased her weight. I felt good about it all. Pool actually sounds nice. Starting to get hotter here humidity. Which I like...Experienced the humidity in MX  with my brother at his wedding. It was 99F and 99% humidity. I thought I was going to die. I had a wig on for the wedding pics and took it off and said the hell with it. Took it off. They were passing out cloths n ice around to everyone. I will never go to MX in June again. Talk about sweating off the pounds. That works! Well my tartiness is going to go. Have a wonderful evening.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Patoo add me to the happy dancers, I am so pleased for you. Ruth you sure get out of school early, our kids have 3 more weeks I know that because we are on graduation countdown in our house.  Mum I love your avatar - he looks just like how I feel!!  Retrievermom glad your feet are better and you are out and about again. Hymil whereabouts in the UK are you from?  Lori and Nats - I was so happy for Michael he looked fabulous and how sweet that he had the rose for his Mum and Lori my roommate says that the blogs say that he and Ashley are an item. Well tonight I did 15 minutes in the weight room working on arms and then did my Body Combat class and the fan in the workout room is on the blink so it was unbearably hot in there but I hung in for the hour.  Keep at it my tartlet friends.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Cheryl, we start school before Labor Day, and don't have any extended breaks during the year (except Christmas), so we power on through and are done before Memorial Day. (We have such a short summer that we have to take advantage of every minute of it, and the winters are so long and crummy that you might as well be at work!)

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    Hooray, Patoo!  Joining in the happy dance!

    Cheryl - dh and I thought there looked like there was a bit of a spark between Michael and Ashley - two couples out of one season - just WHAT were they doing in that house to burn calories? Surprised  Ruth - you do get out early - our kids aren't out for 3 weeks yet either, but it makes sense to grab all the summer you can.  Ebann - good for you for saying to heck with the wig in this &^%* humidity. If you hate humidity do not visit DC is the summer - everyone just wilts here in August and I always feel so sorry for the poor tourists traipsing around in the heat and humidity.  

    Did my morning walk this morning but no workout for me tonight - we're having a giant work farewell party - I work for our local county gov't and budget cuts have hit my agency very deeply - 3 years ago we had 167 employees and as of July 1 we'll have 99.  So tonight we're all gathering at the local watering hole to say good-bye to the latest batch of departing employees - most are leaving voluntarily under a retirement incentive package, but there are a handful of younger employees who are flat out losing their jobs - very scary.  The workload on those of us who are left is increasing, but at this point no one is complaining as we're all so grateful to have jobs.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    One more thing about wigs; I wonder how stage actors who work under hot lights all the time can STAND it?! And how does Dolley Parton stand wearing a wig at all times, which she has done her whole life? I saw her once on TV say that when she is in a hotel she sleeps in her makeup, with the wig at the end of the bed; so in case there is a fire or other emergency, she will be good to go. Just my random thoughts before I unpack all my school 'stuff'. Later! Ruth

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    Thank you, thank you, for keeping me motivated.  It took me more than 30 mins., but I doubled my distance today.  Not as brisk a walk as in the past,  but farther.  My gluts are tighter, and I've lost at least 5 lbs.  I'm being more careful about the caloric intake, which helps.

    Today, I talked with a friend at work who has diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis under control with meds, but is around 75 lbs overweight and moves with difficulty.  I encouraged her to try a little walking.  I heard the reasons why it wouldn't work with her schedule, morning or night, so I told her we could go to the park near work, she could walk to a bench and sit while I did a lap.  No go.  

    I haven't walked like this since my 20 year old son was in a stroller.

    Last week of school here, too.   Time for summer reading programs at my library.

    Nats:  We had those offers at my city, too.  I called them the talks with the "old and/or used up."  Enough bailed, tho the rest of us are overworked.  Sales tax revenues have stopped declining, so we may be ok here.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010

    Wow, we are a prolific group.  It's hard to keep up with all the posts!

    Do you really think Michael and Ashley are an item?  Very cool.

    The results of my meeting with the nutritionist yesterday were that I need am "overfat."  I hate writing that but I guess it's the truth.  And she wants me to ramp up my exercise to 60 minutes, 6-7 days a week.  She also thinks I lost 1.5 lbs of lean body mass.  I guess that's due to chemo and chemopause.  This makes me really really mad.  I exercise a ton already and I thought would help with losing lean body mass.  The only consolation is that her calculation was not "perfect" so maybe I didn't really lose the lean body mass.  Grrrr...

    We are graduation watch for my DH1.  He will be finished with HS tomorrow and he graduates in 2 weeks.  Time sure does fly!

    So, for exercise, I did kickboxing yesterday and a 1 mile walk with the dogs in the evening.  Today I did Leslie Sansone 3 mile walk and then walked the dogs this evening for another mile.  I think I got in close to the 60 minutes.

    Have a great evening!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    I will join the 'overfat' group after today; we ate non-stop as an end of the year ritual.Embarassed I still feel ill & it's 9 pm. I do think that 60 minutes a day (or 7 hours a week) is the magic number. That is also what Richard Simmons says. And when you think there are 168 hours in a week, there is really no reason why we can't find 7, and still have 161 to do other things! Retriever, good for you!!!!! You are doing SO awesomely!!! As for your friend, maybe she will 'catch' some inspiration from you. Lorrie, exciting graduation things coming up for you. Do you have all the planning under control? My son turns 21 tomorrow, which I just can not believe at all. Back to exercise: I walked 30 minutes & will now go downstairs & tone for 30 more. Later, Oh Sculpted Ones! Ruth
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    90 mins in pool tonight.  Teacher really had us sweating (yes, you can sweat in the pool) with lots of upper body this time for the whole 60 mins.  I then ran another 30 mins.  It was a really good workout.  Still fighting poor eating so the scale has not moved in a few weeks.   Holiday weekend won't help either!

    Night all.