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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited May 2010

     Warning:  long, and mostly a rant about my cardiologist Undecided  Feel free to skip!

    I'm sure I'm in the overfat group as well... not a comfortable place to be.  I did lose one more pound this week so eating properly really does help me a lot.  7 hours of exercise a week -- that should be doable.  A goal to work towards!

    I haven't exercised for a few days because one of my heart meds was knocking me for a loop.  This new med is supposed to lower my resting heart rate, which is too high at 100 -- but instead I think it's making things worse. I was getting so tired that any activity at all was wiping me out and hard to do.  I had blood work to test for toxicity and it was at 2.5 -- toxic level -- but I had to call the cardiologist 3 days after I got the blood work results to find out what to do. I was very surprised they didn't call me. The digoxin was also raising my blood pressure to high levels.   High bp isn't listed as a side effect so I'm not sure the cardiologist believes me (GRRRRR) but it went up steadily on the digoxin, and now, less than 2 days off it, my bp is much better again. And in addition to the unpleasant SE's, my heart rate didn't change, but I wasn't on the digoxin too long (a couple of weeks) so maybe that wasn't long enough. Long enough to make me feel like crap, but oh well. Argh!!

    He wants me to go off it for 3 days (I'm giving myself 5 because I want to have a good holiday weekend!) and then go back on it at half dose for two weeks and then get my blood level checked again.  OH, and he also said the 2.5 level might be inaccurate if I had my blood work done less than 5 hours after I took the med (I did)  -- so why the heck didn't he tell me that to begin with??!  ARGH!  I'm going to give it the try he wants after my 5 days off but if it raises my bp again, he's going to have to find something else.

    Anyway, that's why I haven't even done the LS one mile walk for a few days (walking up a flight of steps was killing me, and although I'm not in great shape, I was able to go up a couple of flights of steps a few weeks ago with no effects!).  Sorry, I'm still ranting.  I am feeling TONS better today (last night I started feeling more energy) and went outside this morning and did yard work for two hours, it was a little tough on my back but it felt good anyway.  I'll do at least the one mile walk later today, maybe the two! Hurrah for feeling better!

    Retriever, did you watch the final AI?  What did you think?  I liked them both but kind of was rooting for Crystal -- but Lee sure is likeable.  My favorite "reality" show just started up again -- So You Think You Can Dance.   Love watching the dances, and the breast cancer dance one of the couples did last year still brings tears to my eyes. 

    Oh, this is long and not very exercise related, sorry.   You all are so amazing with all you do.Thanks for continuing to inspire me, and for putting up with my rant.  Happy Memorial Day weekend, everyone!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited May 2010

    Nature - rant away - that's what we're all here for.  And it doesn't seem right if you could do a couple flights of steps a few weeks ago, then after taking the supposedly beneficial meds you couldn't even do that.  What about a second opinion from another cardiologist?  They may say they'd be trying exactly the same sequence of treatment, but it never hurts to have another set of eyes review your records.  It is a bit disturbing your cardiologist didn't call you about the toxicity level and didn't warn you about taking the meds more than 5 hours before the test. 

    I also am very impressed by everyone's activity levels.  I just did my usual walk around the neighborhood this morning after the retirement party last night.  Some of the people who retired in the previous years' purges came back, so it was a lot of fun to see them. Like the song says: Ch . . ch. . .ch. . .changes. 

    Off to the cabin for the long weekend - I definitely want to get some Appalachian Trail hiking in - hiking seems to work best for me as far as exercise that really burns calories and gets me going.

    And yes, put me squarely in the "overfat" group as well - what a term!!  Surprised

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    Nature, I would maybe see a different cardiologist too; the object is to make the patient feel better, not worse!!! And you should not be having to call him to see what to do if it is at a toxic level; GEEZE!!! I am stressed out too because I got the letter to set up blood work etc. for the end of the month for my recheck, and was put on hold several times and had to talk to 4 different people before one could help me. No wonder they call it PRACTICING medicine Yell. OK, there is my portion of the rant..... did a nice 45 minute walk this morning and hope to do some toning later, a bunch of DS friends are hanging around in the family room right now (where the TV with the VCR/DVD player is), so that is out until they leave. We got out of our unairconditioned school just in time as it is 90 degrees today! Later. Ruth
  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited May 2010

    i seem to have skipped a day, Oops. I was tangled up on another thread and didn't get over here. But i did the exercise: gym yesterday brief and simple as i was running (walking actually) between several different medical appointments later in different parts of the city  :( Today i got out for a run (um I mostly walked it), about an hour, again before the heat got too much for me. That seems to be my new way forward. I wasn't able to measure my run because my usual mapping site is being upgraded and consequently even slower than it used to be; anyway not a record breaker but a tick in the box for today!

    Nature your experience sounds so frustrating! Hope they get the drugs sorted soon and you feel up to doing a bit more. And here's an alternative word than over-fat - try "under-tall"  - Forget "my target weight is get down to 70kg", replace with  "my target height is now 2.04m" It's not impossible, loads of people are 2.04m. Mostly guys, it's true......Maybe i could sleep hanging up like a bat. hahaha.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Yes Nature, rant on and I'm with the others to think about another opinion.  What you are experiencing sounds downright serious, bordering on dangerous.  Please take care.

    Did 5 mins on torture elliptical; 10 mins on stat bike, 10 mins on machines for lower body strength, 50 mins workout in pool.  May try and do a LS DVD later but not counting on it. 

    Enjoy the weekend and let's try and keep moving through it.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2010

    Hi there Tart Sisters...we are moving right along...Nature please take care of yourself and do what you feel is best for you. Listen to your doctor though if you question it ask or seek a second opinion. Praying for you.

    Well my friend Tracy called me at 8am this morning and said hey let's go to the Pure Strength class at 9am. She knows I get up at 9am and have to have my cup of coffee. So I did get up and go to the class. Glad I did. It was a great workout. We used weights, resistance ropes, and bars. We worked on our core, buttocks, arms, legs. I was able to do them except for the push ups. I do not have the strength to hold myself up. Broke my arm in 07 and then my shoulder 6 mo after that so I still have a hard time with some things. I was in physical therapy for a year and half. Then got dx with IBC when I was almost done. Long haul. Exercise has truly made a difference for me. I can take a gallon of milk out of the refrig now without it weighing me down. A victory. I know it is a little thing. Well thinking I will go walk about 2 miles this evening when it starts to cool down with my hubby. Have to work off the pepsi I decided to have....damn I knew I shouldn't of done that. Pick up and learn.

    Tart tart away...

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    Here's my med rant for the week.  I went to my PCP to have him check my swollen feet.  Asked to have vit D levels checked, in addition to the rest of the bloodwork.  Call to get the results.  Gal says my vit D is low, tells me what to take, but everything else is fine.  Really?  I tell her I find that hard to believe since my white count was low from chemo not that long ago.  I ask what my potassium level is.  After some hemming and hawing, I hear, "eveyone's out to lunch; I'll have a nurse call you back."  Who knows what my results were; she certainly didn't.  I suspect she only pulled the vit D report, but don't say everything's fine if you really don't know.

    I agree--Nature, check with someone else.  Things don't sound right.  Yes, I watched the finale, or Simon Send-off.  I wanted Chrystal for her vocals, but figured Lee would win.  I am jumping ship after this season.  The same type keeps winning, and this year seemed pretty dull.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010
    Retrievermom, when the nurse calls back in addition to having her tell you the results maybe ask to have a copy of the report sent to you, or if it's not too far tell them you will pick up a copy on Tuesday (or whenever you can get there).  It's good to get copies of lab reports because they just read you what they think you want to hear but then you get it and see other things they checked and the report also, or should, give the normal ranges as well.  (Mine does at least).
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Yes, get copies of everything & when I have any test done at the hospital (like mammograms, DEXAs etc.), besides getting the doctor to patient report "We are glad to report that the results of your mammogram are clear etc", I go to the medical record department and PAY to get a copy of whatever the doctor  really and exactly said. I like and trust all my people, but still I think it is good. Once the kids cleared out, I did 35 minute 'Hard Core Fusion" FIRM DVD to go along with the walking I did this morning. Night Ladies! Ruth

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010

    I agree with everyone about a second opinion and about getting the reports.  The reports always contain so much more information.  

    Ruth--you are a dynamo!  

    Well, I talked with someone else today about the exercise thing and yes...she said that I need to get over it and plan to exercise for 60 minutes everyday.  She then went on to say that I need to build in those 60 minutes and if I want to do other exercise then do it too.  But my 60 minutes of aerobic exercise is not negotiable.

    I did 60 minutes on the treadmill this afternoon and then walked the dogs for 20 minutes this evening.  

    Patoo--isn't it a weird feeling to sweat in the pool.  I remember sweating in the pool during college.  I never thought you could sweat like that!

    Anyone doing anything fun this weekend?


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Fun - of course - exercising!  What else is there?  (and I'm not talking about exercising our taste buds!)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    I'm trying NOT to exercise my taste buds! I'm going to a wedding in 2 weeks & would like not to be oozing out of my dress;  with all the eating I've been doing the last couple weeks, I need to drop a few QUICK!!

  • meg8000
    meg8000 Member Posts: 37
    edited May 2010

    Hello Ladies - 

    I'm pretty sure this is one of my next stops on the Cancer Tour.  I'm just coming out of my Chemo/Rads funk and trying to get back into an exercise routine and work off some of this extra weight I've put on from sitting on my butt for the last 6 months.  Hardly any of my clothes fit any more and I refuse to go up another size. I'm back at work now and I still tire easily, but have been managing a short 20 minute daily walk on the weekdays.  We'll be helping out son move back in from college this weekend, but I hope to still find some time to push to a longer walk.  I need something to help me keep it up, so maybe this is the ticket.  

    Nice to meet some new people, and hope everyone has a great weekend!   

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Meg, this is definitely the ticket! Great people exercising at all fitness levels, in all phases of treatment and beyond. Glad to have you join us. Ruth

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2010

    Hi Meg and welcome...The ladies on here are wonderful...very encouraging. Good for you in getting out and walking. Every little bit helps. It does require baby steps especially all that we have gone through. I know it took me a year to be able to get my energy back. Just as my onocologist said. Which I did not even want to believe. How old is your son. My son is going to be  24 in June and my daughter is going to be 21 in July. I am a grandma too just found out a few weeks ago. Then my daughter's baby is due in August. Keep up the good work...We are here for you....drop in anytime. 

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    Hi Meg!  I can't walk for long, but these gals keep me at it.  Welcome to the Tart Team.

    My 21 yr old DS will come home from college next week for the summer.  Fortunately, he has a job lined up.  Need to clean up his room over the weekend.  Was going to go watch my DH do some dog stuff, but weather has shifted again.  May just curl up with a good book.

    Have a great weekend, all!  Looking forward to no rads on Monday!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Hi all, was going to try and clean today but the weather report got it wrong again and it looks lovely outside so trying to get myself up off this couch and out for a walk. 

    Welcome Meg - short walks definitely lead to longer walks so keep at it and come here often because the 'voices' also gradually build up in your head and then you have no other choice but to move.

    Ruth, you have a goal so keep that in mind.  Anything you drop in the next 2 weeks will stay off afterwards because you will keep up the exercise.  Really!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    3.9 miles today.  Would say, so far, but I'm certain that's my exercise for today! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    I just need to get back to where I was 'pre-end of the school year eating binge extravaganza' to fit nicely into my dress (that should be easier than chiseling off new pounds, right?).......then maybe drop a couple more pounds later........ in that spirit I got up and did the FIRM  '500 Calorie Workout', which is HARD (for me, anyway). I whined all the way through it, but that did not seem to disturb the perky little instructor on the TV at all Cry. Then I force my DH to go downtown with me to buy some new dress clothes ( a torturous experience for us both, as he is not a 'dress up' kind of guy; but no, you can not wear your raggy old clothes to a wedding). Anyway, after dismissing him (ha!), I shopped some more & then, being starving, stopped at Subway & had a healthy sandwich (with no cheese), and when I went to coffee with my dad at the nursing home, I had two bites of the delicious blueberry pie and then threw it in the garbage so I couldn't eat anymore of it! It is hot and humid here, but is suppose to cool down, so I'm waiting until tomorrow to plant my flowers, I think they'd fry if I put them in today. Keep tarting it up! Ruth
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited May 2010

    Welcome Meg, you're in the right place to get motivation and support!  Just remember to not beat yourself up if you can't do as much as you think you should -- I'm 4 months out from end of treatment and still dealing with significant fatigue issues.  Everyone's different but it can take awhile so be gentle with yourself.

    Thanks, everyone, for validation and support.  I'm going to give the revised-drug plan a try to see what happens but then I may be on to a new cardiologist.

    I'm a bit sore today from my yard work yesterday but it's a good sore.  It's 90 here again, blech, so I'm staying inside for exercise -- the one-mile walk with LS and I found my yoga DVD to get back on that.  My aches from yesterday tell me I need that stretching! 

    For fun, I've been catching up on some knitting that was supposed to be Christmas gifts '09 :) and I've gotten hooked on "Lost" -- never saw it until I watching it via my laptop & Netflix.  Sounds kind of pathetic for "fun" but I'm enjoying the time off and just goofing off a little.  I'd love to get out for some hiking (Nats, tell the mountains I said hello!) but it's just too blasted hot here this weekend.

    Enjoy, everyone!

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited May 2010

    I must have walked further than i thought this spring; my boots have got holes in the soles! I managed to replace them today, so now if it rains, my socks will stay dry. Put me down for two miles walking, although town-trudging round crowded shoe shops is not half as good as bimbling along footpaths by the river or along the railway. Forecast for tomorrow looks quite nice, and now i'm ready :)

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited May 2010

    Would love some of your heat, Nature, but it's made it to 60 here today, so I shouldn't complain.  Got out first thing and walked for 30 mins, did some weeding while DH mowed, and am now preparing a birthday dinner for twin 7 year olds.  Their single dad does a great job, and I can be an "almost" grandma to them. 

    Keeping trekking, and Nature, don't get lost!

  • westiemom
    westiemom Member Posts: 86
    edited May 2010

    While being home recovering there are some evenings that are so humid that I can't enjoy an outdoor walk, I tend to get overheated very easily. I just completed my 2nd infusion yesterday (yay! 2 down, 2 more to go), so I'm taking it easy today. Totally a Lifetime channel junkie today. The first week after my chemo treatment I"m pretty much couch bound and vomiting quite a bit, but the 2nd and 3rd weeks I've been working out using a pilates reformer, it has helped with my upper body flexibility. I'm post 8 weeks bi-lateral and my plastic surgeon gave me the okay to start off slowly. I'm hopeful that the anti-nausea meds I received yesterday (emend) will help, will know by tomorrow. But my routine has been 30 min walk, 20 min pilates reformer daily. Hope everyone has a wonderful long restful weekend!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Westiemom, halfway through infusions - Whoopee, but please take it easy.  Even a little movement is beneficial when your body is healing and if you are not up to it, pass it up - Lifetime needs someone watching  to stay on the air!

    As promised, no more exercise today but did get over 10,000 steps.

    Night my Sculpted friends.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010

    Hi Westie! Glad you are joining us. Good job for keeping moving during chemo!! Don't overdo it, if it is really humid you should find an air conditioned place to walk (like the mall; although that could be dangerous in other ways; like to the wallet!) or even around your house. I walked and did light toning during chemo; I don't know that it helped me get through it better, but it for sure helped me bounce back quicker when I was through.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Welcome to Westiemom and Meg glad to have you join us. Nature I agree with everyone get hard copies of all your tests you have to be your own advocate and just because high BP isn't the norm on the meds doesn't mean that your body chemistry doesn't produce it, I hate the way sometimes docs just fob off what you tell them. Ruth are you going to become a morning exercise girl now that school is out?

    Did Body Combat class this morning but have been fighting a head cold the last couple of days and didn't feel like exercising so had to force myself. I kept looking at the clock every five minutes and the hour dragged but I managed to stay the course. Hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Quick stop - slow day; logged about 2.5 miles.  Hope to do more tomorrow.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010
    I still have the achy body blahs but did Body Step class this morning and at least wasn't looking at the clock every five minutes and then washed my car this afternoon which counts as double points in my book Wink.  
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited May 2010
    Cheryl, gargle with warm salt water. I really think that helps. I am tired, tired!!! It was a beautiful 74 degrees here today; so off I went and bought a whole backseat full of flowers, then spent the rest of the afternoon, first 'deweeding' the flower bed and then planting the flowers. TILL AND TONE! Then I walked a slow 30 minute 'I  can't believe I'm in an upright position' walk & did a 30 minute ab DVD as I figured I had done enough arm stuff for the day. YOUCH! Yes, Cheryl, I love to get up and exercise in the morning in the summer, at about 8:00 or 9:00. I've tried really early exercise different times, and I don't like it and don't stick with it either. I bought some of patoo's tonic water, so I think I will have an nice refreshing glass and pretend there is gin in it! Kiss  Great Night All! Ruth
  • AMP47
    AMP47 Member Posts: 83
    edited May 2010

    I just found this thread.  This tells me I am on the right track.  I have always questioned whether my routine was OK.  Patoo I see you exercise in the pool.  Are you a master swimmer?  I use to swim everyday before buying another ranch in the Cascade mountains.  I really miss my swimming-very competative.  Well, here is my workout, will be interested to see what everyone thinks.  Warm up includes 100 sit ups broke into 2 sets of 30 one of 40; lots of stretching for 10 minutes.  Followed by 35 minutes of circuit training: lift 20 for biceps and pull 65 for lats and butterfly at 35.  Each lift is 3 x 12/10/8 reps. After the circuit training, then on to the illipitical trainer for 40 minutes: 10 minutes warm up easy speed, level 1 up to level 3 resistance, 10 minutes intermediate speed moving from 3 to level 5; 10 minutes sprint one minute rest 1 minute, final 10 minutes 1 minutes sprint 30 seconds rest level 6  Wheww- 600 calories later I  fall off the machine.  I workout 5 days a week.  Sometimes the Arimidex SE are more severe and I have to back off a day. Then off to ground train my horse and run up an down two fights of stairs 10 plus times a day.  Hopefully, all that will keep my bones strong.  Still, I would trade it all for a good mile swim daily workouts with sprints against the clock, anyday.   Plus, to  go to a swim meet for us die hard competive swimmers to kick some bootie in the pool-very exciting...  Everybody keep working out-your work outs look great!