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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • AMP47
    AMP47 Member Posts: 83
    edited May 2010

    Nature girl just read your very informative post.  Glad you are feeling better.  

    Once you can exercise regularly you will feel more energized and feel so much better about everything.  Exercise is like a incredible massage for your mind.  Its all those endorphins rubbing your thoughts and throwing out the bad thoughts  lurking in every "nook and cranny" of your mind.  Although, the meds can play havoc with your energy level, keep putting one foot in front of the other and don't look back. No peeking either.  

    Remember that to lose just one pound you have to burn around 3500 calories! I could not believe my eyes when I read that disheartening piece of information,  Needless to say,  that slowed down what was going in my mouth and stepped up my feet which are very busy these days...   By the way, gardening is an excellent way to stretch your back.  I flip my toes over my head everyday to stretch my back out.  I of course am laying on the ground when I do that exercise.  So, keep up the good garden stretch.  

    Walking is an excellent way to start getting in shape...  It will feel tiring at the start and then one day you will wake up and your walk will feel so much lighter and strong.   You will feel like GI Jane,  When that happens you know you are on your way to a healthier life style while conditioning your body for the future.  

    Do you have an ipod?  If so download some moxy music and listen to it during your walk-really inspires you through visulation of the music and will help you keep a steady pace, stay focused on your stride and keep a steady rhythm plus keeps the walk interesting and keeps out the peripheral noise.   Stay strong and keep going forward.   It is OK to rant-that helps get you rant away,, Smile

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited May 2010

    Happy Memorial Day!  I power walked on Saturday and then did heavy gardening yesterday (shoveling, constructing raised beds, etc.)  Welcome to our new members!  It's very cool to have new members and to see what everyone does for exercise.  

    I am off to do the treadmill and then finishing more gardening!  The weather is beautiful!  I'm so excited to plant my vegetables!


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited May 2010

    Welcome AMP glad you have found us, I agree with you even though sometimes I moan and groan I do love to exercise.  This morning got up very early (5.30am) and went to the beach and walked for an hour it was absolutely beautiful I chose to go to the dog beach as I love to watch the dogs bounding all over the beach and in and out of the water and now I'm going out to work in the garden before the sun gets too hot.  Happy Memorial Day to all.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Hey everyone - hope you are enjoying the day.  It's very hot here again today.  Did a 60 min water class and then ran in the water for another 20 mins.  May go out for a walk later when it starts to cool off a bit.

    Welcome AMP - no, not a master swimmer at all - lucky if I can tread water.  I just do aerobics in the pool; upper and lower body exercises.  I also am starting to enjoy exercise; I miss it if a day goes by and I haven't had a chance to do anything. 

    Enjoy the rest of today.

  • AMP47
    AMP47 Member Posts: 83
    edited May 2010

    Hello Morgan, Cheryl and Patoo.  Good weather-lucky you.  In the Cascade Mountain of Oregon it is rather stormy.  I am glad to be a part of this thread.  I readly enjoy reading about what everyone is doing.  I do not get alot of time on this site-to much to fit in to one day on a ranch. 

     Patoo I use to teach pool aerobics-it was a workout.  Geared more towards specific areas on the body-where competitive swimming is an all over experience that puts you to bed very early. I always enjoyed the group it also turned out to be a great social hour for the ladies.  

    Where do you all live that there is such great weather?  A storm is on its way-headed out to mow a very big exhausting yard before the rain comes.  Some day summer will come to the Cascade-then it will be to hot and I will be waiting for the Fall weather to come..   Happy memorial day to everyone.  Enjoy the day for me if it is sunshinning!!   

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Well you can't watch Dr Oz on TV and not be convicted to do something so I went downstairs and turned him on and did another 2 miles on the treadmill.   Between that and the pool I think I got my 10,000 steps today.  I think the only time I can really do that is when I have time on the weekends.  But I'll take whatever I can get.

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited May 2010

    Great to hear how everyone is doing, and welcome AMP. You sound like a real champion water babe!

    I got my walk by the river today, just over seven miles and mostly on the flat. It's not really a calorie burner, more for fun and relaxation. It's a cycle trail i've been meaning to do for ages, because I needed to get a lift to the start. I wasn't much use at running club later, my feet just gave me the look that says, You have got to be joking...

  • kk69Z
    kk69Z Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2010

    I just bought a brand new ab chair on Friday for $20.00 (they sell for like $100.00). So I'm quite happy about that. I did 100 today. Hopefully more as the days go by. Also going into SIL 2 or 3 times a week. She has an eliptical machine.Never was on one but it is great. I "ran" 2 miles and sweated my butt off. I think I will be investing in one probably in the spring. Came home and did yard work. Heavy wheelbarrow pushing to the end of my acre yard. Plus it was hot and humid. 98 deg. with humidity.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Welcome Amp! Went for a lovely hour walk this morning and did a toning tape tonight. The old lilac bush right outside my window is blooming like crazy (it always blooms at least a week later the all the others), so I'm sitting here getting intoxicated with it's perfume!! Man, that gardening is hard work, I'm sore from just planting my little flowerbed yesterday. Great Night All! Ruth

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited June 2010

    Hi everyone!

    Did the treadmill today.  Then I finished planting my vegetables.  I had to add some top soil/planting mix to the beds and then I planted.  kk--i know what you mean about the heavy wheelbarrow.  It feels great being outside.

    Amp-I live in New England.  We were affected by smoke from wildfires in Quebec today.  It was perfectly clear at about 6:30 am but by 7:30, the air was hazy and smelled a bit like smoke.  Weird.

    DS1 broke his tooth in half today.  He needs to see the dentist first thing in the morning.  It was a near miss for an emergency root canal.  Lucky, lucky boy.  He leaves for Disney tomorrow for his senior trip.  I hope he makes it!

    Have a great night!


  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited June 2010

    My foot is swelling agaaaain.  I did not walk today.  I will get the results from my doc tomorrow; that was good advice. 

    Newark-Houston-Salt Lake means a midnight arrival, but I am so glad DS is coming home tomorrow.

    Ouch on the tooth, Lorrie.  Temporary cap?

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Well did my workout with Jim my trainer. He did it again. I ran the treadmill for 2 min, then did different lounges with the bar and dumbell. Did this for an hour. Wow never ran on the treadmill. I am getting better at this. I am liking it too. I use to dread the idea of working out. So back to my workout tomorrow. I think I am going to incorporate more lounges. Jim says that is the fastest way to lose weight. He also said the way to lose your stomach is 70% diet. So I am staying on my diet. Jim says my goal is to lose 5 lbs this month.

    AMP welcome and that is a wow awesome workout. I hope that I am able to do that someday. I am working on it. I have a lot to still loose. Just taking my time with it.

    Morgan I think it is great to garden. I find it hard here in AZ. The flowers die fast with the hot water and require a lot of water here. I do have some flowers that are year around and are hardy, I would love a variety though. My yard guy is working on it.

    hymil that is nice you have a river by your home. I love to think about places back east. Would enjoy all the seasons. Just not the humid weather that would really bother me.

    kk69z so tell me how is that ab chair working out? Sometimes I am never sure about some of these equipments. I am afraid it would just sit around my house. I think it is great that you will use it. I am not that disciplined. That is why I joined a gym and I have to meet my friend there for a ride home and she makes sure she is there to give me a ride home. So far that is working out for me.

    Ruth I envy you to be able to sit by your lilac bush and smell the freshness. You have that gardening spirit as well. It takes hard work. It amazes me to how disciplined you are with working out every night. I think that is awesome. It feels good to workout now that I am finished with chemo and all that other stuff. I was not able to keep it up while going through all that. How about you?

    Morgan I have visited Canada once in the winter. Beautiful place. I was in Toronto. I felt as if I walked through a painting. Sorry to hear about DS tooth. I hope they can repair it soon and get it done in time for him to leave for his trip.

    Retrievermom sorry to hear about your foot. I hope that the doctors can figure out what is wrong. It makes it hard to workout when we are having issues with our bodies.

    My prayers are with everyone. Hope your memorial weekend was good. Well be chiming in tomorrow.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Well did my workout with Jim my trainer. He did it again. I ran the treadmill for 2 min, then did different lounges with the bar and dumbell. Did this for an hour. Wow never ran on the treadmill. I am getting better at this. I am liking it too. I use to dread the idea of working out. So back to my workout tomorrow. I think I am going to incorporate more lounges. Jim says that is the fastest way to lose weight. He also said the way to lose your stomach is 70% diet. So I am staying on my diet. Jim says my goal is to lose 5 lbs this month.

    AMP welcome and that is a wow awesome workout. I hope that I am able to do that someday. I am working on it. I have a lot to still loose. Just taking my time with it.

    Morgan I think it is great to garden. I find it hard here in AZ. The flowers die fast with the hot water and require a lot of water here. I do have some flowers that are year around and are hardy, I would love a variety though. My yard guy is working on it.

    hymil that is nice you have a river by your home. I love to think about places back east. Would enjoy all the seasons. Just not the humid weather that would really bother me.

    kk69z so tell me how is that ab chair working out? Sometimes I am never sure about some of these equipments. I am afraid it would just sit around my house. I think it is great that you will use it. I am not that disciplined. That is why I joined a gym and I have to meet my friend there for a ride home and she makes sure she is there to give me a ride home. So far that is working out for me.

    Ruth I envy you to be able to sit by your lilac bush and smell the freshness. You have that gardening spirit as well. It takes hard work. It amazes me to how disciplined you are with working out every night. I think that is awesome. It feels good to workout now that I am finished with chemo and all that other stuff. I was not able to keep it up while going through all that. How about you?

    Morgan I have visited Canada once in the winter. Beautiful place. I was in Toronto. I felt as if I walked through a painting. Sorry to hear about DS tooth. I hope they can repair it soon and get it done in time for him to leave for his trip.

    Retrievermom sorry to hear about your foot. I hope that the doctors can figure out what is wrong. It makes it hard to workout when we are having issues with our bodies.

    My prayers are with everyone. Hope your memorial weekend was good. Well be chiming in tomorrow.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010
    Elizabeth, are you doing lunges or LOUNGES? Was that a Freudan slip of the typing finger? If it is lounges, that sounds way more fun Laughing!!
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2010

    It sounds like everyone had a busy and fun weekend.  Welcome to all the newbies - I continue to be impressed by those who are continuing to do any sort of exercise at all during active treatment. 

    We were up at the cabin this weekend - did a good 5 miles on the Appalachian Trail Saturday - we did a little loop detour to a scenic vista, and somehow when we got back on the AT we were heading the wrong direction.  Fortunately a troop of boy scouts came by and got us going back in the correct direction - I guess everyone needs to be rescued by boy scouts at least once in their lives.  The mountain laurel is in full bloom all along the AT - it was beautiful being surrounded by their beautiful pink and white blossoms!

    On Sunday and Monday morning, we did a Till and Tone, as Ruth would say, planting dozens of flowers and plants.  We're still having to move large rocks out of the ground whenever we try to dig a hole, but the nice thing is that as we haul out the stones, we're starting to build lovely small stone fences all around the garden areas - now I know why there are so many stone fences around that area!  I am VERY sore this morning - everything I own aches - my 2.25 mile walk normally takes 37 minutes and it took me 40 minutes today.  Fortunately tonight is yoga night so I can stretch out some of the stiffness.  

    I want to do lounges too!  Much better than lunges!

  • kk69Z
    kk69Z Member Posts: 38
    edited June 2010
    ebann, so far my ab chair is working fine. I only used it one time so far. I too wasn't sure if I should get equipment or go to gym, but I hate to drive to the gym and will I go after I pay for it. Plus after time the equipment will pay for the gym membership. I like the idea of my be able to use it when I want to and I could use it a couple times a day. I would also like to get an elliptical probably next spring.
  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited June 2010

    Good afternoon!  I haven't done my workout yet.  I have scheduled it (in my own mind) for around 6:30 or 7:00.  It's been a crazy-ish day with early dentist appointments, work, DS packing for trip, etc.  We've already eaten dinner and am just waiting to digest before I workout!

    Great workouts everyone!


  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2010

    Back to the gym this morning, but without much enthusiasm. Have to remind myself it's all part of fighting oestrogen and it's not so unpleasant as tamoxifen was. I seem to have lost a little weight at last :)

    I had a go on the cros-trainer i think it's the same as an elliptical? anyway it really doesn't like me, my knees were hurting within two minutes. The rower is good though and i am visualising rowing around the scottish loch on holidays a few years ago. No risk of getting upwinded or caught out in a storm inside the gym!!

    KK i get your view about owning the equipment, but I'm very short of space. On the other hand now that I have paid my membership money, I'm going to make sure I get out there and use it!

    Nats, the AT trail sounds just delightful, I'm going to go look for some pictures. I'm a bit worried about all the gardeners and your heavy wheelbarrows, so do mind your backs girls.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Hi All! Good for you to go and exercise when you didn't feel like it, hymil. The time you NEED to do it is when you DON'T have much enthusiasm. I was still sore from my gardening adventure, so did 30 minutes pilate DVD & then a 30 minute FIRM 'Cardio Party". Later All! Ruth

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Well I did my cardio tonight did 45 min on the bike. I usually do 30 min so I pushed myself tonight and it felt good. Also did my abs and legs tonight as well. Will it has been a long day. So I am saying good night. Hope everyone has a great workout. It is really great that we go when we even don't feel like it. Ruth said it well.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Tonight did two classes - one hour Body Step and then one hour cardio dance class and tonight the three instructors that teach the dance class all came and taught together and did a "Dancing with the Stars" homage class, half way through the second class my shoes had to come off and I danced in my socks and stayed the course - it was super duper fun.

    Patoo yesterday afternoon I went swimming in my neighbors pool and did lots of aerobics using the "noodle" getting myself ready for my class which starts at the end of June. Elizabeth how is your daughter coping with her job loss? It is such a shock when it happens but now she can spend time getting ready for baby. Congratulations on running on the treadmill it is a fantastic accomplishment. Retrievermom hope your foot is better and it will be nice to have your DS home. AMP I live in Huntington Beach CA it's between Los Angeles and San Diego. Nats sounds like you had a fabulous weekend the AT sounds wonderful.  Lorrie hope your DS got himself sorted out and has fun at Disney - is he going to World or Land? Hey Ruth are you starting to relax now your vacation has started?

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Wanted to tell you all if you are looking for help on fitness I came across a show on PBS called "The Fitness Show" the host is a physical therapist and he explains muscles and how to do exercises properly, you can google or myspace it and have a look, I found it very interesting.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010
    Hi ladies, just checking in before lights out. No, Cheryl, I am not relaxing at all! My niece is getting married on June 11 in NC, and I am flying out Saturday to help I have lists and lists of things to get organized and three days to get it all done in. HELP!! DH and DS are flying out later next week for the wedding. After the wedding DS and I will go out to the ocean for a few days with family members and DH will come home because he has to work & there is only so much time he can stand to spend with my family Tongue out. Being that I love, love the ocean......that is the part of the trip I am really looking forward to!! OK, I better fall asleep before I start making more lists! Good Night, Oh Toned and Tarty Ones! Ruth
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Oh Ruth I'm jealous, NC is so beautiful I'm sure you'll get everything organized and I know you'll have fun.  Nite nite.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    I am always jealous of you Cheryl, because you can be by the ocean all the time!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited June 2010

    Hi girls-

    I've been lurking on this thread, but since I find it to be so positive I thought I would post.  I'm a long time exerciser and have been keeping it up since starting rads a couple weeks ago.  I am also a swimmer, but have not been doing so since chlorine is supposed to be a no no for rads.  I am going to spinning classes, weight lift a couple times a week, and walks/treadmill.  Used to love to run, but knee surgery last year stopped that.

    After reading these posts, I decided I am just going to go for it and get on a structured program.  I'm going to gym today...missed my early morning spin class (I'm sleeping better and taking advantage of it.)  Plan on about 45 mins on treadmill, then some weights-upper body and abs this morning.  

    I'm nervous about starting Arimidex-I was an early menopauser (41-I'm 53 now) and already have bone issues/hotflashes/sleep problems.  Do any of you on Arimidex find that exercise substantially helps the SE?  

    Hope everyone is having a great day!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010
    Welcome Kim! This is an awesome site, so lurk no more but join in on the fun Smile! Yes, exercise definitely helps ALOT with arimidex SE, especially the 'creaky' joints feeling. Now I am going for a walk myself! Later, Ruth
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2010

    Hymil - hooray for you for exercising when you really didn't feel like it - I bet you felt so proud of yourself once you were done.  KK - if you buy that elliptical, be sure to try it out in the store before you get one, and I mean go for 10 minutes or so.  The models are so different, and while it can feel OK at first, you'll really know if it's the right one for you after about 10 minutes or so.  We got one for our home about 4-5 years ago and it's been wonderful for both dh and me.  Cheryl - your dance class sounds like so much fun!  Ruth - it sounds like you've got a lot to do before the wedding - just keep imagining your reward of sitting on the beach once it's all done. Kim - I LOVE your screen name - I feel daznfused most of the time!

    Last night's yoga class had a sub instructor, and she did more stretch, flexing, and twist moves and not as many strength poses as our regular instructor.  That actually worked out very well for me as I was still so very sore from all my gardening over the weekend, and I felt much better after the class.  This morning's walk was a two bunny day.

    And chemo cures allergies!!  I used to have horrible reactions to poison ivy, but I apparently got into some this weekend, and I have only a mildly itchy rash.  I've also had no fall allergies since chemo - I used to have to take time off of work because my allergies got so bad in fall, but ever since chemo I've breezed through the last two falls with no issues - we even keep the windows open. I hope this particular chemo s/e persists!  My onc said he's had other patients who've had their allergies calm down or even disappear after chemo.  So now whenever someone complains about suffering from allergies,  I always tell them I've found the perfect cure for allergies. Somehow no one ever seems to want to go through that particular cure . . .Tongue out

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2010

    Natsfan, I have heard that somewhere else, that chemo can help with auto-immune stuff. I guess it just hammers what's left of the immune system into the ground.

    My funny story for the day is that I was booked to go swimming with DD this evening, but she had a call for a like-now-please babysitting job (accidentally taking my swimstuff with her.), so just as i'm settling down with a book, my phone goes off, and running-buddy asks, Hey wanna come out for a run? So i got to do my exercise anyway!

  • kk69Z
    kk69Z Member Posts: 38
    edited June 2010


    I don't have much room either. Its all going to the garage. And with three cars, washer/dryer and all of the other stuff I get one little area. Oh well I'll have to make do. Good luck