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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010
    Hi All! Another beautiful in the 70's day here. Took an hour long walk with a friend & did 30 minutes of toning. Then spent the rest of the day cleaning the house. (What would lead a person to clean their house when they are going out of town? Must be some mental imbalance on my part Tongue out.) Tomorrow I am going to early vote in a local election, try to figure out how to pack, and get a spray on tan (as everyone in NC will be brown, and there is no way I'm wearing panty hose!!). Oh Mary, I AM going to a Twins game later this summer!!!! Great Night Tarts! Ruth
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Ruth, I know many people who give the house a good clean before they go away.  It's like if there's a break-in at least the robbers won't be turned off by dust and clutter!  Me, I have a hard time cleaning when I'm not going away!  And if my alarm system doesn't scare off the criminal then my cat's smelly litter probably would get to them.  Matter of fact, I think before I go on my next trip I'll move the litter box right in front of the door so if someone does feel the need to come take my inexpensive furnishings they will have to step through the litter my cat will kick all over the floor!  That will fix them.

    Been lazy for 2 days so that means back on tomorrow.  Yesterday I did log 1.96 miles but today forgot to put on the pedometer so I can really make it up - I walked 500,000 steps today - Oh no, you can't prove I didn't!  Innocent

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010
    patoo, my neighbor is going to come over every day; get the mail, feed the cats & clean the litter, otherwise I'd say the litter in the doorway would be a great deterrent (except to cat burglars Laughing).
  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Hello Tart Sisters,

    Cheryl my daughter is not taking not working very well. Though my husband and I have decided to help them out some while she is not working. So I think that took some pressure off. Yes I am excited about running on the treadmill. Amazing step for me. Thank you for taking the  time to ask and remember. Appreciate it.

    I worked out today at the gym and did the elliptical (misspellled) for 30 min and did leg workouts with weights. I did not want to go. I was so  tried from taking care of my mom I just wanted to go to bed. But exercised anyways and am feeling better. Just will go to bed a distant time so I can go care for my mother tomorrow. Well be doing this for the next 8 weeks. My mother had surgery on her right shoulder. Then in 4 month she is having her left knee replaced then after that she will get her right knee replaced. I will be spending a lot of time taking care of her. She cared for me for 3 years. It is time for me to be there for her. Well I am signing off. Have a great evening.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Elizabeth, how good that you can give your daughter and mom some TLC when they need it, and I'm glad you are taking care of yourself too by exercising. I think we need the exercise mentally as much as physically when things are tough. I am feeling rather blue because my dad is sinking very much in his overall health and further into dementia. He, of course, can not travel, but I feel bad about us all going and having a good time at a family wedding & him not able to be there. And so it goes.......

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Well girls it was another night of back to back classes for me, first Body Combat with Eduardo and then Body Flow which is a tai chi, yoga, pilates class and it's not really my cup of tea I love the tai chi part and the last 10 mins where you lay quietly on the mat but I get a bit dizzy getting up and down and doing cobras and down dogs but hey I did it, so it counts.

    Welcome Kim I'm glad you've given up lurking and joined us, I love your screen name, I'm a Femara girl and I firmly believe the exercise does help, do I still crack and creak at times, of course I do but heck I'm 60 years old and I'm overweight and I pound my body in these classes that I do but I love going to my gym.  Elizabeth I'm sorry your daughter is having a hard time, her hormones are also probably going kablooey at the moment, as she was laid off does she not qualify for unemployment? You really will have your hands full for the next few months won't you but don't neglect you, you've made such great progress. Nats you'll just be getting over the gardening soreness and it will be time to go back to the cabin and do it all over again. Hymil the exercise fairy was watching you today wasn't she?  Ruth, don't panic if you forget anything I believe they have stores in NC Sealed don't stress it will all get done. Patoo I'm very impressed with your 500,000 steps, where did you go - the moonTongue out.  Goodnight my tartlett friends.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Wow Cheryl, you get the 'Super Tart Award' with those workouts!!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010
    Thank you for the award Ruth,but you and I know the real reason I do what I do - I LOVE TO EAT CHOCOLATEInnocent
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    We can be the 'Sweet Tarts'!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited June 2010

    Hey, everyone, and welcome, more new people!  I've been off for almost a week but plugging away with my DVD's and slowly seeing progress.  Baby steps, baby steps!  I start back on the digoxin soon (yes, I was supposed to start back on it days ago but I've been delaying...).  Hopefully the lower dose will work.

    Everyone has been so busy and industrious!  I'm impressed, as always!

    Amp47, thanks for replying to my "rant."  I was a runner most of my adult life until my knees started complaining when I was in my early 50's, so I know (and love) Smile endorphins and other benefits of exercise... my heart (with its damage) is my biggest limitation now but like I said, baby steps!  Sounds like you might be in s. Oregon... Are you near Ashland?  I've been to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival several times... I miss it!

    I have some joint aches and pains from Arimidex and I agree with those that say exercise helps.  Larger doses of vitamin D3 helps me a lot, too.

    Ruth, I lived with and cared for my mom the last 2 years of her life... the dementia was heartbreaking.  So you have my empathy and sympathy over things with your dad; it's so difficult to watch someone you love decline like that.  I hope you have a really joyous time at the wedding!  I always clean my house before I travel, too -- mainly because it feels so good to come home to a neat house, if that makes any sense.  I like Patoo's kitty litter booby trap idea!

    It's been high 80's and low 90's for about 10 days now, along with that lovely Midwest humidity... ugh!!  Anyone else dealing with the heat, stay hydrated and be safe!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2010

    I really find all of you so inspiring.  Reading your postings here day after day really does make me go out and do just a bit more than I think I can.  Case in point - last night I did 45 minutes on the elliptical - averaging 6.9 mets.  Pre-dx, I usually averaged around 7.0 mets for a 45 minute workout, so I'm almost there.  I think that without all of you to inspire me, I'd have probably programmed in maybe only 20 or 30 minutes.  As for my 2.25 mile walk this morning, it was a two bunny day again.

    Ruth, I'm also sorry about your dad. You're still recovering from b/c and now you have to assume the role of caretaker.  I think you deserve an extra glass of champagne and a big piece of wedding cake at the wedding!  And I want to hear all about your Twins game when you go.  Cheryl - about chocolate - a co-worker gave me a baseball-shaped container, so I filled it with Kisses this morning.  I have it on my desk with a sign that says, "Help Yourself - only 22 calories each!"  I too love chocolate, especially really good dark chocolate.  Patoo - love the litter box trap idea!!!

    It's almost the weekend again - I love short work weeks.

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2010

    I so love the humour here - I never heard of the exercise fairy before but yep she was there alright. Took me swimming today which was great in the ongoing heat. The pool was temporarily shut for maintenance so we got to walk in the woods by the stream an hour while they sorted it!

    Elizabeth I also think part of the daily exercise routine is about carving out a tiny bit of me-time, we give and give so much to others, and maybe that's why we got ill... one factor anyway. Obviously genetics lifestyle environment blahblah etc as well. I'm thinking now that if someone wants to invade my exercise time, they really aren't considering my health, maybe they don't like me very much. If i get ill again i won't be much use to them, so I need to make that time and defend it.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited June 2010

    Hi All!

    Thanks so much for the welcome-I absolutely love this site, and this thread.  The best thing about it is the rational, wise information that all of you give.  

    Today I had a great workout on the treadmill-a slow, ungainly jog combined with some fast walking-all in about 50 mins and almost 4 miles.  I was nice and sweaty.  I met with a trainer at my club who has a medical background and specializes in working with people with bone density issues.  I'm already osteopenia bound in my spine (getting an updated density scan next week) and I just want to do all I can to stay bone healthy.  It's so freaking ironic...probably in the best shape of my life and have all kinds of issues, cancer, cholestrol rising (although the HDL levels are still really good).  

    Ruth, I lost my dad just a little over a year ago.  He had all kinds of health issues, but died unexpectedly of a heart attack.  Now I'm helping with my mom, although my brother recently moved in with her and that seems to be going well.  It's our age, right?  I'm excited to hear about your wedding fun-make sure and have a BLAST, soak it all in.  

    I like what you said hymil-we have to do what it takes to take care of ourselves.  Somedays it feels like I am being selfish, but then I think "if I don't do this, I'm not doing anyone any favors."

    Patoo, you rule!  Five-hundred-thousand steps!  WOW!  That is so cool.

    OK, someone keeps calling here, they must really want something.  Have a fabulous day.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010
    I don't know if our advice is so wise or rational, but we do like to move and have a good time Laughing!!!! And it makes it so much more fun because we are doing it together. (And of course, we are scared of the 'VOICES' who will nag us if we don't exercise). I walked for an hour, did 30 minutes of abs; then went and got the spray tan. I left there looking quite nice and with the instructions not to sweat or take a shower for 16 I have an excuse until noon tomorrow! Later Fellow Tartlets! Ruth
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Took the water class - 60 mins - then ran in pool for another 30 mins.  Reading all your posts I'm going to have to check the gym schedule and see if there's anythbing I can do with a bum hip.

    Dazd, that's 500,000 since birth - 61 years ago!  LOL

    Exercise time is 'me' time.  It's all about me and I don't use it to worry about anything past, present or future.  I'm also selfish in that I don't want to share that time with anyone either because then it wouldn't be all about me.  Maybe occasionally I will let someone come into my private world but it's not often.  I would probably feel differently if I were not single - give my spouse the priviledge of being in my space. 

    Body a little achy today so think I'll turn in early. 

    Night Sweet Sculpted Tarts!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    patoo, would it hurt to cycle or row? mostly I like to exercise by myself too, sometimes it's fun to walk with a friend, but mostly 'it's all about me' Smile. DH is a crazy runner person, whom I could never keep up if even if I wanted too; so it's good, we both understand the need to set that time aside to workout, and give each other that time and space. Night All! Ruth 

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited June 2010

    Hey everybody!  I had a LOT of catching up to do!!!  There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in a day anymore.  Smile  Welcome to all our new excercisers!!  This is a great place to come for the motivation to keep you going daily - it is really easy to fall off the wagon (I know) and harder to get back on (been there too), but believe me, once you post on this thread, the "voices" will keep you going!!  I thank all of you ladies for that too!

    I have been keeping up with the daily walking and the bicycle riding - I am finding it takes less time to get where I am going and that I am able to get my heart rate up a little higher in the process.  I haven't been in the pool as much though as the weather has decided to not co-operate with my schedule (it seems to be thundering and lightning when I have the time to get out there!)

    Ruth, have a great time at the wedding and beach.  Will you be off the boards for a while?  Sorry to hear about your Dad slipping - we have recently been noticing my Dad's health and memory seems to be failing quite quickly. 

    Nats - good for you for sharing your 'low calorie' treats!!  I hide my chocolate from my kids or I would never get a piece!

    Cheryl - you GO GIRL!  I don't think that I could keep up with your routines!!!  Is it really the classes that keep you going, or Eduardo?? Undecided

    Patoo - Water excercising is probably the best for you with the hip - and you seem to be able to keep at it pretty faithfully. Biking MIGHT be ok, but I notice that my knees hurt a bit with it - so have been working up slowly with that. 

    Must get on my bike again now - no walk today, but will probably bike around a bit before coming home to clean!

    Have a great day and week-end Everyone!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Was out till very late last night at dinner with friends so didn't log on (and only exercised my jaw yesterday).  Ruth just wanted to say "have a fabulous vacation" we'll miss you.

    Mary Louise our fan in the exercise room has stopped oscillating so on wednesday night I had to move from my "spot" to one where the fan was hitting - right in front of Eduardo OMG when he is eyeball to eyeball with you you have to work harder I honestly thought I was going to have a heart attack!!!!

    Have a great day everyone.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010
    Cheryl, I think I will change my plane tickets & come see you and Eduardo instead!!!!!! I walked & will now tone. Will check in again later today (after I've changed the tickets Wink).
  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Dear Tart Sisters,

    Please pray and keep my mothers partner Bill in your thoughts. He was admitted in to the ER with a mini heart attack. He is in surgery right now with a right artery blockage. They are putting in 3 stints. The blockage is 90%. If they cannot get the stints in then they will need to do open heart surgery. He has been in our lives for 16 years. He has been a father to me. He is very dear to my heart. Thank you sisters.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited June 2010

    Will do, Elizabeth.  Thoughts and prayers on their way.  Warm hugs, too.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Let us know how he is doing, Prayers for your family and a big hug to you from me too!!! Ruth

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2010

    Add my prayers in too Elizabeth. He made it to the ER, that's half the battle. Keep us posted.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Prayers going up.  Let us know.

    It's Friday, my usual night to crash.  Need to do something though so will try and get down on the treadmill a little later.  Body aches so took a couple of advil; will give it time to work.  Actually I should walk over to CVS and get some mega D3.  Yeah, think I'll go with that plan.  Back later.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited June 2010

    Thinking of you and your family, Elizabeth. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Hi All; first Elizabeth, hope everything is going as well as possible for Bill. I will check in again before I leave to see if you have an update. I exercised like crazy today; an hour walk (a beautiful, refreshing, "Oh man, it's good to be alive and well" kind of day) and then did a 40 minute FIRM toning DVD. So I'm as ready as I can be for all that cake and champagne Tongue out! I imagine that I will mostly be offline, but maybe can sneak a few minutes on a computer here and there. Just wanted to let you all know how grateful I am for your friendships, and how much this site means to me; so motivational, inspirational, fun (and, of course, so tarty!). Since we never would have all met under any other circumstances; this is one SE of cancer that has been nothing but GOOD!! Love to you all! Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Ruth, have a ball.  I like that - BC SE is BCo tarts!  Bet my med onc heard of that one!  (he apparently hasn't heard of any others).  LOL

    So did walk to CVS about 2 miles.  At least I got something in today. 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Firstly Elizabeth I'm praying for Bill and hope that everything went well in surgery.  Did Body Pump class tonight so an hour of weightlifting for me.  LOL Patoo, it's true when you ask a doc about a side effect they just look at you blankly or make you feel like you're an idiot.  Ruth my sweetart friend have a wonderful wonderful time at the wedding and on your vacation guess you couldn't change your ticketWink. Nite all.


  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Thank you all so much for the prayers. Bill made it out of surgery. The one artery that was 90% blocked is now only 20% and they said he will feel a lot of relieft. The artery around the heart was to hard to try and put a stint in, So in 2 weeks  Bill will be going in for another surgery. This time they will take a diamond bit and drill through the artery and then place the stints. He is in the hospital and is doing well. Hoping he will be home tomorrow or Sunday. I love you all and thanks again,