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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited June 2010

    Good morning!  

    Excellent news, ebann.  Good luck with his recovery and second surgery.  I hope you are able to take some time to care for yourself during all of this too!

    I had a f/u with my onco on Thursday and all is well!  Another big sigh of relief and a whew!

    I've been absentee exerciser this week.  Too much to do and too little time.  I see a therapist for my "mental" health and she gave me a hard time about not taking time to do things like exercise, etc.  She said that I need to put myself first.  She reiterated how important exercise and healthy eating are to my health.  It's not like I don't already know this but I always lets everyone else's everything derail me.  So, even though I am nursing a cold, I will be on the treadmill this morning!

    Have a great day everyone!


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2010

    Elizabeth - great news.  And now he's got a little time to prepare mentally and physically for the second surgery which is all to the good.  Patoo - good for you for your walk when you were ready to crash.  Ruth - have a blast!  Morgan - you're so right about making time for ourselves.  I used to skip exercise to go out to dinner with friends, make hair appointments, etc.  Now I block out my exercise time, just like my working hours are blocked out, and make those other appointments around that time. 

    I missed reporting in yesterday - I did my usual morning walks each day.  Thursday night I did a really good weight/LE therapy workout - I increased my weights slightly and I feel it, but it's a good sore, not a bad LE sore.  It's nice to finally build up some strength in my LE arm - my LE therapist gave me a great program for life - I think she'll be pleased at my next f/u appointment with her.  Yesterday night I was at the elliptical and was about to program in 30 minutes, but then I heard all these tarty voices and somehow my fingers programmed in 45 minutes.  Tiring, but exhilarating to do two 45 minute elliptical sessions this week.  Thanks, ladies!

    This morning is our local Relay for Life up at the community college. I registered for the Survivor Reception and Survivor Lap, but I really just want the Survivor T-shirt!  I may just stick around long enough to get the shirt and come home - we have chores to do around here, and we have a Frederick Keys baseball game tonight (the woeful Orioles Single-A team).

    I'm a sucker for Survivor t-shirts - I love to wear them while hiking because if we're at a tough stretch of trail, I can look at the shirt and think, "I survived chemo - hiking up this mountain is nothing compared to that."  And I keep going.  Right after my mx, some friends gave me a t-shirt that said, "Cancer may take my ta-tas, but it can't take my sexy."  A little risque, but I think I may wear it to the Relay today to wear until I get my survivor shirt.  Maybe it's too in-your-face to wear - I've never been to a Relay event, so I don't know how proper they are. Tongue out  

    Have a great Saturday everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited June 2010

    Glad to hear your news, Elizabeth. One of my uncle's had that procedure & said he didn't realize how horrible he had felt before; because once he recovered he felt better than he had in years (and is still going strong; goes on mission trips to Mexico with his church, is coming out to the wedding etc.) So it may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Lorrie, carve out that time for yourself; if you aren't healthy, you won't be able to be much of a help to anyone anyway (plus the 'voices' will not be amused!). Cheryl, duty before pleasure; so I guess I will get on a plane heading east and leave Eduardo all to you (for now). I am now signing off to try to pack my mounds of clothes into little itty bitty suitcases. Tart On! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Hello everyone, I jumped out of bed at 10 to 8 this morning, brushed my teeth, pulled on my clothes and actually made it to Body Combat class - whew, and our class was packed, everybody thinking about swimsuit season. We have alternating instructors on Saturday Alex and Dave - Dave is a policeman and a hoot and Alex is a take no prisoners martial artist and if she has been out on Friday night we get our butts kicked Saturday morning - we got our butts kicked today!!!! Then I came home and did an hour in the garden before the sun gets too hot.

    Elizabeth I am so glad that Bill did well in surgery. Lorrie you really do have to put yourself first, my friends have adjusted to my workout schedule and I'm flexible if something comes up ,but Thursday night is my night off and that's when we usually do stuff or I'll join them go after my class. Mary two 45 minutes ellipticals in one week - YOU ROCK GIRLCool and have fun at your relay today, the chores will still be there tomorrow (unfortunately). Ruth rule of travel, pack your suitcase - now take out half, you'll be surprised you really only do need half of what you take. Have a great day everyone.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited June 2010

    Thanks for the encouragement!  I did 45 minutes on the treadmill!  It wasn't the easiest with the cold but I did it and I'm happy I did!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Did 30 mins water aerobics (was late for class) and another 30 mins running in water.   Rested at home for an hour and then went out and walked - 4 miles.  I'm whipped but glad I did - especially since I had a slice of pizza and some wings when I got back!  Guess that makes it a wash for the day, huh.  Oh well. 

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Oops, I was a page back.

    ebann, glad Bill came through and praying it will be the same with the second surgery.  He will probably come on here and kick our butts working out when he recovers (actually I'm looking forward to that!)

    Lorrie, good for you.  It's when we don't feel up to it that we get the most out of whatever we take on.  45 mins on the treadmill with a cold - you rock.

    45 mins on the torture ellipticle - great - you scare me!  Twice.

    Cheryl, I always overpack.   I could tak a fanny pack and still overpack.  

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited June 2010

    ebann - glad to hear that Bill got through the first surgery and will keep him in my prayers for the next one.

    No excercise today Frown  Getting ready for my sister's 50th birthday open house tomorrow.  Will try to get something in tomorrow - after the party (I will probably really need to excercise by then!). 

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Thank you everyone for the continual prayers, I will keep you updated. As far as exercise goes will that went out the window. I had kinship on Thursday night and that is when I go the news about Bill. So went to the hospital and spent all this time with my mother. She needed help cause she had surgery on her shoulder. Today my mom's friend Patty came to care for Bill and my mom. So I am spending time with my hubby, I am planning to workout at the gym first thing in the morning. Then heading to my mom's for the day. I do not like it when I miss my workout. I have began to actually enjoyed it. Have a awesome day....keep up the work.....tart sisters

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Elizabeth, workouts do have a way of getting under your skin.  I think we miss it because it is truly time that we have for ourselves so its doing double duty - keeping us healthy and sane.  If you can get in even 15-30 minutes it will help you remain focused on your loved ones.

    It's really humid out and threatening rain.  May try to get in a walk although I'm also cleaning house so that counts. 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited June 2010

    Elizabeth, so glad to hear your news.  I hope Bill is feeling better each day.

    Beautiful day here, finally got for a walk outside for a good 45 min., I haven't been posting a lot but I have been walking (DVD's) and lurking to keep motivated.  Nice to be out in the fresh and not-so-hot-and-humid air for a change!

    I decided that after 2 years of being on an unsecure wireless connection, it was time to make it secure... (why do I get these notions?)... and although I read a lot I still had no idea what I was doing and of course messed it up and lost my connection to the router.  I hauled a much younger neighbor over but he was clueless too.  Fortunately, I'm pretty fearless and willing to experiment (not sure that's a good thing) and I'm all reconnected now, after 45 minutes or so of "how will I  survive without wireless?"  Right.  Just don't ask me what I did to fix it, but it was my brain workout for the day Wink

    Mary, how was the relay?  Ours is coming up soon... I bet you saw all sorts of T's! I like yours, did you wear it?

    Keep up the great work, everyone!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Okay, so much for cleaning - but I thought about it.  Walked and got in 10,200 steps today; little over 4 miles.  And I turned on the AC earlier so it feels good to get back in out of the humidity.

    Now I'm going to sign out of here and crash.  Night my Sculpted Tarted Sisters.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Hello everyone, did a Body Step class today and it was one of those days where the class was exhausting but envigorating then I came home and took a nap!!!  Worked in the garden this afternoon as it was too hot earlier in the day, my gardenias have started blooming so picked oodles and bunches and now the living room smells amazing.  Have a great evening my tartlett friends.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited June 2010

    Happy Monday Everyone!  I am planning on making this a "Good Choice" week - Anyone with me??

    Now I am off to bike ride / walk / bike ride home again! 

    Take care my tarty sistahs!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2010

    The relay was fun, and my t-shirt ended up being totally appropriate - I had so many women come up to me and tell me how much they loved it.  But the t-shirt they gave us at the relay doesn't say "survivor" on it!  Yell  We got little pins with "survivor" for me and "caretaker" for dh, but the shirts were the same for everyone.  I wanna "survivor" shirt!!!!!!  But we did get a nice swag bag with all kinds of goodies in it and a lovely lunch.  I didn't stay for lunch as we were going out to dinner and I didn't want to have two big meals in one day (does that count as a "good choice", Mary Louise?)  No formal exercise this weekend, but a lot of yard work, hedge trimming, and we took a second load out of the garage to the dump - hooray!  And I did my "Nats Walk" yesterday from the parking lot up the ramps to the upper deck and back again. We lost a heartbreaker to a very good Reds team in the 10th. Cry  

    Elizabeth - I hope Bill continues to improve. And I second everyone else when they say try to get at least 15-30 minutes to yourself for a walk, or a good soak in a bubble bath or a bit of shopping for yourself - as Patoo says, in the long run making a bit of time for yourself now and then will help you stay focused on your loved ones. Patoo - great on the 10K steps, especially in the heat and humidity we've been having.  The front came through so today's weather is crispy and beautiful. Cheryl - I love gardenias - they're so lush and tropical smelling.  Your house must smell heavenly. Nature - hooray for getting your PC back to work.  I work in IT, and you've hit on a secret of IT professionals - when something doesn't work on computers and you can't figure it out, just start experimenting! When it starts working again, people think you're a genius!  Tongue out

    And I'm on board with Good Choices week, Mary Louise - great idea!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited June 2010

    Yes Nats - good choice on the 2 large meals!!  I actually refused a totally scrumptious piece of my sister's decadent birthday cake this morning (can you tell how good it was??) - I felt accountable to you all after posting the "good choice" week!!!  Cool

    Did my bike ride today and did not change down to a lower gear for the big hill!!  I was breathing quite heavily by the time I got to the top and felt great!  Now - on to a "good choice"  lunch. 

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2010

    Woohoo, well done to you all. Elizabeth I am so glad to hear how well Bill did, more prayers for the next round, keep us posted. MaryLouise - uphill, on a bike?? Wow!

    I had a couch-potato weekend, and I skipped running club tonight cos it was raining, but went to the gym instead so I'm not altogether guilt-laden. Funny to think that less than a year ago i though BMX was a kid's bike and Gym was a guy's name.. how BC educates a person! But i also thought chocolate was bad for you, when actually turns out, it's only cheap chocolate that's bad.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited June 2010

    Hi all-

    Prayers for Bill here too.  Hope it went well.  Patoo...I laughed so hard thinking about your 500,000 steps after your "lifetime" post.  My brain has been out to lunch for a while.  I notice I'm more ditzy...or dazed and confused as my screen name says...than ever.

    Ruth, you have a blast.  I will tell you I had champagne this weekend for a large grad party (I haven't been drinking at all for a couple months) and boy I felt lousy the next day!  Make sure you drink that water girl!  Your tartiness must remain intact for when you get back here!  Now cake on the other hand...mmmm...I would love some cake.  Can't wait to hear about it.

    I worked out and also had a bone density scan today.  I'm a tall one...6 feet...and have had some spine issues, so I'm interested in seeing how my spine is before I start the lovely arimidex.

    Have a nice evening girls.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Hi all.  Tried to beg myself off but then decided to do a small walk.  Ended up logging 3.3 miles today.  So the trick is to get out there and let your mind wander which keeps you walking.  Unfortunately I didn't come here to see Mary Louise's invite for a 'good choice' week but I can start now and make smart food choices beginning tomorrow.  That takes lots more will power than getting out and exercising. 

    Kim, keep us posted on your scan results.

    Tired - night all.

  • indomitable1
    indomitable1 Member Posts: 136
    edited June 2010

    Been lurking again for months. Combo swimming/water aerobics at least 45 mins 3x/week. Can only walk in early morning weekends or with DVDs-usually on weekends. Just too hot/humid when I get off from work. Fell off the wagon for elliptical now back up to 5 mins (why does it seem so hard?). May sign up for another 5k.

    You all are inspirational. Vowing to check in daily....old fashioned guilt seems to work well for me. Thanks for the motivation. Here's to good choices......

  • indomitable1
    indomitable1 Member Posts: 136
    edited June 2010

    Been lurking again for months. Combo swimming/water aerobics at least 45 mins 3x/week. Can only walk in early morning weekends or with DVDs-usually on weekends. Just too hot/humid when I get off from work. Fell off the wagon for elliptical now back up to 5 mins (why does it seem so hard?). May sign up for another 5k.

    You all are inspirational. Vowing to check in daily....old fashioned guilt seems to work well for me. Thanks for the motivation. Here's to good choices......

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Tart Sisters I just want to say thank you very much for all your thoughts and prayers for Bill. We are a great support system. Workout with Jim today at the gym. We did lots of squats and dumbells calf raises, and lifts. I know I am going to be sore tomorrow. But by going to the gym and doing some cardio it will workout that soreness. I have done that workout hard with gym and not go the next day and suffer. I have learned my lesson.

    Kim I hope everything turns out will with your scan. Let us know the results.

    Nats sounds like fun. I wonder if we have that here in AZ

    Ruth I hope you have a wonderful time at the wedding and especially at the beach,

    Mary Louise impressive with the bike....wtg

    Nature I wish the weather was beautiful here. 110 today summer has hit AZ

    Patoo good for you for going for that walk even if you didn't feel like and she what happened you walked more.. yeah!

    Night Tart Sisters.. "Tart away"

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Good evening my tartlet sisters tonight was Body Combat for me, so one hour of punching and kicking and elbowing ahhh it's all good but my knees are sore from the weekend gardening, I was kneeling on a pad flattening the ground so I can lay some sod.

    Indomitable1 welcome, now you've popped your head into the sun you're not allowed to go back to lurking land. Elizabeth - look at you becoming a gym ratLaughing. Patoo I know I told you that you inspired me to do an aquacise class and today I changed my mind, instead of doing it in the evening I'm going to do a morning class and I'm not a morning girl anymore but lookout pool here I come (now I need to get myself a new bathing suit). Kim let us know your bone scan results. Mary glad you had fun at the relay, my secret to fabulous gardenias is pool water, once a week I fill a bucket up out of the pool and dump it on the gardenias and it works, another bumper crop this year. Mary Louise I'll try to make good food choices but I have that darned sweet tooth - if I knew which one it was I'd have it yanked. Goodnight all.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2010

    Patoo - see what happens when you try to beg off?  The Tarty Voices get to you and you walk 3.3 miles instead!  Indom - welcome!  It's a fun group and we do inspire each other.  Kim - good luck with the scans. Cheryl - that Body Combat class really seems to be a good one.  

    Lats night I did 30 straight minutes of step work, and on this morning's walk I saw 4 bunnies.  

    Exciting morning at work - I get to our parking lot and it looks like half the county's police force is there.  It turns out Obama is visiting one of our senior centers nearby, and our parking lot was a security staging area.  I guess I don't have to worry about my car being broken into today!  I just heard the helicopters go over, so I guess he's arrived.  Pretty cool.  

    Happy Strasburg Day everyone!  Non-baseball fans can skip the rest of this.Wink  Baseball fans will know what I mean - this is like Christmas morning for Nationals fans!  We were offered the opportunity to buy tickets to tonight's game, but we figured it was going to be such a zoo that we'd rather watch it from the comfort of our home. And if he's really as good as they say, I'll have the opportunity to see him pitch for years to come. I may have a beer in his honor, but I promise it will be a Lite beer - does that count as a Good Choice?  I actually feel for the poor kid - no one could live up to the hype.  I just hope he has a respectable outing tonight, but it wouldnt' be surprising if he doesn't what with all the pressure.   

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    hbcheryl, find inexpensive swimsuits (Costco or BJ's) because the chlorine gets to them quickly if you are in the pool often. 

    Had a few free mins at work so stopping by.  Hey Indomintable1 - if the voices don't catch you here if will find you on the other thread you share with me so you have no choice now.

    Having dinner with some friends tonight so I think 'good' choices will go out the window for tonight.  Did only have salad, yogurt and fruit for lunch so a partially good day.

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2010
    I swam.Didn't feel like exercise and it was raining buckets today so i I figured I might as well get properly wet but keep the boots dry! Girls, don't listen to the voices, they talk all kinds of rubbish. You just know you look good, whatever they say.  Chlorine, yes my spongeboob is getting flattened already. They don't make sponges like they used to, I will have to make another one soon if this goes on. Patoo, Im sure good choices includes having fun with your friends and having a normal night out occasionally. Enjoy!
  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Well made it to the gym. My body was sore after Jim's workout yesterday. Felt so much better to go and do abs and treadmill today.

    Swimming sounds good in this blistering heat. Wish we had rain. Patoo you have  fun tonight enjoy the food and friendships.

    Goodnight Tart Sisters

  • andersonsrus
    andersonsrus Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2010

    1 hr walk on lunch, another 1 hr walk after work and after dinner 45 min on Gazelle

    Feels GREAT

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010
    Two classes for me tonight, did one hour Body Step and then an hour cardio dance class, where as usual after step my feet were burning like heck but I stayed the course and did finish the second hour.  Thanks for the tip on swimsuits Patoo I'll look at Costco as we don't have BJs.  Nats my possum is growing I see him/her on the fence each night he/she hasn't wandered off so I think he/she might be blind or could be just that he/shes a homebody and life is good in Cheryls backyard - hey possums mean no snails in the garden.  Goodnight tarts, see you tomorrowKiss
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2010
    I made a Bad Choice and blew off yoga last night as I wanted to watch the Strasburg First Pitch for the Nats, but I did do about 45 minutes of yoga on my own so it wasn't a Total Bad Choice.  This morning's walk featured two bunnies and one deer - a doe was in someone's front yard, not 15 feet away from me, casually munching on the homeowner's daylilies.  She finally noticed me after about 10 seconds and wandered off but to only about 30 feet away where she resumed stripping the flowers off the daylily plants.  And we all wonder why no one can grow daylilies around where I live! Surprised