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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited June 2010

    Just got back from Portugal no exercise last week except alot of typical tourist walking.

    Went straight to gym this morning to get back into the groove. Ate mostly seafood all week so did not do too much damage to the scale.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2010

    Mum - we had Portguese neighbors when I was growing up and their pictures of when they took trips back there were beautiful.  You must have had a wonderful time. Being a tourist is very hard work, so I bet you got a lot of exercise.

    OK, ladies - your voices are good.  The last thing I feel like doing today is hitting the elliptical, but everytime I've thought today about skipping it, I've heard your voices telling me (nagging me?) that I need to get my big butt and the rest of me down there.  So I'm on my way to the gym . .  . Tongue out

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited June 2010

    Hi all!  Last night we had a get together for our Choir and I really tried to keep the damage to a minimum - I still gotta have something good once in a while, right?  No walk or bike today - raining, so will try to get on the treadmill during the hockey game tonight. 

    Nats, it sounds like you never know what you will see on your walks (sounds nice) - mine are always the same-old, same old!

    Welcome back, Mum!

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2010

    Run (mostly walk then run a little) with my buddy. Do you know it has thunder'stormed here two days solid, but today it was dry until we had done our run and then it came tipping down again and is still hard at it.  I'm quite conviced there is a God up there and I am *meant* to be exercising! Tomorrow is a gym day and i might even try that elliptical cross.trainer thingy. I've mostly been doing the treadmill and the bike. Great to hear all your news.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited June 2010

    NatsFan, I thought about you and your fantastic pitcher this morning!  That was very cool.

    Did 45 mins of spin, then off to my 16th rad, then to the trainer to get beat up.  

    My bone density measurements (I think I threw some of you off when I  put the word scan in my earlier pos, not a bone scan, but a DEXA bone density study) shows I have osteopenia right now, but it's not too bad.  I'm glad I got the baseline in and ready for my onc when I finish rads.  The trainer I am working with is focusing on this issue; she works with cancer and osteoporosis patients.  I hate to think what the Arimidex is going to do...but it is what it is.

    OK, everyone it's off to dinner and the end of the day...yes!


  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Wow everyone has had a busy day.  Mine was busy as well caring for my mother and Bill today. Made them dinner before I left. An hour drive nice when there is no traffic to deal with. Not exercising today. Now have to make dinner tonight then off to Bible Study. I would walk but not when it is 110 outside today. Even the evening are hot.

    Nat it sounds like a wonderful walk. The scenary and the animals wandering around. What a delight. We just have cactus. I don't find that very nice to look at. Maybe cause I have lived here all my life. Though I do go up North to see all the four seasons. Someday I will move there.

    Dazedandfuzed I have osteopenia in my lower back. Exercise has made a difference for me. I am sure you will notice it too.

    hymil please send the rain out this way for us.

    Mum if I was in Portugal I would not of exercised either. I hope you had a wonderful time. That tourist walking can really ware you out.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    I really wish my 401k would start growing again so I can do early retirement and spend my time exercising!  Well, maybe not all my time but working every day really does get in the way.

    Had fun with my friends and didn't do too much damage but then today worked and it was raining after and there's really not enough time to go to the gym before Bible study.  So no 'real' exercise today either.   My only saving grace is that when I don't do formal exercise my pedometer still logs about 1.25 miles a day.  I'll make up for it on the weekend.

    Good going all.

  • ShirleyFaye
    ShirleyFaye Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2010

    thank patoo, I am staring my evening bike ride tomorrow night, It is really hot here in the desert so have to ride at night.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Going to bed but want to WELCOME ShirleyFaye.  Once welcomed the voices tune up their virtual vocal cords and they get louder and louder until you are on that bike every night.  But it really is a great thread and over time you will come to miss your daily workout. 

    Night all.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2010

    Yes, I can attest to the voices - last night after work I got on the elliptical, and while I didn't set any speed records, I just kept plugging away on it, and suddenly I'd done 45 minutes.  The voices are POWERFUL!  On my morning walk today no bunnies or deer, but there was a flock of raucous blue jays to entertain me at one point. 

    Elizabeth - my dh grew up in Southern California and moved here when we got married.  He loves the 4 seasons, even the snow shoveling!  Surprised  We're lucky with all the wildlife - I live in a suburb of Washington DC, and when the suburbs started booming with the growth of the federal gov't recovery programs in the 30's and WWII in the 40's, county officials drafted a Master Plan for the entire county in which they preserved stream valleys with large buffers on either side of stream valleys which could not be developed, they carved out large areas for parks and woodlands, and encouraged developer to plant lots of trees in new developments. So even though we have a population of almost a million people, thanks to the Master Plan, there are still a lot of natural areas preserved where wildlife can thrive.  

    Enjoy your Thursday, everyone!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Good morning everyone didn't report in yesterday but did my Body Combat class last night and sweated buckets but then raced home showered and went to care facility to visit friend then as it was a "gang" gathering we then went to Dennys and I had pancakes for dinner all I can say is yummmmmm only had two but I never cook them for myself and I rarely go out to breakfast so it was a treat.

    Welcome home Mum hope you had a fun time in Portugal.  Good on you Nats that elliptical is really a torture machine dressed up as "athletic equipment"!! so good on you for keeping up with it.  Welcome ShirleyFaye nice to have you join us here.  Hey Patoo I know what you mean, might as well have taken my "investment" money and opened the window and let the wind take itFrown .  I'm interested to see how or if  my osteopenia has progressed when I have my next scan (not till November).  Elizabeth hope Bill is getting stronger day by day.  Well off try and "fix" my fax machine, spent two frustrating hours on it yesterday so maybe today throw it against the wall and see if that worksLaughing .  Have a "tarty" thursday everyone.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Good morning everyone didn't report in yesterday but did my Body Combat class last night and sweated buckets but then raced home showered and went to care facility to visit friend then as it was a "gang" gathering we then went to Dennys and I had pancakes for dinner all I can say is yummmmmm only had two but I never cook them for myself and I rarely go out to breakfast so it was a treat.

    Welcome home Mum hope you had a fun time in Portugal.  Good on you Nats that elliptical is really a torture machine dressed up as "athletic equipment"!! so good on you for keeping up with it.  Welcome ShirleyFaye nice to have you join us here.  Hey Patoo I know what you mean, might as well have taken my "investment" money and opened the window and let the wind take itFrown .  I'm interested to see how or if  my osteopenia has progressed when I have my next scan (not till November).  Elizabeth hope Bill is getting stronger day by day.  Well off try and "fix" my fax machine, spent two frustrating hours on it yesterday so maybe today throw it against the wall and see if that worksLaughing .  Have a "tarty" thursday everyone.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Ya know - fax machines and printers - you'd think with the strides in technology that those two machines would have kept up.  I'm in IT and in my help desk days those were the 2 machines that I dreaded getting calls about. 

    Trying to motivate myself to get to swim class after work so coming here now will be a boost.  As long as I don't go inside the house when I drop my son off I should be okay.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited June 2010

    Patoo - Stay outta the house!!! 

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited June 2010

    Made it to a gym class today but half way through my arthritis kicked in brutaly so I slipped out of class and went to stretch out my muscles instead. This is the first time I actually had to stop exercising because of the pain. Any suggestions would be helpful. I am already taking meloxicam daily which seemed to be working before.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Mum, that really stinks.  Sorry I can't help with suggestions but I'm sure someone will be along with tips.

    Mary Louise, thanks for the push.   I did come in the house but only to change and go out and walk.  Logged 5.21 miles in about 2 hours.  Halfway through I was far from home and wondered if I would make it back but then sucked it up and plodded along.  Ibuprofen will be my bestest friend tonight but I'm glad I walked. 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

     Just popped in to say hi to all as today is my day off. Mum I had pretty bad arthritis in my hands/wrists last winter but haven't had trouble in months and then last week was doing "superman" pushups in combat class (on hands and knees and you go down then come up and raise one hand like you are flying) then Eduardo yelled out "on your toes" and I just went into plank position and started doing push ups well of course my wrist started hurting like heck I found that Aleve worked better than anything I've found and I added glucosamine back into my roster of vitamins and it subsided after a couple of days.  Patoo congrats on the 5+ miles, I had to laugh when I saw Mary Louises message.  My fax has died a fine death off to Staples in the morning to get a new one. 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2010

    Mum - I'm so sorry about the arthritis. Good for you for at least continuing to exercise by stretching out - I know I tend to neglect stretching and yet it's so important. Hooray Patoo for getting out there!  Cheryl - I've noticed I can't do plank or other positions like that either - my arms and wrists just aren't strong enough.  I'm working with weights to build up slowly. And Aleve works best for me as well - I just don't get as much relief from Tylenol or Advil.  

    Speaking of which, I did a long weight/LE therapy workout last night - over an hour.  I've upped my weights slightly, and I took the time to really feel the whole range of motion.  I also did 15 minutes of step work to warm up.  Two bunnies on my walk this morning, and the Day Lily Thievin' Deer was back - having denuded the day lilies earlier this week at the one house, she was at the house across the street today, happily munching bloom after bloom.  She is so beautiful and dainty - it's hard to believe those delicate legs and hooves can support such a large animal.   

    Off to the cabin this weekend with two minor league baseball games on the schedule - tonight and tomorrow night.  I'll be in heaven!  Laughing  Have a great weekend everyone!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited June 2010

    Still plugging away, having fatigue issues but getting in at least a one-miler LS DVD each day.  Hot and muggies are back with a vengence so it's inside stuff for me.

    The only thing I've heard about arthritis is to avoid dairy.  I have joint pain from Arimidex which seems to be helped a lot by Neurontin (normally prescribed for neuropathy symptoms) -- don't know if that would translate to arthritis or not but my pharmacist mentioned he sees a lot of scripts for it for general pain (back, hip, etc).

    Our YMCA is starting an exercise program for post-cancer folks, I signed up on the list but am waiting for details.  But it sounds like they have people who know about lymphedema, etc., so it might be a good way to really jump-start my exercise.  It's in conjunction with Purdue (located here), which has a large cancer research center.

    Enjoy your weekend, Nats and everyone!!  Go, Cubs! Undecided  

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited June 2010
    Nature - Wrigley is one of my favorite ballparks - we attended a day game there a few years ago and loved it!  Laughing
  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited June 2010

    Thanks for the advice will try the Aleve now we can buy it here in Canada.Will let you know if it works for me.Have a great weekend Ladies.

  • jenn1975
    jenn1975 Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2010

    I am new to this post.... I woke up and did several laps of lunges in my back yard and then 100 body squats. This afternoon I was on the bike for an hour and then the treadmill for 45 minutes and tonight I will do arms & abs. I do this 6 days a week. It is easy for me because I work at a gym as aa manager and personal trainer


  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited June 2010

    Welcome Jennifer we could all use your advice and motivation.

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2010

    Gosh Jennifer, you must have such a pressure to look good even when you maybe don't feel like it. Oh my, that's some routine too!!

    I didn't post in yesterday but i got to the gym and also did something called aquarobics, it's meant to be easy. It isn't. Today, not one but two lovely people called up and took me out for a run, separately, so my feet aren't talking to me now. Tomorrow however i get to spend most of the day sitting in a car, and I just know I will be barely able to move when I get out..... It's all a bit ad-hoc at the moment and I'm not signing up to go back to the aquarobics till i see how long it takes to recover. i didnt figure the ellipse thing yet.

    Really feel admiration for you guys pushing through the pain - great admiration! I will try send you some rain, and an umbrella.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Welcome Jennifer - do you travel - we could have you visit each of us, give a training session and move on to the next.  Just kidding - what a workout but you're cheating since you can combine your training sessions - no fair, no fair!!!!!  Laughing

    Just took a walk after work so logged 3.6 miles today.  I can't take aleve - messes with my stomach but my knees and hip are best friends with advil!.  I only have to take it at night and can usually get by with a very low dose - that makes me (and probably my liver) happy. 

    Night Sculpted friends.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited June 2010

    Welcome Jennifer it's nice to have you join us, how fun to be able to work out at work, Just back from the gym where I did my one hour weightlifting class.  Patoo, bought a new fax and then spent all day trying to set it up, got frustrated and just gave up - nothing is easy grrrrrrrr.   Have a great evening everyone, see you tomorrow.

  • jenn1975
    jenn1975 Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2010

    Thanks for the welcome! Unfortunaltely I cant travel as having cancer 2 times in 1 year in tough.... so I am here for all of you as you need me! Feel free to send me pm's and I will help you as I can..... but 1st let me share my story with you so you all will know that I can help you.

    In June of 2008 I was diagnosed with BC ER+ I had a 7.5 cm tumor in my left breat that had made it to a lymph node in my neck at 32 yrs old. I had a bilateral mastectomy followed by chemo + raditaton. During all of this I continued to work out plus eat a diet that I thought was healthy.... In April of 2010 I was oficially in remission.

    In September of 2010 I went to my checkup where we found a lump on my neck so I had a Pet scan that showed nothing so came January and another PET Scan and I lit up like a Christmas Tree. The lymph nodes in my neck, the lymph nodes in my chest, a spot in my lung,  my whole spine, and my hip bone.

    How could this happen to me??? I was what I thought healthy..... my onc recommened Abraxane +Avastin + Zometa..... I thought I was about to die...... but I felt great how could this happen??? I started all of this on Feb 1, 2010. I at that time started to research and I found that pH had a lot to do with cancer so I went to my local health food store and got pH strips they say that everyone that has cancer is on the 4's or 5's sp I took mine and it was 5.5.  I also read about the Budwig Protocol, and how to raise your pH. I read that if you have a tumor cancer meat is very bad for you because of the acidity... that goes back to the pH. So on March 1, 2010.... I gave up all meat and eggs except for the occasional piece of salmon, I also started the budwig protocol.... within 1 month my ph went from 5.5 to 7.0  mind you 7.5 is normal.... I kept on working out every day + chemo+ my diet...... on May 17th, 2010 I had my Pet Scan... on may 18,2010 I went in for my results... i found out that not only was I cancer free..... but my bone had rebuilt itself!!!!!  I test my pH 4 times a week and it averages 7.5... normal

    I have decided that for the rest of my life...... a very long life I will eat the perfect diet that God wanted for us + exercise. I will treat my body as a temple as it was meant and because of this.....cancer will never kill me!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2010

    Well welcome Jenn and what a journey you have had. Thanks for sharing...and a wonderful happy dance for being cancer free. Your right cancer will never kill you! You are alive and well. Continue the great attitude and you will accomplish a lot from it.

    dancedanceA dance to you Jenn....we have to make our lunch date soon!

    Well I woke with my husband starring at me this morning at 4am. You know how you can feel someone watching you. Well next thing you know I am looking at him and saying yes. He decides to discussion our agruement from last night which he made a choice to go to bed and not talk about it. I was so upset I could not believe this and I was sleeping so good too. I asked him last night what was bothering him and he just said he was tired but I knew better. It was about our son. We always seem to fight about our son. Ugh!! Finally after saying I was leaving and going to my mom's that he would have to take the bus to work today he threw a fit that I was leaving. Just one of those moments you just need to get away from it all. Cause you do not want to regret anything. But he did not want me to leave. So we talked some more more calmly. He took the truck  to work. My best friend Tracy my workout buddy picked me up in the morning and took me to the gym. Boy did I have a good workout. I really needed that. I came home and cleaned my house from top to bottom. I had so much energy I did not know what to do with myself. Then my hubby came home from work and I left  again to workout some more. I should get pissed off more often. Imagine how skinny I would be. LOL Anyway's that was my adventurous day. Thanks ladies for letting me vent. Felt good!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited June 2010

    Elizabeth, sorry about the husband battles, I so hate arguments but they do fuel those workouts!  I hope things are better by the time you read this!

    Jenn, welcome and thanks for sharing your story... I believe diet has a huge impact on cancer but the details aren't all clear yet... I was veggie for years and vegan for 8 (whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies, I sure ate a lot healthier than some people, anyway) and still got cancer so I know there's no magic bullet, but I do believe in diet being important and will continue to do what feels best for me.

    I woke up with the birds this morning, literally -- why do they start singing at 4 AM? Usually I cover my head with a pillow and go back to sleep but this morning I just got up, got in some exercise while I still felt awake and fresh, did some posting, and now I'm going out to garden a little bit before the heat gets too bad.  At 7 AM it was already 75 and 89% humidity -- I miss that PNW dry summer heat!

    Nats, I love Wrigley, too... and the Wrigleyville part of Chicago is fun to explore!

    Happy Saturday, everyone!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited June 2010

    Hi all.  Well slept in late this morning - 10am, wow, so missed the 9 am water class.  So I walked to the gym, a little under 2 miles, and ran in the pool for an hour.  Then walked back home stopping at WalMart and the supermarket.  So in addition to the pool I logged 4.3 miles. 

    Hope all are enjoying the weekend.