You know youre a cancer patient when....
spookiesmom - your answer is the exact same answer I give. Why oh why would ANY health care pro ask how you are (unless as schatzi say they are truly interested). But - they never are - otherwise they would respond appropriately to the answer.... If I was great I wouldn't be here!!
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Some doc I had years ago, and staff, would ask "what brings you in"?
I really liked that, it was honest, cut right to the reason, no BS.0 -
Barbe, his eyebrows shot up and he said "I'm doing good. (Then he hesitated a second) But it really was a general question." Then MY eyebrows shot up. My sister looked at him and said, "Really!?"
He looked at my chart to regroup and we got on with the appt. He had kept us waiting for more than hour. He was also perplexed over my question of when I would get my refund for the first port that he put in that didn't work.
At one point he was showing me where the new incision would be and I pointed out that it might sit under my bra strap. He said "well where do you wear your bra?" I was busy biting my tongue when my sister pushes her chest out and with fingers spread, waves them over her boobs saying , "right about here! Why? Where do you wear yours?"
He may not get over that appt any time soon. I love my sister! She told me he was lucky that she didn't let "you moron" escape from her mouth.
Phyllis0 -
Are you guys available to hire out for dr. Appts? I can never think of anything until I'm in the parking garage.
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and depending upon just how PO'd I got, I might continue "thinking of appropriate things to say for the next few hours"!!! Though for the most part I've had wonderful treatment from all of my cancer docs - I must say that there were/are two PA's that I could definitely do without!!!
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Beatmom, it helps to have this thread open on your smartphone.
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Phgraham... Lmao!!! You and your DS are awesome. Lol
My RO is the exact opposite... He walks into the room and sits down. And just looks at me... You know that look... Shoulder shrug, head tilt? And says nothing, lol.0 -
YKYACP - when your favorite cup of coffee tastes like crap!! YKY still kickin' when it pisses you off instead of sending you back to bed.
BTW, I had my appt with my new podiatrist about removing my chemotoenails before my next chemo. I LOVE HIM! I asked him if he would be my new BFF. He laughed and said, "Let's see how it goes."
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YKYACP when a group selling grilled brats (the sausages, not the naughty children) on a blustery cold Saturday to benefit Relay for Life fills you with such gratitude and love that you cry, thinking those people are doing that to help people like me. There is good in the world.
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So true about the coffee tasting like crap. So you leave it on the coffee table to go pee, and come back to see the dog on the table slurping the last from your cup.
Glad one of us enjoyed it!0 -
Spookiesmom roflmbo dog slurping your coffee. In my house it's the my tornado two year old that tries to sneak my coffee.
Ykyabcp when you find your baby sneaking coffee. Secretly hoping that there is some adhd in him and he'll slow down for the love of...
Ykyacp when your bff's refreshing and her kids comfortable with you enough to dogpile you. Suddenly on stops and shouts. Wow you're hair's back, I liked it bald.0 -
Spookie and fuji, too funny! Love the dogpile story.
Phyllis0 -
phgraham - I hear you about bad tasting coffee. To get through my last chemo, I set a goal to enjoy my coffee on Christmas morning (2011). That was almost two week post last chemo and my coffee was good. Amazing how the cup of coffee starts my day out right.
YKYACP when you can't find the creamer in the refrigerator and find it in the cupboard instead.
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Alaina and Titan...guys you have made my day....I think you have voiced my thoughts atleast...
great going
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YKYACP when you walk out of the house looking the worst you ever have in your life and at least 10 people tell you that you look great.
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LOL Indenial, I really recogise that one!
Phyllis you have a WONDERFUL sense of humour, that's a gift. I loved the "nifty new chemos" I was still chuckling about that days later.
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Now that the warm weather is here, I miss not having to shave. I miss my chemo Brazilian.
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Fujii that was a perk of chemo for sure!!!
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YKYACP when you keep a list of questions for your next MO appt but by the time you walk from where the question ocurred over to your list (if you can find it) you no longer remember the question.
I have also started putting check marks by the ones that I run to write down, only to find that I already wrote it down. Sheesh. Maybe I should give myself a treat of some sort for diligent repetition.
Phyllis0 -
feelingfeline, my hair was brown and now is a very soft black and gray also. It definitely feels more like fur then hair! So strange!
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Oh Victoria! Thanks for that. I like the lovely soft feel of mine (and so does everybody else) - the grey is a bit of a shock still when I see it in the mirror - it's not how I see myself in my mind's eye but as my Mum said - in 10 years everyone else will have caught up with me in the grey (I'm 45). Maybe we can start a new fashion for soft grey hair, or enter a cat show together. XXX
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Hehehe yes indeed!
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When you go on a weekend road trip and you pack your clothes in tote bags which say "Patient Belongings" on the side and advertise the name of the surgical centers where you've had surgery.
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YKYACP WHEN, everything in "real" life makes you want to either cry or rip someone apart but your BCO sisters manage to put a huge smile in your face!!!
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Shianne too funny.
Ykyacpw you can always find your boobs hanging off a hook or doorknob, because you only wore them for an hour the day before.0 -
YKYACP when any time someone mentions a serious disease or cancer flippantly, you seethe, secretly shoot daggers at them from your eyes and hope they never have to walk in your shoes, their ignorance of its seriousness they use so casually just breaks my heart.
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Mebmarj unfortunately everyone at our church, school district, & town has gotten a huge reality check on that lately. A 14 boy who went to school with our youngest son & was someone we knew died just 3 weeks after being DX with Melinoma. Just a month or so after Christmas. Then a lady through our church age 55 was DX with Liver CA just after Christmas...she died last week. Another parishioner is battling her second round of cancer. First was BC IIIC 2 different kinds at the same time & now Paratiniel CA. All went/go to our church. The 14 year olds death shook the school up bad! It really effected many & made us all really think!
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How about
"You know you are a BCO addict when...." You spend two weeks reading all 128 pages so you can catch up.
YKYAACPW. (When you probably screwed up the abbreviation because you can't remember it)...When sitting in church for your sons Confirmation, you spot your step daughter , who does not live with you, across the way, and she is checking the crowded pews for you, doesn't recognize you due to your "pre-chemo cut" and you wave frantically for her to find you....only to repeat that wave when your own husband and kids walk into the church! (AND you are sitting in the same area you always sit in!)
When you miss a call from your breast surgeon on a Sunday night, and have an oncologist chemo teach appointment Monday and start to fantasize that chemo was a mistake and you don't have to go! and all day Monday you wait for the surgeon to call you back....and when you are in the parking lot for your oncologist appt and the cell rings you think. "Yeah", only to find out it is the pharmaceutical company verifying who you are and your chemo meds, and the delivery for 3 days later.....and you tell them they just ruined your surprise! Lol
....when you see a podiatrist for your ingrown toenail, tell him he is the least of your worries, due to soon to be starting chemo and he mentions that he gets lots of post chemo patients to deal with their toenails and fingernails from chemo treatment!, so you are happy to know that you have a place to be treated after chemo!
...when your ten year old daughter keeps saying "I wish you never got breast cancer" and your 14 year old son says "when you start chemo I will be your slave...whatever you need!" And you laugh and say "I wish I didn't either" and "I will make you work !" so they don't see you cry...
...when you see the dermatologist to take care of "some things" on your face and he gives you chemo cream for your face, with a warning that it will make you look bad in two weeks. So you think "really, I will be bald in a few weeks, what can be worse than that? " And then after two weeks of chemo cream you realize "holy shit, I AM now hideous from this chemo cream and will be starting chemo in less than two weeks, then will be going bald!"and the doctor tells you it will take up to two months for your face to clear up and you laugh and say God is definitely messing with you!
....when you find a thread like this and realize that your warped sense of humor is shared by others and makes you feel good that you can laugh at yourself and your "predicament".
Thank you for sharing your life. I learned a few things here I did not learn reading the "normal" threads (ahem, not that any of you are abnormal! Lol)
Pat0 -
Love it Pat! Wish you didn't have to join us but am glad you found a place with us "Normal" ones! Hehehe!
YKYAACPW you can feel free to ask other cancer patient friends if they are taking an Antidepressant med & not feel embarrassed by asking such a ?! Let alone how they are working & many other pertinent questions about them!0