You know youre a cancer patient when....
Ouch NativeMainer - hope you are making a good recovery from that accident.
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I was blessed, as were many other people, to get nothing more than a bruised calf and a couple days of stiffness and soreness. How no one got killed amazes everyone. There were only a handful of serious injuries, mostly broken legs. Amazing example of God's grace and the effectiveness of automotive safety innovations.
See the 18 wheeler in the very back? With the white tarp and the firefighter standing on it? My car is pinned between that truck's back wheels and the guardrail. The person in the car they firefighters are working on walked away after they got the roof off so he could get out.
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OMG NativeMainer, what a terrible scene that is, I am so glad you got out with minimal injuries and that no one was killed.
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WOW NativeMainer Thank God indeed.
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That's amazing that all that happened and no one died. Amazing.
YKYACP when you are hospitalized for pneumonia and a pulmonary embolism and your 20-year old son is just sort of "ho hum" about the whole thing. Like, oh, mom's in the hospital again, no big deal. (Yep that was me last night.)
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Scarey!!! Had the PEs, no fun!!!! Feel better.
Agree, amazing nobody died.
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NativeMariner, that is completely God's grace showing through. Thank the Lord you were not hurt. Thank God that no one Died in that pile up.
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JustJean, I am sorry to hear you are in the hospital. I hope the doctors can get you well soon. And someone really needs to give your son a reality check about your health and everything you have been through. I read all your stats at the bottom of your post. I can't imagine going through all that. I mean I am in chemo right now and this seems like the worst but I can't imagine going through it more than once in a lifetime.
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JustJean, best wishes to you. XX
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Nativemariner - Wow! People ask why I don't slow down even though I have cancer. Thus is it. Why worry when the potential for death is out there daily.0 -
Thanks all! I got home from the hospital late yesterday afternoon.
I've been telling friends I won the Triple Crown in the hospital. It's no wonder I could hardly breath! Radiation pneumonitis, pneumonia, and a pulmonary embolism. Now I'm high on steroids but at least I showered in my own shower last night and slept in my own bed. And the son was talked to by someone else so he got an earfull!
YKYACP when your pharmacist knows you well enough to tell you (without asking) whether or not new meds added to your list are going to have problems with each other. I
my local pharmacists. Too bad my employer makes us use a mail-away pharmacy and if we don't they charge us 3x the normal copay after the first two fills at the local pharmacy. I would like to use my local pharmacist exclusively.
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JustJean--I'm with you on the mail order pharmacy requirement.There should be a way to get around that for special circumstances like yours.You sure did get the Triple Crown, it's a wonder you survived!And I'm glad you son got an earful, it's important he understands how serious these things are by themselves, let along in batches!
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YKYACP when you read someone else's pathology report, and understand every bit of it. I guess it's been educational, at least.
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When your sister comes for a visit and as she leaves and comments 'Don't die" you actually appreciate the sentiment.
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I love that, its raw but funny, and the kind of thing sisters would say after going through this experience for awhile.
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ykyacpw - your at the family Easter gathering and you and your sisters mother in law are talking about revisions and nipple reconstruction as if it's a normal every day conversation. We share the same BC team.0 -
Wow, NativeMainer - that picture alone gave me chills; can't imagine actually being caught in that. So glad you were kept safe. And glad you're on the mend, JustJean. Were you going for a record at your hospital?
YKYACPW you can rate scans the same way some people rate movies:
Bone Density - 4 stars (you get to keep your clothes on, it's not uncomfortable, goes quick)
CT - 3 stars (clothes on, not painful but having to hold my breath makes me desperately need to breathe)
PET - 3 stars (Prep is sit, read & relax! But the radioactive drink made me think of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
EchoCardio - 2 stars (topless, and it took forever)
MRI - no stars (hospital gown, uncomfortable position, freaky dye-stuff they give you half-way through)
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Love the scan ratings!
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GeorgiaRai, the rating is good. I like that.
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Georgia LOL on the ratings. I did a similar thing with guys I dated when I was in highschool in 1968. I listed characteristics like--kindness, manners, sense of humor. Gave each characteristic a number--4,3,2,1. No star, I took it off the list. Then listed characteristics by star rating. Total points 40. Then I put each guy to the test. The guy that I thought I was in love with---17. My best friend was 38. It was an eye opener. After that I changed how I looked at guys as potential mate. Dh and I were married for 38 years.
Who knew that a similar system would become a billion dollar industry. I destroyed the list b/c it would have been scandal fodder if it got out. Often wished I had it.
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Whenyou randomly feel your breast and realize the "lump" you just felt is your nipple...
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when you get to meet the gal at dh work and immediately share stages and status etc. Definitely a club of its own.0 -
YKYACPW - You say to your chiropractor, "Would you like me to take my shirt off??"
I meant sweater!
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YKYACPW - you go in to have your port flushed, and you ask the nurse for the booster infusion for the Brazilian and leg treatment so you won't have to shave all summer!
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When you don't know how to explain to your boss that you were late because you couldn't find your boobs....
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YKYACPW: You decide which shoulder of the off-the-shoulder blouse you pull off the shoulder based on which mastectomy/recon scar is lower. (Or higher, if you are going to a bc-related function!)
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You tell the15th person that has played with you boobs that you STILL haven't had an organism and she says "It's not in my job description!"
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Oddswinner, that's a good one.
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LOL Oddswinner!