You know youre a cancer patient when....
Per Sassy's request, we're moving this thread to the Humor and Games forum.
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Great idea!
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Great idea sas! Darn, my chemo brain still lingers... where were we before? I vaguly recall perhaps a stage 3 area? Gosh, how quick I can forget. We need a thread for you know you have chemo brain when...
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Start one!!!!!
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Thanks, it was in the stage3 forum. The concept applies to all. Several folks apologized in the recent past for intruding on a st3 forum. AnecortesGirl wouldn't want that, so, it's a good thing.
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...when before you're even diagnosed (but just know from the radiology report), you're grooming with tweezers in the mirror, and think "Well if I have to have chemo, I won't have to pluck my chin or shave my legs for a couple of months."
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Yep, one of the few "perks" - best wishes to you with your treatment Kitty.
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When you open an EOB of your recent infusion and it was $4777 before insurance,
and you think.......Hmmmmm...that's not that bad.
0 - the comment. Hope you had a good Rosh Hashanna. Miss you. Karen
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ykyacpw- you look at the lunar eclipse and it looks like a mammogram
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I glanced at the tv as I walked past tonight and saw two mamms joined together and I swear I saw a rabbits head! I had to go back to see if it was real or whatever and it was....two ears on top of a round looking head. You have to believe we are heading into Pinktober when they put a B.C. expert on in front of a pic like that. I didn't even know they could do two-in-one mammograms these days.
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YKYACPW you think about mounting a iPad holder on the back of the toilet door so you can stream TV in there when the world starts to fall out of your butt so you could use the time to catch up on TV series rather than just waste the time completely
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You know you are a newly-diagnosed cancer patient when your doctors have seen your breasts in the past few weeks more than your husband has.
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You know you're a cancer patient when....
You go on a retreat with 13 other breast cancer patients, and they sit around the campfire showing off their recon with a flashlight because their new boobs are see through and glow in the dark! Hilarious, but there may have been some alcohol involved!
Or better yet, when we walked to the winery one of our Ladies tried to pick up a younger guy with "hey you should come over to our campfire we have 14 Ladies there, all with breast cancer. And 7 racks between us!! Uh he ran.............and we laughed and laughed! Yep same fire, but a lot less alcohol left.
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The things that go on around a campfire!
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And a few adult beverages.
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Girl Scouts were never like that!
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YKYACPW due to Chemo/HT when packing for trip this conversation takes place with DH on the way out the door you both say " did you remember to pack the coconut oil/lubrication" and laugh cause you know if you forget it, it's not happening.
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You know you are a cancer patient when your chemo group friends are messaging pix of their radiated armpits and you just burst out laughing- because where else in your life is there a place for burned armpit pictures??
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sas-schatzi wrote:
Cheerleading for BCO. They are our home, our resource, we gain so much by being here. They have costs. Let's help.
They make periodic requests by email. They're is the donation link in the header. An easy way for those that do online banking is to set up a donation on a predictable basis.
We need to do this. They take care of us. Let's make sure we take care of them.
You don't have to send a check. Do it simply in your online banking. But if you are still stuck on checks.........
To donate by mail, please send your check payable to to:
120 E. Lancaster Avenue | Suite 201 | Ardmore, PA 19003link to BCO Our biggest advocate
Link to the mainboard donation page
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YKYACPW you blame absolutely EVERYTHING on mental fogginess caused by oestregen deprivation!
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You know you are a cancer patient when you decide to call your friend and realize you are tapping their number into your TV remote.......
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Remote control. OMG. Good one.
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Here's a true story (a no shitter). It just happened to me last week.
I am single and live alone. Why do I need a land line when I have a cell phone? Well, of course, to call my cell phone when I can't find it. Enuf said.
I couldn't find my cell phone, so I used my land line to call it. I had left my cell phone in the pocket of my shorts. Did I mention I was still wearing my shorts? Then I grabbed my cell phone and noticed I had a missed call. I got all excited because someone had called me. I checked to see who called. Oh. It was me (from my land line). ;o(
So YKYABCPW.....You call your cell phone and get excited because someone called. ???
RAD/AI Brain ;o)
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That kind of thing can happen with me and radiation hasn't started yet. Found my new eye drops in the freezer and vitamin C in the glass cabinet! But very funny Keys! I wish I had a land line for my missing cell, they should come with a beeper I am up in the middle of the night after a mammogram dream. Got your msg at rad 2015.
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Marijen...Insomnia Sisters. PM me if you need to. Even in the middle of the night...
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Redheaded and KeysPlez I am rofling - almost spilled my cup of my soup (lunchtime here in Ireland) Good ones!
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KeysPlez so funny. I'll send myself a text like an address or something, then hear a ding and get excited because someone texted me. Doh! It was just myself. I swear I have bad tamoxifen brain now and have to make lists so I can remember to do things.
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Thank you Keys-plez!