You know youre a cancer patient when....
Oh I so recognise that Lolis! I remember my first reading on this thread - me laughing hysterically and my family sitting in shocked silence while I chortled over some of the stories and jokes!!
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I think I peed my pants at least ten times reading this thread. I have been slowly devouring it over time and write down the page number I left off in. Thanks so much for the fun! This thread is PRICELESS and poignant all at once.
PS, I can sooo relate to no hair under one arm from rads and also the abbreviations meaning something else. I also read TN as triple negative! Too funny!!
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I started from the beginning too!! Many laughs along the way, and that's always good.
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SlowDeepBreaths - I just started singing "My Seroma" today when I woke up to a sloshing like a mini waterbed boob! I now wonder how long I will walk around with my wrist propped against my breast - I don't want to actually hold it down with my hand but I don't want is swooshing around when I walk either!
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Ringelle: I'd bet that's the theme song for a lot of women.... (now staring suspiciously at my lumpie site)
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Haven't visited for quite some time girls, thought I had finally managed to attempt to get beyond this and then my best friend/like a sister calls me to tell me she's found a lump .............. spiral effect, didn't realize it could drag me down so fast. YKYACPW...... you thought you had come to terms with it only to find it rear its ugly head again and knocks you right off balance. Sorry ladies just needed to vent!!!! I hate this disease. On the other hand looking here has made me realize once again that cancer is a word not a sentence and we can and will survive. Great to look through and see so many of the old names from when I was here (diagnosed 2008 and going strong) as a regular. Love you all, Gaynor
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YKYACPW you toss Arimidex in your mouth and it falls out. Dry mouth.
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LOL! Been there, done that!
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ykyacpw: you go to your family doctor and automatically take off your shirt.
Ykyacpw: you go to your sisters doctor appointment with her and YOU get on the table when you walk in the room.
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YKYACPW you have a symptom and your first instinct is to ask Dr. Google if it's a long term side effect of cancer treatment.
See, we could survive the cancer and die from the treatment. SMDH.0 -
YKYACPW you're 8yo makes her first pun- " haha! Mom's port is important!"
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YKYACP when buying a "sex toy" is now considered a medical tax deduction.
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Lol Keys.
Lolis - I made a joke like that to the guy I was talking to yesterday. After I said it, there was a dead silence. I finally had to say, "okay, maybe I'm the only one that thought it was funny." He still said nothing. I had to laugh. Poor guy. I wanted to pat him on the head.
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I so agree about the humor aspect - so many of these crack me up, but nobody outside this thread ever thinks they're funny!
YKYACP when you consider trying to lose the "spare tire" pounds you've gained on HT, and find yourself thinking "maybe I'll just get bigger foobs, instead!"
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Ha! Never thought of that!
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these are good ones. Keep them coming I always need a good laugh.
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Get a roll of paper towels and start at the beginning of this thread!! You WILL laugh so hard you'll need the paper towels.
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You are so right Spookie!
Just spreading the word that the mods are making a slideshow of BC sisters from all over - it will be lovely!
If you would like to take part or even just see some of your BC sisters
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or you glance at caller ID, it says unknown caller, but you know it's the pharmacy and your meds are ready. FINALLY!!!
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stage iv not three but had an addition. I hope its ok
You know you are a cancer patient when you have to convience your doctor you dont need more hydro codone.
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Solfeo...Dr. OMG. You're so right. That's a good one.
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YKYACP when the ER Surgeon tells says you have to have emergency surgery to remove your gall bladder, and you start jumping for joy, because it's not liver mets.
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3-16-2011 I think this thread has pretty universal cancer patient appeal - it just so happened that it got started in the stage 3 forum, (by a lady who herself actually went on to develop stage 4 sadly) so I don't think there is any problem - you are so welcome to contribute on here and I hope you enjoy plenty of chuckles from other contributers.
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So..... the Jewish holiday of Succot is almost here. Last year on the first day (week-long holiday) I went into the hospital and was there for 2 weeks. My son said yesterday, "Hey! It's almost Succot! That means it's a full year since Ima's had to be in the hospital!"
So YKYACP when that's a milestone.
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Yay Leah - Congratulations! Hope it stays that way til next Succot and the one after XXX
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I'll ask the mods to change the forum sassy
Okay sent them a request.
AnecortesGirl never meant to limit posting. But she passed last year, I knew her , she would be the first to ask for a change.