You know youre a cancer patient when....
Ruth - I have mastectomy bras but feel lik they are choking me to death so I put my prosthesis inside my regular bra - it has been known to move around!
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Could velcro work? Or would the adhesive not stick to the prosthesis? I was thinking the other velcro side could go on the bra. (I put velcro on the side of drapes to stick to the wall for a drafty window and it worked). Just a thought.
YKYACP when you go to look for something, and if you can't find it fast enough, you forgot what you were looking for.
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When you spend $95 plus tip to get your hair done, but still wear your wig.
I like the color pink, even if it reminds me of having bc. My sales team all wore pink in support of me for one of our meetings. Of course my first thought when I walked into the room was "oh no, did I not read my email where someone said to wear pink... darn chemo brain!" LOL!0 -
OMG - LOLing like crazy!
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Sharon50, I'm glad it is still working, I went to see Conan this afternoon as I dreamed for hours on end that his water was slimy and needed changing and noone would do it. It wasn't, but I asked if I could change it anyway. When he heard me at the door he started hollering, hi Darla come in, how are you ha ha ha ha. When I got near the cage he asked me, what up? Then he told me I was such a good boy after I changed his water. Some parrots simply mimic but I have seen these use words I didn't know they knew and use them appropriately. Maybe I won't have dreams about him tonight. I have to take my gd for her us tomorrow, she has to have two per week as she is high risk preg. I will be so glad when she has this baby. I am worn out just from taking her to the doc. LOL
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I have masectomy bras and the damn boobs move around regardless..........more so in one brand than another. I guess they need to give us something to laugh about.
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you were once a modest person you willingly flash anyone that wants a look!
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kittycat - haven't seen you around lately, glad you posted!
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YKYACPW; you are standing in the foyer of a hotel and realise you have 'los't your phone so DH rings it before starting to search for it and to the amusement of those around your left boob rings. The looks on faces are great as you retrieve it. You had forgotten you put it there when you went for a walk and it has slipped right behind your foob. ( It is a handy place to put it).
YKYACPW; two hours later you go to have a shower and have forgotten about the phone and get undressed. Phone crashes to the floor in pieces!!!
Did get it back together but its a bit battered.
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I was going through a metal detector and I beeped at my bra area. She asked if I had on something underneath my shirt? I immediately pulled up my shirt without thinking, and the person doing the scan yelled oh no ! I don't want to see here! Then she asked me to step behind this partition so that she could check. After so many tests,and surgery, there is no shame in my game .Ha! Ha ! HA !
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Ditto...I flash everybody now
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The ringing boob. Hysterical!
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love the ringing boob. Thanks for the laugh so sorry you later dropped. I stick my compression glove there. hehehehe
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When you are trying on clothes in the dressing room, have a hot flash, remove your wig and set it on the bench, then go to open the door to show off the outfit to your friend and realize oops better grab the wig again. Worst thing was it was a young "teenage" dressing room so I'm sure I would have had some strange looks from the girls trying on prom dresses.
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You wake up and find that you've left your eyebrows on your pillow.
You become attached to certain hats in a Wilson the Volleyball sort of way, they're always there when you need them. You worry about them when they're in the wash.
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dawney - I was on vacation for a week.
When you have a chance to go to Disneyworld, but it's the same week as your hysterectomy. You suddenly realize that Mickey Mouse sounds like more fun than getting more organs removed. Okay... so the hystectomy will most likely be postponed for another few weeks! Gotta live life!!!
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I love the eyebrows on the pillow! LOL!!!
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YKYACPW the "first" time you get up to have a night pee it's ony 10:34!!
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so true! Or even when you think, what a great noc I only had to get up twice to go pee.
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Barbe1958, RFLMAO, too true!
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YKYACP when you have no idea how to explain your herceptin to the average person and end up telling most people "yes, I'm done" because it's easier!!!
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It was easier for me just to tell them...still doing chemo. Otherwise they thought I ought to be back to "Normal". They don't realize, I'll NEVER be normal again.
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Leisaparis... I don't know what normal is anymore, and I don't think most people understand that!! They say things like, oh great, you are all done! And, I just smile, nod and think to myself "I sure hope so!"
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When people say to me "so your all better now..." I answer "thats what THEY say..."
I was told "NED" in August 10 (No scans to confirm) and was dx'd with Thyroid cancer in Oct 10 so we really never know for sure...
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I'll never be normal again. They have never told me I'm NED. With IBC, I don't think I'll ever be free again IMHO. That's why I joined the trial for HER2+ patients. Any new drug that comes out, that I qualify for, I'll try. I hear so many stories @ the trials & tribulations of IBC patients that I only rely on my own feeling. I personally feel that since I'll never be free from this disease and that one day it will kill me ( hopefully 10 - 20 years from now ) that anything they come up with that might prolong my life, I'll do. I'm not afraid of dying, but I'm NOT ready to go yet. My son hasn't found his life partner or had any children yet. I would like to live long enough to see that. My daughter has 2 children. So she's good. Just waiting on my son to be happy. After that if it's time for me to go, then I'm ready. As long as my children are happy, I can live & die with that. Just my thoughts & feelings.
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Normal...what's that. Today I went to get dress, Put my shirt on to realize that feels funny to realize opps I forgot to put my bra on. OMG what's wrong with me I still have one big boob. Then I put my panties on to realize they felt funny and they were inside out. I don't think my brain will ever be normal again. I had a good laugh at least.
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Yes... just want my kids to be older too... I want my 4 year old to be old enough so that losing his mom doesn't screw up his outlook on life!0
ykyacpw~you are approaching your 4 yr cancerversary and think that normal is right around the corner when one of you TM's comes back ABNORMAL,0
YKYACPW all the young hot guys in the room want to squeeze your breasts-but realize they are med students 30 years younger than you!
I am a newbie and just happened on this tonight. I had to get up and change my pants-laughed til I peed. Certainly 1 of the best topics ever-needs to be written in a book and given out with every cancer diagnosis.
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this thread lets me laugh...the bitchin thread lets me of both worlds