You know youre a cancer patient when....
In two places - I literally laughed out loud when I read your post and saw that painting!!!
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When you are so relieved that the pain in your legs could just be a pinched nerve.
When you're glad you didn't have children because you wouldnt want to pass along your BRCA 1 gene. Also, your hubby's dad had bc, so the chances of passing along bc would be even higher!
When you enjoy shocking people when they ask "how are you doing?" and you tell them the truth.0 -
You finally go out wigless and so many people call you MAM that you decide to wear your wig. Then you get carded while wearing your wig (and you're 41). Yes, I'm not losing the wigs yet! I get more compliments with them than I did on my own hair! LOL!
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I haven't had the opportunity to celebrate my cancerversary because I got dx less than a year after my 1st dx. I started chemo on June 16, 2010 and was first dx on June 17, 2009. I think I'm just going to celebrate my birthday!!!
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Well, a birthday is as good a reason to celebrate as anything.
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Congradulations on being carded. That is quite a compliment
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Didn't ever wear a wig either.
You are waiting in line at wal-mart, chewing gum and the little girl in front of you says " Look mommy that man just blew a bubble."
So glad I looked like a little short fat man. I just smiled at her. Kids say the darnedest things.
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YKYACPW you can't hug your kids for a whole day because you're radioactive from the bone scan.
(*cry*)0 -
YKYACPW, if someone you don't know smiles at you and you wonder if your wig or eyebrows looks strange
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YKYACPW, when you are obsessing over if actresses or news women on TV has faked/painted eyebrows and/or eyelashes...
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I can spot a wig and fake lashes anywhere! Some of them are really good! My DH spotted a girl at Petsmart wearing false eyelashes and a wig before I did. Poor thing was so young. She was working there so I wondered if she had alopecia. So unfair to see someone young with a wig.
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YNYACPW your chin hairs are longer than the hair on your head. Also, I'm doing rads and was told not to shave on that side so currently my armpit hairs are also longer than the hair on my head!
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Ykyacpw, you are grateful for that little Arimidex pill every day but you hate that little Arimidex pill every day.
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YKYACPW you think your other breast has a lump in it but you don't call the doctor or try to rush to be seen because you already have your scheduled scans and an oncologist appointment coming up within the next week and a half anyway.
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Elizabeth1959, by the time you have finished with rads, you probably won't have any armpit hair left on that side.
YKYACPW you have firsthand knowledge of the fact that you no longer have to shave under one arm because of radiation.
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Thanks for the great laughs. I like this thread!
YKYACPW you get a perverse pleasure from watching the new medical student's dicomfort and awkwardness when you whip open your gown to let him examine your MX incision (not to be confused with the string of residents, fellows, interns, and surgeons who have already felt you up)
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Elizabeth - I was told not to use a blade razor, but I could use an electric one. I still have to shave a little under the radiated arm @ once a month. Never a lot of hair, but if I don't then I have 4-5 that stick out.
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YKYACPW you are having a good day with the wig and makeup (to make it look like you have eyebrows and eyelashes!!), and a nice looking man walks by you in the grocery store... and smiles and stares! then upon realizing what is in your cart and hand (prune juice and miralax) you wonder..,. "was he checking ME out or was he checking out what was IN the cart and my HAND"
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Maybe he suffers from chronic constipation and figured that you were the perfect girl for him.
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Wouldn't that be a great opener for a TV ad..." Our constipation brought us together..."
Or a dating service.." I KNEW Mitch and I were a perfect match when I saw we BOTH used the same laxatives..."
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Lena- oh yeah! Sadly that makes sense.
hdAngel- I am sure you looked beautiful !!!
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So funny, ladies!
YKYACP when constipation could be considered a common interest on a dating website. Love is in the air!
His profile: intense, forceful, and knows what he wants!
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YKYACPW, when you laugh like crazy from all this jokes0
hahaha!! i love the pic!!! that is hilarious!
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YKYACPW you laugh hysterically at these YKYACPW statement written by the ladies and your family ask you "WHAT, WHATS so funny" and you tell them as tears are rolling down your face and you get stomach cramps from laughing so hard and they just look at you with this blank stare like a Dear Caught in the Headlight and all you hear is "CRICKETS". And they say, "Mom, that's not funny", but yet you cant stop laughing, and that is even funnier to you.
Just tickled pink, Just tickled pink I say!
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Oh One More..........
YNYACPW in just random conversations with friends they say something about your reconstruction process and the next thing you know (speaking from MORTIFIED experience) you have snatched the neck line of your shirt and bra down further than your belly button so that they can see your surgical scars and the pretty work your PS has done
CAN YOU SAY ..................................................AWKWARD!!!!!!
The funny thing is I was talking to one of my girlfriends and she saw how embarrassed I was so she lovingly decided to show me hers.
(She had Breast Augmentation (a reduction) and she wanted to show me that my scars were better than hers) AWHHHHHH gotta love your girlfriends, what would we do with out them.....)
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That picture of Captain Kirk is from the episode "The Enemy Within."
YKYACPW when you consult Wikipedia to conrfirm that chemo didn't kill your entire over-the-edge Trekkie brain you were once so infamous for.
(Ruth: we just found it this past weekend...)0 -
YKYACPW when you drive home from a Cat scan and look happily at all the trees in bloom, the blue sky, and feel the spring breeze on your face and remember how two years ago you were crying and wondering if you will still be alive to see spring coming again.
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When you take a day off work to get an MRI and you're more excited just to be off and enjoy the spring air!
I love the constipation jokes! I tagged my DH at Hobby Lobby on Facebook one day. He was a little annoyed until I told him I could tag him at Walgreens in the laxative aisle! LOL!0