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So...whats for dinner?



  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    illimae - those pizzas look delish!

    eric - yay for a visit from DD, good luck on the relocation of MIL. My BFF is dealing with this issue as well, moving her mom from one assisted living facility to another, but somewhat at the mercy of a placement due to a pilot program in CA that allows Medicaid to cover the cost of assisted living rather than nursing home. Her mom is eligible, but they have little to no control over the placement. Some of the participating facilities are larger commercial ones, others are private care residences that are accredited.

    wally - sorry to hear about your DH and his dental woes - hoping for the best.

    carole - can you share the vegetables and polish sausage recipe - that sounds like something we would like! I have been taking the Advil Dual Action (combo of ibuprofen and acetaminophen ) for the back pain over the last two months, and it provides more pain relief for me than Tylenol. I try to limit my ibuprofen intake because it tends to bother my stomach but my sparing use of the Dual Action means I can get pain relief while taking less. So far, so good. My mom used to use up leftover lamb in a layered dish with leftover or added gravy, thinly sliced potatoes, and onion (you could leave them out) with lots of black pepper. You just layer in a casserole dish or Dutch oven and cook in the oven until the potatoes are tender.

    My BIL stayed with us on Wednesday - he lives an hour west of us, and needed to work in Orlando for a few days, so staying here cuts his drive. He is a locum tenens gastroenterologist - his retirement job. He rolls in and does a bunch of endoscopy and colonoscopy cases, then goes back home. He works in Orlando, a hospital in Tennessee, and down in the FL Keys. I got more standing rib roast on sale, again had the meat dept cut it into steaks for me, so we grilled those and had twice-baked potatoes and roasted carrots, a kale and cabbage slaw type salad with sliced red pear and goat cheese crumbles, and a chocolate cake.

    DH is entering his last week of work - after today he only works next Tues/Wed/Thurs, and then he is done! I can't believe how fast this year went! He is so ready, and really excited. He got a really nice text early this morning from one of our long-time friends thanking him for his 28 years of active military service, and then continuing 14 year civilian career with the Dept of Defense, 42 years in total.

    On Christmas Eve we will be manning the attack flags for the TB Bucaneer football game, which ends late, so we will open gifts on Christmas Day. DD is making TikTok cinnamon rolls (with heavy cream, brown, sugar, butter, and extra frosting) and I am thinking of making a green chile egg casserole, the overnight kind with the cubed bread, and a hash brown one. We usually have mimosas and a fruit platter as well. Have not decided what dinner should be - I do have more rib roast, but I may leave that in the freezer and do a turkey breast or a ham, with au gratin potatoes and steamed green beans. I have been wanting to make a ladyfinger cheesecake because even though it has cheesecake in the name it is actually very light, but I can't find any soft ladyfingers. I think they are relatively easy to make, but not sure I want to devote the time. Maybe I will do an apple/pear crisp with vanilla ice cream. BFF and I made one a couple of years ago with her Royal Riviera pears (looking at you, minus!) and it was really delicious, but now I can't remember which recipe we used - I have several.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,896

    Carole I am also interested in your recipe.

    Last night was grilled hamburger with air fried frozen steak fries. Easy dinner.

    The kids are coming Christmas Eve and will spend the night. We'll have a big lunch with a standing rib roast (currently aging in the garage fridge), scalloped potatoes, green beans and Yorkshire puddings. DDIL is making a pear cranberry crisp for dessert. And there are cookies. So many cookies . . . Later in the evening will be a smorgasbord affair with lots of finger food while we watch classic Christmas movies and/or play dominoes. I'll make an egg casserole with spinach and Gruyère for breakfast plus a grapefruit/orange fruit bowl. Then It's off to DH's sister's house for lunch where there will be tons more food. My contribution is a strawberry Black Forest cake that I did not make, currently residing in the freezer. We will not have to eat for days.

    I should be doing prep work. I'm waiting for aleve to kick in. The back held up fairly well yesterday. I managed to thoroughly clean my kitchen without sitting down. That's significant progress.

    Tonight is takeout pizza

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    My cabbage dish is so easy that I can hardly call the process a recipe. You layer peeled and sliced potatoes at the bottom of a fairly deep casserole dish. Those who like onions could layer slices of onion next. Then sliced carrots. Then chopped cabbage, not chopped too small. I salted and peppered and sprinkled onion powder and garlic powder as I built the layers. Sliced smoked polish sausage forms the top layer. Pour chicken broth over the top and dollop with some butter. Cover with foil and cook in a 350 degree oven an hour or until the veggies are done to your liking. Serve with a good creole mustard.

    Eric could skip the sausage!

    I have been buying meat like someone possessed by a carnivore demon. LOL. My house freezer and outside freezer are full. I bought a turducken that was much too large. So I cut it into halves, against the advice of the butcher who cautioned that it might fall apart. I tied each half with string. I bought a standing rib roast that was on sale. A corned beef brisket for New Year's. Then there are the three chunks of lamb roast that was raw in the center. And what was already in both freezers.

    I have tried a new mayo that showed up in Winn Dixie called Duke's. It's as pricey as my Hellman's Light and just as good but different. Very flavorful. I'm one of those people who can lick mayo off my finger. Blue Plate is the favorite in Louisiana and the regular is quite good but I cut half the calories with Light mayo and use a lot of it. The Blue Plate Light is just ok. I know that home made mayo is the best but I don't make it.

    Nance, your food plan for your company sounds wonderful.

    SpecialK, congratulations to your dh on his retirement.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,606

    Greetings to all,

    I haven’t posted here for many months. Life got busy on many fronts in good, bad and rough ways. One thing that happened is I had surgery to have a rod placed in my femur in October due to an impending break caused by mbc. I was making a good recovery until a week ago for some reason the leg began feeling unstable. I am babying it, using a walker, until January 3 when I have an appt with the orthopedic surgeon. I want to enjoy the holidays first.

    So, for the first time ever, I ordered our Christmas ham dinner meal from Krogers. Dh said it may be the start of a new tradition! It includes ham, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing and green beans. We’ll make our own cheesy potatoes with southern hashed browns, make spinach artichoke dip in the slow cooker and heat up some rolls. Dh wants to try making a pineapple upside down cake and I ordered an apple pie. We have family gatherings to get to on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I’m hoping to hobble along well enough to attend.

    A couple weeks ago, as an early Christmas present, I replaced our cheap, very old toaster oven with a pricy, new Cuisinart one. What an improvement! We just love it and are using it often. It goes a long way to making food taste much better.

    I agree with SpecialK, how fast the year has gone by! Wishing Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to everyone!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Dinner was pork chops using the new ovens air fryer setting with sautéed cabbage and onions. Dessert was was last two pieces of See’s from the box I got a few weeks ago. Everything was wonderful.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Divinemsrm, sorry about the problems with your leg. Hope your Christmas dinner is delicious as well as easy.

    DH is baking his oatmeal chocolate chip cookies today, a once a year tradition. He uses the recipe printed inside the cover of the oatmeal box but substitutes chocolate chips for raisins.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,606

    Looks like dh’s first attempt at pineapple upside down cake was a success. He’s so pleased with himself, haha. Smells great and I’m pretty sure it’s gonna taste good, too. I have cool whip to dollop on top.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Divine, congrats to your DH, that’s looks delicious!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Divine - so good to see you. Sorry about your leg & hope it's just 'stress'. The pineapple upside down cake looks great.

    Carole - how many cookies does your DH make? Hopefully you'll get to have some. My mom used to bake oatmeal cookies from the Quaker box recipe but substitute coconut for the raising. I had a friend who would only use Dukes.

    Mae - I've been nibbling on my See's peanut brittle every night. Not many portions left.

    I'm just getting around to a writing a few cards today. Needless to say they won't get there before Christmas. Tonight I'm going to an open house & tomorrow a 'sit & sip' gathering. Tentative plans are still in place for Linguine Vongole for Christmas Day, but I made the mistake of taking both cooked chicken breast and cooked BBQ brisket out of the freezer so that may change.

    Special, Nance and everyone else - Happy Holidays.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Finished the leftover kielbasa, which I made with almost all the ingredients that Carole posted, but I do not take the time to make layers. I used sweet potato, since that is all I had, roughly chopped cabbage, red onion, the sausage, cut up…lid on, stove top until veggies are done. I also made rice pudding. My first try at it and anything that could go wrong, did, but I got it in the oven and it turned out wonderful. That was my breakfast this morning, LOL.

    I'm making salmon tonight (one of the Pinks I caught this summer) and tomorrow, I'll make duck breasts, per DH's request.

    His CT scan results came in….the suspected cancer in his lumbar, skull and the mandible right near the TMJoint has cancer but the rest of the jaw looks like it is "only" osteonecrosis….so trying to get the infection contained is all we can do at the moment. Hopefully, he hears more next week. My path report (from my bunch biopsy) came back b-9. YAY.

  • aussie12
    aussie12 Member Posts: 421

    Hi all

    I'm still here but in pallative care now and getting well looked after. I'm feeling weak but my body has given up but my mind is still ok.

    I haven't read the posts for months.

    I'd like to thank you all for your friendships over the years.

    I've ordered a nice Christmas lunch for tomorow but I don't know if I'll be able to eat it.

    Good luck to everyone .

    Love Carol (Aussie 12)

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Aussie - Hope you can enjoy at least some of the Christmas lunch. Wishing you the best.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Aussie, I second Minustwo's hope. We miss you.

    I will be doing some cooking today for tomorrow's dinner at my younger sister's house with her and her dh and possibly her son and DIL and two small children. The 5 year old boy is autistic and a handful.

    We had tuna casserole last night, more "easy to chew" food for dh.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Enjoy, as much as possible, Christmas, Aussie.


  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,896

    Well stage one of the Christmas celebration is in the books. The dinner, if not perfect, was perfect enough (the Yorkshire puddings didn't turn out quite right.). Waiting for dessert to come out of the oven.

    Merry Christmas to all of you my friends. Extra blessings coming your way Aussie.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Sharon and I made cookies for DD. DD loves cats, so we got out the Halloween cookie cutter set and used the cat one…in addition to the more traditional snowman, tree and star.

    I made sourdough and later today I will make a pumpkin pie…it turns out I had another pumpkin in the cabinets under the kitchen counter and I don't know how much longer it would be usable.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Rib roast for us too and DH’s Yorkshire puddings didn’t come out quite right either. I added roasted rosemary potatoes and carrots. DH made a cherry cobbler for dessert.

    Butterball soup tomorrow 😀

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Went to Big Jones for dinner. Started with oyster stew; then a mixed green salad (mesclun & frisee) with blue cheese and glazed pecans. Entree was crab-stuffed Chesapeake Bay striper (Bob had "speckled goose" gumbo). Dessert was "Lady Baltimore" cake: white layer cake with marshmallow icing, honey, sorghum, and various candied fruits. Sent us home with cookies.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730

    Christmas dinner is ham, mashed potatoes & gravy, veggie, cranberry sauce, stuffing, rolls and for dessert a berry crisp

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Yum on the rib roast and sides. Makes me enthusiastic about cooking the one in the freezer.

    It's gloomy today but not raining. A cooler temperature would be welcome and less humidity.

    I was thinking about the merry in Merry Christmas. It's not a word we use commonly in today's language in the US.

    Eric, I'm considering creating a starter for making sour dough bread. I read some instructions and may begin the process tomorrow. Advice welcome.

    Hope everyone enjoys the day, which probably entails not watching any news.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    I've got the zmitkuchen in the oven and DD is eagerly waiting for it to finish…about 10 more minutes…..

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Butterball soup, likely lunch and dinner for several days. I wait all year for it, then can’t get enough.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Illimae, those look like matzo balls (aka kneidlach). Of course, your dumplings use butter, while matzo balls use oil or chicken fat.

    We had leftovers (St. Louis ribs, arugula/tomato salad, foccaccia) for our early dinner today. (Bob also bought a 4-lb. ham at Costco, but I have no idea what to do with it. Going over to friends in a few for dessert, drinks and gift exchanging. Tomorrow night will likely be oysters, snow peas, rice & seared scallops (part of my expected Hooked on Fish haul). Shucking oysters is quite the upper-body workout—good thing I bought only 6.

    Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it.

  • shrinkrap59
    shrinkrap59 Member Posts: 41

    Hello everyone! Guyanese cook-up rice!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Welcome Shrinkrap. That looks delicious. I see beans & onions with the rice. What liquid is used in cooking & what spices. It looks so good I actually googled and read coconut milk and chicken broth - with maybe other meat besides the chicken and maybe spinach. What peppers do you use?

    Mae - your soup looks delicious.

    My dinner was beef stroganoff. Breakfast was the last of the eggnog cookies that a friend brought over. 9pm now & I'm trying to decide whether to have a short Tuaca before heading for bed or an egg nog with bourbon. I didn't make the Cool Whip cookies yet because there's just too much food around the house.

    Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays of your choice.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Carole. I use about 1/2 cup of water - 1/2 cup of flour… Note the "about". I sometimes use a bit more water, especially if the flour is kind of packed. I try to get it so that the starter is about the consistency of a pancake batter.

    When I was in the city, I used bottled water to avoid the chlorine issues.

    To get the starter started, I pulled a grape from a grape vine and dropped it into the 1/2 flour - 1/2 water mixture.

    Apparently the milky white coating on the grape contains a yeast. I would guess it would be the same with a blueberry. What I don't know is if store bought fruit is washed to the point that the yeast is killed.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Welcome, shrinkwrap! What are the main influences in Guyanese cuisine?

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Wow, that looks so delicious, @shrinkrap59!! 🤩

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Hi Shrinkwrap! That does look good!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Chisandy, they do look the same but these balls are made with breadcrumbs, butter, half & half, allspice and salt. I still haven’t tried matzo balls yet but plan too, I’m sure I’d like them.

    Nothing planned for dinner but I’ve been eating a lot of carbs and meat, so maybe a salad or warm veggies.