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So...whats for dinner?



  • clars
    clars Member Posts: 46

    Today we had leftovers from the Christmas Day beef with noodles, chard, kale, broccoli and spring onions.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Clars - looks delicious.

    The day got away from me so I had clam dip with Ruffles PT chips at 4pm. Excellent & I'm full. Topped it off with an egg nog with Gentleman Jack whiskey. MUST eat the leftover brisket tomorrow.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    BC oysters—small, so I wish I'd bought 8 or even a dozen; they seemed easier to shuck, or perhaps I've gotten the hang of it. Then salmon roe & sour cream on blini. Salad was a bagged one from Whole Foods: baby kale, leeks, red cabbage, craisins & pecans with poppyseed dressing. Entree was seared scallops topped with a beurre blanc flavored with saffron & parsley.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    We had Christmas dinner again last night and it was delicious. I especially enjoyed my sister's cornbread dressing this year and my pork roast couldn't have turned out better. Same with the creamed spinach. I bought three boxes of chopped spinach without consulting the recipe card. The recipe called for four boxes but the mistake turned out to be genius. I will go with the three boxes in the future.

    All those carbs two days in a row not to mention brownies topped with a German chocolate cake icing and dh's oatmeal chocolate chip cookies did a number on my weight. I stepped on the scale this morning and it groaned under the load.

    So tonight a lighter meal.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    I've had carb cravings every late night for weeks now, and I've given in to them. Not stepping on a scale. Considering looking for an eating-disorder shrink (they're extremely rare now, and most specialize in anorexia/bulimia). There are none in my health system. I've been so conscientious during the day, even through dinner…but then the "forbidden fruit" impulse gets triggered. If my a1c went up over 5.8 I may be eligible for a GLP-1 agonist. But not till after New Year's or even the Bar Show (1/12-13), so I can get used to (and devote full attention to dealing with) GI side effects if any.

    Bob went to brunch at Big Jones today after donating blood (he walked the mile each way) and brought back half a Cuban sandwich, which I toasted and ate for lunch. Tonight will likely be either Norwegian Fjord trout or ham, plus salad; or dine out.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    I hear y'all on the carb love. I also do ok most days then after dinner various and sundry snack attacks happen. This week it's been sugar cookies and various chocolates.

    Tomorrow friends are coming for a post- holiday dinner. Lemon chicken, baked mashed potatoes, ginger-snap lima beans, haricourt verts and biscuits are on the menu. After January 1 I'm with Sandy - a new approach.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    I took the lazy way out tonight and heated up the lobster mac & cheese (thawed in the fridge overnight) from Hooked on Fish, which I supplemented with a stir-fry of tri-color peppers, snow peas, and mushrooms.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    We got DD back to the airport yesterday morning. It was a long day. We left the house at 6 am, got her to the airport around 10, and then went to a friend's house. Starting at around 6, Sharon played music with them until after midnight.

    This morning we had to leave around 8am to get to the doctor's office for our annual physical exams. I had gained 10 pounds. When the doctor had me stand on the floor and lean over the exam table (for the least liked part of the physical), "You're not going to spank me for gaining weight, are you?"

    The doctor had to stop for a bit until he could quit laughing.

    Afterwards, we stopped by another friend's house and didn't leave until around 4pm. We got home just before 8pm. It was another long day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    LOL, Eric.

    Last night's dinner was lightly breaded and air fried chicken breast fillets, turnips (peeled, large diced and boiled) seasoned with butter, and a romaine salad. The salad tasted delicious after days with no fresh, crisp salads. DH especially enjoyed the turnips and finished up the leftovers. The chicken breast was … chicken breast. Edible protein.

    I found nice small eggplants at Winn Dixie yesterday and plan to make eggplant lasagna today.

    I made three trips to the bathroom last night and was down 3 lbs this morning from yesterday's alarming weight. Carbs, salt, sugar do their thing every holiday.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    I'm not getting on a scale unless I have to.

    A few nights ago it was scrambled eggs with black beans and broccoli. Frozen pizza last night and the night before. Tonight, I'm making goat burgers and not sure about sides…butter beans, maybe or whatever I can find in the freezer.

    I'm thawing beef liver for the next day. DH wants lamb chops for NYE, so that's as far as I got. I bought yukon golds to make scalloped potatoes.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,896

    Tonight's offering is meatloaf , mashed potatoes and gravy and leftover green beans from Christmas Eve dinner. Bought a ham today for new years day.

    We must get rid of all these cookies. No scales in my future

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Today's lunch was oatmeal with brown "sugar" (monkfruit/erythritol) and Lakanto keto "maple" syrup. I figure the sugar alcohols partially counteracted the grain carbs.

    Tonight, didn't feel like rinsing & cooking lentils. So I pan-seared the Norwegian Fjord trout in S&P and a couple drops of grapeseed oil (totally & dangerously superfluous, as the skin was quite fatty). Made a mini-Caprese with mozz. "pearls" and EVOO, balsamico DOP, chiffonade of basil and a few flakes of sea salt. Took the lazy way out & supplemented with Stouffer's spinach souffle.

    Tomorrow night, maybe walk to C&C Bistro for cassoulet.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,896

    Meatloaf sandwiches for lunch today - the best part of a meatloaf dinner. Tonight is Carole's kielbasa dish with cornbread.

    Today was spent undecorating and trying to clear away an abundance of Christmas clutter. I imagine the Christmas tree and outdoor lights will be a mere memory by New Year's Day.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Don't feel like a big meal tonight, so it’s a sautéed veg medley (broccoli, carrots, yellow squash and purple onions) with a hunk of French bread and a glass of fruity red sangria.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    We keep our indoor tree, decorations, door wreath, and porch banister garlands up till Jan. 6 (known in more innocent times as "Twelfth Night"). But we keep our white lights on the backyard magnolia and colored ones on the arborvitae out front lit all year long, for cheer. (And the latter, to give guests, cab & rideshare drivers a point of reference).

    For brunch, I made slow-scrambled eggs with chives & pink peppercorns, on toast, with a strip of bacon.

    Finally got my prime rib (third time lucky). Reserved a table at Wildfire and actually phoned ahead to claim dibs on prime rib in case they'd run out by the time we got there. (All restaurants around here that offer prime rib post the caveat "…until it's gone"). We split a kale-spinach salad to start, and Bob added a shrimp cocktail. He had the Friday special beef Wellington, and I got the "queen cut" prime rib so there'd be leftovers. It was delicious, but 4 out of the 16 oz. was pure fat. (Had I gotten the 10-oz. "regular" cut, would it have been as fatty? Probably, if cut from the same roast). His entree came with broccolini & au gratin potatoes, mine with roasted vegetables. Dessert (at home) was a sugar-free Klondike. If I don't allow myself any other snacks, I can hold the line till morning.

  • shrinkrap59
    shrinkrap59 Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2023

    Thanks all!l I used chicken stock and stock from smoked turkey tails, and I usedScotch Bonnet peppers, but there are probably some poblanos in there somewhere too.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    The red beans out of the freezer tasted really good with freshly cooked brown rice. I had intended to make a salad as the side but instead cooked each of us a pork chop from a package I bought at Sam's Club.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    My beef liver experiment last night was an abject failure. Not sure if we'll eat what we can for leftovers or put it out for the crows.

    Lamb chops tomorrow. Still have some scalloped potatoes left over so I just need to add something green. Maybe some braised cabbage.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Maybe you should share your liver experiment, Wally, since I have packages of calves liver that my sister gave me out of her freezer, which is stocked with meat from animals they raised. I haven't cooked liver in many years but the usual method is to "smother" it with onions. She and her dh don't eat liver so she was glad to give it to me.

    I may thaw out a package for tonight but will have to buy a couple of onions. I have a butternut squash that should be cooked. That should be ok as a side.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Holiday dinner at Eddie Vs Thursday night with my ex-DH & wife and my nephew's family. Most everyone had filet. I had Georges Banks scallops. Delicious. Continuing my quest for the remembered Brussels Sprouts, I ordered those. Their version is honey sriracha w/cashews. Good, but not what my taste buds are remembering. I sat next to my 8 year old grand niece - a very bright well behaved child. Except I had given her a book of string games and she wanted to keep playing 'Cat's Cradle' - which of course is a 2 person game. I did take her into the lounge for awhile to hear the live band. The best part - my ex-DH paid!!!

    I must boil some petite red potatoes tonight or throw them away. Think I'll pull out a couple of frozen Angus Beef patties for hamburger steak.

    This is the time of year I usually clean out 'old' food. I got the fridge done & the inside freezer. Still need to do the pantry and the garage freezer. Looking forward to trying the Raos Italian Wedding Soup now that it's colder.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133
    edited December 2023

    Whenever we clean out our freezer, we always find evidence of time travel and teleportation. I can think of no other explanation for the old stuff that is found in the freezer. :-)

    We're just about done with the last of the leftovers from Christmas dinner. DD took the zimtkuchen back to Detroit and her beau said "get the recipe". So, I'm hoping the more than 100 year old Christmas tradition will "live on".

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,896
    edited December 2023

    Fifteen bean soup tonight made with a package of 15 beans minus the flavor packet cooked with a ham hock. Additions include onion, carrot, celery , garlic and plum tomatoes (crushed). I pre cooked the beans in the pressure cooker. The only side will be some French bread.

    We leave lights on our deck all year round but our HOA requires us to remove seasonal decorations after the holidays I'm sure DH would prefer not to hassle with putting them up and taking them down lol but he likes them so he does it as long as he can. Many folks around here hire them done but it seems pretty expensive to me. I'm glad they do though because I enjoy them too

    I just know there's a whole chicken and some lamb shanks buried in the bottom of my big freezer. I must "gird my loins" and go freezer diving.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Decided on salmon steak to go with the creamed peas & "new" potatoes. Since I wasn't in the mood to make a white sauce, I pulled out the OLD Better Homes & Garden red & white cookbooks for inspiration. (mine is 1965; my Mothers is mid 1930s) Ended up melting butter & sour cream and adding dill. It was quite tasty on the salmon & the peas but not so great on the potatoes. Or maybe the potatoes were just too old.

    Finally opened the box of Sees Victoria toffee and chopped off a few hunks for dessert. Yum!!

    Nance - I love 15 bean soup. And I agree that the best part of meatloaf is the cold sandwiches. Eric - so glad the dd will take over the tradition. Mae - great pictures of the Beach House on the other thread. Sorry Carole & Wally - one of the few things I won't eat is liver. Special - hope all is OK.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941

    Just wanted to add new years wishes to all! Missing those who are ill or just struggling and thinking of you.

    We've been subsisting on leftovers from Christmas and a post-Christmas dinner party. More leftovers from that since one of the three couples cancelled mid-afternoon. Grrr. I like to give the benefit of the doubt but excuse seemed lame and due to poor planning. So cooked for 10-12, expecting 8 and had 6. A nice six mind you. But my feelings were a bit hurt and I was pretty spent from all the prep. Mind you I enjoy hosting but I guess I just didn't expect it and we're new to the area here. Okay I'll now put my nickel in Lucy's "therapy box," for those who get the reference. 😀

    Going to a French restaurant for an early new years eve dinner with DH. Really looking forward to it.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Carole, the liver cooking technique was an experiment and I would not recommend doing it. It was in the oven and the onions layered over it. I found a website with the recipe and it got good reviews. MISTAKE. I typically do mine in the pan with brandy and cream that I add once the liver is gently cooked, barely done. This was from a farmer who just butchered 3 cows and he offered us the liver (we bought the goat from him) and there was just SOOOOOOOO much liver he was kind enough to share, I thought it would be the easiest way to prepare. We ate it, but it is not something I will ever repeat.

    Made hot dogs and beans and spinach, all tossed together and cooked through.

    Tomorrow, lamb chops.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Augmented leftovers tonight. I know this sounds kinds la-di-da, but we had an oz. of caviar (Calvisius, from Germany, bought at Hooked on Fish) that was about to hit its "use by" date, and a package of frozen blini—so along with creme fraiche that was our appetizer. Took last night's kale/spinach salad and pumped it up with some grape tomatoes and mozzarella "pearls." Reheated the roasted winter veg. as-is, along with the stalk of broccolini (which we divided). Put the remainder of my prime rib (cut off a little for Bob) and his filet in foil to reheat; and sauteed mushrooms with butter, Madeira, minced shallot and chopped parsley (still growing in our garden). Dessert was a shot of decaf espresso (Peet's) and a Nonna's mini-biscotti ("biscotto")?

    Whole Foods had an Amazon Prime sale of 25% off all roe—so for tomorrow night (and New Year's Day brunch) I got a jar each of salmon (1.75 oz.), "classic" California white sturgeon and golden Osetra (also CA, 1 oz. ea.). Normally, Osetra is way out of our league, but we paid less for it than we've seen it anywhere else in decades. (Sure, it wasn't Russian or Caspian, but so much the better)!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Wally, my package of liver was more than we needed for two people. The dish came out ok and the liver tasted like I remembered. The small butternut squash was good. I wish I had someone who would welcome the rest of the packages of liver in the freezer.

    Today I plan to make some white corn tortillas and some version of Mexican tonight. The inspiration is avocados in the refrigerator that are ready to be eaten.

    In past years we made reservations in advance and went out to dinner on New Year's Eve but not for the past few years. We ease from one year to the next without a lot of hoopla. People around here spend a fortune on fireworks and it will be noisy at midnight. I could walk outside (if I weren't already in bed) and see explosions of color in the sky.

    Happy New Year to everyone!!

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,896

    DH can't tolerate the very thought of liver. I've always liked it occasionally. A local restaurant near where I worked used to have liver and onions in cream gravy on Wednesday. They did an excellent job of it so a friend and I used to go about once a month. I retired in 2006 so that's the last time I've had liver.

    We sometimes go out for an early New Year's Eve dinner but not this year. I bought some lobster claws and arms from Costco and DH will have a small filet. I'll make a salad and a sort of twice baked potato casserole from a lot of leftover mashed potatoes. Festive. The rest of the evening will be spent watching a couple of very old Cary Grant movies. I imagine midnight will be very noisy here too I'm glad I don't have a dog.

    Happy New Year my friends Wishing you a new year better than the old.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Carole, I'd happily take it…too bad we are not neighbors. I stand corrected on my liver…we tried the other lobe of the liver for lunch and it couldn't be better. So I think I overcooked a part of it by making it thinner.

    Lamb chops, the last of the scalloped potatoes and sauteed cabbage in duck fat for tonight.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    My mom used to broil beef or calves' liver (plain, not even floured or seasoned) till it was like shoe leather. It wasn't till I got married and consulted The Joy of Cooking that I learned to dredge it in seasoned flour, flash-pan-sear it, and serve it with caramelized onions that I began to love it. So does Bob.

    But the one time he refused to eat it was in his first clinical year of med school. I'd planned to make it when he walked in from watching his first autopsy. I asked what the patient died of, and he said "cirrhosis of the liver. What's for dinner?" I replied, "Let's go to the Colonel" (as I surreptitiously shoved the liver back into the freezer).

    Not sure what Regalia will be serving (just 6 of us—Leslie texted that she caught the "cold" Gordy brought home from TX (and with which her dad arrived at the vacation rental). They haven't tested positive…yet. (I tested this morning…just because). Back chez nous afterward it'll be cookies, bonbons, chips, dips, nuts, caviar, cheeses & crackers till midnight when we crack open the bubbly we're chilling on the deck.

    Happy New Year!