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So...whats for dinner?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Dinner last night was one of my favorites. I guess I could call it a make your own tacos buffet. Seasoned chicken breast strips, sliced onion and yellow bell pepper sauteed in olive oil. Refried beans, salsa, sour cream and dh's freshly made guacamole. My home-made corn tortillas. I just realized I forgot about the grated cheddar but we didn't miss it.

    I wish I had a larger tortilla press so I could make slightly larger tortillas but the press I have, the common iron one, takes up enough space and is heavy. And it's not like I make tortillas daily. It's an occasional thing.

    I also baked a loaf of whole grain bread yesterday using half regular Einkorn flour and half whole wheat. I'll have a slice for breakfast. Thank you again, Wally, for calling the flour to my attention.

    The pricey corned beef brisket thawed overnight. I'll probably drag out the multi cooker to make shorter work of cooking it this afternoon. We'll have a vegetable pot of cabbage, carrots, potato, and onions, the latter kept intact with toothpicks. I may skip the black-eyed peas this year even though I bought a couple of cans of Trappey's. I love the corned beef brisket despite its overload of salt. It's a once a year treat.

    I read a story about why southerners eat black-eyed peas at new year's. The Union soldiers destroyed food crops but didn't bother the black-eyed peas because they didn't consider them edible. People were glad to have the peas to cook. I don't know if there's any truth to this explanation but it seems believable. We didn't have the black-eyed peas when I was growing up because my parents didn't like them. We ate field peas and different kinds of beans throughout the year. We always had cabbage on new year's day.

    Wishing all of us a pain free 2024 with meals we enjoy.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Before we got a tortilla press, we would roll them out with a rolling pin.

    We had a small cast iron tortilla press, and then, about 3 months later, went and got a bigger one. The kitchen store in the nearby town is a "dangerous place". :-)

    Last night we ate Christmas leftovers and the refrigerator is just about back to it's normal level of stuff.

    I knew black-eyed peas were popular, but never knew the reason. I do know that General Sherman, and his troops, are not well regarded (how's that for a euphemism?) in the southern USA—especially Georgia. :-)

    I did cook up some tepary beans yesterday. The brown ones, to me, taste like dirt (they do say they have an "earthy" flavor). The lighter ones, have an almost buttery flavor and, with some serrano peppers, are very good.

    Happy New Year to everyone.

  • clars
    clars Member Posts: 46

    This food photographs terribly 😆 but for New Year’s Day we always have Indian food. Lots of stuff here including tarka dal, South Indian garlic chilli tikka chicken, brinjal bhaji, garlic mushrooms, a vegetable curry… so much food! We have lots of leftovers for tomorrow.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,896

    New year's dinner will be pretty traditional for us - a Costco master carve half ham, hoppin John and creamed spinach. Dessert will be the remains of a Boston cream pie which is thankfully, small.

    Wishing you all a happy New Year!

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300

    I hope y'all don't mind me chiming in here but the only people I see during the winter are those who'll walk outside with me (hardly anyone.) However, I do make dinner every night. Tonight is corned beef and cabbage, boiled potatoes and black-eyed peas.

    Carole, thanks for history of the black-eyed peas. Mine are a leftover New Year's tradition from when we lived in Alabama. They were my son's favorite food when he was a toddler.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Simple dinner tonight, heated some cooked pulled pork and topped it with fresh coleslaw seasoned with Konriko on a burger bun.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    Hi all - I have been missing, and missing all of you!

    We had a nice and relaxed Christmas Day, after doing the flags at the Buccaneers/Jaguars game on Christmas Eve. DD and beau came over in the late morning, DD made TikTok cinnamon rolls. for the uninitiated - which included me - you take Pillsbury Grands cinnamon rolls and lay them over a thin layer of heavy cream in a baking dish. You pour melted butter mixed with brown sugar and cinnamon over the rolls, then more heavy cream. Bake and frost when cooled. Surprised to hear myself say this, but they were too much. Too gooey and too sweet, but also delicious. We had them with breakfast and then opened gifts. After an appetizer of crab stuffed filo cups, we had lasagna, salad, garlic bread, and a pear/apple crisp with vanilla ice cream. I had been planning to have rib roast but we had steaks cut from rib roast twice in the preceding two weeks and I was beefed out. The great thing was that I had leftovers of the two breakfast casseroles and the lasagna so I did not cook for a couple of days after Christmas.

    DH had his last day of work on 12/29! He is officially retired. Unfortunately, he also got sick with an upper respiratory crud of some sort, which is not Covid. He tested three days apart and was neg both times. Today seems to be the first day he actually seems to feel pretty normal.

    We had a scare earlier this month - DS and new bride were caught in a remotely triggered avalanche in CO - they were smart enough to get near the trees but they were carried a way along - fortunately on the surface. They both wear beacons and avalanche packs because they do back country stuff, and always let people know where they will be, and have a GPS locater, but sheesh - it was scary. It scared them too and I think it had a pretty profound effect on DS - he just had some reinforcement that life is fragile! He is a firefighter/paramedic so should know, but is millennial enough to feel somewhat invincible. DDIL lost a pole and ski, and her phone, but DS went back up the next day with a metal detector and found all three things! We are grateful that they got out pretty unscathed.

    Tonight we had a pork roast, creamed kale, and black-eyed peas. I have actually never had black-eyed peas, but I decided since we are embarking on a new chapter of life we should have as much luck as possible. I did put some hot sauce on the peas/beans, and they were yummy! I would totally eat them again. Very interesting to know the history behind them. I have half of a pumpkin roll that we had for dessert last night, so we will have some later. We had chili and cornbread last night - DH did flags again, but thankfully the weather was warmer and not windy, but the Bucs lost to the Saints. DD and beau came over and we watched Oppenheimer, then watched the ball drop and toasted with some moscato d'asti. DD is a fan of sweeter sparkling wine, so we will save the Moet sent for our 40th anniversary a couple of weeks ago by our best man. for another occasion.

    minus - I went to the See's pop up store and overbought. I had a big bag of chocolate, I was slightly giddy, haha! I specifically bought a box of toffee since you are a fan - I need to try it! My mom gifted toffee to the fire station by her house in L.A., they had to scoop her up on numerous occasions and she wanted them to know she appreciated the help!

    aussie - sorry to hear you have begun palliative care but also hoping it brings you comfort. Sending you good wishes.

    Wishing everyone here a New Year filled with love!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Last night at Regalia the five of us shared the bone marrow appetizer special & Mediterranean salad. Bob had the halibut & shrimp risotto special, and I had the double-cut lamb chops. (Left the roasted potatoes because I knew Bob would eat them tonight). My BFFs & I shared almond semifreddo chocolate flambee, and the others had mango martinis & espresso. At home, we nibbled on caviar & blini, chips & Green Goddess dip till champagne at midnight—then we opened a Collin St. Bakery fruitcake from TX.

    Bob had to work all day. I had oatmeal (fake maple/fake brown sugar) for breakfast, half a tuna sandwich on wholegrain bread with lettuce, tomato & onion for lunch and then a handful of pistachios in the shell. Bob had a big Wendy's breakfast, large soup & salad for lunch at Little Co. of Mary Hospital and raisin bran at Christ Hospital for supper. I reheated my lamb and gave him 1/3 of it, all the potatoes, and half the broccolini I sauteed. Dessert was fruitcake crumbs (that's a plus with Collin St's fruitcake—even the crumbs, when smushed together, are like a small slice). Followed with a decaf cortado. Now to avoid eating anything else till tomorrow…

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730

    Thinking shake n bake pork chops, applesauce and a veggie for tonight

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Chisandy, I’ve been to the Collen st. bakery a couple of times. I’m not a fruitcake fan but their cherry icebox cookies are definitely worth the stop.

    DH is making beans and cornbread tonight, great on a chilly day.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Hi maggie15. Please, pull up a chair!

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300

    Thanks, eric95us. Tonight was leftover corned beef with colcannon for DH and a Reuben (with no bread) for me.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Maggy15 - thrilled to have you. In the beginning, most of us cooked every night. Now there are some who eat out more than cooking - but still….

    Special & Nance - so glad to hear from both of you. I did get a Christmas Card from Lacey. They are well & were busy with two sets of grandchildren.

    Wally - I took the homemade guacamole out of the freezer so I'll let you know how it worked.

    My neighbor brought me a cup of her Black Eyed Pea 'casserole'. Delicious. I made it one year and my nieces & nephews ate it till they were sick & I had no leftovers. Yesterday I cooked an Eye of the Round roast. My Dad couldn't abide even a hint of fat, so this is the only roast my Mother ever cooked for special occasions when I was growing up.

    Yesterday I made the Godiva Chocolate Pudding with Tia Maria and extra cream. No calories there….

    Still eating Royal Rivera (Comice) pears from Harry & David. Yum.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Sharon and I will walk as long as long as its not hailing (that stuff hurts). We have a 13 year old dog that goes with us. This afternoon we went 4 miles, and then tonight, on his evening potty walk, we went 2 miles.

    I will run if its not too cold outside. So far, 45F is about my lower limit as I've not figured out how to keep warm, but not too warm, in the lower temperatures. If it's below that, I go run on a treadmill at the gym.

    Tonight we ate out at an Asian restaurant. Sharon had sushi and I had Schezwan crispy chicken.

    Except for about 1/2 bowl of the pumpkin soup, all of our Christmas meal leftovers are finished. The only remaining thing to do is to process the turkey broth from the simmered carcasses. Between the 23 pound Thanksgiving turkey and the 11 pound Christmas turkey, I have almost 3 gallons of broth.

    Chi, the liver-autopsy story made me laugh. I can see where that might turn someone away from wanting to eat liver.

    Special. Tell DH to get over the crud and start enjoying retirement. As for DS and new bride…that's scary. I'm glad they stayed "afloat". It sounds like the snow was just "hanging on and waiting for someone to sneeze".

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730

    Thinking of trying my new mini-waffle maker out that I got for Christmas!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Glad for the news that Lacey is doing well. I wish she would return.

    SpecialK, so glad your son and his bride are safe after that horrifying experience.

    Minus, I had not heard of a black eyed pea casserole. Does it include rice, like hoppin John?

    Welcome, Maggie.

    We had leftover eggplant lasagna last night and it seemed to taste better than the first time around. The tossed salad with favorite ingredients was good, too.

    I used the Instant Pot (bought on Ebay) to cook the corned beef brisket and the veggies and the result was perfect. I calculated 20 minutes per pound for the brisket. Then 3 minutes for the cabbage, carrot, and onion. I skipped the potato. I went on the Instant Pot website for the cooking instructions.

    DH had me thaw out one chunk of the lamb roast. He plans to cook either lamb stew or lamb curry. Stay tuned for the next lamb story.

  • clars
    clars Member Posts: 46

    Today marked a year since my diagnosis. So we got pizza. Mine is with fennel sausage and broccoli rabe. We also got tiramisu, because I deserve it 😆

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300

    Minus, that Godiva chocolate pudding sounds delicious, much better than my Greek yogurt with cocoa and stevia.

    Tonight was chicken in a sauce made with orange juice and orange curacao, sauteed zuccchini and mashed potato. Drinking gives me migraines but cooking wine/alcohol seems to destroy whatever causes them.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133
    edited January 4

    Fourteen 3/4 pint jars of turkey broth are in the pressure canner. I have, most likely, three more batches left to do.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Wow Eric. I know you miss the extra stove but do you have an extra fridge?

    Carole - no rice in the black eyed pea casserole. I'll try to post the recipe, which has lots of ground beef. I usually make it meatless.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Mexican Black-eyed peas

    1 16 oz pkg dried black-eyed peas

    2 lbs bulk pork sausage

    1 medium onion finely chopped

    1 18 oz can whole tomatoes drained

    ½ cup water (at least 2 cups without tomatoes)

    2 Tbsp sugar

    2 1/2 tbsp chili powder (I use 1 ½ tbsp)

    2 teasp. Garlic salt

    ¼ teasp. Pepper

    2 ½ Tbsp. chopped celery

    Place sorted and washed peas in large dutch oven.

    Cover with enough water 2 inches above peas.

    Let soak overnight. Brown sausage stirring to

    Crumple. Add onion, cook until tender and drain.

    Drain peas. Stir in sausage and remaining ingredients.

    Bring to boil. Cover, reduce heat. Simmer 1 ½ hours.

    Add water if needed. Serves 10

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Last night Bob got home way too late for dinner, so I made myself something I hadn't eaten in a long time: corned beef hash, pan-fried with chopped tricolor peppers & red onion. (No fried egg topper, as I had a 2-egg French omelette for brunch). I did carb-binge again late last night, so I couldn't even look at food today till 2pm (when I made a half-panino with one slice of low-carb wholegrain bread, sliced peppers, onions, mushrooms, a little prosciutto, rosemary from the garden and an extra-thin slice of provolone). My panini press is 13 yrs old but still works, despite the locking slider knob having fallen off years ago. If it ain't (otherwise) broke…

    For late dinner (9:30) we met at Stefani Prime Italian in nearby Lincolnwood. Bob had eaten quite a bit for breakfast & lunch, and needs to turn in early tonight to be at work by 8am tomorrow, so he had 2 apps (crab-topped avocado on cucumber slices, and mussels marinara). I had the special: osso bucco with stewed carrots and risotto. I brought home 1/3 of the meat and most of the risotto for Bob. Because Bar Show rehearsals resume tomorrow night (every weeknight, plus all day this weekend, through the end of the show on the 13th) and Bob has a long schedule (the guy w/whom he trades call is on vacation in Cabo), we won't be eating many dinners together for awhile—I don't come up for air till we vacate the theater on the 14th. I see a lot of fridge-and-freezer-foraging and thrown-together salads in my immediate future. Just hope I can put the kibosh on eating late into the wee hours.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    That pizza looks yummy.

    DH cooked a delicious lamb curry last night. He even got out the spice grinder. My contribution was rice and coleslaw. The recipe for the curry is a keeper.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    I was "storing" the bones in the freezer and canning the broth so I can just put it on the shelf in the pantry.

    It takes a year to go through four dozen jars of broth (stock?).

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300

    I was inspired by those who had curry recently and cooked chicken curry this evening.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,730

    The experiment with the mini-waffle maker went well. Told hubby I was thinking of making some more waffles to freeze soon.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Last night's dinner was fried rice with leftover rice, celery, carrot and andouille sausage. Side was large romaine salad. I'm a rice fan since we eat rice in Louisiana the way midwesterners eat potatoes. I did switch from white rice to brown rice a number of years ago. I'm enjoying the little rice cooker I bought about a year ago.

    I'm thawing one half of the turducken I bought before Christmas. Even the half is much too large for two people. I saw a recipe for turducken gumbo that provided inspiration for using the leftovers. I have not cooked (or eaten) turducken before so this is an experiment.

  • clars
    clars Member Posts: 46

    Tonight I made a crispy cauliflower and broccoli bake with thyme and butter beans. I put about three times the necessary amount of bread on top but who cares 😆 Served with a green salad. Delicious!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Clars, that looks delicious! Recipe?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    mommy - that is what I do when I get the waffle maker out - I make the whole recipe and freeze what is not immediately consumed. They freeze well!

    Al the food photos look delis!

    clars - I have those same blue and white bowls! Butter beans made me laugh - my DD just got a new horse and his name is Butterbean!

    I had dinner out last night with my three adjacent neighbors at a local spot - I had chicken pot pie. I seemed to remember ordering it previously and couldn't remember what I thought about it, but it turned out to be the typical filling (plus mushrooms) in a bowl with a large free floating puff pastry square on top. I am old school with pot pie - give me a regular crust that goes edge to edge, painted with egg wash and baked. The filling tasted good, but I was disappointed. DH had to fend for himself (kind of…) by reheating enchiladas and Spanish rice. He also had the last slice of the previously frozen pumpkin roll.

    I have been eating my hoarded See's candy like it is my job. I seriously need to get an exercise routine going and stop eating delicious things that are bad for me.

    I should make chicken curry - I have a can of coconut milk loitering in the pantry…

    eric - ambitious stock making! I have a bunch of beef bones from all the standing rib roasts I have purchased while they were on sale so I should be making stock too! Am I? No! But I will…

    My resolution for the coming year - I have the same one every year - organize one thing a day. It is a doable goal, and it can be your sock drawer - that counts! I am adding that I need to wrap Christmas gifts as I buy them instead of waiting until I have them all and then doing a wrapping marathon. I tend to be cranky when I am done and that isn't good for my holiday spirit, lol! I am good with the ones I need to mail out but then something goes askew. I also need to do cards earlier. I still haven't done them, haha! I am now moving out of Christmas card and into NY card. I just got one from a friend, so I am going to copy her - I usually have almost nothing new to report, but this year I do - DS got married and DH retired! Big stuff! The good thing is that I can reply specifically to news from people I received cards from.