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So...whats for dinner?



  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300

    AI for cooking appliances is mind blowing.

    Carole, the thrifty cuts of meat have disappeared since part of animal breeding focuses on conformational change to maximize butchering profits. Good for the farmers but not for the consumers.

    Special, the sheet pan dinner sounds delicious with the bonus of easy cleanup.

    Tonight’s dinner was chicken almondine, sautéed zucchini and mashed potato.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    DH made enchiladas (beef & cheese) with a side of beans, it was very tasty.

    Maybe chicken tomorrow, if I remember to thaw it.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Maggie, interesting insight into meat cuts available in the supermarket.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Hopefully the cooking "AI" is more capable than the one apparently used by the company that bought our previous house. The company that bought our previous house lost almost 1 billion dollars in 3 months. We laughed all the way to the bank.

    I'm going to go out on a limb and state that AI results will be considered "the gold standard", even when the AI results obviously belong in a cesspool.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Supposed to have been 40 degrees today. Started out at 28 and it's gone down to 26 with light rain/mist that is freezing as soon as it hits. UGH. This is not the same Houston I moved to 50 years ago. I'm going to my recliner with a quilt & a book for awhile. Then I'll make chicken fried rice on my gas stove. Using brown rice w/quinoa as my base.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300

    Tonight I made meatloaf cockaigne from The Joy of Cooking using ground chicken. I baked it in the oven even though I sometimes make skillet meatloaf.

    Eric, I hope the move goes well.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    I discovered chicken legs in the outside refrigerator freezer when I was intending to get out some chicken breasts. I made Blah Chicken (my term) with canned cream of chicken soup and green peas. Cooked in the oven. Side was cauliflower mash. The combination tasted pretty good.

    On Sunday night we had giant wieners from Sam's Club, the same ones they serve in their cafe area, with sauerkraut and sliced potatoes. All three ingredients in a baked dish. The sauerkraut caused dh a bout of upset stomach during the night. Hence, the Blah Chicken instead of the Mexican meal I had intended.

    Tonight may be pork chops and Spanish/Mexican rice, another oven dish. It's definitely oven weather. We're running a trickle of water in the kitchen sink since the temperature outside is 21 degrees. It's sunny so the temperature should be rising. Schools are closed, there are many interstate and other highway closures, reported accidents. A good day to stay home.

    Hope everyone is warm and safe this morning.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Finally coming up for air—forgive me if I don't respond to every individual post, just that I'm "in your pocket" for anyone needing procedures or surgeries.

    All the way up to 6 above zero right now. (Been as low as -14, with -37 wind chills). We got mostly rain here by the lakefront, but the rest of the city got slammed with snow. Made sure today the car started (hadn't driven since Sat. night). Trickling all faucets, keeping toilet lids open and flushing every couple of hrs to keep toilet pipes & waste stacks from freezing, per my plumber (had very slow flushes yesterday, so I emergency-texted him). Back is not "playing nice;" going through Voltaren & arnica gels, lidocaine roll-ons, patches.

    Show went well—both evening performances were sellouts despite the weather. Parking was convenient. I didn't mess up. But the costume changes in a short time were a bear.

    My friend is being periodically "trial-weaned" off the vent—in & out of consciousness, regained enough function on R side to respond by squeezing nurse's hand & nodding. (Hoping she can do so to make the ultimate decisions). Driving down w/Bob tomorrow to see her & speak to hospice team should I go that route—I'd have to physically sign the order. If they extubate her and she can't breathe on her own, that's it, and someone needs to be there with her. If she stays intubated, she is high-risk for pneumonia and aspiration.

    Eating a lot of leftovers—Bob has been bringing meals home too.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Tomato soup & grilled cheese for dinner. Woke up to 18 degrees. It finally got to 30 degrees about 2pm for an hour. Expecting 20 or lower again tonight. This is simply NOT Houston weather.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Minus, we were expecting 6 degrees here and it was in town but there must’ve been a cloud layer or something because it only got into the 30’s on the mountain.

    Tonight was spinach and ricotta ravioli with Roa’s and a side salad with balsamic vinaigrette. So yummy.

    Chicken tomorrow.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300

    The dripping tap! When I lived in AL everyone claimed it never got cold enough for the pipes to freeze. It happened at least half a dozen times every winter.

    Carole, I like the "Blah" chicken. My daughter's favorite dish to this day is the emergency stirred fried veggies, cooked chicken pieces and rice bound together with condensed cream of chicken soup.

    Sandy, Glad your show went well. It's tough to be a health care proxy when things go seriously wrong.

    Tonight's dinner was a Turkish ground lamb meatball in chopped tomato/onion sauce recipe with rice.

    It snowed all day here. At least the pipes are well insulated. Stay warm, everyone!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    The dripping tap didn't do the job. We think the water pump is probably frozen despite dh's effort to prevent that from happening. The temperature is in the teens, but the sun is shining and it will warm up. With luck the pump is just taking a break and will kick on when it thaws. This is not the first time.

    I used the new saute pan last night to cook the pork chop and Mexican brown rice casserole. It was the perfect size and is oven safe. The rice took 1 1/2 hours to get tender but time wasn't an issue. I love oven cooking.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300

    Carole, I hope your water pump has thawed. In Arkansas we sometimes had that problem. We would borrow a chicken house hot air blower to get ours going again.

    Tonight’s dinner was Chicken Veronique with red grapes instead of the usual white (since that was what I had.).

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Our well froze just once, when it was minus 4 degrees. It thawed out about 10 minutes after the sun began shining on the well casing. I do have an insulated cover I can put over the well if it's going to be really cold, but I don't like to use it unless it's needed. A neighbor left their cover on, and mice got in there and chewed the wires going to the pump.

    The last couple of dinners was KFC because we didn't get time to eat until around 8pm. Two days ago we were moving the bulk of MIL's stuff to the new assisted living place. Yesterday we moved her, and the last of her stuff. MIL is tired, but seems to like the new place.

    Dinner tonight was spaghetti and homemade sauce.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Good morning all.

    Nothing exciting for me to report, but after Eric's post, I saw this on FB and thought I would share.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    All is well. The pump kicked on about half an hour after I posted. Another hard freeze is forecast for the weekend. We don't have to run the dribble of water until the temperature dips down into the 20's and teens.

    Last night's linguine with sliced yellow squash, zucchini, and Italian sausage was much to my liking. I flavored the olive oil with garlic before browning the veggies and cooking the whole sausages. Grated Romano was the cheese, my favorite. It costs a small fortune but is available at Rouses, which does its own packaging.

    DH had a bathroom episode at bed time. I don't know what is going on since the pork chop and rice dinner didn't bother his stomach. His sister had serious digestive issues and so did his mother. Yikes. I'm at a loss when trying to think "bland" for dinner meals. Mashed potatoes, grits, chicken soup. ??

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133
    edited January 18

    At least with our water well system, with a slight stream of water running in the kitchen sink, the pump will come on for about 1 minute every 45 minutes. I don't know if that will be often enough to keep things from freezing.

    That made me laugh, Goldie. It sure seems that way on some days. BTW, it's good to "see" you. Are you in NE Arizona, or ???

    Carole, I hope DH can quickly get things back to normal.

    When anyone in the family got sick (and had digestive issues), my mom would cook more or less normal foods but she'd limit raw foods, salt, fat and spices. She would say "limit", not "eliminate"…except for foods with lots of tiny seeds, like strawberries…for those she would be "NO!".

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Eric, I'm still up here in the White Mountains.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300

    Eric, I'm glad you got your MIL moved and she is happier with her new place.

    Goldie, Great cartoon! I'm going to have to replace some of the items on my bucket list with KFC.

    Carole, Glad your pump is working. Cooking for individual dietary needs is a bit of a challenge but doable. You can change the recipe (corn replaces beans in my chili,) add the spices toward the end after taking out a serving, split the dish into two pans while cooking (DH has his mustard broccoli chicken sans broccoli,) or replace ingredients (I used alternative milks for my son's allergy to the milk protein casein.) I always cook the potatoes, pasta or rice separately since I have a strict limit on carbs. I can buy breakfast, sweet Italian and chorizo sausage without nitrates for DH but sadly not andouille.

    Tonight I tried an oven baked chicken Reuben recipe with sauerkraut, Russian dressing and Swiss cheese. DH got his on toasted rye. Different from corned beef but good.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Maggie, some good tips. Thank you.

    Last night's dinner was seared, lightly blackened, catfish fillets and roasted potatoes cut into chunks. Very tasty and no digestive issues. DH's tartar sauce was particularly good.

    Tonight we're picking up shrimp poboys at Pontchartrain Poboys and going to the home of friends for a Friday night dinner. They're our travel friends. We made a big trip to Australia and New Zealand with them and another trip to Ireland and Scotland last September. In 2025 the four of us are booked for a Viking cruise.

    It's 43 degrees and sunny this morning. Then back to freezing this weekend. DH is planning to make a lentil soup that includes leeks, carrot, and celery.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Boy, I've missed a lot here…dealing with the ugly neighbors. I hope won't need an attorney and have to file charges on them…ugh…people in their late 70s should NOT be acting like children anymore!!

    We had a huge copper river salmon so had that broiled, for 3 days. I'll be making lamb chops for tonight.

    Carole, so sorry on your DH's GI issues. My sis has horrific IBS, so I feel for him.

    Maggie, I'd love the recipe for your skillet meatloaf.

    Stay warm and safe everyone. Our winter seems like it is over. We had a bit more snow and cold, but the rains and 50 degrees has started.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    My friend passed away yesterday. We went down to the hospital Wednesday, signed the hospice contract and waited till after the vent was removed, then about an hour before we said goodbye. She was still breathing on her own and snoring peacefully when we left. Yesterday early afternoon she began the dying process—breathing labored and slower, O2 sats down into the 70s, showing signs of distress. The pain meds to ease that may have helped her over the line, at which time they put a magnet over her pacemaker. Her best longtime friend met with the funeral home and probate attorney today. There will be no funeral or wake—per her wishes, her urn will be placed in her beloved Dodge Super Bee.

    Not very hungry at mealtimes—the night-eating monster has been taking over with a vengeance. Just started Zepbound today, and wondering what the SEs will be and when they'll kick in.

    Winter is back with a vengeance—3" of snow overnight, more on the way plus going back down into the deep freeze for the weekend. Then freezing rain Mon. & Tues.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300

    Wallycat, Here is a link to a recipe DH likes. You can use pretty much any meatloaf recipe and this method.

    It’s too bad that you have to waste your energy on obnoxious neighbors.

    Sandy, I'm sorry about your friend. She was fortunate to have you there at the end. Hopefully there will be no Zepbound SEs

    Carole, Shrimp poboys are the best reason I can think of to fly to NOLA. Chantilly cake, too.

    Tonight's dinner is chicken in a vermouth sauce. Vermouth and limoncello was my favorite drink until migraines turned me into a teetotaler.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Tonight's dinner was a ground sirloin patty with my favorite Carrots - cut diagonally very small - saute onions & garlic, add the carrots & toss, 2 T honey, 1/4 cup beef broth and dill & rosemary, cover & simmer. I like my veggies soft so cook for 20+ minutes. Perfect on a cold night.

    Wally - sorry to hear about your neighbors. I've lived next to the same guy for 40+ years and he decided in the last year that he hates me. I have no idea why and he won't talk about it. Extremely uncomfortable.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    It's so cold out tonight that we can't even open our unlocked back door! Think I'll bring a hairdryer downstairs to thaw it out. Have to go out to lunch tomorrow (there will be a load of leftovers) and then to Men's Wearhouse so Bob can buy a suit that fits him (I worry they might have to send him down the block to the Big & Tall shop) for the upcoming Crystal Heart Ball—a hospital black-tie-gala-from-hell. (No tux necessary, just a black suit will do). If my outfit from Gordy's wedding in 2022 is too tight, there's always the formal wear from before my weight loss—it was so long ago that nobody will remember having seen me in it. Shoes will be problematic, what with my demon L foot (and likely brutal Feb. cold temps, maybe snow).

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Maggie, thanks for the link.

    Sandy, so very sorry about your friend. It sounds like it was peaceful.

    I've been forced to contact the sheriff and ask for an anti-harassment order. The laser lights he keeps shining in my window as retaliation is getting old and scary. Hope he doesn't go off the deep end when they notify him. I was asked to take pictures of his huge dogs, off leash, so that is why he's angry…that he has to follow the HOA rules. OY!

    We had lamb chops, sweet potato and broccoli. Leftovers tonight.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    Dinner has been elusive - the newly retired DH has been less hungry, and/or has eaten a late lunch and has not wanted dinner. I thought he would still get up early since it is so ingrained, but he is sleeping in and eating breakfast late - or not at all - and eating lunch late. Last night was zero dinner, although I did have a little roast beef sandwich on an onion roll at about midnight. We had Shake Shack burgers for lunch about 1pm on the way back from the base. I thought we should check out what grocery shopping is like at the commissary since we now need to be a bit more careful about spending. I always shopped there in previous military assignments because we lived close, but from our house here it is a minimum 45 minute drive. That said, totally worth it! We stocked up on cuts of meat and pantry staples - brought a cooler in the back seat with ice packs for the trip home. Very excited about finding Fritos Scoops jalapeno flavored, Caulipower pasta, and a specific upholstery cleaner that I had already ordered from Amazon but which seems to be lost in the mail somewhere.

    Tonight I am making beef stew - a fave in this house, and yummy for the chilly (for FL!) temps. We did pick up a package of the brown bread as well.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Wally, that's a scary situation with your neighbor. Hoping he doesn't have an arsenal of guns in his house. That would be my worry down here.

    I made a loaf of whole grain bread this morning with Einkorn flour. It will go well with the lintel/veggie soup dh is making for dinner.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,896

    Soup night here as well. In our case - potato corn chowder. A small bake-it-yourself baguette will accompany it. The temperature here is currently 9°. Tomorrow starts a warm up thankfully. At least the sun is shining, although that will end tomorrow too with a string of rainy cloudy days to follow.

    i hope everyone's pipes are coping. I'm thankful we replaced our furnace last year.

    It seems like we have always had one neighbor who's an asshole. This is the first neighborhood where all of my immediate neighbors are friendly and nice and rarely do stupid neighbor things (that we know of). Maybe because we're all geezers lol. We had a previous neighbor at our old house who, among other things, liked to get drunk and shoot fireworks off toward our house, landing on our roof. Don't miss him. Good luck with yours Wally

    Sandy, I'm sorry about your friend. Good luck with the Zepbound

    Eric - glad your MIL's move went smoothly. It'll be less stressful for all of you.

    Stay warm my friends

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300

    Tonight I cooked a petite sirloin roast with sautéed baby potatoes and Brussels sprouts sautéed with dried apricots. It was not the stew I had planned to combat the cold but it was marked down so much I couldn’t pass up the bargain. At least the oven helped warm up the kitchen.