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So...whats for dinner?



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,635

    Maggie, the potato portion is just the way it came. I had an Omaha Steaks gift card, so I ordered those with the box of meat. It was ok but the filet was very good.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,171

    Well - I went out to water the hanging baskets & potted plants and…..saw some weeds that I needed to pull and…. Where does the time go? So I didn't cook Lacey's cod and the rosemary carrots. Instead I had leftover Costco quiche. Not horrible, but not great the first time. I remember them being much better. Edible, but that's all.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,403

    Costco chicken and insalata Caprese tonight.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,958

    Ribeye cooked on the grill, steamed broccoli with butter and lemon juice, and a tossed salad. Everything good.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,321

    Still eating the goat leg …it is incredibly delicious.

    I'm having lab-xiety. I'm going in for my labs on Monday (figured I'd do it before my birthday)…the SPEP results for my MGUS take over a week because they have to send them to Seattle. DREAD.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,958

    Hoping your dread is all for naught, Wally.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,635

    Tonight was a favorite of mine, French bread pizza and salad.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,026

    Wally, I would be eating chocolate but you should be sipping your favorite liqueurs and trying anything you have been eyeing until you get your results. I hope they will be good.

    Minus, I'm amazed at how weeds you notice incidentally can disrupt all your plans including dinner.

    Dinner tonight was chicken Alfredo.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,403

    The kids got me some chocolate truffles inside a pink "summer chocolate" shoe for Mother's Day. Didn't have the heart to tell them I can't eat them (especially because my DIL doesn't know I'm on a GLP-1). I might take a nibble tonight so I don't have to lie at brunch tomorrow.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,171

    Wally - in your pocket for the lab results. Please let us know.
    Mae - french bread or naan pizza is one of my favorites.

    Carole - do I remember correctly - you leave for the 'North Country' on the 19th?

    Eric - are you rambling? I believe you had a trip planned to see DD but can't remember when?

    Maggie - so glad you joined us!!!!!!

    I never got around to eating today - and since it's 10pm here, it's too late to bother. Likely the Tuaca I'm sipping as I write will go straight to my head. I did defrost the cod last night so will have to cook that tomorrow.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 887

    Suddenly I can't post pictures...Above is the pizza we made the other night. Perhaps you all can see it?

    Tonight was grilled red snapper which was delicious. 👍

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,026

    Reader, The pizza looks delicious! I hardly ever make or order pizza (a side effect of many years coaching swim teams where every meet or gathering involved pizza) but I did buy a jar of Rao’s margherita pizza sauce to try. Yours reminds me that fresh is so much better than what the 6 - 22 year olds happily eat.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,171

    Reader - I'm on a desktop and can't see the picture. But it sure sounds good.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,958

    I used the last pork tenderloin last night. Made the usual—pork piccata and it was as good as usual. The side was fried rice with diced carrot and celery and cooked brown rice.

    Today I'll be buying Popeye's chicken for 14 people, including two children. We'll take the chicken to my sister Michelle's house and have a get together with her adult children and their children. One great niece, aged nineteen, is pregnant so that's a little awkward. The father will be present.

    We treat ourselves to Popeye's about once a year.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,403

    Had a protein shake and 2 hardboiled eggs for lunch. Bob had a big lunch and so I just made some Dreamfields spaghetti with Carbone marinara and grated parmesan. Today we went to Uvae Wine Bar & Kitchen for brunch buffet—had avocado toast, charcuterie & cheeses, oysters, tomato/peach/burrata salad, bacon-wrapped dates, grilled ham & berries.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,635

    Leftover bbq chicken, ribs and pasta salad that DH took to hang with the guys.

    Tomorrow will be burgers and potato wedges.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,026

    Carole, I hadn't had Popeye's for many years since moving north but last fall it turned out to be the food option at a rest stop on the Maine Tpk. It's not the healthiest but it does taste good.

    Sandy, You seem to have hit upon a successful method for eating a variety of delicious foods, kind of like a personal tapas system.

    Dinner tonight was Italian sausage / beef meatballs in Rao’s.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,171

    Well I did make Lacey' cod with sauteed onions, mushrooms & leftover sauteed asparagus simmered in Rao's and served over Orzo. Delicious. I sent her an email and hope to hear they are OK.

    Maggie - looks like it was Rao's all around.

    Carole - hope your family gathering was good. I'm sure it was hard without your Mom.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,171

    Special? Nance? Thinking of you both.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,321

    Scrambled eggs with pork n beans and leftover veggies.

    Labs are trickling in. HATE the stress of waiting.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,026

    Dinner tonight was baked haddock (takeout from hospital.) It was quite good.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,171

    Wally - fingers crossed for good results. Please do let us know.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,958

    We had a late lunch at 2 pm. DH brought home a huge poboy from Jersey Mike's. It was delicious. Turkey and provolone. We each had a portion of our half left over and we finished it for dinner. I had mentioned making each of us a salad but we weren't hungry.

    This Jersey Mike's is fairly new and I had been wanting to try it. Turkey is my least favorite deli sandwich meat but I would definitely buy the same sliced turkey. And the bread was good.

    We had some heavy rain last night but no dangerous storms, I'm happy to report. Apparently the wind in the system lessened.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,026

    Wally, I hope that the slowly trickling labs are good. Information bit by bit is so stressful.

    Carole, The quality of bread really does affect the taste of a sub.

    This morning I had breakfast outside in 50* weather across from a noisy construction site with my sister from SF. She had come east due to an emergency in her partner's family so there was no sourdough bread from Boudin's. The food turned cold fast but it was wonderful to see her. Of course, it was 78* when I was leaving Boston in the late afternoon.

    Dinner tonight was chicken cacciatore.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,084

    We are in Ohio, visiting Sharon's cousin & helping her (cousin) with a few "fix before house sale" issues. This weekend I'm going to a ham radio gathering and next we'll visit our daughter in Ferndale, MI.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,171

    Eric - we know you were "on the road", but good to hear from you.

    Here's a book made for this thread: "The Everlasting Meal Cookbook - Leftovers A-Z". Professional chef Adler reminds us to be mindful of food waste. "As someone who develops & tests recipes for a living, my fridge is a constant treasure trove of leftovers,"…. "While I've tried to be judicious about incorporating these bits & bobs of my cooking, it can be challenging to feel excited while doing it." Example: What to do with that almost empty peanut butter jar? Add hot water, garlic, fish sauce, lime juice, sugar, salt & chilies - then shake. Coat the sauce on noodles & vegetables.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,551

    Rainy, chilly day here, so hubby said today would be a good day for chili!

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,321
    edited May 15

    Still no SPEP info…

    Made palak paneer last night and we'll have leftovers tonight.

    Tomorrow is my b-day and I may go out for wings.

    Editing to update that my SPEP came in…mostly stable…important M spike, no change. We'll see if the doc agrees, LOL. I see her at the end of the month.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,026

    Eric, I hope you and Sharon have a good trip and visit with your daughter. Have some delicious meals along the way, too.

    Minus, That sounds like a very interesting cook book. I have never done more than scrape the jar as clean as possible or add a bit of water to a sauce jar to use what is clinging to the glass.

    m0mmy, Chilly days are great for chili! When I make it I have to replace the beans with corn kernels. It still tastes good and warms you up.

    Happy Birthday Wally! You should go out for whatever you would like. It’s great that your SPEP results seem pretty stable.

    Dinner tonight was creamy lemon dill chicken.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,403

    Happy birthday, Wally!

    Tues. night I defrosted monkfish and decided to braise it with Cubanelle pepper strips, cherry tomatoes, assorted olives, herbes de Provence, mixed wild mushrooms, EVOO, juice of 1/2 a lemon & pinot grigio. Came out pretty well—I reduced the liquids (including the insides of the tomatoes) and poured it over the fish as a pan sauce. Accompanied it with grilled asparagus.

    Brunch today was a fried egg and the remaining 1/4 of last night's 42gm FairLife chocolate protein shake. Went out to a relatively new neighborhood place, All Meal Prep—it had been a ghost kitchen for healthy home delivery services but the owners decided to make it a sit-down restaurant. Upscale food at reasonable prices, and hours like a diner—early morning through 9pm. Portions were generous (and my capacity has shrunk quite a bit), so we shared everything: house salad (spinach, strawberries & blueberries in balsamic vinaigrette), sauteed shrimp "cocktail," and an 8 oz center cut filet with roasted potatoes, sauteed onions & 'shrooms, and steamed broccoli. All the apps & entrees come garnished with mesclun greens. And they have a parking lot—a welcome amenity for a place that's a bit too far to walk, on a street where there's only metered parking.