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So...whats for dinner?



  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,383

    Sandy, how are the kitties adjusting to all of this upheaval? Thinking about your furry friends.

    Tonight will be copper river, again. LOVE this stuff and Costco had it for 12.99/pound. Froze some. If my freezers weren't so full, I'd have bought up a lot more. I saw that they also had black cod, so that may be the next purchase. I was shocked…5.99/pound if I filet it myself, otherwise 9.99/pound. Used to be closer to 20 bucks a pound when we first moved out here.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088

    I have lovely beet greens from two purchases of fresh beets. The farmer lady assured me they are as good as spinach for sauteing so I'll test out that statement tonight. I also have canned cannellini beans and Italian sausages so I'm thinking beans and greens, strictly experimental. As a backup for dh, there is leftover pot roast in the refrigerator.

    Something weird is going on with avocados being very slow to ripen here. Normally I buy hard avocados and they're ripe in two or three days. I just put three (that have been sitting there on the counter like rocks for days) in a paper bag.

    Today started out in the high 40's (I can sense your envy, Wally!) and has warmed up to 70. And it isn't windy. A perfect spring day.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,383

    Carole, the 'cados here are ripening OK. That is interesting and wonder if they were picked way too early or who knows. Indeed, I would love that weather. We have also been in the 40s overnight and today, a high of 63. Perfection. This is my perfect summer weather…if the days could just be shorter. Out here, there is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much daylight.

    I love your idea on the beet greens with beans and sausages. YUM. I've made a "spoon bread" of sorts with polenta, greens and cheese…the sausage would be a bonus!!

    The copper river was amazing…no news there.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,247

    Carole, It must be a bit of an adjustment going from a full kitchen to relying so much on a grill. Avocados are sometimes picked way too early when they are shipped long distances.

    m0mmy, Congratulations on your 20th anniversary. Dining out or a nice meal at home are equally good ways to celebrate IMO.

    Sandy, At least the suites hotel has a larger fridge so you can save leftovers for another meal. Also, it sounds like it is in a convenient location. It will be much more comfortable in the rental house.

    Wally, Good deals on the fish. Sometimes it's hard to figure out what drives the price.

    Dinner tonight was chicken with spinach, mushrooms and sun dried tomatoes in cream sauce over pasta.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,272

    Eric - sure wish I'd managed to snag my Mother's meat grinder - circa 1940 that you clamp on to the cupboard.

    Had the first of the experimental meals with the pork loin that was too well done. No Hoisin sauce yet, so I cut some of the pork in tiny slivers & soaked in a combination of Sauvignon Blanc wine mixed with Gochujang sauce. Sauteed a bunch of extra celery and heated the above before tossing with left over fried rice. Decent meal.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,697

    Thanks Carole! It only seems like yesterday we got married!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088

    The beans and greens turned out to be very tasty. I sauteed the sliced greens in olive oil with fresh garlic and pepper flakes. Pushed them to one side and browned the two Italian sausages in the casing. Added the drained cannellini beans, covered and simmered. We had Louisiana hot sauce and hot pepper vinegar (sliced jalapenos) as condiments. The beets greens are bitter but the bitterness goes well with the creamy white beans.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    They're bored, mischievous (bit through the kibble bag, making even more work for me) but hyper-affectionate. They love their scratchers and the spinning-mouse toy. They demand wet food every 4-5 hours and I have to scoop litter clumps several times a day (at home, just once at bedtime was enough). We will have to trick them into their carriers while they nap on Wed. We called a moving-guy recommended by neighbors, but had to leave a message. Insurance authorized us to hold over at the Homewood Suites till 6/24 so the 6/23 move-into the new house will be a tad less rushed. We will talk to the front desk here at the Hol. Exp. in Niles about our paying out of pocket for an extra couple of days just in case we can't get help moving out completely on 6/12. (Has to be 2 days: we have home inspection with the adjuster on the morning of 6/13, and Bob can't help me with that because he utterly refuses to take time off work except for his regularly scheduled day off; Gordy can't drive even if he's off).

    Late dinner at Cooper's Hawk Winery—Caprese flatbread and small Caesar. Had only 1/3 of each—big portions.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,247

    Minus, That leftover pork recipe sounds good.

    Dinner tonight was chicken meatloaf. We’ll be up before dawn tomorrow for DH’s second cataract surgery.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,119

    My nose is running so much that I'm worried about getting dehydrated. Well, maybe not that much…just a very annoying amount. I guess it could be worse. I did get out and add some bracing to the garden fence corner posts, so it's not been a totally lost day.

    The plants are in pots and "hardening" outside for when I get the garden fence finished to (hopefully) keep all the critters away from the salad bar. Frankie chased off a couple of jackrabbits that were trying to figure out a way to get atop the table outside on the patio….good dog! :-)

    I can't wait until the bell peppers start producing. The store gets $1.49 for each pepper and the quality isn't that good.

    Carole, I'm (well, maybe Sharon right now) going to give the greens, garlic, sausage recipe a try. We have spinach and tepary beans, so those will be likely substitutes.

    I'm not surprised about the kittys being a bit "out of sorts"….and you two too.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088

    Last night was leftover pot roast and veggies and a tossed salad with a barely ripe avocado.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Chili's—small sirloin with asparagus & broccoli.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,383

    I think I will make a frittata for tonight.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,697

    Anniversary dinner was grinders from our favorite Italian deli run by a friend. We also got little tiramisu squares for dessert.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,383

    Happy anniversary, Mommyof3. LOVE tiramisu. I've never been to Italy to have the authentic stuff. The closest "amazing" one was in Beijing, of all places. Go figure. Hope you have many, many more wonderful years to celebrate together!

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,247

    Eric, I hope your cold clears up soon.

    Carole, I read something today about ripening avocados. It suggested adding flour or rice to the paper bag, putting the avocado somewhere warm, or putting it in a bowl of fruit with apples and bananas. I’m not sure how all that would work but there seem to be many very unripe avocados out there.

    Wally, I love frittatas since you can add so many different ingredients and eat them hot or cold for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I often ate a cold frittata slice in the car on my way to work.

    Sandy, I hope your move to the new hotel went smoothly.

    m0mmy, Tiramisu is a great anniversary treat. I made it more often when we lived inn the UK since ladyfingers were readily available.

    Dinner tonight was blueberries in Greek yogurt for me and an omelette for DH. I guess this is a consequence of eating meatloaf sandwiches at 7:30 AM post cataract surgery.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,697

    Thanks guys! Hubby and I really appreciate it!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    We're in the Homewood Suites downtown, which is an improvement over the HE Express in Niles. Cats have more opportunities to explore and room to chase each other. Have had, though—and am repeatedly having—some more, uh, "adventures," which I will explain on the "Older Women" thread.

    Dinner last night at Joe's Seafood & Steak (down the block) was seared soft-shell crabs and blistered green beans.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,697

    I’ve been traveling and will again soon, so not much cooking until late next week. I did have some great tacos and a burger recently though. Reading along and getting inspiration.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,119

    Happy anniversary m0mmy…..

    Chi…I went over to the other thread and read… That is starting to approach <bad words> territory. 11 floors and, chances are, the stairwells are not air conditioned…uggh.

    I think I'm to the point where I'm hoping I'll live. I'm working on resetting an entry door that was difficult enough to open that we were avoiding using it. It's not physically taxing work, and it's mostly inside, so I'm not "suffering" too much. :-)

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,697

    more than likely it will be hot dogs on the grill

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,885

    Greetings all - apologies for being so awol. I haven't had much to offer in the way of meals so I've enjoyed reading about all of yours. The knee has totally passed its expiration date and is due for replacement in two weeks which is causing me a great deal of anxiety. It has to be done though as at present it feels like a knife is lodged in it. Between the knee and the back I can't stand for longer than 15 minutes making meal prep difficult. To complicate matters DH is dealing with too high levels of potassium and is restricted from a lot of things that typically make up our meals (I'm looking at you potatoes). No tomatoes either - another biggie Raos!). He's also taking medication so we'll find out soon if we have to make these modifications permanent.

    The best thing I've made recently was oven barbecued pork steak. I've decided that I like it that way much better than grilled. Very tender.
    We're having a heat wave so there won't be any ovens turned on for a while except for the toaster oven/air fryer which I may take to the covered porch where the grill resides.

    Oh Sandy- what a calamity! I hope you're coping ok. Your meals sound wonderful though. Best wishes on surviving this transition and upheaval of your lives.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Nancy, hope your TKR goes smoothly and your rehab is quick and not onerous. You will eventually wonder why you waited this long—the only time I remember my knees are "bionic" is when I set off metal detectors.

    They finally fixed the elevators (whew!) but basically nowhere to go now. Adjuster walk-through has been completed and I will get a report back. Decided not to walk over to Nordstrom, as I checked their website and the only shirts they have in Bob's size are extremely pricy , lack pockets, and are in the same colors he has that still fit him. Severe thunderstorm watch has become a warning, but I will pick Bob up whether or not we chance the drive down to Beverly—I can't make him take the "L" home in a storm (the Pink Line part of the ride near his office is elevated, then transfer to Red Line subway; and this particular station near our hotel has flooded twice in three years).

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,247

    Sandy, To quote the old U-Haul slogan emblazoned on the vans you are certainly having an "Adventure in Moving."

    Illimae, Enjoy your travels and any good food along the way.

    Nance, Sorry that you have to undergo knee replacement surgery; hopefully that will help your back, too. It's really hard to cook without forbidden foods until you can find substitutes and different recipes. Every once in a while DH will complain and I have to remind him that all the restrictions (except wine and alcohol which neither of us can have now) are his.

    Dinner tonight was oven baked fish ‘n chips using haddock.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088

    Nance, good to have you chime in. Sorry you're in so much pain. In your situation I might decide cooking is overrated and eat take out and sandwiches. I could easily live on sandwiches.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,383

    Nance, so sorry on the pain and the upcoming procedure—sending good thoughts. Sandy, I feel the frustration and angst in your posts and moving = horror to me, never mind anything you've lost. I'm glad the kitties are adjusting to the upheaval.

    I'm making chicken thighs on a bed of brown rice. Green veg TBD. It has been in the high 50s so turning on the oven will be good. 40s at night. All of that will change next week but …I think it may only get to 68 in Seattle on the Tuesday we have to be there.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,272

    Nance - thanks for posting. We'll keep you in our thoughts for your knee surgery - the end of the month? And hope that might help the back pain as it changes how you stand and walk.

    Eric - glad you've improved enough to decide on living.

    Mae - we do miss you. Hope all is well & you'll be back in the "beach house" soon.

    Thinking about everyone in Florida. I think SpecialK is still on her CA trip & hope her house is OK.

    Second meal with the well done, dry pork - Used the rest of the slivers soaked in white wine and Gochujang sauce. Simmered with heavy cream and poured over pasta.

    Last night was Luke's wild caught frozen lobster meat dipped in melted butter. It was only passable - certainly not great. I remember paying an arm & a leg at Whole Foods as a trial. I'll go back to watching when lobster tails go on sale two for $12.00 at HEB or Kroger.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,272

    Neglected to mention that I worked weeding flower beds & digging individual ugly weeds from the lawn from 9am to noon in the full sun when the temperature hit 96 (under the patio cover). It's down to 95 and I'm hoping it will cool a bit more so I can weed more before I shower & start a wash. At least there will be some shady areas this afternoon. So it's likely there will be NO dinner tonight. Or maybe cottage cheese & canned peaches.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 15

    So the storms didn't materialize. Hairy traffic from the hotel to Union Health—took Bob's car and picked him up. But my phone's not Bluetoothed to his CarPlay, and he doesn't have a holder to make the screen visible (it just sits on the Qi pad facing away from me). Apple Maps populates to my watch, which gives me auditory & tactile cues as to when & where to turn—but it didn't know about temporary road closures (and w/o my nav screen I was flying blind). But the drive down to Beverly was pleasant albeit slow (trains, trucks, detour for street fiesta). Hors d'oeuvres were the usual: coconut shrimp, sesame chicken fingers, Swedish meatballs, crab rangoon. Passable salad. Surf & turf of petite filet mignon & tiny piece of Atlantic salmon—both perfectly cooked mid-rare—plus grilled asparagus & duchess potatoes (basically, just whipped spuds piped into a spiral and gratineed). Dessert was strawberry cheesecake. I spurned the spuds & dessert, and took home half my steak.

    We're meeting Gordy & Leslie tonight for a late light nosh at Eataly (they're coming from seeing the local breakout band "Friko" at Taste of Randolph street festival). May let myself have a little pasta, suppli/arancini or Neapolitan pizza—or we might split a large antipasto plate. Bought a tiny Nespresso Essenza Mini and Peet's capsules from Target for the room (and then take to the new house), but need to find cups small enough to fit under the spout (Target didn't have any). If Eataly doesn't carry them, might try to convince the Illy or Lavazza counter to sell or give me a few paper ones. When we do move next week, I will buy a frother and some milk.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,247

    Minus, 96 is way hotter than I like to deal with but it is coming our way for a few days next week. Cottage cheese and canned peaches is a cooling meal. You should also add a frozen treat.

    Sandy, I'm glad you are able to eat pretty well despite the chaos you have to put up with.

    Dinner tonight was my Austrian cranberry apple pork loin recipe with chicken substituted for the pork (trying to minimize DH's migraines.) It worked out well using the same seasoning the recipe calls for and adding a bit of chicken broth.