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So...whats for dinner?



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,160

    Maggie - I did go back out from 4:30pm to 8pm. Unfortunately it was still 96 at 4:30, but at least there was some shade. It didn't cool down to 90 degrees until 8pm. The good news is I'm 98% finished with the flower beds. Now to deal with those pesky weeds in the back lawn that reach 3 ft tall in three days after mowing. Each one will have to be dug out individually.

    Too tired to eat - even cottage cheese - so sipping on a gin & tonic before I go to bed. I'm already stiff & sore so my appetizer was 2 aspirin.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,398

    I fear I am eating too well—still very small portions but treating myself to some moderate no-nos. This morning I was running late for a car servicing appt so I barely touched my breakfast—brought it back up to the room at 8:45am. Nothing else but water all day. When I got back at 4:30, I nuked & ate the rest of it (a scrambled egg so dry I had to douse it with Cholula, half a small biscuit and a slice of bacon). So I felt entitled to eat some stuff at Eataly tonight (we took the kids out) I hadn't in a long while: Neapolitan margherita pizza (thin slice), one arancini, and a little Tuscan bread dipped in EVOO. Seasonal green salad on the side. The kids had entrees, and were headed back to a street fest up north, so they let us pack the leftovers (which included half an antipasto tray).

    Bought dishwashing stuff, a small cutting board, salt, pepper and EVOO spray at Target today—so since we've amassed all those leftovers we'll likely nuke-and-dine-in. But I will also go back to Eataly tomorrow for an heirloom tomato, some fruit, and fresh basil. Could have picked some from my garden this aft. when I was at our house for the final walk-through, but I think I'll wait till my tomatoes and black raspberries ripen so I can pick them and bring them back up to the temporary house in Lincolnwood.

    I did treat myself to a small 1" square of Italian 75% dark chocolate, with a decaf espresso as a bedtime snack back in the room. The hotel coffee is meh (that's the stuff in the urns at breakfast) at best and blecchh at worst: they have those little single-cup paper pod brewers that make coffee that tastes like stale wet watery cardboard.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,013

    Sandy, Yum for Eataly.

    Dinner tonight was an angus strip steak and corn on the cob. We’re eating this frequently but it’s good and on sale so I’m not complaining.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,160

    Today's meal was a can of smoked oysters served with Triscuits. I've now dug out the weeds in half the back lawn. These things not only grow 3 ft high in 3 days, they have roots that are thicker than a thumb and longer than 10". Ugh. My own fault for not dealing with them sooner.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,082
    edited June 16

    It's good (I think, anyway) you are getting some capability to cook "at home". Sharon and I would go "crazy" if we had to eat out too often.

    Today, I "rotated" the truck tires and reset a door frame so that the door opens-closes easily. Sharon cleaned the BBQ grill and got the patio cleaned up so we can eat outside.

    Tonight we had grilled corn on the cob and the remaining spaghetti, along with a salad….outside on the patio.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,398

    Early semi-dinner of leftover Eataly salad with a slice of mortadella, 42 g FairLife shake for dessert.

    After fireworks at Navy Pier, we went to Lirica, a Spanish restaurant in the Sable Hotel on the pier. We split a wild mushroom & goat cheese tartlet (actually 3 good sized crostini) and salmon seviche with avocado slices and housemade tortilla chips.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,942

    Last night's dinner was two large chicken thighs, bone in skin on, roasted in the outdoor grill on oven mode. Chicken thighs are so forgiving and I like them overcooked with crispy skin. The side was corn off the cob. The corn was bought at Walmart for 33 cents each and it was so sweet it tasted like sugar had been added along with the butter.

    Supermarkets up here place a large garbage can next to the pile of corn so you can remove the husks if you wish. And I wish since I always slice off the kernels for dh's benefit.

    Tonight I'll use the pizza stone in the grill to cook a frozen pizza. Will also make a tossed salad.

    Minus, Triscuits are one of favorite crackers. I admire your yard work industriousness.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,942

    I forgot to wish Eric a Happy Father's Day. The same wish to all the dh dads. I have only good memories of my father.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,314

    We've been having the chicken thigh leftovers. Tonight is the last night. Thighs are my favs and agree, quite forgiving.

    Carole, when we lived in WI, I remember the cans for the husks. These days, I microwave the corn in the husk. It is so much easier to remove the husks once they're cooked.

    Happy Father's day to all the dads. I do not have good memories of my family (mom or dad) so I envy those of you who have been so fortunate.

    Minus, I wish I could hire you to come and weed for me. Our temps are perfect for weeding, I just hate doing it. It is a thankless job. Have to laugh as that is what I think of cleaning, too. LOL.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,529

    Wally, what part of WI did you live in? I’m from the Superior area originally.

    Doing a pork tenderloin on the grill in a bit.

    To all the dads, even the ones whose kids have paws and fur and for the Dad’s in Heaven like my Daddy, a very Happy Father’s Day!

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,082

    Thank you…..

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,529


    My hubby is a Fur Dad. I had him start the charcoal grill up and I took the cooking from there. Injected a pork tenderloin with the Tropical Blend V-8 Splash and salt and peppered both sides. Made a quick side of a tomato and cucumber with my version of a home made Italian dressing with a little dill weed

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,013

    Happy Father’s Day to Eric and any other dads out there.

    This seems to be a good time of year for sweetcorn.

    Dinner tonight was chicken scarpariello.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,082

    DD called today. :-) She calls most evenings on her drive home from work, so this wasn't unusual…still it was nice hearing happy fathers day from her. I still can't believe she's 26 years old.

    I cooked breakfast, Sharon made lunch and dinner. We de-winterized the camper, filled all the tanks, and we washed and partially waxed the pickup truck and camper, We.ran out of wax, and neither of us felt like driving into town, so we'll finish this project tomorrow.

    Dinner was hamburger cooked on the grill and tepary beans in BBQ sauce.

    I'm also a furry dad. Our dog will be 14 in about a month and he's sitting here giving me "the stare". It's obviously walk time. :-) He's still just fine with a 3-4 mile walk. I like going out early evening so I don't need a flashlight to see snakes in time to admire them from a distance….so off to the walk….

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,314

    Mommyof3, when we came to the US, we lived in Milwaukee. I grew up there. I've lived in West Allis, Brookfield, Downtown ("east side"), Whitefish Bay, Waukesha and wauwatosa (I moved a lot when I was single and lived in apartments, LOL). When I married DH, we lived in Brookfield.

    I'm making Capresse salad for tonight.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,529

    Awesome Wally! Can’t wait to go back home for good!

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,314

    Mommyof3, I love Wisconsin but I do not love their summers. Or the mosquitos.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 880

    DH cooked his fabulous BLT for dinner using the first 🍅 🍅 off the vine. And cleaned up. I got him a fur baby father's day card since he's a good one. Happy belated Father's day Eric and the DHs.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,013

    Reader, Those tomatoes look delicious.

    I hate mosquitoes but have never lived anywhere without them. There weren’t quite so many in Scotland but the midges there took up the slack.

    Dinner tonight was Thai coconut curry salmon on rice.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 18

    We are schlepping to Seattle tomorrow. Grateful it shows no warmer than 69…crossing fingers that comes to pass. I've been spoiled here, hitting 55 as the high but I know that will change. Was looking at the national map and Michigan (way up near the water) and our tiny area, are the only green on a map of deep orange and red. UGH. Stay safe and as cool as you can, everyone.

    We do have mosquitos in WA state, but we are so close to the ocean/bay we have never seen a single one. I'm a mosquito magnet. If they are out, they WILL find me.

    We'll have leftover capresse salad or whatever we find enroute home tomorrow.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,529

    Maggie, I’ve encountered midges in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Just as bad as mosquitoes but without the biting.

    Wally, we have those blood thirsty little pests here in the East and I clearly like being in my house once they come out.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,942

    A couple of women friends who were from Britain called the gnats "no see ums." Our gnats in Louisiana do bite.

    Those BLTs make me so hungry for good tomatoes.

    We went to Clancy's last night for Meatloaf Monday. DH's portion of meatloaf was so large he brought home half. I had a brisket burger and side salad. I mistakenly thought the burger meat was only brisket but it was a meat patty and a slice of brisket. The barbecue sauce, on the side, was very good. I took off the top of the bun and ate the meat with a fork and knife.

    DH and I have been enjoying a loaf of sour dough artisan bread that I bought from a fellow vendor on Saturday. She was young and so cute telling me about her foray into baking. She did quite well, selling most or all of her loaves.

    Tonight's dinner will be linguine from the freezer. Sauce will be Rao's and Italian sausage.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,013

    The Scottish midges also bite but don't affect me as badly. When I was a preteen I was sent home from Girl Scout camp when a mosquito bite caused so much swelling on my face so that I couldn't see. The doctor called it skeeter syndrome.

    Carole, The sour dough artisan bread at your Saturday market is a great find. I have never heard of brisket and a burger served in the same bun.

    Wally, I hope the drive to Seattle wasn't too bad. I'm not looking forward to driving across the state on Thursday for DH's eye follow up when is predicted to be 98.

    Dinner tonight was skillet chicken cordon bleu.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 19

    Maggie, we survived. The stupid bridge was opening so that was (thankfully..??) "only" a 30 minute wait. Otherwise, it was fairly uneventful. 6-8 hours to traverse and navigate for a 10 minute appointment. UGH. Thankful that they took us early and we left at the time our original appointment was to be. I woke up at 5 to get organized, ready and we made it home by 4….long day. DH has a new area of concern on the "healthy" side, but it is so tiny, it is a watch and wait. The healing seems to be doing very well…so we wait. They wanted to see us back in 2 months. I said not till October, when I know temperatures will be humane. He agreed. Barring anything unexpected, of course; we can always schedule to see him if something comes up.

    Had our leftover Capresse salad tonight. I'm thawing tuna steaks for tomorrow. No idea what the sides will be.

    My worst reactions are to fleas. I would react even before the cats would start scratching; we knew it was time to treat them when I went ballistic, LOL.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 880

    A long day. Had a morning meeting then eye doctor appointment. No surprises thankfully just cataracts increasing so a new perscription needed.

    I didn't feel like going out OR cooking 😕 so I made a big salad for each of us and reheated recent restaurant leftovers. Gnocchi and baked Ziti. Win win as DH was agreeable for either.

    Wally that drive sounds terrible but good medical care can be so worth it. Glad you're home safe and sound.

    I'm on the screened porch with cats, reading and falling asleep.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,013

    Wally, Are your drawbridges on a schedule? Those I had to deal with in FL and the one I occasionally cross in NH have published opening times which I plan trips around. I'm glad your DH's surgery site is healing well and hope that the area of concern stays tiny.

    Dinner tonight was lobster salad made from fresh steamed lobsters with the help of my kitchen scissors. It's the last day of school for teachers where I live and even though I retired two years ago I still had my traditional celebratory meal.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,398

    Ah, so many restaurants, so little time. Getting spoiled down here in River North/Streeterville with so many places w/in a few blocks. When we move to Linconwood, we'll have to drive everywhere. At Eataly I did pick up some heirloom tomatoes (mine back at the house aren't ripe yet—I check every time I go back to pick up mail), basil, fresh mozzarella, and good EVOO. Yesterday I "rescued" an unopened box containing a sealed bottle of expensive balsamico antico—not about to let the restorers haul it away. So we will have a good Caprese for breakfast if the usual hotel prefab fare gets too boring.

    Late for dinner—catch up later.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,398

    Catching up: Monday night we went back to Eataly, and sat at the counter so we could watch the chefs. We split a half-dozen New Brunswick oysters, an endive-radicchio-kale salad, some really good rustic bread (too bad there’s no toaster in our room)) and scallops grilled on skewers and served atop arugula & haricots verts. Tuesday night we went to Le Colonial (upscale Vietnamese), where we had Hanoi-style chopped monkfish on bicolor rice crackers, spicy salad atop beef carpaccio, and a whole red snapper with noodles (Bob had the lion’s share of that). Today the hotel breakfast buffet had make-your-own soft tacos; I made mine with pulled chicken, scrambled egg, salsa verde, onions, crema and shredded Cotija cheese. In my room for lunch, an espresso and leftover Eataly antipasto. There was a social hour in the hotel lounge—had a small salad and chicken noodle soup.

    Dinner was at the Purple Pig, which I remember as a little hidden hole-in-the-wall so small it didn’t take reservations and you had to sit at communal tables; the kitchen was so tiny (smaller than a hotel room kitchenette) that the chefs worked on a couple of induction burners, toaster ovens, slow cookers and a microwave. Full-size now, only the walk-ins were stuck with communal tables. I had their signature bone marrow appetizer with herbs and Bob had grilled sardine fillets over fennel salad; we shared “asparagus three ways (grilled spears, sliced and marinated stalks, and puréed with garlic. If I sleep through breakfast (assuming the cats let me), my repast will be esoteric.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,314

    YUM on your dining out menus, Sandy…adore bone marrow…and sardines.

    I made slaw and a can of Bush's baked beans to go with our tuna steak, last night.

    Still trying to figure out tonight.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,529

    pancakes and bacon