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OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • GirlFriday
    GirlFriday Member Posts: 203

    I find that my MIL is very patronizing to my SE...It's like she keeps expecting me to be ill, and she's so full of praise it seems false...and then when I'm actually tired (like on Easter)  she behaves as if I'm acting to get her out of the house. I did the meal too, all she did was a veggie tray.  What is it about veggie trays and MIL..they always act like it's a draining experience to put on together!

     Clucked if I do. Clucked if I don't. 

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    Alyson:  you go ahead and bogart that asparagus as long as you need it!

    Emily:  I had a "lovely" chemo glow....until the third or forth day, then I just looked green.  I wasn't as nice.  When someone mentioned how great I looked or that it wasn't a big deal if I was in a bad mood, I would go into gorey detail as to exactly what it entails to have a mastectomy and they would look at me in horror-and shut up.  I would especially do this when they said how lucky I was to get a free "boob job".  Bagawk!

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    getting my wisdom teeth out july 8th! yay! met with the oral surgeon today. he doesn't want to touch them till after rads, but yay! i really like him and he made me feel less terrified

    i want these babies out! come to find out, i have the one that is rotted, but the xray confirmed there is decay in all 4! then he went over the foods to eat afterwards,,, i told him it sounded just like my chemo diet!

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    oh those bad wisdom teether were a "gift" from chemo.

    not a problem or cavity before chemo. now, "bam!"

  • GirlFriday
    GirlFriday Member Posts: 203

    I'd look at them as a gift too!  Chances are they were going to go through decay anyway.  Wisdom teeth left in and impacted can cause severe issues in your overall health.  Just look at it as  you're getting all the negative clucking crap out of the way so you can move forward! 

  • thenewme
    thenewme Member Posts: 174

    Bad news, hdangel - no tooth fairy visit?  Say it ain't so!


  • thenewme
    thenewme Member Posts: 174

    Oh wait, maybe it wasn't the chemo that messed up your wisdom teeth! 

    Sorry, I know it really isn't funny.  But...obviously you appreciate humor or you wouldn't be here, right?

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    oh i most definitely appreciate humor!!! i love the comic sketches!

    shit, we were joking with eachother at the dentist office yesterday. my oral surgeon even admitted HE hates going to the dentist! lol

    Girlfriday, i like what you said, get all the negative crap out of me so i can move forward!

    I bet my insurance company is hating me this year, cause i am using the hell out of it! 6 years of paying into it, and only using it when i absolutely had to. now this year i'm getting my full use out of it! lol!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Where's that bizarro dentist located? I'd like to  sign up with that guy!

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    hey you all are right! i should still get something from the tooth fairy for my 4 wisdom teeth!

    here's my wish list:

    1. my medical bills paid off

    2. my other bills (including house) paid off

    3. a vacation for my husband and i to a balmy place

    4. enough money to finish finding a cure to this wretched disease!!

    there. that's 4 for 4 teeth!!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    May be the tooth fairy has the cure!!
  • radiant
    radiant Member Posts: 24

    That's PERFECT Alyson!  luv it.

    - Kim

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285

    Hi everyone, haven't been on here for ages but will more often now.  You all really cheer me up. I've started to share all my symptoms with the nice caring people.  Works really well - go into full details about rotting teeth and infected gums (i had to have all teeth out 5 weeks ago).  Then just suck the food on the veggie tray.  Slowly sip one glass of red wine and then share the details of the toxic blister and why the need to sit on a rubber ring.  I call it nesting.  Have fun ladies.

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    ((((BernieEllen)))): Big hugs to you!

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Just looking around the hen house and wondering how everyone is.

  • sandymess
    sandymess Member Posts: 86

    haha, good one, Janet!

  • sandymess
    sandymess Member Posts: 86
  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    So I was wondering if I should have called and cancelled my chemo and BS follow up appolntments for next week since the rapture is tomorrow? Has there been any back front meeting about it? Do you think we'll catch the cure guy by then?

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Who needs the cure guy if the rapture is tomorrow.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Amen to that Veggy "the seven dwarfs of menopause" : Unfortunately God told us we wouldn't know the day or time - coming like a thief in the night...soo keep your appts girls..if someone says its gonna happen - it won't! 

    You all have such good humor, I need to stay here for a while... I've had a crying week..

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    I've been crying all day and for once its not cancer related. I needed the humor to keep me occupied.

  • thegood5
    thegood5 Member Posts: 284

    Hate to hear that our sisters are crying...hoping you all have a better day tomorrow and know that you loved!

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923

    Hope everyone is all smiles today!