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OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Member Posts: 406

    Hi Nancy:  I'll take any snow since we did not get any this year.  Our average should be a total of several feet by now.  Looks like we're in for a draught this year too.  No snow melts from higher up.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Nancy- this is for you..

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

     Veggy----- you are royal---------how you find thes pics--------now we need pics of the things that the kittes that are armed , will need to look for ------they have to of course be trained not to shoot us.  Cluck cluck and a fifiledeido

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Member Posts: 406

    Yeah - I want to know how veggie finds these pics.......classic.......although the bonfire bitch slapper kitty is a great one.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    The kitty patrol needs to watch for foxes dressed up in people clothes...

    wobbling  weasels...

    Mean, fighting rats...

     Vicious, teeth-bearing dogs...

    Hungry coyotes...

    and (of course)...

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I have been emailing friends and family letting them know what is going on. I had one biopsy in January that came back as IDC and I explained that to all of them. There was another area in a different location that was suspicious and I had that biopsy and got the results on Tuesday and that one was benign. I let everyone know. I have gotten responces like, See, I told you Jesus would heal you and you are now cancer free, or I don't get why you still have to have surgery and radiation now, etc... OMG Just goes to show just how much they were paying attention. I think it's time to weed my garden again, pluck, pluck.....

  • kingjr66
    kingjr66 Member Posts: 406

    Veggy:  LOL......oh that was good kitty bitch slapping.  Kind of reminds me of me and my kitty when we spar.  He likes to play this way with me but with no claws.  It's quite comical to watch us.  No one gets hurt.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Good job Veggy, very good list. Looks like the kitties are practicing diligently. Keeping up on those skills. Never know when a predator will try to sneak up on us.

    Hey nancy and Kingj should get your kitties together LOL-.....distance way to far to bad.

    Dianarose, these people are not healthy for you. Think of dropping the updates. They haven't a clue. Bet they believe you brought this on yourself. We love you  babe.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Come on guys we can share.

    Fuzzy where are and where is the asparagus?????

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Dianarose - those people and your ex need to go on the Bonfire of the Goddesses - see link in emotional forum.  It will not really hurt them one bit but will make you feel oooooohhhh sssoooooooo gggoooooooooooooooddddd.  My brother is going there sometime this week, love him dearly, but he needs to go on the fire for his apatthy of my situation, seriously, so I know.

    Seriously, how does a loving brother only call three times in the five months since finding out the cancer dx, only talk 5 min 2 of those times, and the last ttime, when called, he called back and in 20 minutes did not ask once how I was or what was the verdict lately, since all the surgery and tests?  I think he needs a kick in the butt but he had to go to work so I will do it later.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233
  • JulieLynn
    JulieLynn Member Posts: 86

    Essa - My MIL keeps posting cancer pics, awareness, etc on FB but has not once since my dx asked how I was doing...even when she saw me bald.  WTH is wrong with people???  I need to throw her in the bonefire - See you there!

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Yes, I know they just cannot handle it for whatever reason, but still, I think grow up.

    Okay, best friend.  She knows knows that me memory was gone for almost two years before I found the cancer.  GONE, NO RECALL, like Alzies but not full blown.  Could not drive, couldn't recall sister's phone number even after looking it up five times to call her.  Would set myself afire trying to light stove right, evenn w careful focus everytime, would turn on wrong burner while leaning over it.  Talk about a goddess bonfire.  Could not remember how to use the computer day-to-day, took hours to pay three bills online the easy way then would do it wrong, I was a mess for a very long time, lost when trying to get out of stores or drive home, every road was a new experience even though I had been down it a dozen times that month. Eh.... Tried everything natuural to get well, then found cancer and sttarted an alternative protocol for cancer and memory came back.

    So, yrs of her saying that I was scaring her with this memory stuff, she KNOWS of all people that when I started treatment for cancer, the memory came back almost fully, easily, I'm 95% better.  That was before surgery.  I said one day, there was plaque in my brain, scans showed that, and I think this started in my brain and then I got cancer too.  She said, if you had brain cancer you would be dead, you would be dead. 

    So how is that for hope? if I do get brain cancer?  Because I believe I can live through that too, but the stupid things people say to take away your hope are the worst, I think and that was really stupid.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    If I keep coming to this thread I am going to find my self at the nearest shelter and coming home with a cat. I keep telling myself how much I hate dealing with a litter box.

     Essa- I have 2 sisters who sound just like your brother. When they first found out about my 1st round with BC (7 1/2 yrs ago) they called me a lot. After they went through all their tests and were fine they stopped calling all together. Now that I am on round 2 I still haven't heard from them. I am blessed with my 3 brothers though. I hear from them all the time. Sometimes I think people believe we are contageous or something. Stupid people.

  • barbiecorn
    barbiecorn Member Posts: 86

    A friend suggested I come to this thread - I haven't laughed this hard in weeks...thanks - please keep them coming...I was crying this morning over my bc - BMX was 2/1 - and now I am laughing so hard...I will be visiting this thread quite often...(((hugs)))

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Barbiecorn- Please start from the beginning of this thread. You'll need a couple rolls of bounty.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    See I knew we were clever. Where is the asparagus I need another puff.
  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    Where on earth do you find these pictures and videos - they're HILARIOUS!!!! 

    So, my hair left me about 1 1/2 weeks ago.  I decided not to wear a wig and instead have opted for mostly scarves and hats sometimes.  Last week was the first full week at work since the hair went and most everyone was telling me I looked good.  But one idiot told me I looked like a pirate!  Really?!?!  I just wanted to sock him.  Then went home and relayed that to my DH and he said, yeah, I can see that.  Yell  I love the guy but he needs some sensitivity training and I told him that.

  • CarolnLA
    CarolnLA Member Posts: 9

    I remember when I was going through treatment, a woman at my work told me how she had an aunt who had bc.  She voiced her concern for me and for all I was going through and told me that  because of this she knew what it was like and what I was going through (until you have been there you will never know what it is like) then ended the whole, long conversation by telling me that the aunt ended up dying.  Talk about stupid and insensitive, I remember just staring at her, thinking does she honestly not know what she just said. When you are trying to hang on to every inspirational survivor story, that was the last thing I wanted to hear, talk about wanting to strangle her.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    14 minutes ago sas-schatzi wrote: -- Wash them--- they are likely from the 60-70's ------I had saved and washed and bagged all of mine -------couldn't part with them. When I went to the local BC place to get scarves and Wigs. I PLAYED WITH THE SCARVES. First there was one woman-------then she got everybody. Total of four volunteer women. Then one asked the question. "Where did you learn how to do these things with scarves" I said " the 60'-70's"  Flower child.Then they were matched with outfits. Very fashionable. The difference between the scarves of today, and 60-70's, is that they don't cover the entire head and you can't do anything creative with them.

    Never wore a wig when I was bald. I did scarves and most were from my stash from Circa 1970's. We had so much fun with them then.  Earrings the whole look. Peasant look


    I just wrote this on another thread  Scarves can be way so much fun if you allow your self to play.Think the  20's 30's and 40's -------and go with what you create. i even do it now after the hair is in b/c I Ioved it in an earlier time.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Barbie -welcome.  Another thread I LOVE is You know you're a cancer patient when...... See you there.

    Have to admit I still have several middle pages to read. Love the chickens.

    Ladies, you carriage awaits and isn't it grand, wheels and all on the chicken coop

  • scuttlers
    scuttlers Member Posts: 149

    Essa, send me the link for the chicken coop. I want one! Seriously!

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

     About halfway down page, it is by artist Scott Ward.  All things chickens are on this site.  And all things chickens are in the Chickens In the Road Newsletter too, to which I subscribe.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    How about one like this  but I do love the carriage
  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    or this

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Okay it's a one woman show for the moment, back on after a brreak for Hubby's vacation so living it up tonight since he went back to work.

    This is about Hubby and me, stupid us.

    I recorded a movie, The Fourth Kind, thought it was a documentary about aliens in Alaska.  Just before he started vacation, we watched it, very graphic doc with  a movie interplayed that started to shake me up.  I said, okay, this is scaring me.  He said, I thought it was interesting.  I said, well, you are the one who goes to work at night with big hairy men while I stay home alone. He said, you have the big hairy dog.  I said, okay I will try to watch more, we'll see.  So we watched the rest of the documentary.

    #1.  Had to go to bathroom after movie.  Made big hairy dog go with me, all the way to other end of house to master bath and told him to stay in bedroom while I peed 9in bathroom) but as soon as I started peeing, big hairy dog took off to kitchen.  @(#$*#@&%

    #2.  Hubby went back to work on 3-11 next day.  Had to take big hairy dog out to pee.  Told Hubby on cell, the hair is standing up on my head, cannot even look at sky, should not have watched that movie.  He said, Sweetie, there is nothing to be worried about..... and I could swear I heard him actually think this..... if they are going to get you they are going to get you.  The #@#%&

    #3.  Next day I looked up the movie and Sumarians and found out it was a MOCKUMENTARY, not a real documentary.  But I did not tell Hubby.  Let him think it for awhile, a long long while.

    #4.  On phone with sister at end of Hubby's vacation, talking about the mockumentary, and  he heard me laughing about it and realized this was not real, and he said, That was not a real documentary then?  Sister said, Are you bursting his bubble, raining on his parade?  Yes, I said, blowing up his starship.  After he told about a dozen guys at work it was real. hahaha

    Anyway, we need the cure for stupid, as we both did believe it for too long.

      hope I can post this, it does have a copyright. Someone tell me if I cannot, okay.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Seriously, we could do this...... anyone sew?

    "Essy Persson as the stern spaceship captain appears in a zany and inexplicable breast-puff jumpsuit."  Mission Stardust

  • I am loving playing with different looks with scarves and hats, making it fun!!

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    Glad to see this thread is still going! Have some health issues and also family with health issues so haven't been here as much but glad to see so many familiar "faces" still here...