OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • cat61
    cat61 Member Posts: 53

    lol thanks ladies I love the chicken jokes !!!!!! made my day :)

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    Hey all, its been ages since I've posted on this thread, but I do come here now and then when I really need a laugh!!  I have a question (I know its been posted before, but don't want to scroll back thru so many pages) - how do you post pictures in these threads?  I know how to put my avatar on, but not how to put them into a message.


  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    In the post a reply box, you get them in through there. 

    Just look above the box, see BOLD, ITALICS etc, all the way to the smiley face....

    ............ the image button is green tree.  Left click it. 

    Now you put the image location in and insert. 

    How to get an image..... ?????

    Image location comes from wherever you find a pic. 

    I do google search, then click over to images and find stuff. 

    Find a pic then left click on pic so the web page comes up and the image is by itself and larger. 

    Then right click on the pic and copy link location. 

    Then come to the image button and click and right click to enter the location and insert into the reply box.

    THEN I live link the image to give credit to the one who posted in on the net.  So once image is posted and you LEFT click the image, then the LINK and BREAK LINK become active in the menu above.  Left click the link icon and the placeto insert comes up, I use the same link as the webpage that was under the image or the same link as the image itself.I set it to open in a new window so they don't leave bco.

    welllllllll good luck w this..........

    Took me a few months to figure that out.  But I have cancer brain.  Do you know how many times I had to go back and fix the directions for you, goooood luck, I tried but I don't suggest I teach anyone else computer stuff  HHHHAAAAhhhaaa hhhaa

    live link image to Smiling With Daisy blog

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    Thanks DianeEssa. I guess there's no way to put a picture on that's on my computer then? It has to be an image from the Internet it seems.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    That I do not know how to do.  If anyone knows, let us know, it would make my life easier.  I am imagining we have to ppost pics on a host for images first, then use that link?

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980

    ymac and Diane,
    The directions for linking an image to BCO are good- but could any of us could ever do that with cancer brain..... anyway, to link the image through the "tree" insert box, the image should be one that comes up alone when you click on it. Some free sites even give the URL with the image just for this purpose of linking.

    Now for the question -I have had random luck with inserting images from my computer.  Sometimes I just right click on an image, copy and paste it into this post box. It does work!  But not always. It's worth a try. 

    Veggy, I haven't been on in awhile and the first post I saw was your toon of the 'ICU' guy...I L'dOL! 


  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    So quiet, no one posts in forever.  Need a story before I head for bed.  No chickens.   This could have been entitled Damn Dog, but I didn't.


    Tornado-like storm came through again, no funnel sighted, don't care, I know what takes out 200 trees in a path. It was up there somewhere. They call it the derecho.

    Yesterday morn only one window was open in house bcz such a hot night but I like to wake up to birds. Woke to birds then went back to deep sleep and woke up to a tornado going by the window, mud water, hurricane winds, gliders going by, trees going down, seriously.

    DAMN DOG DAMN DOG dammmmmnnnn dog.

    He's by the bed going Mama get UP!

    I tried to get him to go with me into the walk in closet. It was right there, safety, no windows.

    No. He said no. Huh-uh. Not going in there.

    And he did not have his collar on, it was at back door. Darned Hubby who was on way home from midnights left it there, WRONG PLACE.

    No, dog said to me with a tornado going by window. Dog will not go in closet.

    Comeon Danny Boy, it's all right, come with Mama.

    No. The skunk is in there.

    Yes, he is accurate, the walk in closet is her bedroom and her den is in the corner of it under a pile of blankies.

    Danny Boy, let's go. And I am pulling his scruff but he is a Newfie, the scruff stretches two feet and he is 143 pounds, so I lose. Comeon, let's go in just for a minute. It's fun. She's nice, she's cuuuuteee

    No. I'll stay out here with the tornado. The skunk will eat me.

    Now... he is confused because Lacey wouldn't eat him but her late sister Blossom would have, defintely.

    Danny Boy, dammit! let's go. Come here sweetie, good boy.

    I'm outta here, he goes down hall but comes back when I call.

    I am trying to think of how to get him in w/o collar and leash.

    My floor length nightgown.

    Tornadao-like winds howling, raining mud but nothing coming in the window, go figure.

    Don't know if I had been sleeping naked or if I stripped off my bamboo fabric nightgown which would have been on the end of the bed in case of EMERGENCIES like intruder, fire or tornado, where the collar should have been by the shoes and keys, HUBBY.

    So I put the nightgown around his neck and twisted and pulled. Bamboo is stretchy stuff though, too soft and stretchy. Damn dog pulled back and bucked like a horse and got out of it, took off through the house, me naked after him to get the leash, take him to the basement. I had slammed the closet door, leaving Lacey in her den in there, hated leaving her.

    Damn dog, I get the leash and collar and try to put it on him --- this is a Ceasar Dog Whisperer trained dog, we watched all the programs and did what he says and he is a pretty good dog, but not for this storm though he has never been afraid of storms, only horseflies.

    If they find me with the house collapsed on top of me they will find me naked. But I will have the damn dog with me by god.

    So I get the leash and collar and try to put it on and he heads back to the main bathroom.

    I run back there, boob, stomaches and butt flopping right past all five of the front windows again while thanking god we do not have neighbors....... and I see the storm is calmer.

    The tornado is gone or I am in the heart and it is too late to run.

    I roll my eyes and give up.

    Damn dog. At least I didn't have time to be afraid.

  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    HeidToo: I just happened upon this post. Im not on fb anymore because I feel that the constant need to share everything in our lives has just gone too far. However, I do remember when I was still on it a similar fruit based feature. Not sure if it was linked to Bc. 

    These people end up trivialising BC with these ridiculous games. They are jumping on the charity bandwagon with absolutely no idea about this terrible disease or its effects. Its a totally different matter if somebody posted about a charity fun run or something similar that they wanted to attract sponsors for.


  • sam52
    sam52 Member Posts: 431

    Hello Liz!

    I actually had a big arguement with some 'friends' of a friend who posted that rubbish on FB that you are referring to. You had to link your 'love life status' to a fruit and post that.How on earth was that going to help breast cancer?? They really did not get why I was so angry and said I was the only one 'not doing my bit'........

    You are right  - it totally trivialises bc.

    This kind of rubbish makes my blood boil.

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    Diane - thanks for your belly-laugh story!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Essa-your story about Danny boy and you flying naked after him priceless. Send it to Readers digest quick could get you 300.00$..........My shatzi has recently started leading me to the closet when a storm comes. Previously she hid herself, either in the shower or the bathtub, but no concern for anyone else. BUT now she gone on to a different level, she's concerned for me. The research says that is putting human characteristics to an animal that aren't possible. When she first led me to the shower, she looked at the shower,looked at me,then did that a couple times more,then looked at the closet and led me in there. Like "hey the showers not big enough for the two of us".  Then there was a storm that I felt the safest place was the cast iron tub, but she wouldn't leave the closet area till the rain hit the skylight and sounded like hail, but wasn't. I was able to get her to then go with me to the cast iron tub. When I got in with her, it was a first. It was a wonder, how tightly she curled her self into a ball to make room for me. She's 75 lbs.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    These photos posted are too funny!!!

    Veggy - I went to high school in PA... I would LOVE to have some Turkey Hill ice cream right now!!! Mmmm!!! Welsh Farms is really good too! Can't get either one out here in Missouri!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Never heard of Welsh Farms. I might go down to Turkey Hill and get some ice cream. That sounds like the perfect meal. After two trips to NJ this week I don't feel like doing much. Thanks, now I am really hungry for ice cream.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Veggy and Christina - 104-105 here today. Ice cream coming up!! Girl, never let your freezer run out of ice cream. Have leftover assorted sprinkles from office party last month that didn't happen.  Usually only put on Hershey's chocolate sundae syrup double chocolate. Don't know how I've missed this stuff for so long. DH only likes plain old boring Hershey's squeeze. Can you tell we eat mostly vanilla? I still haven't made it to Trader Joes.  Been making a late pt stop on Friday further out so no can do and go there also. Guess I'll just have to brave the Saturday traffic/weekend crowd soon.  Not next week. Car to shop for 100,000 mile checkup. Got to make this one last!! Hoping to give my notice Nov 5 and stay home or at worst find local part time job. You might see me at local WallyWorld as a shelf stocker. IF (and a big one) they would hire a retired 60 y.o. RN.

    Veggy - I'm so glad you are doing better. Loved your avatar when it was up b4 you put up your doggy pic. Had you pictured (silly I know) as the 60's GO-GO girl in white boots. I have given up on Turkey Hill in Texas. Blue Bell dominates. I did buy a couple of Ben&Jerry's individual cheesecake ones on sale. DH got them b4 me. I buy treats and stash them for the purrfect moment. Anything with him is fair game. But I have got him doing most of grocery shopping. It saves me money, not on the list you don't get it for the most part is his rule.

    Will have to surf back chicken pics. Taking time today to go thru my 60+ favorites on here little bit at time.

    Good weekend vibes to all. Those in midwest stay in the AC. Sounds like Kansas has it worse than we do. DH asked if I would move to Anchorage. His co. opening up there in 2014. OMG, I think he might be serious. We had talked about move to NW Arkansas same situation. Couldn't muster up the strength/fortitude/adjustment to do that in THE NEXT STATE. Alaska - fear some serious discussion next few months. Move would be paid for. My beloved goats would have to be sold.  And could we even sell this house for near what county believes it is worth???  Have only DD and DB left in Texas. Doubt it will come about. Why won't they build in a nice place like Albuquerque or Santa Fe?

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Luvmygoats, they need to, selling our pets is just not the best option.  I am thinking of traveling from cabin to cottage to yert to whatever over the next few years, as we do nnot have a house anymore and Hubby is soon to retire hopefully.  We are trying to build our business so we can work and travel, as I get better it now may be possible I don't know.  But to sell my pets and not live near family, am with you, too difficult to consider.

    Mostlymom and Sassy - thanks.  I am feeling somewhat better lately.  My friend told me that is all I should be doing ever.

    Granddaughter's bd is today, she spent night, we were up at 5am for breakie out and dog beach at state park so we could torture Newfie who will not swim.  Then picked out her cake and My Little Pony unicorn decorations, the kind with pink and blue hair, 'real hair' ucky that gets in cake unless upbrushed and did it up right.  Except I had it on console between Hubby and self, putting stuff on as she instructed from backseat (were were in time crunch since I forgot my phone at beach) and Hubby pretty much you see it coming, slammed on brakes w/o telling me LAWNMOWER IN THE ROAD and I was licking icing off my hands for three minutes.  She goes, thanks okay Grandma, she is so sweet.

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Veggy, do you have a Sheltie? My first and only dog was a Sheltie (other siblings had dogs, but never had one of my own before Skipper) - I loved him and still miss him - he's been gone over 10 years.  Was thinking of getting another dog a couple years ago, decided not a good time with new BC diagnosis, then thought about it last year, not a good time with recurrence..... maybe some day, and otherwise, will enjoy other people's dogs!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    I had a sheltie. Two weeks ago we had to put him down. He was young...4 1/2 years old. He was really sick. Sometimes I still catch myself looking for him. Miss him dearly.

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Oh, Veggy - I am SO sorry and can totally understand. It's tough enough to deal with our own infirmities, and worse yet to have a pet sick or suffering - our lives are so enriched by our pets, and so empty when we lose them.  Special hugs for you.

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713
    DianeE- hope your sugar high from that icing has settled down!  Of course it was bound to happen - the set-up was perfect.  So sorry I found myself laughing out loud when I read your adventure, but picturing it was just too much.  Laughing  I hope you were able to re-decorate or repair the icing for your gd. How old is she? Hope the rest of the day was a fun one.  (BTW, did you find your phone?)
  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Linda - whipped icing, melting in the heat in Suburban, but it held its own after getting into ac at home.  She turned 7, what a pistol.  She ran down to beach and got phone off the overturned rowboat where we had our stuff stacked, so relieved.  Was going to take her school clothes shopping, but yesterday came across agarage sale at the lakeshore that was better than a highend resale boutique, I bought $45 worth, a garbage bag full!!! but one of the drresses alone would be $60 off the online boutiques where they make them, jackpot.  Have my bedroom decked out w girl's outfits whe will ove, must twirl, be funky and delicate at same time, she has great style.  She gets to see them soon, she will be so thrilled.  I'm the grandma, she doesn't live here, but the majority of the serious clothes has always been my thing, my daughter would put her in camou, she does actually, so I do the most of it for Chloe and  love it.  Will take her to the beach at sunrise again instead of clothes shopping, more   fun.

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Oh, yes, the beach is ALWAYS more fun than shopping!  Have a great time with her!

  • Avrenim
    Avrenim Member Posts: 4

    I was just diagnosed with breast cancer and was looking at the threads to find something to cheer me up.  

    I found this and have been laughing for 20 minutes straight.  Ever since I told two of my friends that I got a mamography that showed a mass, one of them has been talking about how important a positive attitude is and that if I thought I was going to be fine, I would be ok.  

    I felt like strangling her and thought I was overreacting.  I am relieved to see that I am not the only one.  :)

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921

    Avrenim, Sorry to hear you're eligible for our club. Welcome. It's a great bunch of people here. I always wonder what it would take for these positive thinkers to stop being positive. When their parachute doesn't open?

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Always start at page one and read...keep your drink in another room because it will spray all over your screen.

    This thread did great things for me during my treatments....still think of smoking Asparagus often!

    Puff puff....passing...

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Every time I see asparagus at the supermarket I get the giggles especially if its imported from the US which it is at this time of the year. I am sure people think I am crazy as I wander rouns the vege sections with a silly grin on my face.. Just about choked one night when some one mentioned tinfoil hats - its so hard trying to explain.

    Pass please I need a big puff.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    these might be too bad to smoke.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Avrenim - Welcome to the hen house. You must start at page one like Fuzzy said and have your Bounty paper towel ready. You'll hvae to read and find out for yourself what the Bounty is for. Sorry you had to join us. I'm sending you (((((HUGS)))))!


  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Veggie, hope you are doing better today.

    Avrenim, welcome and come here for laughs!

    There is always the public health aspect of smoking asparagus....

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Hi Ladies,

    I'm trying not to be upset about what happened Sunday - I don't know how I feel but thought it might apply to here :

    I was talking to a young friend Sunday at church (who was causing my boarder a little grief) , My Boarder came up to me after and asked what did he want?  - I told her that he was just asking how I was and gave me a hug..Then my new boarder said, "people at church told me, you are super emotional..So she just wanted to "Protect" you from him."

    Oh GREAT! I never even thought people thought that about me.. I am real bummed... EMOTIONAL - They haven't Seen Emotional GRRRRRRR...

    @!!!! Undecided 

  • cat61
    cat61 Member Posts: 53

    Welcome Avrenim, I to am sorry you need to be here but am glad to say hi !!!!!!

    This site is awesome, it has helped me so much, I dont know what I would do without it.