OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • journey
    journey Member Posts: 62
    OMG, I just found this thread and I'm in hysterics!  Too bad I'm at work. Embarassed Y'all are too much!
  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    Journey- why let work stop you from having a good laugh?Laughing
  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    haha! get THIS!!! so my friends at the bar had a good laugh about this whole post. especially the asparagus thing.

    so.... the bar owner went out and bought like 5 pounds of asparagus, and night before last, we had little baskets of lemon garlic butter asparagus all across the bar!! hahaha!! and everyone was eating it! we had an  "anticancer" snack. then ruined it with our drinking habits and bad attitude Wink

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605


  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    what's wrong with your attitude!  sounds fun to me!!!

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    oh mbj, i was just being sarcastic! lol!! you know, cause hanging in bars and drinking will make you get cancer ya know.. it's so looked down upon where we live. when people see me in the bar, and they know i am going through chemo, i get the "you shouldn't be in here" look and/or speech. uh, i need to chillax too!!!!

  • Lowrider54
    Lowrider54 Member Posts: 333

    Howdy All

    Sorry I didn't check in but I got stopped at the Iowa border.  I tried to tell the cop I was in a hurry to find the Cancer Cure Guy and I had to get to Texas to interview the potential off-spring of the girl he knocked up down there some years back and then, if I got no info, I had to find my way over to New Mexico, make a pit stop at Roswell (the reason for my wearing of the foil cap) and then meet up with the group in Arizona amidst the ruins of the sauna to see if there might be any clues to send me on from there. 

    I guess he wasn't buying it as the odor of medicinal MJ was wafting out the window and I was still a little green from the asparagus and then what was I doing with a roll of Bounty between my legs and why did I have a blender, enema unit, multiple thermoses of coffee, a bushel of asparagus, and well, then he searched further and found the garlic in mass, the rest of the Bounty, the Dead Sea Mud, a tarp, a satellite dish and antenna, the many pictures of men in asparagus outfits - I could go on but playing the 'cancer card' was NOT going to work for me.  In fact, I think it made it worse as they called the ambulance as they thought I was having a total meltdown and could possibly kick the bucket on their watch and they were having none of that so off with the loonie bin guys I went. 

    This turned out to be a great turn of fate, however - during my weekend in the loonie bin, I was able to meet several people that had actually SEEN the Cancer Cure Guy - the chick knocked up in Texas was a 'plant' and the Roswell rumors were to throw everybody off.  If we really want to find him, its off to Hollywood and meet up with Charlie Sheen - they tell me he will spill the beans on anybody right we have anyone in CA that can on that - I really need to get home and get a shower - it is no joke about the poo tossing contests they have in the loonie bin and I can't stand myself...more tomorrrow once I get cleaned up....

    Hugs all...sorry to let ya'll down...LowRider

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150


    Is this the cure or cause of Breat Cancer?

    I guess I'll have to open it to find out.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I see it is pink, but what does it say on the bottle?

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150



    Pink Awareness

    2008 Chardonnay

    Proud Supporter of Breast Cancer Netework of Strength

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Ah... Then all we need is Love, and Hope!  And if we don't have love, the hope will make us forget about it anyway.

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605

    Don't forget to WISH you didn't have cancer too.  I think I will need to drink the whole bottle by myself.....

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Think positive.  And that will take care of it all.  If you only had a more positive attitude!

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605

    I'll work on it!  Thanks for the advice.  I will let my onc know too.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Your onc already knows, but he is hiding Cure Guy so he can keep seeing you indefinitely.

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605

    Then the Cure Guy must be working for a pharmaceutical company.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,642

    lowrider...too funny!!!!

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    Lowrider..hope you can escape the Looney Bin and get back here to join us in SanityLand..Wink

    I haven't seen the asparagus being passed we need to order more?

    Darn keyboard keys are sticking from the earlier "coffee incident"...

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605

    sorry, bogarting over here.

    puff, puff, pass.......

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I think all the pharmaceutical companies have Cure Guy on the payroll.  He is so rich now that it is easy for him to elude us.

  • sandyaust
    sandyaust Member Posts: 82

    Emily...focus on the positive!!!!  At least your keyboard isn't going to get cancer now.  Or didn't it go down that far?

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    Sandy...I think my keyboard got the equivalent of a coffee enema ( perhaps several) so yes, shouldn't have any cancer now for sure. Maybe I should slather a bit of asparagus puree on it ? Maybe that will "unstick" some of these keys...

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288 could be right. We'll have to send Lowrider undercover into the pharmaceutical labs...he may be there with holding the "real" cure while he mixes up noxious pill potions to give the unsuspecting.

  • sandyaust
    sandyaust Member Posts: 82

    Yes!!!  And if it is one of those "wireless" keyboards make sure you wear your tinfoil hat when you are using it, just to be safe.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    It will be very hard to sneak Lowrider into the pharmaceutical companies because we will have to dress her in bland clothes, a lab coat, and she will have to leave her sense of humor at the door.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    She's way too colorful for that! Lowrider, are you up to the challenge????

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Can you do it, lowrider?

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605

    Breast Cancer Birthday Cake

    Happy Birthday Meece.  Is this a stupid cake?  Maybe the Cure Guy works in a bakery??

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I like the sentiment, but that bra seems to fit well.  I want a real one of those.  Thank you, sweetie!!

  • Lowrider54
    Lowrider54 Member Posts: 333

    Undercover in pharmacuetical lab?  Sure!  I survived the loonie bin and didn't end up getting a ticket but I do have get my vehicle out of impound today and start practicing on 'bland'.  I have gotten rid of the green tint, can pull my hair back into a bun, glasses, lab coat, clipboard, standard A-line skirt and button blouse (with the new B cups, I CAN button a blouse again!) and cardigan sweater.  That should do it for the look - oh, sensible shoes.  Checking the humor at the door is going to be the hard part....LOL but I am willing to give it a go!