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OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Another little info on my qualifications...I actually made costumes for chickens in years past, they won prizes at the county fair.  Just think if I had made them out of bacon!

    I recognize that Aerosmith song, and never knew they were singing about me!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Sorry I was late to the meeting.  I am working on West Coast time, I have to remember to add a few hours so I can meet up with you.  I was busy fixing...Chicken Enchiladas for dinner.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890

    AH Hah the rest have possibly gone to bed------i'm an imsomniac due to Aromasin. Meece there has been so much activity. I took my tin hat off for a wee bit., but on it goes. No joke, I wish i could send a pic. Gets me in the mood and avoids NSA interference. Fuzzy is composing a poem to incorporate the tin hat as you have likely read. If it is half as good as her farm song, she should copyright it right away.  She has a gift of words. Please, suggest that if I actually get some sleep. I'M going to Pm you Now

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    I couldn't sleep last night so I put the time to good use. I thought we could use more than just tin hats, so I got creative. I made some outfits and accesories using foil.



    ...and even something for the men...


    I'm all out of foil. I need to pick up more.

    I'm just clucking around!

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923

    So funny - the wand will be perfect for Tink!

    SAS - you get NSA!!!???  Wow.  All I've been able to pick up is Sirius radio.  Have to work on my antenna.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    You both have better reception than I do, I just get the local weather station.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    JANET..Ha Iove the wand Im ready for this lets get clucking!!!!! hahaha

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    WTC - Cluckin' Meeting Outline, Rules and Words to Live By  (Not a poem, yet ... but definitley in order ;)

    Dress appropriately:  If it's Bacon, Tin, Black Bark, or BeDazzled, it's appropriate.  If it resembles a chicken, a chihuahua, garlic (oh, please no) or a vegetable, a character from Wizzard of Oz, you're in.

    Be Nice or Get the Cluck Out.  Laugh a lot or get the cluck out.  Have some fun or get the cluck out.  Love thy Sister or get the cluck out ...

    Meetings begin with a review of The Receipe - As read to us by Emily.  This may be broken down into chapters and delivered over the week.  Followed by a review of the man hunt progress and any funny pictures that are available.

    Hours of Operation: Monday Thru Friday: All Day to accomodate for sleepless nights.  Saturday and Sunday:  All Day ... Worship of Dog the Bounty Hunter begins promptly at 9:00 pm each night (ritual rules of puff puff pass, nibble nibble pass, guzzle guzzle pass, chicken dance and then sing the Dog Song).

    Board of Directors and Chair Holders:  Secretary:  Emily;  Security:  Meece (girl, you got some skills) with assistance from Beccad;  Human/Chicken Resources: Fuzzy; Founder:  SandyAust; Covert Operations:  LowRider and Janet;  International Liason:  She;  Treasurer:  Veggy (as well as advertising); Keeper of the Cluck:  BlueCowgirl;  Ombudsman:  Sas; Mascot:  Chihuahua Bounty Hunter and a wide variety of Chickens ... need to add this to the agenda items ... Looking for President and Co-President, Vice President and Co-Vice President, Co-Treasurer, Co-Secretary ... we smoke too much asparagus to not have Co-Directors ... and many many positions open for the Chairs.  Also need positions filled at corporate for a wide variety of duties.  Give me your skills and I'll work you in. 

    Our attractive benefits package includes Emily's Chemo Spa, babysitting available for your Clove(s), vacation and sick days (unlimited), and zero deductible health insurance (with no lifetime maximum!!)  Yes, prescription, dental and eye are also included.  This is a salaried position so no need to punch a clock.  Working from home is just fine. 

    RULES:  *Whining and interrupting this thread is unattractive.  *Wash your hands often.  *Do not block the doorway.  *Call your mother.  *Eat your veggies ... or smoke them.  *Do not stare at MakRaz in the eyes ... we are still in training with her and that upsets her.  *If you like us, tell others.  If you don't, call corporate.  *Close your mouth when you chew.  *Quit scratching.  *Don't bite your nails.  *Do not slide your feet.  *Do not run with a clucking stick.  *Keep your elbows off the table.  *Do not drink a beer that is bigger than your head.  *Do not eat any wooden nickels.  These rules may be edited, changed, added to at any time to meet tthe needs of the group and the meeting.  *We are in charge. *You must cluck and cluck often.  *Cluckin' must go on around the clock.  *Share your clucking stories, clucking ideas and clucking asparagus.  *If your clove is unhappy, leave it to clucking rest.  *Everything you do should involve cluckin'.  *Be nice or Cluckin' leave ... I may have said that once already ... puff puff puff, passing....

    Special Mention:  All members of WTC - Tough Mother Cluckers International are registered as MASTER MOTHER CLUCKERS (References available upon request).

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    Well done fuzzy! *L* I'll update the recipe next week...I have chemo tomorrow...I have a lot to change/add to it...

  • sandymess
    sandymess Member Posts: 86 skills, my skills. Um, I can pat my head and rub my stomach at the same time. Can you work that in, Fuzzy?

    Off to cluckin' radiation treatment. Have a cluckin' great day, everycluck.

    puff, puff, pass...

  • Lowrider54
    Lowrider54 Member Posts: 333 substitutes for Bounty contain something that makes one itch like crazy...sorry for my first rule violation - I scratched but it was kinda like chicken scratch so does that count?  New can skimp on some stuff but try and always use Bounty - it is the quicker picker upper after all...

    *puff and pass*

    Crap...I was supposed to wait until I got past the Iowa border...oh well, guess I will have to use one of the canned tornadoes if I get stopped again (good thing Bunyan gave me a few of em)...I don't think I would like doing another weekend in the loonie bin - then again, I did get some good tips...ok, now I need the cure for stupid - BTW, did we ever figure that one out? 

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    Low..if you run short of canned "tornadoes" can you use canned "tomatoes" instead as a diversion? Just a thought...

    A paste of asparagus, peroxide and chicken teeth should clear that itch right up...

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    Skills??!!  I can make something out of nothing and I can belt out a song or two, but I am not sure if I am good at anything else!  Cluck, cluck cluck, pass.

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    Or was that hen's teeth...pretty scarce I have heard...

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    chicken fingers?

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    Chicken fingers are as scarce as hen's teeth probably..

    What part of the chicken are chicken nuggets?

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150


  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887

    knock knock giggle giggle head rub...Cluck Cluck......yeah my password worked I'm in :). I just had to inform you all because I know you would all me so mad If I was the only one who was cured after all your hard work BUT apperently Shark Cartlidge is the way to go....honest a client told me just today and he wouldnt lie to me,so I will be grinding up black bark and Shark cartlidge putting it in a bag ,placing my chicken in there and shaking it up like shake n bake and serving or a bed of green and white asperegus......yipeeee I'll make enough for everyone

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Does this help?


  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Shark Cartilage must be the cure.

    I never heard of a shark with cancer!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150


    They are mutating as we speak!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150


    Answer: Chicken Breeders

    Question: Where do chicken nuggets come from?

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Sandymess ... There is just the cluckin' position for you!  Would you mind leading the development team on physical therapy?  Perfect for post surgery ... held at the Chemo Spa! 

    Lowrider: Don't forget to cluck.  It's just as important as getting rest.

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Kymn ... would you like to head up the research team?  There may be several of us who can help you out with that ...

    MJB ... your in charge of the choir!! 

    Oh this is coming together cluckin' nicely ...

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150


    The official breath mint!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    fuzzylemon:  I'm on it!   Cluck, cluck, cluck do, re, mi cluck, fa so la cluck ti do cluck cluck!

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923

    I'm nailing this up on the henhouse door..

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Veggy ... how about you take over advertising and work with the question/answers team ... nice work.  Love the breath mints!  Perfect for chemo breath!

    MJB ... good choice! (We're actually related to the VonTrapp Singers ... LOL too funny). 

    Oh, one more thing ... since I can't remember a clucking thing these days, you'll need to keep track of your position and hours (reminders are always nice ...).

    Off to hiring more security ... where are those clucks?

  • Lowrider54
    Lowrider54 Member Posts: 333

    Cluck, cluck Hooray...I got past the Iowa border without incident....heard a rumor so I am headed for St. Louis...heard the Cancer Cure Guy may be hiding out in the Arch - its silver, not the Golden Arch and not in the chicken mcnuggets...this guy is really tricky...he could be all in tin foil and blend right in - packed the 'see through the foil' gun just in case.  This operation has sure introduced me to some interesting people and things - Hoarding - Buried Alive hasn't got anything on what some of the tipsters houses look like and they have EVERYTHING covertly imaginable.  Althought I did decline on the loan of the PoPeel Bacon Fat Stripper - without the fat, they be some pretty skimpy bacon bras around...and not much to the undies either...cluuuuuuck!

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605

    Damn, I had a beer last night that was bigger than my head.  I'm screwed again.

    Do sharks have boobs?