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OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

         He wants in on the action lol!

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    oh no  it didnt print will try again

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890

    Wow Typical you miss one meeting and all this clucking crap happens. WTC here now and semi awake. But at least I didn't get a clucking job. I'll volunteer for OMBUDSMAN. Always liked that job---no one ever knows what your supposed to cluck, where your supposed to be when you do that clucking, or who you report to. YUPCLUCK that's the job for me if that's ok Fuzzy.

    The dark continent is Africa. SHE has a great clucking knowledge of it and would be a great asset to LOW 's search. 

    Is creating these fabulous cluckin pictures just for us, or have they been into this for awhile?  Maybe we shoulf make them honorary MOTHER CLUCKERS..PUFF< CLUGH PASS

  • CrazyKitties
    CrazyKitties Member Posts: 58

    Jesus H Christ, that Chicken/Turkey/Turduckten THING! Who made that incredible work of art? I am serious---that chicken is incredible!! I am so happy now. I won't scream at anyone tonight because of you.


  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605

    Turduckens all around!

    puff puff pass....CLUCK!!!!!!  WTC?

  • dutchgirl6
    dutchgirl6 Member Posts: 322

     Can we drink this at the meetings?  It's got a pink ribbon, so it must be part of the cure. Cluck, cluck, pass.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    And we can travel to meeting in this!
  • beccad
    beccad Member Posts: 189

    I can also handle a gun well, I could fill in for Meece on security if needed.  Otherwise I will set back and help with the refreshment committee.  Puff, puff, pass.  guzzle pass.

  • beccad
    beccad Member Posts: 189

    I can also handle a gun well, I could fill in for Meece on security if needed.  Otherwise I will set back and help with the refreshment committee.  Puff, puff, pass.  guzzle pass.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890

    Ah we haven't dicussed refreshments for awhile and the great big glass of beer my my I can just taste it cccccccccluuuuckkkkkkk!!. Can we talk food for awhile must either be the puffing or post recovery chemo or anticrazy pills(what do we call them). I don't have the munchies. I have a recipe craving. I know thats out there, it's all these flipping drugs. Things to stop things, then things to stop the things that the STOp things drug started. ANd it's the start things that cause the really weird things to happen. You know like staying up for a couple days in a row. So then the doc says ---got to take a knew Stop drug to keep the other start and weird things undercontrol. ONe of my weird things is instead of food cravings , I get recipe cravings. PLeaseeeeeeeee, just a little  it would make me feel so much better.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890

    I figuired out the Oprah line dance thing -----It's her hair----look at it close and you can see the connection

  • thegood5
    thegood5 Member Posts: 284
    I just discovered a "coffee" house for us "boob" people...I wonder if they give free coffee enemas?
  • thegood5
    thegood5 Member Posts: 284
    HAPPY COFFEE Pictures, Images and Photos"looked over the menu from the coffee house...they offer your regular coffee enema, or a colored one for a little "pick me up" 
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    sandymess, my gues about the double pic is you got the wrong url location on Photobucket.

    Don't you figure that a certain someone might be regretting the fun we are having with this cluckin' thread since being called "cackling hens"?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890

    Just think the joy she brought to the group. We have found such great use for the cluck. It has so many uses. AND it wouldn't have happenned without her. Serendipity. A negative that went to a 180 degree positive. Yeah for whatever her name was. May she wonder and wander in confused amazement that it backfired. Cluck her

  • CarolT0214
    CarolT0214 Member Posts: 21
  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890

    Tin hats on---insomnias rampant--it's 208 am . Love the silver rooster--great piece of art. My dog tried the hat on tonite and just stood there and looked at me. What a good baby , she didn't try to shake it off. What does that mean? I wrote something on another thread i;m going to try and c&p , but i'm horrible at it.It may follow our cluck mission. Dealing with the STUPID. Actually it does follow that mission What to say to and Idiot that says why did you get cancer. The ones that backaway, the ones that leave. Butif I get here than it was meant to be if I can't it wasn't. Off to try,  Cluck           WEll I did get the paragraph here . I'm amazed

    What do we say to those that don't know how the cancer word changed us. What do we say to those that see that something has changed, but can't define it. Those that are mature will stay the course and behave with grace. Less mature will see themselves at the center of the change, yet they aren't . They want things to be the same as they were yesterday before the word cancer.  They will act out, become a problem, leave or whatever.  It' s the me, mine ,why did you do this to me whine.  When this happens remind them everyone is still alive. For a moment in time,  there is possibility in the next moment, we may be gone. I saw both happen in 2010. One brother gone within moments, the other brother gone in months- my Greg,. Life is a gift. We should cherish each one. Don't whine. Don't carry on. Don't do something that would make the ones that love you most ---sad. We did not make cancer happen. We did not wish it to be. We did not do it to interrupt your life. Every part of our being would have nothing to do with this if we had the say. BUT we didn't , it's here. What we can do is cling to each other and enjoy each moment of life as if it were the last.

    Pretty serious stuff, as I sit here with my tin hat on. But everyday some idiot says something so clucking stupid, That maybe there are a few words in there someplace that are useful for the STUPIDS. But the primary difficulty with the STUPIDS, is that they lack the gray matter of the brain that allows them to think, learn, assimilate, intergrate knowledge. Empathy and sympathy are absent too.  In order to be that STUPID they must be functioning on such a minimal level of gray cells, one can assume they grew up in an environment of air only. Absent of any educational enrichment. Absent of interactions of family , community et al that teaches what is human. This is an enigma. In this time, we believe which is so enlightened to such things. We have individuals that say hurtful stupid things. We have employers that hurt by breaking the laws and their own rules. People are allowed to lose all that they own and go into great debt- here in the USA. The strongest nation( but declining) and wealthiest ignore our plight, but encourage us to wear pink shirts and show up at rallies as survivors. And the statistictics get worse. Have we reached --look right, look left--you will get IT. Pretty close.


    So back to regularly scheduled programming .Lets continue to cause the powers that be to try and break our code. They have many working on it because we talk of suck tings that make their ringers go off. Which cause them to have to decipher our code and our targets.

     For instance what is the plan related to chickens line dancing? SEveral government entities will work on that on all night because of the pictures of armed chickens. Ergo, we must have a subversive plan.------Watch the movie with Tom Hanks- The Man with One red Shoe. Our government is that STUPID applies, Wish we had there benefits, no one would be in trouble Here is another subversive statement --there should be a constitutional ammendment That states" The Govnernment of the USA should be subject to the laws of the USA" They aren't, They are not subjected to the law of us chickens.


  • bookart
    bookart Member Posts: 210

    Sas - A grand cluck to you.  Cluckin' right!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,890

    Well my typos mean everything---the first person that can figuire out the meaning of my last sentence  wins a cookodoodle do That includes you government guys.

    Thanks Bookart      As and aside Bookart please explain your Avatar to me thanks? What I see is a strangedick with balls on the moon with venus in the sky

  • Suzybelle
    Suzybelle Member Posts: 102

    I have a very strong suspicion that this thread could not only be the cure for stupid, but could also take on world domination.  You cluckers are WAY more powerful than you realize.

    The googled Oprah proves that, imo.

    Cluck on, ladies!!!!  I am in awe of your powers.

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Beccad ... yes, please help Meece on Security ... especially during the back front meetings!!

    Sas ... you now have the corporate position of OMBUDSMAN. 

    Just had to tie up some loose clucking ends before the cluckin' chair today.  I'll be using a few of my sick days here to clucking recover. 

    Fuzzy, WTC - Tough Mother Cluckers International Human/Chicken Resources Training and Development

  • BlueCowgirl
    BlueCowgirl Member Posts: 132

    Cluckin' A, Sas!

    I hereby nominate myself for the position of official chicken farmer aka "Keeper of the Cluck". I believe that position is still open? I have lots of experience raising chickens, although I must admit they're not totally organic, probabaly why I have cancer, right? But the chickens do cluckin' love me, so I think I'm pretty cluckin' well qualified for the job. Embrace the Cluck! 

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    THE KEEPER OF THE CLUCK!!!  Blue, you got it!!  Keep all those Cluckers in check!!! 

    WTC's ... busy busy morning ... I have registered us all as Master Mother Cluckers!!!  Get your references in order just incase we get cluckin' audited ...

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    I believe this is the updated ... please let me cluckin know if I missed anything ...

    WTC - Cluckin' Meeting Outline, Rules and Words to Live By  (Not a poem, yet ... but definitley in order ;)

    Dress appropriately:  If it's Bacon, Tin, Black Bark, or BeDazzled, it's appropriate.  If it resembles a chicken, a chihuahua, garlic (oh, please no) or a vegetable, a character from Wizzard of Oz, you're in.

    Be Nice or Get the Cluck Out.  Laugh a lot or get the cluck out.  Have some fun or get the cluck out.  Love thy Sister or get the cluck out ...

    Meetings (in the back, in the front or in the back front) begin with a review of The Receipe - As read to us by Emily.  This may be broken down into chapters and delivered over the week.  Followed by a review of the man hunt progress and any funny pictures that are available.

    Hours of Operation: Monday Thru Friday: All Day to accomodate for sleepless nights.  Saturday and Sunday:  All Day ... Worship of Dog the Bounty Hunter begins promptly at 9:00 pm each night (ritual rules of puff puff pass, nibble nibble pass, guzzle guzzle pass, chicken dance and then sing the Dog Song).

    Board of Directors and Chair Holders:  Secretary:  Emily;  Security:  Meece (girl, you got some skills) with assistance from Beccad;  Human/Chicken Resources: Fuzzy; Founder:  SandyAust; Covert Operations:  LowRider and Janet;  International Liason:  She;  Treasurer:  Veggy (as well as advertising); Keeper of the Cluck:  BlueCowgirl;  Ombudsman:  Sas; Mascot:  Chihuahua Bounty Hunter and a wide variety of Chickens ... need to add this to the agenda items ... Looking for President and Co-President, Vice President and Co-Vice President, Co-Treasurer, Co-Secretary ... we smoke too much asparagus to not have Co-Directors ... and many many positions open for the Chairs.  Also need positions filled at corporate for a wide variety of duties.  Give me your skills and I'll work you in. 

    Our attractive benefits package includes Emily's Chemo Spa, babysitting available for your Clove(s), vacation and sick days (unlimited), and zero deductible health insurance (with no lifetime maximum!!)  Yes, prescription, dental and eye are also included.  This is a salaried position so no need to punch a clock.  Working from home is just fine. 

    RULES:  *Whining and interrupting this thread is unattractive.  *Wash your hands often.  *Do not block the doorway.  *Call your mother.  *Eat your veggies ... or smoke them.  *Do not stare at MakRaz in the eyes ... we are still in training with her and that upsets her.  *If you like us, tell others.  If you don't, call corporate.  *Close your mouth when you chew.  *Quit scratching.  *Don't bite your nails.  *Do not slide your feet.  *Do not run with a clucking stick.  *Keep your elbows off the table.  *Do not drink a beer that is bigger than your head (special circumstances apply and this rule may be broken repeatedly).  *Do not eat any wooden nickels.  These rules may be edited, changed, added to at any time to meet tthe needs of the group and the meeting.  *We are in charge. *You must cluck and cluck often.  *Cluckin' must go on around the clock.  *Share your clucking stories, clucking ideas and clucking asparagus.  *If your clove is unhappy, leave it to clucking rest.  *Everything you do should involve cluckin'.  *Be nice or Cluckin' leave ... I may have said that once already ... puff puff puff, passing....

    Special Mention:  All members of WTC - Tough Mother Cluckers International are registered as MASTER MOTHER CLUCKERS (References available upon request).

  • BlueCowgirl
    BlueCowgirl Member Posts: 132

    Thank you for the "Keeper of the Cluck" title, I'd like to give a little Oscar speech here, thanks to my chickens, and all the cackling hens I've met along the way. Thanks to Hermes for making my favorite scarf that I scandalously wear as a do-rag on my bald head, and most of all thanks to Xanax. I promise not to let this title go to my head, and won't forget any of the little people, or the little pills, no matter how fabulously famous I get. I'd like to close by saying, "Be nice or get the Cluck out!"  

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605

    Looking for President and Co-President, Vice President and Co-Vice President, ... we smoke too much asparagus to not have Co-Directors ...

    I could do all the above mentioned positions.  I am really good at smoking asparagus so I may nnot remember that I am the President or the VP, or anything else.  When that happens I will cluck really loudly and pass the spleef.

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887

    Hey Fuzzy you forgot head of research :) Happy Fried Day

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    Should we have an official dietician?
  • sandymess
    sandymess Member Posts: 86

    Uh oh, Fuzzy! I think you may be smokin' too much cluckin' asparagus. You forgot the physical therapy department too!!

    Oh, and I was thinking a relay race might be nice. If interested meet up is in the chemo spa. 

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    Even a cluckin chicken needs a bacon bra, cluck cluck cluck!