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OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • sandyaust
    sandyaust Member Posts: 82

    I can't clucking keep up!!

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466

    I've read this whole thread now.. a post that really made me laugh was by Makraz: 

    "Mom, Great vent!!  But you wrote WTF..... did you mean WTC???"

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    I'm back at cluckin' work today!  With an updated version of the agenda ...

    I believe this is the updated ... please let me cluckin know if I missed anything ...

    WTC - Cluckin' Meeting Outline, Rules and Words to Live By:

    Dress appropriately:  If it's Bacon, Tin, Black Bark, or BeDazzled, it's appropriate.  If it resembles a chicken, a chihuahua, garlic (oh, please no) or a vegetable, a character from Wizzard of Oz, you're in.

    Be Nice or Get the Cluck Out.  Laugh a lot or get the cluck out.  Have some fun or get the cluck out.  Love thy Sister or get the cluck out ...

    Meetings (in the back, in the front or in the back front) begin with a review of The Receipe - As read to us by Emily.  This may be broken down into chapters and delivered over the week.  Followed by a review of the man hunt progress and any funny pictures that are available.

    Hours of Operation: Monday Thru Friday: All Day to accomodate for sleepless nights.  Saturday and Sunday:  All Day ...

    Worship of Dog the Bounty Hunter begins promptly at 9:00 pm each night (ritual rules of puff puff pass, nibble nibble pass, guzzle guzzle pass, chicken dance and then sing the Dog Song, led by MBJ-Head of Choir, listed below).

    Board of Directors and Chair Holders:  Co-President and Co-Vice President:  Makraz as well as Head Gardner; Secretary:  Emily;  Security:  Meece (we are keeping the weapons in play ... ) with assistance from Beccad;  Head of Research:  Kymn;  Official Dietician:  MJB;  Human/Chicken Resources: Fuzzy; Founder:  SandyAust; Covert Operations:  LowRider and Janet;  Physical Therapy:  Sandymess and Hdangelbaby (do you offer videos?  *L*) and GirlFriday leads the advanced classes (videos can be found in the back back *L*);  Lead Mascot and Recruiter:  TheGood5;  Head of the Cluckin' Choir: MBJ; Hdangel:  Head Chef/Brownie Specialist;  International Liason:  She;  Treasurer:  Veggy (as well as advertising); Keeper of the Cluck:  BlueCowgirl;  Ombudsman:  Sas; JanetinVirginia: Creative Contributor;  Mascot:  Chihuahua Bounty Hunter and a wide variety of Chickens ... need to add this to the agenda items ... Looking for President, Vice President, Co-Treasurer, Co-Secretary ... we smoke too much asparagus to not have Co-Directors ... and many many positions open for the Chairs.  Also need positions filled at corporate for a wide variety of duties.  Give me your skills and I'll work you in.  May also be in need of our own Chase Team.  Please see LowRider for details.

    Our attractive benefits package includes Emily's Chemo Spa, babysitting available for your Clove(s), vacation and sick days (unlimited), and zero deductible health insurance (with no lifetime maximum!!)  Yes, prescription, dental and eye are also included.  This is a salaried position so no need to punch a clock.  Working from home is just fine. 

    RULES:  *Whining and interrupting this thread is unattractive.  *Wash your hands often.  *Do not block the doorway.  *Call your mother.  *Eat your veggies ... or smoke them.  *Do not stare at MakRaz in the eyes ... we are still in training with her and that upsets her.  *If you like us, tell others.  If you don't, call corporate.  *Close your mouth when you chew.  *Quit scratching.  *Don't bite your nails.  *Do not slide your feet.  *Do not run with a clucking stick.  *Keep your elbows off the table.  *Do not drink a beer that is bigger than your head (special circumstances apply and this rule may be broken repeatedly).  *Do not eat any wooden nickels.  *Do not weaar pink in the clucking henhouse.  These rules may be edited, changed, added to at any time to meet tthe needs of the group and the meeting.  *If the Hen House is rockin', don't come knockin'!  *We are in charge. *You must cluck and cluck often.  *Cluckin' must go on around the clock.  *Share your clucking stories, clucking ideas and clucking asparagus.  *If your clove is unhappy, leave it to clucking rest.  *Everything you do should involve cluckin'.  *Be nice or Cluckin' leave ... I may have said that once already ... puff puff puff, passing....

    Special Mention:  All members of WTC - Tough Mother Cluckers International are registered as MASTER MOTHER CLUCKERS (References available upon request).

    **WTC-Tough Mother Cluckers International is a non-discriminatory, diverse enviroment.  We are accepting of all Chicks, Hens, Roosters and include all breeds and backgrounds.  Please note, all newcomers will be screened for cocky tendancies.

    All newcomers are invited to the Chemo Spa for an uninterruped 3 weeks.  Please share your cluckin' spa stories with your Fellow Master Mother Cluckers.

    WTC!!  Cluck on Ladies!!  Cluck on!!!

  • She
    She Member Posts: 131

    Clucken Awesome Fuzzy!

    Cluck cluck puff puff pass

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923

    Found a used predator drone (unarmed) to help Low in CG surveillance.  All we need to do is set up a wireless network connecting all our tin hats and it's good to go.   cluck cluck...pass

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605

    Great cluckin' job Fuzzy!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    I love it Fuzzylemon! Great way to start my morning, cackling!

  • thegood5
    thegood5 Member Posts: 284

    being that it's the beginning of Easter Season, just want to wish all you cluckers a Happy Easter.  These chicks make pre-dyed Easter eggs

  • thegood5
    thegood5 Member Posts: 284
    Funny coloured chickens. What will they think of next? Pictures, Images and Photos" Since it's the beginning of Easter Season, just wanted to see if anyone would like to place an order for some pre-dyed Easter eggs.
  • thegood5
    thegood5 Member Posts: 284
    Poultry Hot Tub Pictures, Images and Photos" CRAP!!  someone snuck into Emily's chemo spa again and snapped some pics of us chicks in the hot tub.  Meece, you need to get on that right away with some security.  I don't like the thought of my breasts being posted all over the internet!
  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605

    That looks like a bunch of cackling hens after a bad day at the spa.

    I'd like some pink eggs.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Found some pinkish Asparagus... we all know the "pinkish" works better than the green!!!

  • sandymess
    sandymess Member Posts: 86

    Breaking news! I just read -- in Ladies Home Journal, no less -- that gardening may help prevent cancer. Hmmm...Maybe if our gardens include asparagus and MJ, we'd improve our chances even more??

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887

    lmcao at the chicken hot tub.

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    Re: Us in the chicken hot tub pic...

    Ha!...well at least our heads have been removed ( we'll just say they were photoshopped off shall we) to protect our identity. I think that's me on the end though...feel a bit exposed though..head or no head...

    I'd like to order some colourful Easter chickens..I'll give them away as gifts!

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605

    lmcao......lmcao!!  Good one!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    Crazykitties:  My Hungarian lineage is probably form the crazy, chicken swinging, theiving musical artistic clans, but it keeps my like cluckin' interesting, lol!

    Fuzzylemon:  You forgot to add that I am also in the Cluckin' Choir!  Cluck Cluck Bagaak!!!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    I will take an order of the multi colored sort so I don't have to make up my mind!

    LOL:  Headless chickens in a jakuzzi--they will never know who we really are if we keep going out incognito!  Cluck, cluck, cluck!

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412
    oh fuzzy, how i love you so!!!Laughing
  • GirlFriday
    GirlFriday Member Posts: 203

    hdangelbaby:  I'm glad you got to cluck the other night me too!  Frankly I feel that having any issues with clucking is just an clucking insult to clucking injury!  It makes me a teensy bit angry.  My beau, although ultra supportive, almost treats me like glass now.  Next time we get intimate I'm going to ask him "Can you pile drive me from that position?" 

    puffff, pufff, Pass!

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    MBJ and Hdangle - Thank you cluckers ... you are too kind!!  And so cluckin' forgiving...I have updated the list on page 55 ... you should see the notes I have next to this cluckin' computer!!  LOL  My DH thinks I have actually been hired or something!! 

    I cluckin' love ya all and love this thread!!  Bok bok baaagok!!  Cluckin' cluckin' cluckin' rawhide!!

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Ooooh GirlFriday...I just added you to take over the advanced classes for physical therapy ... any type of cluckin' aparatus you may need or things of that nature...I'm sure we can accomodate!! LOL

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    fuzzylemon:  Rawhide, YES!  

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    She:  A little Capon it is, cluck cluck!

    hdangelbaby:  Free beer for your troubles-almost worth the diarrhea of the mouth spout--Not!  Cluckin unreal!  Still, free drinks, ya gotta love that, cluck cluck!

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923

    Fuzzy - update was truly inspirational.   I pledge allegiance to the cluck...

  • GirlFriday
    GirlFriday Member Posts: 203

    fuzzy: I gladly accept the cluckin position!  I would like to put in a request for two rooms...One for those that give a Cluck, One for those that don't.  I'm finding that a BC dx increases the chances of a duplicitous nature and I would like to provide for all those Cluckers that are struggle with the I don't Give a Cluck attitude.  All workouts will start with a high protein blueberry shake before 10am.  Private rooms with swings will be available.  I think we can get large bottles of Astroglide at Costco to handout along with membership cards.  Afternoon's we'll provide Lime and Coconut Margarita's, those should lube us up in more ways than one.  Well start with a round of Kegel's...count it down with me and cluck, and two and cluck, and three and cluck!  Come on you tough Mutha Cluckah's strengthen that pelvic floor!  And Four and Cluck, and five and cluck!

    hdangelbaby: I'm concerned about your evening intake of blueberry beer.  I don't think that follows the fruit ingestion schedule. Maybe you should have your blueberry beer with breakfast!

    bok, bok, Over and Out!

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887

    lol I could not survive with out a little cluckin , Dh and I still have a cluckin good time lol.

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605

    Did someone say margaritas??

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    I say pour your blueberry beer into your cereal.

  • dutchgirl6
    dutchgirl6 Member Posts: 322

    Blueberry Margaritas?