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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Eema....I had been writing my post a while ago and just hit send. Did not see your post. I am sorry for the loss of your friend ...I really hate BC. I will be thinking of you.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited April 2012

    Kim - that cake sounds glorious ... as does your dinner.  What a great DH!  What can I ask is red velvet cake?

    Eema - I'm sorry for your loss.  BC really does stink!

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155
    edited April 2012

    Eema, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I hate this disease!

    I am paying the after effects from the race yesterday.  My hips are killing me today! I knew I was out of shape but didnt think I was THAT bad. Hopefully be better tomorrow.

    Today I just did a lot of cooking in the kitchen trying to feel normal :)

    Hope everyone has a good evening.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    Hi Kiwimum,how are you today?? Red Velvet cake has cocoa powder and red food color/buttermilk and usually vinegar. It makes a cake not quite chocolate and the other ingredients make for a very moist cake..if you ever want to try one let me know I will forward the cupcake recipe to you. It is my sons favorite

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited April 2012

    Hi Kim. A bit better today thanks. I don't think my legs were aching as much last night.  They are still odd feeling but I'm trying not to be a drama queen about it!

    I have decided to have Zometa (Zelondronic Acid) infusions to help safeguard my bones and contacted my onc today to set things up.  It will be a weird flashback being hooked up to an IV again.

    Yes please, I'd love that recipe.  Thanks

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2012

    Having a tough time getting motivated to work today--we have SNOW and I don't want to go to work!  I can work from home, but am having a hard time working.  Wrote this instead.  Please don't think I'm horrible: 

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2012

    I changed my sig line and am testing it here.

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2012


    It must be contagious, or just that kind of day Frown

    I hope you feel better!!!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    Holy smokes, I'm gone for a few days and I have pages and pages to catch up on!!!! 

    Emma yeah for the good news, I think? How confusing, but I haven't read all the posts, so not sure if you had more information.  I think I like Kim's idea, let it be a fatty liver!

    On a sad note my SIL passed away Friday.  She was a 20 year survivor/battler of BC.

    and I had a thyroid biopsy done last Monday, and they called me Tuesday with B9 results! Check it off my list, now on to the thing on my ovary they saw on the last CT....on thing at a time I told them! 

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited April 2012

    I am trying to be good and get on here more often, but oh my.

    CAN..NOT..REMEMBER..THINGS..FROM..PAGE..TO..PAGE.  Sorry.  I would like to say welcome to the new girls!  Terrific group of ladies here.

    From what I can remember, I'll comment on the hot flashes.  Mine started during chemo and have never stopped.  I never had a period after my first dose of chemo, then they took my ovaries out, so full menopause at age 41.  Mine are all day long, but worse at night.  I tried Neurontin, but that didn't help.  Tried Effexor, but it messed with another anti-depressant I'm taking and I literally went psychotic for a couple of weeks.  Horrible.  Alcohol makes them worse, including beer.  Tight clothing makes them worse.  Being out in the sun makes them worse, hence I am VERY white.  I have heard that caffeine makes them worse, but I refuse to give up my coffee and soda.  Hope that helps?

    102 here today and it's still April...ugh.  Wish I had a pool.  I think it would help with the hot flashes and pain.

    You girls with making homemade are my heroes.  I haven't made a cake in years and years, and then it was from a box and put into a pre-formed pan.  Good for you!

    Did I tell you my 17 year old got his first car finally finished (truck), and he's driving full-time now?  On the freeway even...OMG.  I have him text me all the time when he gets somewhere, or is going to leave somewhere.  Poor kid.  He has a job interview tomorrow and I'm praying that he gets it.  Adding him and his truck to our insurance is an additional $210 per month!  He needs to contribute.

    Have a terrific evening, ladies! 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited April 2012

    Eema - I am so sorry for your loss... This crap sucks! Sending you a big cyber hug! 

    Sagina - Sending you one too! am so sorry to hear about your SIL.

    Burley - I hear ya on the insurance. My boys had to contribute if they wanted to drive. BTW, thanks for starting such an awesome thread...

     Kim - I LOVE to people watch and your son has excellent taste. Red velvet cake is my favorite too.

    Hope Tuesday is a brighter day for everyone.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited April 2012

     Hi all,

     So sorry to hear about your sister-in-law, Gina. Sorry too about your friend, Eema.

     Glad your new job is going OK, Kim. The red velvet cake does sound yum. What kind of icing/frosting does it have? I love buttercream so much it's dangerous for me to have it around as I will binge on it big-time!

     Glad you're a little better, Kiwimum. Your mind goes automatcally to cancer/mets, doesn't it? - Whatever the symptom. My stomach is a little sore at the mo. and of course my mind goes down that route. Doesn't stop me eating, of course!

     Very cold, windy, wet and hail-stony here - spring eh!

     All the best, Sarah xxx

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Hi Girls,

    Eema and sorry about these young women. I will be thinking of you.

    Odie...I will try to get some good pictures of the "people watching"

    Kim...scares me to death thinking of my son driving..know it will happen though. Good to see you and hope your wrist is on the mend.

    Kiwimum..glad you are a bit better. I will visit Zometa again with the doctor..I hear it can cause some bone discomfort with first infusion...then less each time???

    Hi Sarah,   The red velvet has a cream cheese butter cream. I know of another icing that is ( I guess) more traditional with a flour based icing it is white also..but I like the cream cheese butter cream.

    I found the pans I wanted to use and made two layers of the cake yesterday. They need to freeze now and I will make the others. I can not believe April is almost gone. Looked at the calendar and it is crazy all the stuff ahead..Conf. practice/Derby/Real Conf./Graduation.

    Last night I was invited to a French Closet Opening Party???? Drinks and food and many business ladies and some TV people. I swear I saw one girl who had high heels that must have been at least 5 or six inches...she was walking ahead of me to get to this home and it was   step....step....trip a looked painful. I have never heard of anyone inviting people to see the new huge closet they have but it was very entertaining...OH drinks were served from said closet??? I am lucky to stand in my closet???..wish I had a secret camera so I could take pictures to share with you I am a VERY regular girl and not one to do things like this.....

    I hope I painted that picture funny the walking part really funny....

    Have a good day ladies..hope to make you all laugh a little...I hope none of you have 6 inch heels...if you do no offense!!  LOL

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited April 2012

    Hello everyone and welome to the new girls.  I have been crazy busy at work and haven't been here is prob. two weeks. Hopefully will slow down next week and I can catch up.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Hi girls,

    sounds like all are very busy this spring.  Great to hear from both old and new. 

    Burley, hope your arm is doing better.  I think you mentioned having some rib and breast pain too, have you found out anything?

    Meegan, how are you doing after your last surgery?  back to almost normal? 

    Kiwimum, I am still waiting for my onc to get back to me on the Zometa.  Several friends have done this and do complain of some pain and flu like symptoms for a few days.  Be sure you do it at a time you can rest!  I hear you on the infusion flash backs.  The room at our cancer center had a unique smell, no bad, just different, if I never smell that again it will be to soon.

    Kmur, you are superwomen with all that baking.  I sure wish I lived in your neighborhood.  I would even step into your closet for some cake.  I have never heard about a closet party, my closet is a disaster with a door.

    Sangia, great news on your B9 results, so sorry to hear about you SIL.

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited April 2012

    PET scan was clear.  "No obvious disease" to quote him.  I've been having very frequent headaches so I'm supposed to stop my Femara for two weeks to see if that helps.  If not, brain scan.  That sounds scary.  What's another scan, right?

    Asked for a referral to a LE therapist and he was kind of hesitant about it.  What's it to him?  I had to ask for the referral to be very specifically worded and faxed to a certain place.  He said he'll make a note of it...which means, it probably won't be correct the first time.

    Sending everyone cyber hugs! 

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    burley, yahoo on normal pet scan.  I don't have LE, but went to PT for therapy last summer and now that I know how to stretch my pecs, shoulders, arms, etc., I feel soo much better.  I also do some self massage and this helps too.  I have found that taking an exact note to my onc (how I want forms filled out, etc) has been very helpful.  His nurse does all the referals and paperwork and she uses my notes word for word.  You are on Femara not tamox??

  • Terryberry23
    Terryberry23 Member Posts: 12
    edited April 2012

    Hello ladies I am 41 and was diagnosed at 40.  What a great 40th Birthday present.  I am so thankful to be all done with my year of treatments and finally feeling more like my old self.  I am the Mom of two girls.  Ugh can you say hormones when poor Mom now has none.  Most days I feel good but then others the worry we all get creeps back in there.  I am going to do reconstruction this Summer and hate the thought of more Dr. appointments but would like to be able to wear clothes that I like without worrying about how they fit with my forms.  I read some of your posts about eating different and I did at first but then realized that it couldn't be foods that caused BC because everyone is eating the same things we are and somehow we were just the lucky ones that got this.  I realized I was driving myself crazy trying to change everything in my life.  

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155
    edited April 2012

    Yay for the scan Burley!  Hope the rest goes as you need it to.

    Kmur- I have never heard of a closet party either.. it sounds... interesting lol  I wish I was creative enough to do cakes. My friend did a great one for my daughter who had a VERY interesting design in mind it turned out perfect! Wish I could share the picture. she wanted a big lady bug on top. with gymnasts on the side and flames(their level name was flaming ninjas) lol try tying that all together. I applaud her!  I would gladly sample your red velvet cake for you :)

    Question for all you have "been there, done that"  I am starting to plan the next stage which is bmx and then reconstruction. I am really scared of the surgeries. I met with the PS today and he is strongly suggesting doing DIEP reconstruction. He is hesitant to do TE since I have to do rads when I am done.  going the other route though means 3 more surgeries and more recoperation and pain.. has anyone gone through this? thoughts and comments welcomed :)

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155
    edited April 2012

    Hi Terry!  I was typing my post at the same time!  Welcome to this great group. I am relatively new myself but its great to be able to talk to people our age and also with the kids too. I have 1 daughter who is 9.. I am dreading the hormone years!

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited April 2012

    Hey gang!

    I just wanted to pop in and say hello to my fave gals.  Hi, new friends!  Jen, sorry, but I did the TEs and didn't need radiation.  So, I can't advise about DIEP.  There are a bunch of threads on it though.  Terry, you're so's not what we eat, but I can understand the need to feel like we're doing SOMETHING (hence my all-natural shampoo, soap, deoderant, and make-up).  :)  But I totally agree that you could really drive yourself nuts with all of it if you let yourself.  A cannoli or two never gave anyone cancer!  :)  mmmmm...cannoli.  

    I thought I'd let you all know that I had a little scare too.  I was nauseated and vomited from Weds through Sunday.  I went to the ER twice.  ugh.  Docs ordered an MRI of the brain.  Yes, Kim, the brain scan.  It wasn't FUN, but I do okay with the scans.  I tell them to crank up the 80s pop music and I smiled all the way through Weird Science, Jessie's Girl, and Gloria.  LOL.  I got all clear results today.  I really think it was taking Naproxen (anti-inflammatory, like prescription-strength advil) on an empty stomach. 

    So, don't do that, friends.  Ugh.  Awful.  I mean, hard to believe that could cause such nausea, but it's nothing else.  An old friend who had bc a while back said yeah..those first couple of years after treatment they really want to do scans just to rule out the worst possibilities.  I knew it wasn't brain mets, but it's nice to rest on that clean scan and breathe and take in the clean bill of health.  :)

    Feeling much better now!  (Although this school vacation week is kiling me...rainy, chilly weather and a 5-year-old who's new bike is sitting in the it Monday yet?)

    Love to all!!!

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited April 2012

    Hi Girls!  Sorry I have been MIA.  Welcome to the new girls, there are so many!  I will be honest.  I have been trying not to live BC every minute of everyday and thought that maybe staying off of here a little would help.  I have missed you all though so much!.  I am pretty much recovered and have stage 2 on June 5th.  I scheduled earlier than most.  I am so ready to be done with all of this.  And I wanted it all done before school starts again.

    Profbee- glad you are feeling better!

    Eema you are on my mind a lot hope you are doing okay. 

    To the new ones I have not caught up on reading the posts so I apologize for not knowing your names yet.  One of you was asking about Diep.  Let me know if I can answer any questions. Though Bdavis is a wealth of information on all of that.

    I just read up the page a little, JenH I did not have rads so not sure about diep and rads, but my surgeons just did a webinar and they covered that.  PM if you want me to send you a link to listen to it.

    I know so of you  have lost loved ones in the past weeks, my heart goes out to you! 

    I will try not to stay away for so long. Also had a friend find out last week that she may have recurrence, she technically did not have BC, but sarcoma that presented in the breast, but now they think it might be back or be a new primary BC. uuuughghgh

    Have a great evening all!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited April 2012

    Yeah for the great results burley and profbee!!  Awesome news.  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2012

    Hi Jen... welcome.. I am a DIEP girl (and hip flaps as well).... did not have rads, but I am "friends" with tons of women who have had DIEP and many have had radiation... please feel free to PM me... also check out the NOLA in SEPTEMBER thread.. everyone there has had DIEP or Hip flaps.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Hi Girls...Hi Mamachick!!  Glad you are healing well...good luck on this next one.

    Glad you are better too profbee...and so good to hear about clean scans for all!!

    Jen...I did TE's with radiation...In my case the TE were placed at the same time as BMX surgery..then chemo then 28 rads with the TE's in place..waited ( I think) about 51/2 months then switched to silicone implants. 

    Welcome Terry..congrats on completing treatment...look forward to reading your posts. Do you know which type of recon you may do??

    Hope everyone else is doing well....  OH Hi Meegan...almost forgot.

    Love to all

  • Terryberry23
    Terryberry23 Member Posts: 12
    edited April 2012

    Kim I am planning on doing implants. But as we all know there is the unknow with everything we do. I am just hoping it goes as planned. Not looking forward to anymore surgeries or pain. I've become less tolerant of not feeling good. Anybody here taking tamoxifen?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2012

    I am

  • Terryberry23
    Terryberry23 Member Posts: 12
    edited April 2012

    Do you have joint pain? I feel like I'm 80 not 41.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited April 2012

    Me too!  And Herceptin, Terry, my Her2+ sister.  :)

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2012

    Me too!!